I have a big sailing game

Chapter 281 Black Bones, Hard Bones and Soft Bones (Two in One, please subscribe!)

A vaguely hideous monster stood behind the woman in black robe, exuding a dangerous aura.

The black-bone sea monster confronts him on the sea.

The head and face in the middle did not change its expression, and stared at Sharo with cold eyes, seemingly showing no sign of weakness.

However, its mouths on the left and right sides opened and closed, and its eyes also exuded an evil light.

"It's over, it's over. The warning is a bit too much. This human woman doesn't seem to accept this trick. I just said don't do it. How about we apologize..."

"Fart! What are you afraid of? Just kill her and talk to her. This damn human woman has no intention of having a good talk with us!"

"No, absolutely not. If we kill this human woman, the Lord of the Black Tide will never let us go. Be sensible, be sensible..."

"Sane ass! I'm talking about soft bones, have you lost your mind? Didn't you hear what this human woman just said? Surrender! Yes, surrender! We are spirits of faith! Once we surrender, we can be slaughtered by others. destiny!"

"Listen to me, Heigu, kill!"

"Don't listen to him, Hei Gu, don't act rashly..."

The two smugglers, one on the left and one on the right, kept arguing.

Listening to the endless quarrel between the heads on the left and right, Hei Gu felt that his head was going to explode.

However, it has long been accustomed to this situation.

It has three heads, namely black bone, hard bone, and cartilage.

The cartilage is the head on the left side, which is in charge of the use of secret arts of this body. It has a gentler personality, but is also weak and acts very cautiously.

The hard bone is the head on the right side, which controls the body and blood power of the body. It has a more violent personality and acts aggressively.

The black bone is naturally the middle head, the head that usually controls actions. It is also the decisive decision-maker among the three heads.

Heigu slowly spoke during the quarrel between the two heads, breaking the silence between the two parties, but he took the initiative to avoid Sharo's question.

Of course, it uses a method similar to the voice of the soul.

"...As His messenger, you should know what surrender... means to existences like ours."

After saying that, Hei Gu stared at Sharo closely.

When Sharo heard this, she smiled slightly. The Black Bone Sea Monster's words had already shown its attitude - surrender was not impossible, but it had to be discussed carefully.

In other words, it needs to put forward some conditions, or obtain some benefits.

However, even if she understood this, Sharo did not intend to discuss these more secret matters with it in front of all her subordinates.

Now that the black-bone sea monster has relented, her mission has been completed.

The rest should be left to the Lord of the Black Tide.

Sara slowly raised her hand, and the black tentacles on her shoulders merged with the black tide below, transforming into a huge tentacle that slowly extended towards the black-bone sea monster.

"Perhaps you would like to speak to my lord."

"Touch it and you can meet the Lord of the Black Tide."

To be honest, Sharo did not expect that the rumored black-bone sea monster in front of her was only at the level of agent.

She originally thought that the black-bone sea monster might be an angel-level existence, and she was even ready to ask for help from the Lord of the Black Tide.

But the reality was unexpected. With the black robe given by the Lord of the Black Tide, she could not only defeat it, but at least be able to stalemate it.

Although such a black-bone sea monster is definitely not weak, it is still a party of faith. When placed in the Spirit of Faith, it is indeed a bit weak.

But this also happens to explain why its rumors gradually disappeared after the appearance of the Kuroshio Secret Society... because its own strength is not strong.

As soon as Sarao said this.

Naturally, the two heads of Heigu started a new round of quarrel.

"Arrogant! So arrogant! You are just a newly rising spirit of faith. Do you really think of yourself as a big shot? How dare you show off in front of us!"

"Don't go. From my point of view, it's better to start a war with them. Even if we can't defeat them, the worst we can do is fly away!"

Jiangu was still irritable and very dissatisfied with Sharo's choice of words.

However, Cartilage saw this clearly and sighed, quite depressed.

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. We haven't made any progress. There are almost no believers left..."

"Besides, we can't leave here, we have important things to do."

"My suggestion is to go take a look and talk to him. After all, he has only just emerged and his strength should not be too strong. If there is danger, the worst is to lose a dead bone..."

Black Bones heard the opinions of the two heads and began to think about them silently.

