I have a big sailing game

Chapter 331 Desolate Destruction (two in one, please subscribe!)

Rogge withdrew his gaze indifferently.

There was no fluctuation in his mood.

The story of Thievesefolo is very touching, and he is also a very affectionate person.

However, Rogge did not sympathize with him.

Although Tivisevro was an extremely affectionate person, he was also the emperor of an empire.

Leaving everything behind and leading everything into desolation regardless of the life and death of his subjects, Tivisevro was undoubtedly a sinner.

However, you have to look at things from both sides.

For Tivisevro, perhaps he knew that what he did was wrong, and the subjects of the Tromala Empire should not bear the pain of losing his wife.

…But Tivisefro doesn’t care.

"My Tromara, where are you..."

In the monstrous yellow sand, such a voice sounded, and together with the demigod aura, there was also a faint hoarse whisper...

To him, Tivisefulo was everything to him.

Empire, subjects, power, fame, everything is illusion!


The violent low roar swept across the entire sand sea!

The huge body of Tivisefulo also completely appeared in front of Rogge.

This is a monster as tall as a mountain.

It is shaped like a giant scorpion, with four legs and two pincers, a huge tail needle, a pair of huge human hands and feet, and its body is covered with downy carapace and spikes.

The most eye-catching thing is its head, which looks like a human but has huge scorpion-like jaws on both cheeks.

On top of its head, there is what looks like a broken imperial crown, but is actually just the spikes that characterize the monster.

There is no emperor wearing a crown here, just... desolation!

There was a void in his pupils, as if only some instinct and obsession remained.

"Tromala is waiting for me..."

His empty eyes fell on Rogge in front of him, and his voice suddenly became crazy and violent.

"Don't stand in front of me!"

In an instant, yellow sand and storm surged violently, and the desolate power that extinguished life overwhelmingly attacked Rogge, intending to annihilate all living creatures.

This is a desolate force that extinguishes vitality, with extremely strong corrosive power, almost distorting the air.

Rogge had already expected his sudden outburst.

As opponents of the same level, the power of the two levels almost cancels each other out.

However, Rogge is now in the home of the desolate controller of Tivisefulo, and his main body level is only an angel. The power he can maintain with him comes from Heissatan, not himself.

Therefore, in the competition of rank power, Rogge is slightly at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, Tivisevro himself is a real demigod creature. In addition to the power of rank, the power of desolation he uses is also at the demigod level.

Rogge's power of destruction alone is extremely difficult to contend with.

However, Rogge did not intend to fight against him.

To use your main body to confront Him one-on-one is to lose your mind and to be on the same level as Him.

His soul, which was leaning over Heissatan, only did two things at this moment!

First, let the fearful monsters in the black tide go up to resist without fear of death.



Rogge's eyes were calm and he whispered two words.

If Heissatan were to use his power on his body, there would be no doubt that he would have a hard time fighting.

But he's not that stupid yet.

What to do one-on-one? Shake the clone over and start a group fight with justice!


Countless black tide monsters struggled to stand up from the black tide, and then rushed towards Tivisefulo.

When they came into contact with the desolate force enveloping the yellow sand, each one of them lost their vitality in an instant and dissipated into nothingness.

But even so, they still charged forward one after another wildly.

The controllers of the Desolation have no reason, and neither do these fearful monsters!

Moreover, their number is endless.

As long as Heissatan still has remaining strength and faith, they will not stop charging!

This undoubtedly curbed Tivisefulo's progress to a certain extent.

He went crazy, roared, swung his pincers, and every attack made the sea of ​​sand tremble.

However, the black tide seems to be cutting endless fluids in front of Him. Even if it is destroyed by the desolation, it will recover in an instant, and it will continue to make a comeback.

If he is a qualified demigod, then he should not be able to compete with Kuroshio and consume his own power at this time.

But he is not the conscious Tivisefulo, but the controller of the desolation...

In the realm of the black tide, gaps in the void began to open one after another in mid-air, and countless black tentacles spread from them into reality.

They all come from the place where the Lord of the Black Tide meets, a mysterious and terrifying space that belongs exclusively to Heissatan.

They - open the way for the Lord!


A shocking buzzing sound sounded, and under Kuroshio's worship and welcome, a huge crack appeared.

