I have a big sailing game

Chapter 286: The Battle of Scott, extremely beautiful (two in one, please subscribe!)

Doyle worked hard to come to the Island of Roses in advance to take away the foundation of curses and potions. The purpose should be to get himself here and break the curse on Luther.

If there is no special treasure, he cannot know how special Rogge is, and he is sure that he can break the curse of the blood-sucking rose.

However, this seems to be only one of his purposes.

The deeper purpose may lie in the boy Aital.

However, after experiencing this incident, Rogge felt that he needed to take another look at Doyle.

"Mira, are you awake?"

Yas looked at Mira who woke up, and then his eyes fell on Rogge. He was very surprised: "Rogg, has Mira's curse been lifted?"


Rogge smiled and nodded, then looked at the thorns and roses around him.

With the passing of the curse.

These blood-red thorns and roses slowly turned into gray powder, completely losing their vitality.


Luther, who was lying on the bed of thorns, woke up suddenly and looked around with sweating profusely, his eyes filled with extreme vigilance.


Seeing him wake up, Gazinya shouted in disbelief, then hugged him, unable to hold back the tears in her heart.

"You... Gasinya?"

Luther's voice was very hoarse and had a strange pitch. There was no doubt that he had not spoken for a long time.

"Luther, hello." Rogge stepped forward: "My name is Rogge. Your old friend Doyle asked me to come here. I have lifted the curse on you."

He explained the cause and effect in a concise and concise manner.

At this time, Luther had come to his senses, and the curse no longer affected his sanity, but his thinking was still a little slow.

After being stunned for a long time, he finally came to his senses.

"Doyle...it's good that he's not dead."

Luther was relieved when he heard this, rubbed his head at the same time, and looked at Gazinya.

When he saw the old man in his arms, his eyes instantly turned red.


Luther knew why.

During these decades, he maintained his youthful appearance due to the curse of the Blood-Draining Rose.

But Gaixinya was not accepted by the curse, and grew old day by day during the long wait.

This...is exactly what Karabo wants.

In other words, he just wants to survive.

When he woke up last time, Gasinya had only a few wrinkles, but now she has gray hair and a stooped body.

"I'm sorry... Gazinya..."

Luther hugged her tightly, his voice choked with sobs.

Rogge watched quietly without disturbing.

Luther and Gazina are a pair of lovers who truly love each other. They have been tortured by this curse for countless days and nights.

This moment seems precious.

"I'm fine Yas!" Mira was also very happy, the curse no longer affected her body.

"Now I feel that my body is full of strength and I can kill a cow with one punch!"

She clenched her fists happily, and then punched her brother in the chest.

"Hiss! Yas, did you put a steel plate in your chest?"

Mira hissed coldly and shook her aching hand.

Rogge was a little dumbfounded when he saw this. This girl was so healthy that she used her brother as a punching bag.

Yas didn't say anything, he just reached out and touched his sister's head, smiling from the bottom of his heart.

"It's okay Gazinya, it's okay..."

At this time, Gasinya and Luther finally calmed down.

Luther wiped away his tears, looked at Rogge, and smiled: "I'm sorry, Mr. Rogge, for making you laugh."

Roger smiled and shook his head.

"Karabo has completely lost his mind. If it weren't for you, I would have believed in this vicious curse and lost everything... I will never forget your kindness."

Luther thanked him very sincerely.

Rogge waved his hand: "You don't owe me anything, Mr. Luther."

"I owe Doyle once...perhaps strictly speaking, I owe you once, so helping you lift the curse can be considered even."

"Owe me once?" Luther was surprised when he heard this: "Why do you say that?"

Rogge briefly talked about Doyle's affairs, including the matter of Mira's curse.

Luther must know a lot of things, and Rogge still needs to ask him, so there is no need to hide the causes and consequences of these things.


After hearing this, Luther glanced at Gazinya hesitantly, and after receiving confirmation from her eyes, he frowned.

"Is this what Doyle did? It shouldn't be..."

"He is definitely not the kind of person who would harm innocent people to achieve his goals..."

It can be seen that Luther has no doubt that Doyle will come to help.

But he found it unbelievable that Doyle would plant a curse on Mira and affect some innocent children.

As he said that, Luther also saw Mira beside him: "It's you, the girl outside the curse..."

Mira was a little confused about this, but she quickly seemed to remember something: "That eye...is it you?"

She recalled that she could not stand up before the Royal City of Ozuurek.

But when she was in the royal city, she suddenly entered the cursed space, was stared at by an eyeball wrapped in roses, and then she was suddenly able to stand up.

"Yes..." Luther sighed and nodded: "That was the first time I felt you in the deepest part of the curse, so I let the curse exert some power on you, allowing you to stand up. In the past, I could not I didn’t know you existed…”

Roger touched his chin.

No wonder Mira was not only normal after the curse struck, but she was able to stand up.

But...why that time?

Is it because of the big wave?

"After Eclipse was captured by the church, Doyle was burned at the stake by the church. This is what his uncle Swika told me."

Roger said.

Hearing this, Luther was shocked: "Then why is he still alive?"

After saying that, he quickly realized that he was being rude: "Uh... I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to say, how did he escape from under the nose of the church?"

"...I don't know."

I was just about to ask you about this too.

Rogge couldn't help but complained in his heart that it seemed that Luther didn't know the inside story.

"Well...does Doyle have any special treasures or abilities? For example...can he predict the future?"

Roger asked.


"If that kid had such ability, we wouldn't have ended up like this." Luther felt a little funny and subconsciously denied it. Then he looked at Rogge with some confusion: "Mr. Rogge, it seems that... between you and Doyle... …”

He thought Rogge was Doyle's friend or something, but now it seemed that Rogge didn't know much about him, and the relationship seemed quite strange.