After a moment, it slowly raised its forelimbs.

"Damn it, Heigu, you bastard, you never listen to me!"

The bone is very unhappy.

"Listen to you, we will definitely not survive now..."

Cartilage sighed and shook his head.

With the black bone sea monster touching the black tentacles.

The black tide also began to spread gradually, and finally slowly surrounded the black-bone sea monster.

In an instant, black smoke rose, and the place where the black-bone sea monster was was blurred.

After seeing this, Sharo withdrew her gaze and turned around to give the order.

"Pack up and get ready to go."

A dark, cold, mysterious dark zone.

The sunless space was filled with deathly silence.

The black-bone sea monster's original body of nearly ten meters tall now seemed so small.

But it didn't panic, instead it was very calm.

"Tsk, a show of strength? Who can't do this? We are all in the same industry, why are you pretending!"

The snake head on the right was quite disdainful of this.

"Such a huge virtual realm... How much faith power does it cost? This Lord of the Black Tide is really rich..."

The snake head on the left was a little surprised.

Black Bone suddenly replied in a rare calm voice: "It may also be because of His own strength."

This caused dissatisfaction from Hard Bone: "Hey, Black Bone, you are not really going to surrender to this guy, are you? You didn't agree to the invitation of the group of guys from the Church of Kitz at the beginning, why did you suddenly change your face this time?"

"It's the truth." Soft Bone sighed: "It's so stupid, fortunately Black Bone doesn't usually listen to you..."

"Damn, what are you talking about, soft bone?"

"Nothing, how dare I say anything to you, you are not stupid at all..."

"Damn, don't think I can't hear you being sarcastic!"

"You can actually hear it, that's not bad..."

Hard Bone and Soft Bone started their routine quarrel again.

Black Bone suddenly spoke up and interrupted them: "Stop arguing, He is coming."

Hearing this, the two heads immediately shut up tacitly.

It is unknown whether they were obedient or afraid of the Lord of the Black Tide.

Black Bone's calm eyes stared at the front.

In the deep sea, a few pairs of faint scarlet eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, invisible vibrations began to occur in all directions, bubbles surged, and a terrifying sense of oppression came like waves in the sea.


"Damn it!" "Ah, what's going on..."

Along with the sound of the shell breaking, the curses of the hard bones and the screams of the soft bones also came.

They were severely pressed down by this strong sense of oppression and lowered their heads.

Only the black bone skull in the middle still had its head standing, staring at the front, but its neck was shaking uncontrollably.


The shell made of black bones broke into pieces more and more, and black gas continued to emerge.

"... Lord of the Black Tide!"

Feeling that his body was on the verge of collapse, Black Bone stared at the darkness in front of him, as if squeezing out these words from his teeth.


As his voice fell, the darkness in front of him finally moved.

The entire dark and deep environment shook violently at this moment, as if trembling, fearing this terrifying existence.

Black Bone raised his head with difficulty.

Finally, he saw the whole picture of the monster that slowly appeared in front of him.

Because of his hidden power, Black Bone could not see any details of his body.

In addition to the outline of his huge body, there were only a few terrifying scarlet eyes, which he wanted him to see.

Black Bone was naturally interested in this existence that defeated the Church of Kiz and the Church of Nature.

But before that, it did not think that the Lord of the Black Tide was so terrifying or horrible.

Although it did not have any contemptuous attitude.

But at this moment, it finally realized suddenly... what does the name [Lord of the Black Tide] represent?

Mysterious, huge, dangerous.

Black Bone could only describe it this way.


Rogge yawned.

He had just woken up from his nap and had just opened the game.

The Green was still sailing. Although it had successfully bypassed the Island of Silence, it was still some distance away.

Then he sensed several messages sent to him by Sarah.

She had found the Black Bone Sea Monster, and it seemed that it might be considered to be subdued.

Rogge still had some impression of the Black Bone Sea Monster.

After all, he had heard of this name when he first went to Magrela, and it sounded a bit like a strange story or a horror legend.

It didn't appear later, so Rogge didn't pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, he ran into it here today, and Sarah also sent it to him for "assessment".

So Rogge planned to dampen its spirit.

He didn't plan to be a good man who was friendly to everyone.

