I have a big sailing game

Chapter 215: Thief's Turban, Inside the Prison (Two in One, please subscribe!)

Through perseverance in dying and loading files, Rogge finally explored most of the entire lava ruins.

At this time, a poorly drawn but very detailed map also appeared on his computer, with many monsters and treasure locations marked on it.

【You are dead. 】

【Loading. 】

"Finally done."

Roger stretched.

It must be said that the danger level of this lava ruin is very high.

In addition to the two very uncomfortable characteristics of the black mist, the monsters inside cannot be underestimated.

Rogge even saw a monster with the rank of agent among them.

This is his most numerous and densest deaths in the game.

Rogge glanced at the map, touched his chin and thought for a moment.

At this time, he was already very familiar with the external terrain of the lava ruins.

However, there don't seem to be many treasures and useful things outside. There are only two dilapidated stone tablets with unknown words written on them and a few luggage.

After Rogge carefully planned the route again, he put down the mouse at hand.

"If everything goes well, I should still have a small amount of mental energy left after entering the prison."

Rogge thought.

Then, he exhaled, looked at his phone, and prepared to go.

Of course, he continued to use automatic exploration.

After all, there is no need to say how dangerous the lava ruins are. The automatic exploration function can save him a lot of time.

[You entered this unknown ruins...]

Rogge saved the text that he had read many times and concentrated on guiding the characters forward in his mind.

[You have moved forward a certain distance. 】

[At a corner, you used the mist flash skill to atomize your body and avoided the sneak attack of the living statue. 】

[Then, you walked close to the wall and waited there for a long time. 】

[A guard holding a lantern passes not far in front of you. It seems to have no reaction to the still life and simply ignores you. 】

[After it left, you did not move on and still waited in place. 】

[A moment later, a patrolman holding a lantern passed by again. 】

[After it leaves, you use the fog flash to move in one direction without hesitation. 】

[Your feet are empty, but you seem to have expected it. 】

[In the face of a sudden attack, you do not hesitate to use the phantom of the secret hand to dodge, and then use the fog flash to open a long distance. 】

[The monster cannot find you and can only roar in frustration. 】

[You found a package wrapped in the skin of an extraordinary creature with ease. 】

Roger breathed a sigh of relief after finding the package.

It seems that the route he planned is correct. He came here and got the package with very low consumption.

Then, Rogge did not put the package into his backpack, but chose to open it directly.

[You opened the package. 】

[You have obtained: Wailing Skull × 3. 】

[You have obtained: Hidden Thief Bandana × 1. 】

[You have obtained: Ancient gold coins × 3. 】

Rogge was already very familiar with the contents inside after several attempts.

Speaking of which, he was still a little depressed.

Because at first he planned to open the package last.

As a result, after dying several times, he discovered that there were several very useful things in this package that could help him better avoid monsters.

For example, this [Hidden Thief Bandana].

[Hidden Thief Bandana]

[Type: Equipment·Extraordinary]

[Quality: Green]

[Special effect: When the height of your head is less than one meter, your aura will be greatly weakened, and some creatures with weak vision cannot even detect you in front of them. 】

[Negative effect: When you wear a headscarf, your breath will become obscene and your sense of presence will be greatly reduced, making strangers more likely to feel disgusted with you. 】

[Explanation: An extraordinary creature named "Giant" made it. 】

In a place like this, this thing is simply an artifact!

Rogge equipped it without hesitation.

[You put on the hidden thief hood, you become insignificant and have no sense of existence. 】

[You choose to sit cross-legged on the ground and use visualization skills. 】

[Mental value is recovering. 】

This place is completely safe. Of course, you have to replenish your spirit points here before continuing.

[After a period of rest, your mental value has fully recovered. 】

[You did not choose to go back the way you came, but came to the thin wall at the back and slowly peeled away the gravel. 】

[A hidden passage appears in front of you, and you enter it. 】

[You found a short corpse. 】

[Even though it has died long ago, its body still exudes a disgusting aura. 】

There is no doubt that this corpse is the owner of the [Hidden Thief Bandana].