"It's a long story."

"To put it simply...well, he's a tough-talking Riddler, and I want to beat him to death."

Roger said simply.

When Luther heard this, he was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

He always felt that apart from their names, they were not talking about the same person at all.

Luther suddenly rubbed his head with a hint of pain on his face, and then recovered after a moment.

"...Huh, Mr. Rogge, let's go outside and talk. This place makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Luther said.

Rogge nodded, and everyone walked out of the room under the flower bed.

At this time, the thorn trees outside had completely faded and turned into piles of ashes on the ground, and the color of normal soil appeared again in everyone's sight.

"Roger, what's going on?"

Lina and Nomi on the street also saw Rogge at this time.

They were still looking for clues everywhere, and as a result, Rose Town underwent tremendous changes.

"..." Rogge was about to say something, but suddenly he seemed to notice something. He paused before speaking: "Find a place to sit down first."

at the same time.

The Kiz Church actually controls the sea area, Scott Island.

At this time, the port of Scott Island was filled with flames of war and smoke, and the fighting and roaring shook the sky.

The fleet flying the flag of the Black Tide Secret Society pressed forward, and a fierce war broke out at the port of Scott Island with the garrison force of the Kiz Church on the island.


With a monster roar and a splash, a huge creature jumped off the island and plunged into the sea.

This huge monster has multiple arms, waving tirelessly in the sea water, swimming crazily towards the Kuroshio Conclave fleet.

"Hahahaha, go ahead, the manifestation of desire, the Kezi Desire Beast, drag these damn invaders into the cage of desire!"

Watching the Kiz Lust Beast go away, an extremely scantily clad believer laughed crazily.


As if in response to his words, a low horn sound sounded from the side of the battlefield, followed by a large fleet of ships flying the flag of the Kiz Church!

This made the believer who controlled the Gizzard Beast smile even wider, almost reaching his ears.

"You dare to attack Scott Island with such a small manpower. You must have had your brains eaten by the evil god, the Lord of the Black Tide!"

A mocking look appeared on his face.

The reason why Scott Island is the island with the strongest defense is that the surrounding affiliated islands support each other very quickly. Relying on the favorable terrain, it is impossible to capture this place without a large number of troops.

However, just when he was proud of this, something unexpected happened.

A huge black bone slowly rose from the sea.

"Oh... uh... help..."

The members of the Kiz Church couldn't help but be startled when they saw this black bone, but soon their pupils shrank suddenly, and they covered their throats with a painful look on their faces.

Afterwards, their bodies shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye and began to turn black.


A moment later, a pile of black coal-ash-like material fell on the deck one after another.

"Damn it! Don't look at that bone! That's a powerful heretic monster!"

Someone in Kiz Church saw this scene and shouted in horror.

Almost at the same time.

Frightened screams also erupted from the fleet that came to support in the distance.


As the waves broke, black bone monuments rose up one after another, frightening these Kiz Church believers like reminders of the gates of hell.

"Cartilage, can you do it? Why are you grinding it?"

In the distance, Hard Bone said to Cartilage with some dissatisfaction.

"Let me tell you, you are really stubborn. We are just here to help, not to fight. The one we are fighting is the Kiz Church. Do you think they will be easily wiped out by us..."

"Let's just paddle..."

Cartilage said helplessly.

"We need to be cautious." Black Bone said calmly: "The Church of Kiz has been entrenched in this sea area for a long time, and the Lord of the Black Tide cannot attack it with this little force."

It didn't come with the idea of ​​paddling.

But Black Bone knew very well that the Lord of the Black Tide should have a backup plan, otherwise they would not easily come to attack Scott Island.

"...The counterattack of the Church of Kiz is coming."

After taking a look at the distance, Cartilage sighed...Alas, working is so hard.


"God Kiz always protects us...Believers of Kiz, desire is your most powerful helper."

Just when Black Bone's curse was about to fall, an extremely magnetic voice sounded in the fleet.

A handsome bearded man with a naked upper body, extremely seductive muscle lines, and shiny skin walked out slowly with a whip.


He flicked his wrist, the whip made a crisp sound, and a pink invisible force began to spread with him as the center, and soon covered all the believers and knights.

At the same time, he also exuded a strong rank aura, and began to compete with the rank power of Heigu.

"It's Lord Kget, who is known as the 'extremely beautiful'! He is on the battlefield in person! We will definitely win!"

"Damn, Lord Kget's muscle lines are still so fascinating. Thanks to this war, I can see it again with my own eyes, ah..."

"If I can spend a good night with Lord Kget, then I will die without regrets..."

A group of believers and knights were fascinated by it, and one after another tiger and wolf words came out of their mouths.

"What is this guy pretending! I am so disgusted by looking at him, Heigu, let's sneak attack him!"

Hard Bone felt a chill and suggested with disgust.

To be honest, it is the spirit of faith, and Kget is a human being. The aesthetics should be completely different, but Hard Bone couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Maybe it's because Kgett covered his body with something shiny like essential oil...


Heigu said briefly, and looked at the cartilage beside him, meaning to let it cooperate with him.

"I say you are really... The Lord of the Black Tide doesn't pay us wages, why are we fighting for our lives..."

"It's better to just run away..."

Cartilage complained.

Although he was very reluctant, his movements were not slow at all, and he quickly urged his strength.


One after another ghosts emerged from the black bone monument, forming a huge group, and ferociously rushed towards the ship where Kgett was.

"The inferior and ugly monsters really can't appreciate my innate beauty..."

Kgett put his hands on his waist and sneered.

"In that case, then bow down to desire."


Although Kgett's weapon is not very serious, his strength is indeed solid.

Under the crisp whip sound, an invisible spiritual impact rushed towards Heigu.

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