I have a big sailing game

Chapter 293 He still has to thank us (two in one, please subscribe!)

Change is always born out of oppression and exploitation.

As a member of the exploiting and oppressor class, Chergen clearly knows what kind of life the slaves and civilians in the Swamp of Corruption live.

Therefore, Chergen has always had a long-cherished wish, which is to change all this.

However, in this world where strength is respected, it is too difficult to change these.

Only those who are strong enough can cross the high wall, break the old order, and recast the rules.

In the past, although Chergen was always awake, he also knew how difficult the path he wanted to take was.

This can be seen from the fact that he has been trapped in the rank of apostle for many years.

It was just a family prison, and he almost didn't get out.

But fortunately, the appearance of Rogge and the Lord of the Black Tide was like a strong hand that suddenly appeared, tearing apart his prison and guiding him to a clear path.

Therefore, Chergen is extremely determined today.

The rise of the city of Kuroshio is already foreseeable.

But this is not enough, he wants to spread this rising sun throughout the marsh of decay...and even more!

Rogge also saw what he was thinking.

"Now is not the time."

"Chergen, just wait until the black tide surges."

The swamp of decay and silt naturally needs to be controlled.

However, the city of Kuroshio is not yet fully formed, and hasty development will bring unbearable consequences.

Rogge couldn't spare his time.

However, Chergen also clearly understood this.

He just wanted to get an accurate word from the Lord of the Black Tide today.

"Yes, I understand."

"By the way, besides that, I have one more thing I want to report to you."

Chergen said.

What Chergen wants to say is naturally about Fenmag, the "Swamp Demon", which is also one of the purposes of his trip.

In fact, poor Finmag had prayed to Roger many times.

It's just that Rogge has been very busy recently and has no time to pay attention to him.

In desperation, Fenmag did not choose to give up.

Because after he witnessed the situation in Black Tide City, he realized how ridiculous his original idea was.

What does such a powerful being want from a pirate like him?

Even if there is some more far-reaching purpose, it has little to do with him, and it does not prevent him from being promoted now.

Therefore, Fenmag still placed his hope on the Lord of the Black Tide.

However, if the Lord of the Black Tide did not respond to him, he would have to find another way.

Chergen, of course, was the method he came up with.

"One of the more famous pirates in the Slough Marsh, Finnmag, would like to meet with you."

"This man is well-known and well-connected in the pirate circles of the Slough Marsh."

After saying these two sentences, Chergen said no more.

Finmag gave him a lot of benefits just to put in a good word in front of the Lord of the Black Tide, and he accepted them all.

Anyway, the city of Kuroshio is also very short of supplies now, so don’t give it up for free.

Of course, he reported the situation truthfully and did not exaggerate. Fenmag did have some fame and connections, and might be a good candidate for the Lord of Kuroshio. From this point of view, he must report to Kuroshio. Lord.

After all, the Lord of the Kuroshio is strong and his ideals can be strongly protected.

Chergen knew this very well.

However, if he was asked to say more, Chergen couldn't do it.

He himself had no intention of doing anything for Fenmag sincerely. If it weren't for the fact that this thing might be of some use, he wouldn't even bother to mention it.

He didn't have a good impression of these pirates.

"No need."

Rogge spoke calmly, and then gave Chergen a bottle of magic potion and some books.

"This is something he wants."

"Black Tide City still lacks a lot, don't give it to him easily, do you understand?"

When Chergen heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He is very smart, and he understands the meaning of the Lord of the Black Tide's words very well.

Finmag had something to ask for, and now he had the magic potion given by the Lord of the Black Tide... To put it bluntly, he could do whatever he wanted.

Fenmag the Swamp Goblin = Excellent workforce!

Doesn't this make him contribute to the Black Tide City?

And he hasn’t complained at all, do you believe it?

Lord of the Black Tide, you have really thought deeply!

There was a hint of admiration in Chergen's eyes, and he saluted respectfully:

"I obey your will!"

Then, Chergen slowly retreated.

