I have a big sailing game

Chapter 329 A flawed person (two in one, please subscribe!)

A few days later.

There was an explosion on the sea and water splashed everywhere.

Rogge's body appeared from it, and returned to Uvier Muze's back with a calm expression.

"How's it going, boy Rogge, are you done?" Uvier Muze asked.

"Yes." Rogge nodded calmly: "Let's go and continue to Longxiang."

When Uvie Muze heard the words, he didn't ask any more questions. The last time he asked casually, he was beaten to pieces by Rogge.

Sitting cross-legged on Uviye Muze's back.

Rogge looked calm, but he was thinking about the clues he had collected in the Pearl Sea these days.

The Pearl Sea is now a barren land with no signs of normal life.

On the submarine plain, beautiful coral trees are everywhere, covered with bright and moving pearls.

In its heartland, Rogge found the ruins where the mermaid tribe once lived.

This was exactly the same scene he had seen in Naya's memory. It was obviously the same place.

There is no doubt that this is where the tragedy occurred.

However, the time is obviously not right.

This is a small problem. Rogge has long known that the scene in the cave should be a "fragment" separated from the main world.

The problem lies in what he encountered in the ruins of the mermaid tribe.

An alienated coral tree monster.

It's not very powerful, Rogge can easily destroy it with just a move of his fingers.

But he found some clues around this alienated monster.

These clues point to...the polar night stars!

This was not beyond Rogge's expectations.

In fact, after he learned this, he was able to connect everything together.

There is no doubt that the polar night stars are to blame.

The escape and alienation of the mermaid tribe should be inseparable from one person - Karabo.

The guy who planted the blood-draining rose curse on Luther.

After confessing his love to Luther to no avail, he ran away to the polar night stars.

And he himself was alienated due to the magic potion.

It is most likely the source of alienation...

Quite a coincidence.

After Rogge took a breath, he looked at the sea level in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

Scott Island, the large garden next to Kuroshio Cathedral.

This large garden was supervised by a famous gardener on the Isle of Scots and existed before the Kuroshio Cathedral was built.

The architectural style has a unique charm and the decoration is exquisite.

Needless to say, there are no need to mention the flowers among them. They are colorful and luxuriant. The fragrance that blooms every day can even drift from here to the big square of Scott.


Several children were playing among them, laughing happily.

It is worth mentioning that each of these children is ugly, with more or less defects on their face or body.

But soon, one of the children turned his attention to a beautiful tricolor flower nearby.

"Wow - what a beautiful flower..."

The little boy's eyes were shining with gold, and he couldn't help but reach out his hand to pick the beautiful three-color flower.

However, just when his hand was about to touch the flower, a slender hand pressed down a petal in front of him, revealing an angry little face.

"You disturbed Iya to sleep!"

Iya stood up with some dissatisfaction and looked at them.

As a gardener elf, she naturally likes this beautiful garden very much and often sleeps here.

The flowers here will make her feel warm and comfortable.

But there are also some headaches, and that is the children, they are too noisy.

Usually Iya leaves here in the morning, but today she overslept, so she was woken up by these children.

When the children heard her questioning, their first reaction was not anger, but their eyes widened, and then a look of extreme surprise appeared on their faces.

"Elf! It's an elf!"

"Look! Nip is not lying! I saw the elf!"

The child jumped up and down excitedly, calling to his friends everywhere.

Not long after, a large group of children quickly gathered around.

Then, some children made suggestions.

"She is so beautiful, let's take the elf home!"

"Okay, okay! Catch her and put her in a cage!"

"I'm going to make so many beautiful little clothes for her!"

The children were chattering and discussing, and one child even said that he wanted to take off Iya's clothes and have a look.

Iya's little face is getting darker and darker.

She is really angry now.

Although she likes to stay in the cabin, she has no intention of sleeping in a cage. These naughty children are really annoying!

"Oy, you are fooling around again, come here."

But at this moment, a gentle yet somewhat stern voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, the group of children immediately trembled in fright. They instantly put their previous thoughts behind and lowered their heads.

When Eya saw the person coming, she couldn't help but blinked.

This is a tall young woman whose beautiful curves cannot be concealed even by the wide black robes of a black tide believer.