Don't know why he died here.

Maybe he was planning to rob the tomb.

However, this place was too dangerous, and he stayed here forever.

[Not long after, you came to the front of this huge ruins again through the hidden passage. At this time, you seemed to have gone deep into the ruins. 】

This hidden passage was discovered by Roger during a death.

Because he failed to get rid of the monster in time, it chased him, and the wall was broken open when he was killed.

[After arriving in front of the ruins, you squat down and move forward slowly. 】

[A patrolman holding a lantern came towards you, and you stopped. Due to the effect of the thief's hood, he did not notice you. 】

[You continue to use fog flash to move forward. 】

[With a crash, the prison chain appeared on the ground again, but it did not restrain you in the atomized state. 】

Seeing this, Rogge wiped his sweat.

This [Prison Chain] is really too vicious.

This thing has no rules at all. It appears purely by luck. It may not appear for dozens of minutes, or it may appear intensively several times in a row.

This time he was out of luck.

Otherwise, he would have been hung upside down by this thing.

Fortunately, I just used the fog flash to rush on the road and didn't get greedy to save my energy points, otherwise I would have been left in the cold.

[You discovered a huge stone tablet filled with text. 】

[There seems to be some information recorded on it, but you can't understand it at all. 】

[However, you didn’t seem to be interested in this either. You took one look and left directly. 】

Of course Roger wasn't interested.

The words on this stone tablet had long been recorded on his computer.

This kind of textual information is best recorded, and then it will be nice to draw it and show it to Mira.

This place is too dangerous, and Rogge no longer plans to let Mira in.

He just wants to take all the good things in the ruins and retreat.

[You use the fog flash skill to move forward quickly. 】

[When you come to a place, you stop and throw a wailing skull into the distance. 】

[The whining skull falls in the distance, making a painful whine. 】

[With a bang, the ground exploded, and the prison chains flew away. 】

[Several patrols holding lights also came here quickly, but they looked around blankly. 】

[You are watching quietly as a huge creature passes in front of you. 】

[Its heavy iron boots stepped on the ground, making a heavy sound. 】

【Prison Gate Keeper】

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Elite]

【Level: 53】

[Rank: Actor]

[Explanation: Warriors wearing heavy knight armor will attack anyone who is not qualified to enter the prison. 】

This is the guy.

Roger died many times at its hands.

The armor on this guy is almost invulnerable, and what's ridiculous is that its physical strength can actually offset Rogge's "bone peeling".

This was still in the black fog area, when the influence of rank was almost non-existent.

It's hard to imagine how powerful this guy would be if he were outside.

Rogge naturally has no intention of fighting it now, he can't beat it.

He just wanted to enter the prison and look for the treasure inside.

[While the prison gatekeeper’s attention was attracted by the wailing skull, you quietly walked into the prison. 】

[Even though it is shrouded in black smoke, you can still get a glimpse of part of the building in front of you. 】

[This is a prison made of black stone bricks. It is unknown what is being held inside, but judging from the strength of the guards, it is obvious that there cannot be some docile cats and dogs inside. 】

At this time, Rogge stopped to check his status.

His spiritual value is still less than half, about 20, and his faith value has not been touched.

This was enough to support him to continue exploring.

[You have entered the prison. 】

[Inside the prison, prison chains will no longer appear. 】

Prison Chains will no longer appear from time to time, which is good news.

But the bad news is that in the next prison, there are more monsters and stronger strength. Rogge has died many times inside.

However, he did not give up and planned to try slowly.

Anyway, he won't leave this place easily until he can no longer continue exploring.

Moreover, his ultimate goal is to find the cave.