After all, this guy is also a spirit of faith, and when a spirit of faith surrenders to another spirit of faith, it means completely giving up its own path of faith, becoming a vassal of another, and being controlled by others.

In this case, it would be a miracle if it could surrender to Rogge without any thoughts.

However, when Rogge heard its voice, he knew it was almost time, so he withdrew his suppression, slowly lowered his head, and stared at it with scarlet eyes.

[Three-headed sea monster·Black bone]

[Type: Spirit of Faith]

[Quality: Domination]

[Level: 70]

[Rank: Agent]

[Description: It was once a mutant two-headed rock-back turtle, but because it mistakenly entered the border fog and entered a mysterious area, its body underwent special changes and became the rumored creature in the Magrela area, the Black Bone Sea Monster. 】

"A two-headed turtle...interesting."

"Tell me why you're here, Heigu."

The scarlet eyes fell on Heigu for a moment and then retracted. At the same time, the voice of the Lord of the Black Tide, which seemed to come from the abyss, rang in his ears.

Hearing His words.

Heigu's snake pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he was shocked.

I didn't expect that the Lord of the Black Tide could directly see its original race!

After the oppression was lifted, the two heads quickly shook their heads and recovered.

"Damn it, how could He know our origins? What is this guy's origin?"

After hearing his words, Jiugu said with some surprise.

"Brother, please lower your voice, maybe people can understand..."

Cartilage was a little afraid and did not dare to look directly at the body of the Lord of the Black Tide.

Black Bone ignored the quarrel between the two heads at this time, but looked up at Heisatan's scarlet eyes.

"Lord of the Black Tide, I have only one request. If you can do it, then I will surrender to you willingly."

"What? Hei Gu, are you crazy? Do you really plan to surrender?" Hei Gu looked at it in disbelief.

But Cartilage did not speak and remained silent.

"Say it."

Rogge spoke.

Heigu took a deep breath, glanced at the heads on the left and right, and said: "...Separate me from them."

"If you can do it, then I will surrender to you."

Hearing its words, Lugu suddenly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Rogge found this quite interesting.

Naturally, he didn't know the specific situation of the Black Bone Sea Monster.

However, he could also see that each of the three heads of the black-bone sea monster had its own consciousness, which was quite strange.

And now it seems that their relationship is not harmonious?

After Rogge thought about it, he saved a file.

After a moment, he came back to his senses.

The power of faith was not consumed, but he learned the current specific situation of the black-bone sea monster and the solution through saving and loading files.

"I didn't expect this to be the case... No wonder it would make such a request..."

Rogge was a little surprised.

The situation of the Black Bone Kraken is very special.

As the information provided in the previous description, the Black Bone Kraken was originally a mutated two-headed turtle.

Although creatures like the two-headed turtle have two heads, they generally only have one consciousness.

But the mutant black-bone sea monster is different. It has two consciousnesses with completely different personalities.

This leads to frequent conflicts and quarrels between the two heads, with the left body hitting the right body.

However, this situation changed later.

Because it strayed into a mysterious area in the border fog.

Needless to say, the horror of the border fog is natural. The Black Bone Sea Monster was infected by a piece of black bone inside. The original carapace was shattered and re-condensed to become what it is now.

Moreover, it grew a brand new head, which is now the black bone. The middle head is the calmest and the main controller of the body.

Yes, what is unexpected is that for the body of the Black Bone Sea Monster, the Black Bone in the middle has the absolute initiative, and is the outsider.

The hard bones and cartilage are the original owners of the body!

In this case, the three consciousnesses are naturally contradictory.

In order to ensure that they can coexist with each other, Black Bone can only propose a common goal, which is to find a way to make the three of them independent of each other.

To this end, they have used a variety of methods.

For example, the predictions of the spirit of faith, the guidance of one's own abilities, etc... The final target fell on Magrilla, which seemed to have a solution to their problems.

However, they don't know what the specific method is.

The reason why Hei Gu chose to come to see the Lord of the Black Tide was naturally because he wanted to give it a try.

Regarding this problem on them, Rogge went to ask for knowledge and wisdom and got the answer.

After a long period of silence, the voice of the Lord of the Black Tide sounded in Heigu's mind again.

"The method you are pursuing...is wrong."

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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