However, her eyes were covered with a thick black blindfold.

However, this still cannot conceal the charm of his face. On the contrary, it gives him an indescribable sense of mystery.

Her name is Norien, the deacon of the Black Tide Cathedral in Scott.

"Did Yi Yaqian oversleep again?"

Anda followed Nuo Lian and said unhappily while looking at Yi Ya on the flower in front of her.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Ya could only smile awkwardly and blinked at her.

Then, she pressed down the petals in front of her, flapped her wings and flew up, sitting on Anda's shoulder, her snow-white feet dangling.

"These naughty kids are so bad, they want to put Yi Ya in a cage, hum."

Ya snorted in dissatisfaction, obviously complaining to the ceremonial nun Nuo Lian.

Nuo Lian just smiled slightly.

"Don't make such a mistake again next time, do you understand?"

"Apologize to Sister Yi Ya."

The group of children were obviously in awe of Nuo Lian.

After listening to Nuo Lian's lesson, they honestly apologized to Yi Ya sincerely.

"Sister Yi Ya is sorry..."

Listening to the voices of 'Sister Yi Ya', the corners of Yi Ya's mouth couldn't help but rise.

But she still snorted reluctantly: "Forget it, I'll just forgive you reluctantly."

The group of children were as if they had been pardoned, and turned around to leave, as if they were avoiding something.

However, Nolan's gentle but slightly stern voice still fell into their ears.

"Today's homework has one more item. Go back and copy the eighth paragraph of the third page of the law book fifty times. I will check it tomorrow."

"Ah..." The children immediately lowered their heads like frost-bitten eggplants.

Some children wanted to beg Nolan, but she was unmoved.

The children could only leave with sad faces and go home to do their homework.

Seeing this, Anda seemed to want to say something. After hesitating for a long time, she said: "Sister Nolan... Are these children left behind a little..."

"Unable to be cultivated?" Nolan seemed to know what she wanted to say. She shook her head gently and asked her a question: "Anda, do you think there are born bad people in this world?"

Anda subconsciously wanted to say no, but she seemed to remember something, and she hesitated and finally didn't say it.

But Nuo Lian answered her question: "If we look at it from the perspective of ordinary people, then there are indeed some."

"For example, this group of so-called 'filthy seeds'."

"Filthy seeds? What seeds?" Yiya scratched her head curiously.

She obviously didn't notice the origins of these children.

"You should go to sleep." Anda looked at Yiya on his shoulder.

"Damn Anda, how dare you look down on me!" Yiya stood up in dissatisfaction, stretched out her hand to grab Anda's little face, pretending to be vicious: "Yiya wants to know, tell me quickly!"

Before Anda spoke, Nuo Lian opened her red lips.

"They are the children abandoned when the former church fled the island."

"The members of the former church are protected by the church when they are close to each other and will not give birth to the next generation, but there is no such restriction between church members and non-church members."

"And the children born in this way seem to be cursed, causing their personalities and bodies to be born with defects, and it is very easy to become vicious...bad people."


Iya suddenly understood and showed an expression of "so that's it".

Anda looked at her in surprise. She didn't expect that this stupid elf could understand it. It's not stupid.

But she quickly retracted this idea.

"Anda, what does affinity mean?"

Iya leaned close to her ear and asked quietly.


Anda couldn't help laughing.

This stupid elf really doesn't understand anything, but he pretends to understand.

Nolian seemed to have heard it too, and couldn't help but chuckle.

But she obviously wouldn't explain this to Iya.

"Hey, Anda, tell me! Tell Iya!" Seeing that Nuo Lian was laughing, Iya got anxious and held her cheeks and shook her. "Oh, that's it..." Anda was a little shy about it, and her face was slightly red: "It's what you accidentally saw next door last time..." "Oh..." This time Iya finally understood, and hit her palm excitedly, saying: "I know!" "You mean the one with two humans stacked on top of each other, right! And the one on top poked with a big stick..." "Oh, hey, shut up!" Seeing that Iya was getting more and more outrageous, Anda's face suddenly turned red, and he covered Iya's mouth in a hurry. This made Nuo Lian on the side laugh a little. However, she seemed to have thought of something, and her face was slightly red. Iya, whose mouth was covered, could only make a whimpering sound. Anda also took the opportunity to change the subject and ease the embarrassment: "Sister Noren, if that's the case, then why do you still..."