[After entering the prison, you quickly came to a large table. 】

[There are some weapons and equipment placed here, you quickly pick them up. 】

[You have obtained: Prisoner Searchlight × 1. 】

[You have obtained: Prison Mask×1. 】

[You have obtained: Bloody prisoner’s eyeball × 1. 】

Among these things, only one [prison searchlight] is somewhat useful.

Its function is the same as the searchlight in the hand of the patrolman, which can slow down the target's movement speed.

But its negative effect is reduced vision.

The kind that can be superimposed with the black mist characteristics.

This is why patrolling with a lantern is so blind that you can only be noticed if you stand in front of it.

As for the visor and eyeballs, one is useless and the other is pure garbage.

Rogge threw away the eyeballs, put the other two items in his bag, and then hurriedly left here.

The [Prison Land Guardian] will walk back and forth, and if you stand in this room for a long time, you will be seen by it.

[You continue to move forward, squatting down at the right time along the way. Your wretched and non-existent temperament allows you to avoid the sight of some monsters. 】

[After passing through the passage in front of the prison, you come to the stairs. 】

[The stairs can lead to both the top and bottom. 】

After Rogge thought for a moment, he chose to continue walking up.

There was no way, he had died down there too many times, so it might be a good idea to try going up this time.

[You decide to go to the top of the prison. 】

[You step up the stairs carefully, carefully observing every environment around you. 】

[However, what puzzles you is that you haven't seen any monsters for a long time. 】

[It seems to be very safe here. 】

This made Rogge feel a little strange.

He had visited the lower prison several times before, and there were a lot more monsters inside, and the number of monsters increased as he went down.

Why is it that after going up, there are no more guarding monsters?

[You feel that this situation is very wrong, and you become more cautious in your actions, even squatting forward with every step. 】

Anyway, the chains inside the prison couldn't sneak up on him, so there was nothing wrong with being cautious and moving forward.

[While moving forward slowly and cautiously, you are also observing the surrounding environment. 】

[You find that after entering the second floor of the prison, the building materials seem to be different. The original dark stone bricks turned into a somewhat hot light red. 】

[You found a cell door. 】

Seeing this, Rogge glanced at it and didn't pay much attention.

In the lower level, there were also many cell doors. He tried to look at them, but there were only some dry corpses and the like, and no living prisoners.

In fact, Rogge was more curious about why this prison was buried under the sea of ​​lava.

And there are actually living things here.

[You wanted to move on. 】

[But just now there was a vague voice coming from the crack in the prison door. 】

[You couldn’t help but pause. 】

Rogge frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he entered the real perspective.

After entering the real perspective, he observed the surrounding environment and soon saw the crack in the prison door just now.

Looking inside, Rogge was surprised to find that there was a blue mist-like object floating inside, which seemed to be a soul or something.

It was making a vague "whoo" sound.

【Confused Soul】

[Type: Soul]

[Explanation: Just a ball of imprisoned soul. 】

There is so little information...

Roger tried to communicate with it.

But nothing was gained.

He had no choice but to withdraw from the real perspective without interest and move on.

[On the way, you passed a lot of cells, and they all seemed to contain more or less souls. 】

[They are all imprisoned in the room and cannot leave. 】

[You checked every corner of this floor, but you didn’t find any monsters, special items or even information. It was all bare. 】

Roger was a little depressed.

There is no choice but to move on.

On the way, he also took out the cave pointer to check the direction.

However, the pointer shaking left and right can only tell Roger one piece of information.

The caves are here, but it's not clear whether they are above or below.

There was no way, Rogge could only move on.

He was still very cautious, fearing that a monster would suddenly appear from somewhere and make all his previous efforts in vain.

However, after searching for three more floors, he still found nothing.

Not only are there no monsters, there are no boxes, and there are no clues.

There aren't even any happy drops.

This situation continued until the fifth floor.

[You move forward cautiously. 】

[A special cell appears in front of you. 】

【"Who are you?"】

[A voice came from the cell. 】

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