Not long after, he returned to the Black Tide City.

After putting the Kuroshio Mark into his chest pocket, Chergen came to the foot of the fortress.

At this time, Fenmag was waiting with some anxiety.

Seeing Chergen's arrival, Finmag was overjoyed and hurriedly greeted him.

"Lord of Chergen City."

Then he looked at him nervously and expectantly.

Chergen nodded calmly and started chatting with him casually.

After a while, seeing that he hesitated to speak, Chergen smiled inwardly and said, "Don't worry, the Lord of the Black Tide has a mind as vast as the sea. How could he be angry because of your slight offense."

Hearing this, Fenmag breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chergen's next words left him silent and hurt.

"He just doesn't have time for your prayers."


It was as if a knife had been stabbed in the heart.

Finmag: "..."

He had always thought that the Lord of the Black Tide was dissatisfied with his offensive behavior of losing his mark.

But now it seems that he just doesn't have time to pay attention to himself...it's all his own fault.

…There once was a big opportunity that fell from the sky, but I didn’t seize it…

Damn, I’m so sorry!

Fenmag was heartbroken and wanted to slap himself twice.

A being like the Lord of the Black Tide must have more important things to do. It was his opportunity to turn his attention to himself, but he missed it because of his vigilance!

Seeing Fenmag's regretful look, Chergen shook his head and said, "Your Excellency Fenmag, you don't have to be so regretful."

"The Lord of the Black Tide is a great being who upholds justice. He will not be grudged because of trivial matters, nor will he treat you differently because of your specialness."

"No matter who can give Him what He wants or make a contribution to Him, He will never treat the contributor badly..."

"...Lord Fenmag, do you understand what I mean?"

Chergen looked at him with a chuckle.

Fenmag's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened. Finally, he looked at Chergen with expectation and said firmly: "Lord Chergen, please tell me what I should do. Fenmag will definitely connect you with the Lord of Black Tide. Keep your kindness in mind and never forget it!”

When Chergen heard this, he smiled inwardly.

Did you see it?

He still has to thank us!

Island of pleasure.

As the hinterland of the Church of Kitz and the seat of the Pope, it is naturally also the headquarters of the Church of Kitz.

Every brick and tile here embodies the "special atmosphere" of Kiz Church.

Travelers coming and going can even clearly see some female Kiz believers having sex with people on the street, making happy sounds of joy.

Indulging desires and being in harmony with desires is one of the teachings of the Church of Kizi.

At the port of Happy Island, there are many trading ships of wealthy merchants docked.

Many wealthy people visit the Island of Pleasure every day.

Of course, they did it for no other reason than to listen devoutly to Sister Kitz’s earnest teachings.

However, there is an anomaly in the port today.

A dilapidated Giz Church ship that looked like it had suffered a brutal naval bombardment.

After arriving at the Island of Joy, several believers on the ship immediately ran down in a hurry, looking anxious.

People around him couldn't help but feel curious.

Why are the members of the Kiz Church, as the leading church in this large sea area nearby, so panicked?

Did something urgent happen?

But for behemoths like the Church of Kiz, what kind of things can threaten them?

Curious glances at those around you.

Several believers had no time to explain. With anxious expressions on their faces, they quickly ran towards the central cathedral of the Island of Joy.

In the Cathedral of Kitz.

A long conference table was filled with believers and knights dressed in Kiz Church costumes.

Their clothes are all very gorgeous and revealing. Whether they are believers' clothes or knight's armor, they can outline alluring curves.

If it were normal, they might have started to "have fun".

After all, it is their tradition to have fun before the meeting. This is in line with the doctrine and very exciting. It will not be condemned by the Pope, and the other party may join in.

But the situation now is obviously different.

"The Scott area has been captured. It is a new church called the Black Tide Secret Society. The other party believes in a powerful existence born in the Black Tide - the Lord of the Black Tide."

"This Lord of the Black Tide is the one who once rose up on Magrela Island. During the dispute between us and the Natural Church, he gained control of Magrela."

