I have a big sailing game

Chapter 199 Super Invincible Power (two in one, please subscribe!)

Seeing this, Rogge calmly put the cage on the fishing rod onto the boat.

The little mermaid inside was very scared.

His actions caught the eyes of several Udonas, which made them even more angry.

Wow, good boy, you treat us as air?

Can't you see so many Udonas here?

Very good, very courageous!

[Boss, call out your abyss monsters! ]

[Yes, yes, yes, boss, quickly summon your super invincible and powerful sea monsters and show them some color! ]

Several Udonas shouted loudly, but did not use extraordinary abilities or anything.

It seems that most Udonas do not have any combat power.

Hearing the words of a group of companions, Captain Udonas showed a smug look on his face.

However, he looked impatient.

[This kind of little stuff... is not worth calling the super invincible and powerful abyss monsters, okay! ]

[However, looking at you guys like this...]

[Ah, really...]

Captain Yudona sighed pretentiously, as if to say "I really can't do anything to you".

Then, he put down the harpoon in his hand, smiled evilly, and opened his arms.

[In that case, I will let you witness my super invincible and powerful abyss beast again! ]

[It will come with my call, capture these humans with unparalleled power, and bring me a lot of gold shells! ]

[Hahahaha! ]

The game also gave him a close-up at this time, and his plump fish lips were very sexy.


"Did this *** have its brain chewed by a dog?"

Rogge took a deep breath.

[What are they saying? I don't understand...]

[If you want to listen, drink the potion. ]

[Then I'll try. ]

Nomi and Mira next to him muttered twice, took out the communication potion given by Rogge and drank it.

Rogge controlled his game character and spoke.

[oi! ]

[Stop wasting time, hurry up and call out your super-powerful sea beast for me to see. ]

Rogge leaned against the railing and shouted, of course, he said these words in Udona.

[Huh? ]

[It's actually a human who can speak Udona! ]

[More valuable! ]

The other Udonas were immediately surprised.

While the Udona captain was surprised, he was also annoyed that Rogge interrupted him.

[Don't interrupt me, you cheap human! ]

[Since you are so anxious to die, then I will fulfill your wish! ]

Captain Udona snorted coldly, then opened his mouth and made a strange call.

Then, he took out a weird skull and carefully placed it on the sea.

[You are finished! ]

[The captain's super-invincible, powerful abyss beast will come out soon, wait for death! 】

The Udonas said arrogantly to Rogge.

[It seems that this marine race does not have much wisdom...]

Mira gave a sharp comment.

[It looks silly. 】

Nomi also said pertinently.

Rogge looked at him with interest, and he also had expectations for the sea beasts he summoned.

Although they were not strong, they were able to rule a large area of ​​the sea and develop their own civilization. I believe that these sea beasts summoned by Udona would not be too weak.

Just as he was thinking.

The strange skull that was put down also moved at this time.

It sank slowly, and the surrounding sea water began to become restless.

The next moment, the sea surface broke open, and a sea beast with a lion-like body and a fish in its lower body and holding a big knife appeared in front of everyone.

This sea beast was more than three meters tall, with a terrifying face, and two fangs flashing cold light.


The sea beast pointed the big knife at Rogge and roared at him like a demonstration.

But in Rogge's opinion...

This is no different from Big Orange baring his teeth at him.

He frowned and thought for a moment, and felt that things should not be that simple, so he opened the information panel.

[Lionfish Beast]

[Type: Companion Creature]

[Quality: Elite]

[Level: 13]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: A ferocious sea lionfish beast that can eat two sharks in one breath! ]

...That's it?

Lionfish Beast? This name is too casual...

Rogge couldn't help but complain in his heart, really overestimating these guys.

Everyone on the boat looked at each other, without saying anything, but it seemed to say everything.

However, this team of Udona didn't know what they were thinking, but seemed to be complacent.

[See, this is the super invincible and powerful abyss beast! ]

[This is the sea beast our captain obtained in the summoning ceremony! ]

[It has extremely powerful power and can easily break your weak boat! 】

Captain Judona on the side even opened champagne at halftime and began to chant the Bible.

