I have a big sailing game

Chapter 267: How to Advance to an Angel, Self-Sacrificial Potion (Two in One, please subscribe!)

"Take back the plague that has been spread, and I can make a potion for your promotion."

Roger said.

Hearing Rogge's words, a trace of surprise flashed in Chergen's eyes, but he quickly shook his head, without even asking Rogge's identity and origin: "You don't have to use such clumsy lies to deceive me, now There are no potion masters who can create new potion formulas in the Slough Marsh."

"If I say I can do it, I can do it. Besides, you don't have a choice now, do you?"

Roger looked at him and said.

When Chergen heard this, he fell silent.

He is not a fool. As a transcendent, he can still clearly sense that the powerful power of rank that Rogge just burst out is not something he can compete with. As long as the person in front of him wants to catch him, he will not be able to leave here. .

"What are the conditions?"

Chergen asked.

"Smart man." Rogge chuckled: "I need the secret information about the promotion of magic potion extraordinary people to the rank of angels."

"Okay." Chergen nodded without hesitation: "I can tell you now."

Fonardo watched quietly from the side.

As long as Chergen doesn't spread his plague, anything will do.

The deal between the two was quickly completed.

Chergen is not a stickler for rules.

He had already tried many methods for promotion, which naturally included searching for various secrets about the Ryan Rondo family.

It's a pity that even if he checked all the secrets, he couldn't find a way to solve the problem of promotion.

I have to say that his uncle's move was indeed quite poisonous.

Rogge was a little surprised after learning the specific method for magic potion extraordinary people to be promoted to angels.

[To be promoted to an angel, a magic potion extraordinary person needs two corresponding conditions. 】

[The first is the pure white burning substance of angel life, which needs to be used as a guide to refine the magic potion, otherwise the magic potion cannot be refined. 】

[The second is to drink the angel promotion potion and then take another key potion called "self-sacrifice" to induce semi-alienation to transform your body, thereby obtaining a body that can support the power of an angel. 】

These two conditions are actually very difficult.

The first is angel fuel, which cannot be easily obtained by ordinary agents. After all, angel fuel can only be found on the remains of angel creatures.

But this is not a problem for Rogge, he even has two fuels available.

What surprised him was the second condition.

"Self-sacrifice" potion.

If a magician extraordinary wants to be promoted to the rank of angel, he actually needs to actively trigger the dangerous field of alienation.

Although the probability of alienation is not high, Rogge clearly remembers the terrifying state when Hudson was alienated.

However, it is worth mentioning that as long as the potion transcendent completes these two conditions and survives the semi-alienated state, he can be directly promoted to an angel without going through the state of condensed burning matter.

It seems that the extraordinary system of potions has indeed taken a different path as Uvie Muze said.

"Do you know the formula of the self-sacrifice potion?"

Rogge looked at Chergen.

He was silent for a while and then replied: "I can go to the family treasury to get it."

Hearing this, Fonardo couldn't help but glance at him.

It seems he has already been there once.

The second time it should be a familiar road.

"Okay." Rogge nodded. Even if Chergen didn't go to get it, he would go: "As long as you can get it, I will research the corresponding agent potion formula for you."

As Fonardo's ideological guide, Chergen has no sense of belonging to the family.

He hates the families in the Swamp of Slough far more than Vonnardo does.

In his opinion, families that monopolize the promotion of extraordinary people and magic potion formulas are even hindering the development and growth of the human race.

So he went to the inner treasury again without hesitation, preparing to steal what Rogge needed.

Rogge, led by Fonardo, came to a quieter place and prepared to pray for enlightenment in order to obtain a new potion formula.

Rogge also wanted to take this opportunity to see knowledge and wisdom again.

He wanted to ask something.

After some preparation, Roger's prayer was quickly answered.

Rogge also came to that familiar place again.

It leads to the familiar, as well as the knowledge and wisdom that has not been seen for a long time.

But what surprised him was that after he entered this space, a voice rang out.

"Welcome, friend."

This voice is a little childish, a bit like an eleven or twelve-year-old child, slightly neutral, and I can't tell whether it is male or female.

Knowledge and wisdom also appeared at this time.

"Can you speak?" Rogge couldn't help but ask.

"Always will." Knowledge and Wisdom replied: "But limited by certain factors, I must reflect the growth stage that cannot be communicated."