Noren just sighed softly: "The sin is not on them. After all, they are just the bearers of sin..."

Anda was silent after hearing this.

Yes, these children are born with defects, but this is not a reason for them not to live a normal life. The root of sin does not come from themselves.

At this time, Yiya also pushed Anda's hand away.

Although she did not mention the embarrassing thing again.

But she asked another question: "Noren, what's wrong with your eyes? Why do you cover them?"

"Yiya!" Anda reached out and covered her mouth again after hearing this: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Looking after this stupid elf is really a chore!

However, Noolian obviously didn't care about this at all. She just smiled and then talked about her eyes.

Speaking of which, her blindness is inseparable from these children.

Nolene is an orphan who was raised by her teacher, an old nun.

Before the Kuroshio Church came, she lived in a corner of a remote island near Scott, a place called Warm Wind Cottage.

Her teacher has been adopting the "filthy seeds" from Scott's neighborhood for a long time, raising and teaching them.

"Filth seeds" often appear on the streets, but no one pities them and people are very indifferent to them.

Noolian didn't understand it at first, but she thought the old nun had her own reasons for doing this, so she had no objection.

Nolene was the first and eldest child adopted by the old nun.

She was just an abandoned baby and had no flaws.

Therefore, she also inherited the old nun's will and helped her take care of these children.

She thought she could live like this forever.

But until something happened, it changed her life.

A child adopted by an old nun, just because he was dissatisfied with the old nun's "preference" for other children, had evil thoughts and entered the old nun's room at night with the intention of killing her.

However, Nuo Lian discovered his move.

But the child still did not restrain himself. Not only did he seriously injure the old nun with a knife, but he also tried to kill Nuolian and blinded her during the fight.

If Nuolian hadn't had special talents, she probably wouldn't be alive now.

But the old nun died anyway.

However, before she died, the old nun still left her a message.

"Take good care of these children and don't let them go astray..."

Nolene was angry, she didn't understand.

Among the orphans, these children received a lot of love, but they still often bullied other orphans and often made mistakes. Why would the old nun still protect such children?

Norien didn't listen to the old nun's words.

She drove away all the defective children.

As expected, these children all went astray and became criminals or villains.

Until something happened that shook her idea.

Someone told her that a child who walked out of the Nuanfeng Hut tipped off a human trafficking organization and exposed her special talent. They were coming to arrest her and asked her to leave quickly.

Norien didn't believe it. She felt that the children she taught would not do this and that they were normal.

But the truth soon appeared in front of her.

The organization soon arrived, destroyed the warm wind hut, and captured her.

It turned out that Nuo Lian was already in a bad situation.

But unexpectedly, a young man from the group helped her escape.

"Sister Nuolian, run away, I can only help you so much."

He seemed to want to say something, but the situation was critical and Nuolian had no choice but to leave.

Noolian always felt that his voice was inexplicably familiar.

Two days later, the Kuroshio Secret Society came, and a series of their actions were seen by Nuo Lian.

Norien, who wanted to find the surviving children in the Nuanfeng Hut, joined the Black Tide Secret Society.

Later, she learned that the person who saved her was one of the children she expelled.

Noolian was silent. She was confused at that time and didn't know what to do.

She wanted to find an answer to a question.

The answer to this question was not found by her until not long ago.

“Is the root of sin in them, are they born guilty?”

Rogge asked Noolian in front of him.


After hesitating for a moment, Noolian shook her head.

"Then they have the right to survive and become normal people. Guiding them to the right path is exactly what we want to do."

Roger smiled.

"You actually have the answer in your mind, don't you? They just have flaws and tend to go to extremes, but it's not impossible to be led to the right path."

Rogge stood up and patted her shoulder: "You don't have to worry about it. The secret society will do this. You have reason not to go."

"No one is qualified to help you forgive, including me."

"You must remember to take care of yourself first, and then take care of others."

He smiled and left the church.

Noolian looked at his back blankly...

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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