[What, weak human, are you feeling fear and anxiety? ]

[Hahaha! This is very normal! ]

[After all, you don’t have such a natural ability, but we Judona are born with such a powerful talent, which can control powerful sea beasts for our own use! ]

[Now, kneel down and surrender to me, and I can guarantee your lives...]

[Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude! ]

Captain Judona had an arrogant and complacent smile on his face.

In his eyes, the Green and the humans on board were already in his pocket.

If it was not necessary, he did not want to damage any object, which would greatly reduce the value of his spoils.

Hearing his words, everyone smiled at each other.

Nomi rolled his eyes, then touched Rogge with his arm and smiled mischievously.

[Captain, summon your "sea beast" to open their eyes! ]

[Yes, let them see the world. ]

Mira was also interested at this time and urged.

[Another two humans who can speak Udonna! ]

[It will definitely sell for a lot of money! ]

The Udonna team members were already shining.

And the Udonna captain focused on the sea beast they were talking about.

[Oh? You also have a sea beast? ]

After that, he sneered.

[Stop joking, don't think I will let you go if you make me happy. ]

[Don't just find a fathead fish in the sea and treat it as a sea beast. ]

[The sea beasts of our Udona clan are unique. How can a lowly human like you have one?]

Tsk, the stupidity that emanated from his body...

Rogge shook his head secretly.

Perhaps Mira and Nomi were right. They really didn't have any brains.

In theory, a human ship could sail in the Udona Sea without any scruples. If a normal Udona saw it, even if he was not afraid, he would still be suspicious.

But they didn't. Instead, they all thought it was a pie in the sky...

[You're right, I don't have a sea beast.]

Rogge smiled, then took out a gold coin, flicked his finger, and flew behind them.

[But... I do have a little pet for you to see.]

As Rogge's voice fell.

The gold coin also fell into the water with a splash.

Listening to his words, the Udonas were stunned for a moment, and then began to laugh and mock.

[This human is really funny. He wants to show us his pet! ]

[Could it be some dangerous little goldfish? I'm so scared...]



The next moment, a huge wave suddenly exploded on the sea surface.

The laughter of the Yudonas suddenly stopped.

A huge figure appeared behind them, blocking the sunlight, casting a large shadow, and covering Yudona and their sea beasts.

Scarlet narrow eyes, hard shells, bone blades flashing cold light, tentacles spread out, like a deep-sea demon.

After the big wave, Heishatan's size grew again, and now it has reached nearly 15 meters.

And the size of a thing is not simply based on length.

This is like a 1.6-meter-tall man and a 2-meter-tall strong man standing side by side. From the data, the difference is only a little bit, but in fact the latter can set off the former like a thermos.

At this time, the sea beasts summoned by Heishatan and Yudona are in this situation, and the contrast is even stronger.

Wherever the lionfish beast stood, it looked like a low-quality figurine.

[Uh, good morning...]

Captain Udona, who was caught by Heisartan, saw this and asked them to smile awkwardly but politely.

Seeing this huge monster and feeling the terrifying suppression from the rank, the lionfish beast instantly retracted its fangs, and the momentum just now was like a balloon that was punctured, and it disappeared.


At this time, the lionfish beast was shaking like a sieve, and his eyes revealed human-like fear.

[Right, right, right, right, right...]

[Captain... this, this, this...]

[What should we do, Captain! ]

Seeing this, several team members were scared green, their fish lips trembled, and they were scared to death.

[Don't... don't be afraid! ]

[Growing big... what's the use! Maybe it's a useless thing! ]

Captain Udona gritted his teeth, retreated a few meters cruelly, and came behind the lionfish beast.

[Lion... Lionfish, come on! Kill this monster! ]

Hearing his words, Lionfish shuddered all over.

Then, it stiffly turned its head to look at Captain Udona, with disbelief in its eyes.


Are you sure?

At this time, Heysatan slowly stretched out a tentacle and came towards Lionfish.

Seeing this, Lionfish dared not move at all.