Meaning, He was always in some kind of "growth" stage?

Roger was thoughtful.

But he quickly put the question aside.

"Then what should I call you now?"

"You can do whatever you want. I haven't grown up to the stage of knowing the true name yet." Knowledge and Wisdom said.

"Then let's call you Azhi."

In response, Knowledge and Wisdom nodded slightly and had no objection.

"I want to know why you brought me here?"

Rogge originally wanted to ask about the magic potion extraordinary person immediately, but now he wants to know some other things.

"Because you are special." Knowledge and Wisdom replied: "I also led you here out of instinct, but I don't know the specific reason at present."

"But I can feel that you and I have some deep origins."

"Is it about my life experience? Do you know where I came from?"

"I don't know yet." Knowledge and Wisdom shook his head.

Hearing this, Rogge was a little disappointed. It seems that the biggest change in his growth stage is that he can speak and communicate.

Since he doesn't know yet, Rogge also gave up some other ideas.

"Then do you know why the magic potion transcendent needs to actively fall into alienation in the process of being promoted to angel?"

Rogge asked the question he wanted to ask at the beginning.

In response, Knowledge and Wisdom paused, and bursts of golden light appeared on his body. The surrounding knowledge symbols surrounded him and moved rhythmically, and soon he had an accurate answer.

"Because of the lack of body."

"The essence of extraordinary potions is to collect and blend various extraordinary bloodlines and embed them into human bodies."

"Below the angel level, potion extraordinarys only need to avoid alienation to use the blood power."

"But the angel level is different. It needs a suitable body as support, otherwise it will not be able to carry and touch the corresponding power of authority."

"The former potion extraordinarys were also limited by this at the beginning and did not take the next step for a long time."

"But they found one thing in their subsequent research and exploration, that is, although the alienation they have been avoiding will lose their minds, it is actually an extremely important part of the rules. Only by enduring alienation can the body be transformed."

The answer of knowledge and wisdom is very accurate and detailed.

After listening to it, Rogge also suddenly realized it.

No wonder in the previous promotion, potions have always had the probability of alienation.

It turns out that this is an indispensable part of the path of potion extraordinary.

"What about promotion to the next level? Do you know any... clues or conditions?"

Rogge couldn't help but try to ask.

Of course, he would not expect knowledge and wisdom to tell him the answer. After all, this is not a simple question, and it must involve some secrets.

But who would have thought that after the knowledge and wisdom in front of him flashed with golden light and the authority moved for a moment, the voice gave the accurate answer again in a very calm voice.

"It will be more difficult for the Potion Master to be promoted to a demigod, but there is a way."

"According to what I know, when the Potion Master is promoted to a demigod, he needs to use a portion of demigod embers and some fuel of the corresponding authority as the main ingredients to make a demigod potion and drink it."

"After drinking the demigod potion, there is no need to make any dangerous attempts. You only need to hold a promotion ceremony and wait for the fire to ignite, but there is a very important prerequisite, that is, there are no three or more demigod creatures in the corresponding authority you are in."


He didn't even play a riddle, he just said it directly.

Ah Zhi, what a brother!

Rogge couldn't help but give Him a thumbs up in his heart. Now he doesn't have to bother looking for the next promotion method.

If he had known that Azhi would become like this, why would he have gone to the Ryan Rondo family?

However, he was also a little puzzled.

"What if there are three or more demigods in the corresponding authority?"

"Either find a way to make one of them fall, or you will never be promoted." Knowledge and Wisdom said.

"Then which authority am I in now?"

"Disaster and Destruction."

"How many demigods are there in this authority?"


Rogge: "..."

It's really unlucky.

"What about mystery and fear? You should know the authority path of my clone, right?"

"Yes, there are no demigod creatures in this path for the time being."


Rogge was a little dumbfounded.

Why is the authority path of his main body crowded, while the future of Heisatan's clone is open?

He is now a little envious of Heisatan's clone.

After thinking silently for a moment, Rogge continued to ask: "Then do you know the specific situation about Doyle Deweiss?"

Knowledge and Wisdom shook his head.

Seeing this, Rogge's heart skipped a beat.

No way, what is the origin of this Doyle? Even Azhi, who is almost as powerful as a true god, can't know his situation?

The contract he signed at the beginning is aimed at the final boss?

It can't be so outrageous, right?

