I have a big sailing game

Chapter 320 The Sea of ​​Demons (two in one, please subscribe!)

After withdrawing his attention, Rogge continued to move forward.

There are scattered Udona villages on the seabed of the Udona Sea.

This made Rogge think about a question.

There is also a church in the Udona Sea.

And, unlike the situation in the Sea of ​​Confession, the life in the Udona Sea does not live on the island.

Udona itself is a marine life, and they are not restricted by the land of survival like humans.

Then, how many believers can the Udona Sea, which is big and small, provide faith?

The Udona God they believe in is probably a true god-level existence...

Moreover, Rogge does not think that this situation is only in the Udona Sea.

Since this world is so vast, there must be more than one intelligent creature that can live in the ocean, Udona...

So, are those guys like the Mother Goddess who are domineering in the Sea of ​​Confession... driven here by these true gods?

Rogge thought a lot, mostly some guesses.

And as he moved forward at a high speed, the direction of the demon pointer began to slowly shift.

"We're here."

Roger's eyes fixed.

Soon, he began to correct the deviation of the pointer and locked the position.

Finally, he stopped above an empty sea.

His eyes were covered by purple mysterious power.

Soon, an illusory, very strange illusory lighthouse appeared in front of him.

A blazing red flame burned on the lighthouse, and hot magma flowed. Some insect-like things were densely scattered on the wall. They kept struggling, which made people feel uncomfortable.


Above the lighthouse, there was a little devil with blood-red skin, horns on its head, sharp teeth, and a pair of small wings on its back.

It is sleeping soundly now.

And next to this lighthouse, there is a blood-red portal looming.

These scenes were all seen by Roger with mysterious authority and demigod power.

Ordinary creatures may not be able to sense its existence, let alone see it.

"Is there a role to manage the lighthouse... It seems to be a place with order..."

Roger thought.

These evil lighthouses are like teleportation points and gates. It is completely different whether there are guards on the gates or not.

Combined with the level division mentioned by Freya before, Rogge has already made a rough guess about the situation in the Demon Sea.

The situation inside will be revealed soon.

Rogge released Freya.

"We are here, let's do something."

He said it concisely.

Freya was a little confused when she was called out at first, but after seeing the demon pointer in Rogge's hand and the energy fluctuations around her, she reacted.

She responded and took the demon pointer from Rogge, and then began to use her own power to draw a ritual array pattern in the air.

Not long after, the pattern was drawn.

This ritual array in the void looks like it has a strong evil atmosphere, as if there are evil spirits roaring at all times.

Freya stretched out her finger.

Soon, a drop of blood on her fingertip penetrated the skin and oozed out, falling in the center of the ritual array.

The next moment, the ritual array was instantly activated, and the black and red light was shining.

Rogge, who was watching quietly on the side, clearly saw that the little devil guarding the evil lighthouse was instantly awakened by the energy fluctuation.

It quickly turned its back and inserted its sharp tail behind a bloody ball on the lighthouse.

With a swish, the upper and lower skin of the ball was torn, and there was still some blood. It was actually an eyeball.

Soon, the little devil controlled the eyeball to slowly turn towards the ritual array constructed by Freya.

The veins behind the eyeball bulged, bloodshot, and a scarlet light burst out from it, shining straight towards the ritual array!


[The ritual array was constructed successfully, and the guidance of the evil lighthouse has been received. ]

[You found the evil lighthouse. ]

[The demon gate has been opened! ]

Accompanied by a prompt and a strange voice, a huge energy fluctuation soon appeared in front of Rogge's eyes.

A small red dot suddenly appeared on the sea level, and then it expanded and rotated rapidly.

In the end, it became a huge red vortex gate.

At the edge, there are many hands of wronged souls formed by mist, and there are also vengeful spirits wailing and struggling in them.

This is the portal to the Demon Sea.


Rogge smiled, and then planned to fly directly in.

However, Freya on the side seemed a little timid.

"That... Lord Rogge, how about I wait for you nearby? I won't run away."

Freya looked at the gate with some fear, and waved to Rogge nervously.


Rogge rejected her request without explanation, pulled her over, and flew into the Demon Sea portal.

God knows what this little succubus is planning.

Besides, as a succubus who came out of here, Rogge still wants her to lead the way for him, how can he let her stay outside.


Gurgle gurgle ...

The blood-red hot lava kept surging and bubbling, hot gas rose, and black smoke rose.

From time to time, there were some black sharp bone claws and debris mixed in.


In midair, a corpse fell down at a high speed accompanied by blood, and fell into the magma. The flesh and blood came into contact with the high temperature and instantly turned into charcoal and gas, leaving only some extremely tough debris.


The winner in the sky was bleeding and laughing ferociously, and the spine in his hand was still bleeding.

Bang bang bang!

The demon was huge, oppressive, and ugly and ferocious.

It beat its chest hard to declare the victory of this battle, and wanted all the creatures who witnessed the battle to be intimidated by its power.

However, behind it, a huge portal suddenly appeared.

Then, a figure appeared behind it.


Before the demon even turned around to see what was going on, it was slapped into a blood mist by a slap.

[You killed the blood fist demon and gained combat experience...]

[You gained: Demon Essence Blood × 1. 】

【You got:...】

After killing, Rogge did not check the prompt carefully. Anyway, it was some useless things for him, and he could only give it to the Black Tide believers for exchange.

After retracting his hand, he looked around vigilantly.

However, there were no other guys around except the demon who blocked the door just now.

This made Rogge feel a little surprised.