The person who spoke was a very cold-looking nun. She looked to be in her late forties, but she had a good figure, which obviously suited some people's taste.

After briefly explaining the situation, she passed around the several briefing notes she had on hand.

Not long after, everyone present had already seen it.

Soon someone spoke up.

"It seems that it was premeditated."

"However, how strong can a new church be? It just so happens that when Archbishop Scott returns to the island, he can recover the lost territory."

"We just looked down on Magrella at the beginning... Hehe, we unexpectedly made this small church become a bit of a climate. We are really capable..."

The tone of this voice was very confident, with a hint of sarcasm.

Of course, his confidence is not without reason.

Again, the Church of Kiz is the leader in the large area of ​​​​the nearby sea. For a long time, it has wiped out countless spirits of faith who had different intentions to take over the territory of faith.

Naturally, there were cases where the territory of faith was lost, but they were recovered one by one and leveled against each other.

And, to be honest, the Scott area is an important area for them, and it is usually guarded by believers with angelic rank.

However, they had just experienced a defeat on the land of the Mother Goddess recently, and the archbishop stationed on the island who used to guard Scott was naturally among them, and he had not yet had time to return.

That's why he said this.

"No, the opponent can easily eliminate the three bishops stationed on the island on Scott, and at least they have angel-level combat capabilities. If they only send one archbishop, there is no guarantee that an accident will not happen."

"...His Majesty the Pope is resting, let us deal with it at this time, and there must be no mistakes."

At this time, a slightly childish voice sounded from the main seat.

This was actually a girl who looked to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old, with a face that was far more calm and composed than ordinary people.

However, her clothes and the seat she sat in showed her status.

The members of the Church of Kiz who were discussing around her did not look down on her at all, but showed her respect.

"What the Saint said makes sense."

Soon after she finished speaking, someone agreed with her in a respectful tone.

But some people also expressed their concerns.

"But the heretics of the Church of Nature have not stopped their attacks. If we don't send the archbishop, we can only..."

They didn't finish their words.

The Saint calmly said: "I will go to the Cathedral of Kiz."

Hearing this, everyone present was relieved.

Since the Saint was willing to go, then there was no suspense about this matter.


Rogge naturally didn't know what happened on the Island of Pleasure.

Correspondingly, the believers on the Island of Pleasure, including everyone in this world, didn't know that their actions had actually been "repeated" many times.

Rogge had already led the Green into the border fog.

As long as he moved in a fixed direction, he would be able to reach the place he had agreed with Doyle.

But this time his goal was not just to cross the border fog.

He also had to find some corresponding materials for refining angel potions through the randomness of the border fog.

This was obviously a very time-consuming task.

However, this was very interesting to Rogge.

Imagine driving a boat into a blind box-like sea area, where you might encounter danger or find treasures...

So Rogge was not opposed to this, but rather enjoyed it.


Slightly childish cries came one after another.

Palm-sized sea creatures with small green lanterns hanging on their heads floated in the air.

In the dark foggy night, they looked bright and dreamy, making people unconsciously intoxicated.

This is an extraordinary creature called "sea fireflies".

They are not threatening and are not aggressive.

They come from the "firefly pot" in the deep sea here, which is a kind of rock similar to life that breeds sea fireflies by itself.

Sea fireflies look very ugly in the deep sea.

But as they grow older, they will gradually rise to the sea surface, and at the same time, they will also bloom with a dreamy green light.

After rising to a certain height, their lives will end, and they will eventually fall into the sea again and sink to the bottom of the sea. Their remains will breed the "Firefly Pot" and complete a closed loop of extraordinary life...

This should be a beautiful and dreamy scene.

But Rogge sighed at this time.

Because after he used the communication potion, he knew the sadness in the childish cry.

"We are imprisoned here..."

"Even if we sink after death, our consciousness has not been lost..."

"We can only be forced to complete one reincarnation after another, and we can never leave..."

The sea fireflies are sighing, they are at a loss, and they don't know when such days will end.

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