However, the next words of Knowledge and Wisdom made him slightly relieved.

"You need to pay the corresponding price for the next questions."

Knowledge and Wisdom said.

Rogge nodded after hearing this. There is a price to pay for what you get, which is natural in the mysterious world.

However, he was a little curious: "Don't the questions just now require a corresponding price?"



"You are a friend I recognize."

Knowledge and Wisdom's voice and tone are very calm.

So the previous secrets were all friendship gifts?

Rogge couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard it.

But Knowledge and Wisdom quickly explained seriously.

"I can give some things to recognized friends in the form of gifts, which is allowed by the rules."

... Well, it turns out that friendship gifts are also part of the rules.

But Roger was still very moved, although he didn't know why He recognized him.

He still accepted this favor.

"Okay, then the next question will be exchanged for the price."

Knowledge and Wisdom nodded slightly, and then a golden light flashed into Rogge's brow.

This was the price he needed to ask the question.

"..." Rogge, who just felt that he could afford the money, was silent.

"Why is his information... so expensive?"

Knowledge and Wisdom heard this, and after thinking for a while, they replied: "The high price does not come from this person himself."

Rogge was thoughtful after hearing this.

He looked at Knowledge and Wisdom.

He was intentionally giving him some hints within the restrictions of the rules!

Rogge quickly understood this.

"Okay, thank you, Azhi."

Knowledge and Wisdom nodded slightly.

Rogge then asked some other questions and checked the "price list".

However, most of them were unaffordable...

And some of them were currently unknown to Knowledge and Wisdom.

So Rogge could only give up for the time being.

After saying goodbye to Him, Rogge returned to his original place.

At the same time, he also spent most of his faith power through enlightenment prayers, and even took some from Heisatan to research Chergen's agent potion.

"The consumption after enlightenment prayers is getting bigger and bigger..."

Rogge frowned slightly.

With his current faith power, he couldn't even fully reach the standard of "inspiration" corresponding to the agent potion.

He had to borrow some from Heisatan.

"I hope I can find the subsequent potion formula of Captain Disaster..."

Rogge thought to himself.

Then, he picked up a pen and paper and began to study the potion inspiration he had just obtained.


Chergen encountered some troubles.

He thought he would be familiar with sneaking into the inner library again to find secrets.

This is indeed the case. After hiding the changes in his appearance, he easily came in with his ability.

But when he got the self-sacrifice potion and left, he encountered unexpected troubles.

"Chergen..." A middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and stared at him, his voice gradually colder: "Entering the family's inner treasury without permission is a serious crime..."

"Uncle Moko." Chergen looked at him calmly: "I was just passing by."

"Heh!" Moko couldn't help but sneer: "There is only one way ahead, how dare you tell such a clumsy lie?"

"Hand over what you stole, and I can give you a lighter sentence!"

Moko said sternly.

In response, Chergen's reaction was very flat: "Where is the evidence?"

Hearing his words, Moko's face twitched, and he didn't reply immediately.

"Since you don't have evidence, you can't prove that I came out of the family's inner treasury."

"I just walked in front of you and took the wrong road, and now I'm turning back."

Chergen lied without changing his face.


Moko snorted heavily, and a huge pressure burst out from him, suppressing Chergen firmly.

"You'd better not let me find the evidence..."

Then, he came to Chergen with a cold look and began to search his pockets.

Chergen stared at the huge pressure, and his expression gradually turned cold.

This uncle, because he was afraid that he would threaten his position and power in the family in the future, made him drink the potion without follow-up.

He has always had some deep malice towards Chergen.

Malice derived from interests always wants to put people to death.

However, he obviously miscalculated.

Chergen smiled: "What, Uncle Moko, have you found evidence?"

"Do you want to go to the inner library and take something and say that I stole it?"

Moko's face gradually became ugly.

He got nothing.

Chergen only needed the formula of the self-sacrifice potion, so he wrote it down. Apart from that, he didn't take anything else.

"No... that's the best."

Moko suppressed the anger in his heart, snorted coldly and turned away.

He glanced at his back.

Chergen turned around and gradually restrained his smile, and his steps were firm.

These termites who are blinded by the power and interests in front of them and ignore the overall situation will one day be swept into the dusty garbage dump by him.

The humans in the swamp of corruption do not need families, they only need extraordinary people!

One ball a day!

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