He thought that the evil lighthouse of the Demon Sea was hiding a bunch of demons waiting in the fishing enforcement.

So, did this demon just happen to appear in front of him?

Rogge touched his chin.

‘One slap turned it into slag...’

Freya couldn't help swallowing her saliva. Rogge's strength was still beyond her expectations.

Or rather, it was the first time she looked directly at the power of a person of Rogge's status.

If she was not mistaken, the dead demon was at least a demon warrior, even close to a big demon.

But in front of Rogge, this guy didn't even react, and was slapped into blood slag with a slap.

This is the premise that Rogge did not use the power he had...

"Where is the demon guardian?"

Just when she was lost in thought, Rogge's questioning voice brought her back to reality.

With the previous experience of the unlucky guy, Freya's attitude became more respectful: "...Demon guardians, they usually live in demon fortresses..."

"Demon fortress..." Rogge thought for a while and looked at her: "Do you know where the nearest demon fortress is?"

Freya shook her head.

She had escaped from this ghost place a long time ago, and the place she escaped from was not here at the beginning. It would be strange if she knew the location of the demon fortress.

"Forget it, let's find it slowly."

Rogge frowned, but it was the only way.

"Fly by yourself."

After saying that, Rogge let go of her hand.

Freya was a little disappointed, but she didn't dare to complain.

Rogge took out the demon pointer again.

After confirming the direction.

He started to move in the opposite direction of the pointer.


The huge dragon wings vibrated, and Rogge moved forward at a very fast speed.

Freya followed behind with difficulty.

Along the way, Rogge was also observing the Demon Sea.

It was different from the hell scene in his imagination.

The sky of the Demon Sea was dark, spreading blood-like fog, and there was a huge single eye opened, scanning the bottom, like the sun on earth.

Rogge could see its origin.

This single eye should come from a powerful master in the Demon Sea, and he seemed to be monitoring his territory.

However, Rogge had covered himself with mysterious authority a long time ago, and the master didn't know whether he didn't see it or didn't want to care. In short, he didn't respond to Rogge...

Rogge was also happy with this.

He just came to find a demon guardian to lift the curse of Uweiye Muze, not to come to the Demon Sea to make trouble.

This powerful master didn't respond to him, which was the best thing for him, he hated trouble.

However, putting aside these purposes.

Rogge felt that this land was still quite magical.

From the perspective of pure sightseeing, the Demon Sea has a shocking "horrible beauty".

Whether it is the blood-red eye like the sun in the sky, the magma sea full of demon remains, or the hourglass-shaped lava mountain that seems to connect the sky and the ground, it will shock people who see it for the first time.

However, shocking as it is, the danger of the Demon Sea is objective.

Let's not talk about cruel creatures like demons for the time being.

The dangerous environment of the Demon Sea alone is enough to make people feel numb.

The ocean composed of lava makes it difficult to step on, the black poisonous smoke rising everywhere is spreading all the time, and the terrifying high temperature is enough to turn people's shoes and foot skin into charcoal...

Moreover, Rogge also felt a strong intrusive force in the surrounding environment.

This is the power of the curse.

If he didn't have the current powerful strength and rank power, he would have been infected by the omnipresent curse power when he first entered the Demon Sea...

Disease, weakness, pain, mental confusion...

Even Roger, who didn't know about curses, could feel the curse power floating on the surface.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if they had certain abilities, extraordinary people or believers, they would probably die if they rashly entered here.


But these are just child's play for Rogge.

As an angel with demigod power, environmental factors have little impact on him.

He only needs to release the power of "fear" to change the surrounding environment...

"Oh? A demon like a gorilla? I thought every demon in the Demon Sea had horns on his head, wings on his back, and scarlet skin..."

Rogge glanced down.

The Demon Sea is still mainly composed of magma.

However, in this magma sea, there are often some volcanic islands or black rock islands.

There are some demons of different shapes on them.

One of the demons, which looks like a gorilla, is hunting a weaker demon, so it enters Rogge's sight.

In response, Freya on the side quickly explained: "You should be referring to pure-blooded demons. Such existences are also very rare in the Demon Sea, and most of them are very powerful."

"In fact, in the Demon Sea, most of them are hybrids with a trace of demon blood. Some guys are not even hybrids, but are transformed by the curse of the Demon Sea..."

She said so.

Rogge also became interested.

So he looked at her and signaled that she could continue.

After receiving Rogge's signal, Freya was also a little happy.

"...Apart from the low-level demons transformed by the curse, the most numerous in the Demon Sea are beast demons."

"They usually have animal-like characteristics, but they have demonic instincts and are brutal and violent."

"The second is the slightly rare elemental demons. Their origins are mysterious, and they are mostly born in fixed places. They can control the power of some elements and are relatively more powerful..."

"Then there are some demons called derivatives. Most of these demons have unique bloodline abilities, such as me..."

"Finally, there are pure-blooded demons. They have existed in the Demon Sea for a very long time. They are the oldest existences and the most powerful. They control the power of the curse and are stronger than most demons when they are born..."

Freya explained to Rogge seriously.

As a native of the Demon Sea, her bloodline is considered the second tier, a "derivative demon". Except for pure-blooded demons, there are almost no demons who can compare to her, so she has gained a lot of knowledge.

Rogge also listened seriously while moving forward.

However, after listening for a while, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then stopped flying.



Freya, who followed him with all her strength, crashed directly into his back.

However, Rogge didn't care about this, but set his eyes on a volcanic island cave below.

"...Among the beast demons, are there demons in human form?"

Rogge asked while looking at the volcanic island cave.

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