I have a big sailing game

Chapter 20 Gardener Elf


At this time, Lina and Roger had come to the back of the clinic, which was where Lina usually worked.

This was a vegetable field surrounded by a fence, and the other half was a garden with butterflies flying on it.

Lina looked around, then motioned Roger to squat down and keep quiet.

Although Roger was confused, he did it honestly.

Lina's eyes fell on the small garden. After a while of searching, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she stretched out her white finger to point to Roger.

"Look there."

"On that pink scarf flower."

Lina lowered her voice and said quietly.

What kind of flower is the pink scarf flower...

Rogge muttered in his heart, and just when he was about to ask Lina, he saw what Lina pointed at at a glance.

I saw a delicate pink flower in full bloom, with two light pink leaves on the outside, like a scarf.

I guess this is the pink scarf flower that Lina mentioned. It seems to be a unique flower species in this world.

But this is not the point.

The key point is that in the center of the stamen of the pink scarf flower, there is actually a little man with two pink buds on his head and two pairs of transparent wings.

Rogge was shocked when he saw this, and he reached out to wipe his eyes and looked again, and found that he was not seeing things.

"Did you see it?"

Lina asked in a low voice.

"What is that, an elf?"

Rogge was a little unbelievable, and his eyes did not leave the little man when he spoke.

Before Lina replied, Rogge suddenly felt a bunch of information popping up in his mind.

[Gardener Elf]

[Type: Biological]

[Level: 1]

[Quality: Elite]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: A magical creature with a lively and gentle personality and a love of peace, it has the ability to communicate with plants and promote their growth. ]

In addition, some more detailed information also appeared in Rogge's mind.

"It's a gardener elf..."

Obviously, this is the mystic skill that was upgraded yesterday, which directly gave the relevant information about this little man.

Lina looked at him with some surprise: "Do you really know its origin?"

The reason why she came to Rogge was because Rogge had talked to her about some mystical knowledge.

So Lina thought Rogge might know some relevant information.

Unexpectedly, Rogge actually knew it.

Rogge explained to Lina according to the knowledge that appeared in his mind.

"But it shouldn't appear here."

Rogge added.

"Why do you say that?" Lina was a little confused when she heard it.

"This place does not have the conditions to breed it."

According to mystical knowledge, the Hefeng Sea does not have the conditions to breed gardener elves.

As for Lina's small garden, it is even more impossible.

"By the way, you said you wanted me to help you, don't you want me to help you catch this gardener elf?"

Rogge looked at Lina next to him.

Linna heard it and nodded simply.

Rogge frowned slightly when he heard this: "Lina, it is difficult to raise a gardener elf artificially."

Lina shook her head gently: "I don't want to raise this little guy."

"It's injured. It's hard to treat it if you don't catch it."

"I tried to communicate with it before, but it was very alert. It flew away as soon as I went over."

Rogge was stunned when he heard this, and observed the gardener elf again, and found that its condition did not seem to be very good.

At first, Rogge thought it was lying on the flower and sleeping soundly.

Now it seems that it is injured and gasping for breath.

Rogge retracted his gaze and looked at Lina: "Have you learned how to treat elves?"

Lina shook her head when she heard this, handed Rogge a net, rolled up her hair, and looked determined.

"I have to learn it soon."

"Let's go."

After that, Lina quietly moved towards the gardener elf.

Seeing this, Rogge couldn't help but smile and followed.

The gardener elf looked like a girl who had shrunk many times, with two pink buds on her head, like little buns.

Its wings were more similar to the thin wings of dragonflies and cicadas, with a little luster on them.

At this time, the elf was lying on the flower, breathing heavily, and seemed to be in great pain.

With its eyes closed, it had no idea that two humans had quietly approached with a net.

Lina and Rogge sneaked to the pink scarf flower.

After confirming that the gardener elf had not discovered them, the two looked at each other.

Do it!

Lina raised the net and decisively covered it.

At this moment, the gardener elf suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of panic on his face, and flapped his wings to fly away quickly despite the pain.

Soon it escaped from the range of Lina's net.

But Rogge was faster.

With a swish, the net was covered, and the gardener elf was caught in the net.

"Aiya, aiya..."

After being caught, the gardener elf in the net made an incomprehensible panic cry, struggling constantly, very scared.

Rogge and Lina ignored it and took it directly into the clinic.


In Lina's clinic.

After closing the door of the clinic, Lina sat next to the table.

At this time, the elf had been tied up by Rogge with a thin wire, that is...

"Aiya, aiya..."

The elf's arms were tied behind his back, crying like a pear blossom in the rain, with tears falling down in handfuls.

It seemed to be begging for mercy from the two, wanting Rogge and Lina to let it go.

Lina glanced at the elf's tied posture, her face was strange.

"Rogge, why do you tie it like this..."

Rogge coughed and changed the subject.

"You should think about how to treat it first."

Hearing Rogge's words, Lina also focused on the gardener elf and began to examine it attentively.

The gardener elf's abdomen seemed to be scratched by something.

Because the wound was not properly treated, the gardener elf now seems to have a tendency to be infected.

The gardener elf looked at the big guy in front of him constantly poking and touching himself with cold tools, and he was very scared.

So far, its tears have never stopped.

It felt very desperate.

Why are these big guys so bad?

They all bully me!

I finally escaped last time, but I was attacked by a hateful big bird again...

I'm dead if I fall into the hands of these two big guys this time...

I'm so unlucky!

Thinking of this, the gardener elf sobbed.

Under the influence of the injury and the despair, its body softened and it fainted.


Rogge was shocked.

Lina also hurriedly checked and found that the gardener elf had just fainted, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it just fainted."

"That's good."

If the gardener elf hadn't fainted, it would have kept crying and affected Lina's performance.

Now that it fainted, Lina could treat it quietly.

Looking at the gardener elf lying on the table, Rogge thought for a moment and decided to go back to get something.

"I'll go back first."

After Rogge said that, he walked towards his house.

Ball collection, ball investment, ball recommendation vote!

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