It tears apart the space, like an open eye of the abyss. Mysterious air and fear flow out of it, mixing with the air of the main world.

One tentacle after another protruded from the Eye of the Abyss and pressed on the edge of the crack, using it as support... Fear came!



Countless crazy fearful creatures let out extremely exciting roars as they welcomed their supreme master!

In the black tide, that huge and majestic figure finally appeared at this moment!

The Lord of the Black Tide is here!

The huge master was facing the desolate controller in the yellow sand.

The terrifying aura made the desolate controller unable to ignore its existence.

But He became more violent because of this.


"All those who block it must die!"

Tivisefro roared furiously, the sand sea trembled, his mouth opened wide, and his crazy eyes stared directly at Heisatan.

Two demigods confronted each other!

"Damn..." Uweyemuzer, who was far behind, looked at this scene and felt extremely shocked.

"Is this still the pet of Rogge?"

"No... This is him!"

Uweyemuzer's shock was indescribable.

It was in Rogge's black tide area at this time, and everything around it made it instinctively feel threatened.

But Rogge naturally couldn't have the intention to kill it, so it was very safe.

It was also able to see the arrival of the Lord of the Black Tide at this time.

The majestic figure was shrouded in mystery and surrounded by fear. No one could see his true appearance, because he was the incarnation of mystery.

Everything around was boiling, the black tide was cheering, this was their Lord, their only... God!

At this time, Wuweiyemuze recalled a question that Rogge had asked him before.

That is, can his clone walk on the road of faith alone...

Now it seems that he has succeeded perfectly!

With an angel-level body, he controls a demigod-level creature, relying on a strand of his soul!

"What is the origin of this kid... ..."

Wuweiyemuze couldn't help but guess Rogge's origin at this time.

It now feels that its previous guess is likely to be correct.

Rogge, this kid, is likely to be a terrifying ancient existence... revived!

Otherwise, all this is so difficult to explain.

"... Horror."

Wuweiyemuze could only spit out these two words to describe the trembling in his heart.

But soon, he couldn't help but get excited.

It was because of the prophecy of the tribe that he got in touch with Rogge at first.

Later, after learning a little, it just felt that Rogge was very talented and might be of great use in the future.

But it didn't expect that after a good sleep...

It has become a big shot of this guy!


Uweyemuzer suppressed his inner ecstasy.

As a former street urchin of the dragon clan, it has good strength, but no big responsibility.

Rogge has suddenly become a big shot from a former human boy, and he has a good relationship with Rogge. This is simply God's help!

Rogge is too strong!


From now on, we will talk about our own things. You call me Lao Wu and I call you Big Brother!

Uweyemuzer was very excited.

Rogge, who was on the battlefield, naturally didn't know what Uweyemuzer was thinking.

His attention was on the desolate controller in front of him, concentrating on thinking about how to deal with the guy in front of him.

Although he had no reason, he still had instincts and the obsession of Tivisefro.

Just relying on this point, Rogge couldn't kill him easily.

Because every demigod is an existence that has ignited the fire!

Moreover, Tivisefro became even crazier and more dangerous because of losing his mind, just like a wild beast that lost its mind. His unreserved craziness made him not care about his own life.

But the most important point is that this monster that lost its mind... will not feel fear!

This made Heisatan's one ultimate killing ability useless, so he must not be careless!

"Consume his power."

Rogge quickly and calmly gave a countermeasure.

Fear cannot be imposed on him, and close combat is even more dangerous. In this case, he will consume his power with endless fear objects!

After making up his mind, Rogge started to act without hesitation.

"Servants of fear... move forward!"

Heisatan's low voice seemed to echo in the abyss.

With an order, countless fear objects were born more crazily from the black tide, rushing towards the desolate controller one after another.

"Desolate, will destroy everything!"

The desolate controller roared to the sky.

The power of extinction turned into a concrete air blade, enveloping the storm and the yellow sand, without reservation, destroying all the fearful things that attacked.

This terrifying demigod war lasted for a long time.

The yellow sand and the black tide were in direct confrontation.

The crazy demigod didn't care about anything at all. He only focused on the present and wanted to tear apart all obstacles.

Time passed, the fog was swirling, and Rogge's power of faith was also fading rapidly.

"Rogge boy, the fog is surging!"

Uweyemuzer showed up and shouted to remind him.