The tentacle rolled up the big knife in its hand, took it back and looked at it, and then pressed it into a twist with a snap.

At the same time, Rogge threw several bundles of ropes at them.

The Udonas were dumbfounded when they saw this, and they didn't understand what he meant for a while.

[Be more self-conscious. ]

Rogge smiled.

The Udonas were relieved and rushed to grab the rope.


In the sea, the Udonas of the looting team were tied up like dumplings, strung with a rope, and led by Heysatan.

They were dejected and silent.

At first, Captain Udona and the crew were delighted to see this.

[Captain, look at them, hahahaha! ]

[Don't laugh, what's so funny about this, really. ]

Captain Udona said something to him, but his upturned fish lips betrayed his heart.

These unlucky guys were all sitting in the economy class tied with ropes.

We were wrapped up by two tentacles alone, and the treatment was completely different!

Do you know what VIP seats are!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

At the same time, everyone on the Green was surrounding the little mermaid.

[The sea water is coming! ]

Nomi happily carried a bucket of water and poured it into the wooden basin where the little mermaid was.

[Thank you, thank you...]

The little mermaid thanked timidly.

Because there were a lot of people looking at her, her cheeks were slightly red and she was a little shy.

[So cute...]

Nomi felt her heart melted, and her two plush ears softened.

They had just drunk the communication potion, and the effect of the potion had not yet worn off.

And the little mermaid seemed to understand the Udona language, and her face became even redder.

[Nomi, don't scare me. ]

Lina was a little speechless and brought Nomi aside.

Rogge squatted down at this time and stretched out his hand to her with a smile.

[Hello, my name is Rogge, they are my crew members. ]

[What's your name? ]

The little mermaid was a little confused when she saw this. She didn't understand the human handshake, but seeing Rogge's appearance, she hesitated for a moment and stretched out her hand.

But she looked at her dripping hands, took them back, and put them behind her back.

[… I, my name is Taoqi…]

She responded in the Udona language, her voice childish.

Of course, Rogge saw that she was embarrassed because of the water on her hands, and smiled.

Because he had met the mermaid Naya in the cave before, he still had a slight good impression of the mermaid community.

This is a generally kind community.

He saved Taoqi because he wanted to go to the mermaid’s hometown and bury Naya.

Rogge always remembered this matter.

[Little Taoqi… why were you imprisoned by this group of Udona? ]

Rogge asked.

Hearing Rogge’s words, little Taoqi did not reply immediately, but pursed her lips and couldn’t stop the crystal tears from falling.

Everyone looked at each other.

Nomi next to her ran over at this time, hugged her, and comforted her with some heartache.

[It’s okay… those bad guys have been driven away by us, our captain is so powerful! 】

Rogge frowned.

He felt that the reason why Xiao Taoqi was crying was not just because she was imprisoned.

While he was thinking, he came to the side of the ship, and Heisatan lifted two Yudonas in front of him with his tentacles.

[What are those guys? ]

Rogge asked.

When Captain Yudona and the crew saw Rogge, their faces suddenly became extremely respectful. After hearing his words, they responded without hesitation.

[Uncle Rogge, they are a looting team! ]

[There are many looting teams in the Yudona Sea. Their mission is to plunder some tribes and then bring them back to the city to sell them. ]

Captain Yudona racked his brains to please Rogge.

After all, his life is now in someone's hands, and at the very least he has to ensure his "VIP seat" status.

[If I am not mistaken, this group of looting teams should come from the largest force near Hualei Reef, the Salt Reef Looting Group! 】

【Their leader is a fallen golden shell noble who can summon powerful sea beasts. 】

Captain Yudona said quickly.

After Rogge heard this, Heisatan dragged the two guys into the water, and he began to think.

According to his words, the tribal habitat where Xiao Taoqi was located was likely attacked by the Salt Reef Looting Group.

After all, looking at the posture of this looting team just now, it is likely to be a transport team escorting hostages.

At this time, Xiao Taoqi behind him stopped crying, and choked and told her own experience in a low voice...

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