The voice fell into Rogge's ears, and he couldn't help but split a little bit of his mind.

Then he keenly noticed that the surrounding fog began to surge.

The message appeared in the prompt bar again.

Uweyemuzer was right, the fog tide was about to start again!

The supreme regular power would not let anyone go, including the demigod.

If he didn't solve the trouble in front of him, he would most likely be transferred to another place by the desolate controller and the sea of ​​sand.

In this case...

Rogge looked at the Desolate Controller in front of him. At this moment, he had already inevitably had scars on his body, and the consumption was very effective.

After consuming for so long, he couldn't wait any longer.

"The Emperor of Tromala..."

"It's time to get going!"

Rogge said coldly.

With a move of will, the majestic body of Heisatan beside him disappeared in an instant, wrapped in mysterious power.


With the sound of a huge collision, the sharp blade of the Black Tide Master slashed across the carapace on the back of the Controller of Desolation, shattering it!


The controller of the wilderness screamed in pain instinctively, and the golden blood of the demigods fell into the yellow sand. When it blended with it, the yellow sand began to squirm, as if spirituality was about to be born.

But soon, the black tide swallowed it up.

The controller of the desolation was so furious that he turned his head and waved his giant claws, tearing wildly at Heissatan.

However, the master of the black tide did not dodge or dodge, his tentacles and sharp blades kept pace with each other, and they attacked in a staggered manner. It was also a fight that was not afraid of death, and the blood of the gods was spilled.


At this moment, the two demigods chose the most primitive way of hand-to-hand combat. Their fists hit the flesh, and their swords were bloody and scarred.

The Controller of Desolation, who had consumed a lot of power, was still ferocious, but his strength was greatly reduced, and he was firmly suppressed by Heisatan.

Rogge's strategy is absolutely correct.

Under the consumption of the fearful things, the powerful controller of the wilderness will inevitably be exhausted. If it continues, Rogge will probably only need to spend a lot of faith to exhaust its power and easily complete the harvest.

But the border fog will not give Rogge this time. He must kill this demigod as soon as possible and leave here!

Heissatan is fighting to the death against the controller of the desolation.

Naturally, Rogge was not idle either.

He was suspended in the air and closed his eyes tightly. The wings of destruction behind him received a large amount of power of faith coming from the black tide space, and the power was sublimating at a crazy speed.

With the help of the power of faith, the power of destruction can be temporarily transformed to the level of demigod, and kill him in one fell swoop!


After a while, the golden power of faith was interrupted.

Rogge's appearance also changed dramatically at this time.

His face was covered with mysterious dark yellow lines of destruction, like the judgment angel of the Kingdom of God. The wings of destruction behind him solidified at this time, and the surging power was almost uncontrollable.

He opened his eyes.

His eyes have become as bright as gold, and spirituality and power flow out unconsciously, turning into flowing light without a trace of human splendor.

He raised his hand, and the destructive power condensed to the top was compressed into an extremely small point.

The next moment——

"Desolation...destruction at this moment!"


The bright dark yellow power of destruction flew at high speed, piercing the black tide and tearing apart the desolation.

The instinct of the demigod made the controller of the wasteland aware of the incoming terrifying power, but the mysterious power extended by Heissatan blurred his energy. The power of fear also acted on his body at this time, making it difficult to move. .

The power of the demigod realm is powerless at this moment, and can only watch helplessly as it lands accurately on the back of the controller of the wilderness...

He, who was fighting Heisatan, suddenly stopped.


The carapace of the crown on the head of Tivisefulo shattered at this moment.

The empty eyes once again regained their luster.

It is Tevisephorus, Tevisephorus of Tromara.

There was no regret or annoyance in his eyes, and there was no fear of death.

Only the sadness of loneliness remains...


It seems that the obsession condensed into shape.

The yellow sand flying all over the sky is like a paintbrush, condensing one majestic building after another.

Beside the towering and illusory gorgeous throne, a dignified and gentle woman whose face could not be seen slowly raised her hand towards him...


Seeing this situation, he suddenly felt relieved, with only a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

"finally found you……"


The huge demigod's body shattered like broken ceramics and was annihilated in the sea of ​​sand.


The sea of ​​sand also disappeared at this moment, the seawater poured in, and the fog gradually rose.

Desolation finally ushered in annihilation...

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