I have a big sailing game

Chapter 339 The Story of the Giant (two in one, please subscribe!)


Over the crumbling Samipa Icefield, Lotharine couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Hearing his sigh, Uweye Muze thought that he was feeling sorry for the Samipa family, and couldn't help but said: "Senior Lotharen, these guys are purely responsible for themselves."

"I know……"

Lotharine nodded, but there was something in his heart that he didn't say.

Although the current situation of the Samipa family was largely due to their own fault, he still couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Of course, that's all.

Lotharine is a kind-hearted dragon, but he is not so compassionate that he would risk everything for the Samipa family.

If it were not for Rogge, the True God's skull would inevitably break through the Samipa Icefield after his death, which would definitely lead to even greater disasters.

He came here to suppress the True God Skull, and it was never just for the Samipa family.

But those Samipa people who know nothing about the truth are innocent after all...

Seeing Lotharen's appearance, Uviye Muze stopped discussing this topic with him. Instead, he looked at Rogge and said with some disbelief: "Boy Rogge, did you really take that true god's skull?" Suppressed?"

"How did you do that?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Upon hearing Uviye Muze's inquiry, the son of Odogan on the side couldn't help but whimper, and his shock could be seen in his eyes.


To this, Rogge just responded calmly.

When Uvie Muze heard this, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to inquire. He muttered a few words about how this kid would tell the truth and said nothing more.

Lotharine couldn't help but glance at Uvier Muze, and you're not sure he can suppress that true god's skull?

Then you still dare to swear to me?

Seeing Lotharen's eyes, Uvie Muze coughed and deliberately pretended not to see it.

"... Rogge, I have a request." Lotharine didn't care too much about what happened before, but looked at Rogge: "I hope to go with you, and I will take action when necessary. In any case, this A piece of True God's skull will never break through the suppression."

Don’t worry, let alone the True God’s skull, it’s the True God’s corpse. As long as it’s put in the inventory and I don’t take it out, it won’t even think about running away...

Rogge thought.

But thinking that way, he still kept his face normal and nodded: "Okay, I will take good care of this true god's skull."

If you can rely on this true god's skull to make Lotharine follow you all the time, then you will make a lot of money!

Unlike Doyle, who is a parallel import, Lotharine is a genuine demigod-level combat power!

Naturally, the more helpers like this, the better!

After ending this topic, Rogge once again set his sights on the Samipa Icefield below.

Samipa's destruction was a complete tragedy. Without him, the True God's Skull would have been acquired by Odogan's son, and their eventual destruction would still be inevitable...

However, he doesn't care about this.

He just needs to help Uviye Muze accomplish what it wants to accomplish.

"It's time to go to Longxiang."

After Rogge finished speaking, he turned around, and the black tide also took away the imprisoned son of Odogan.

With a ready-made hostage like the son of Odogan in his hands, Rogge naturally planned to squeeze out every ounce of his value.

But this guy's bones look pretty strong.

"Oh, you want me to betray my father, the great master of the Giant Country. There is no possibility at all. I am the son of Odoan, the eldest son of the Giant Country. I have the best blood and wisdom..."


Uvier Muze slapped it down with his paw, beating it to pieces.

"Stop fucking farting! Speak quickly! Otherwise I will tear you bastard in half right now!"

When he heard the words "Hometown of Giants", Uviye Muze's temper suddenly rose.

A bunch of damn giant bastards, how dare they show off their authority in front of the magpie's nest!

"Hmph, you won't kill me!" Odogan's son's eyes showed a little contempt and pride in his own wisdom: "You want to threaten my great father with me. I am your important bargaining chip, so you He will never kill me."

After saying this, another head followed closely and took up the topic.

"The land of giants is full of my powerful compatriots. Each of them has a top bloodline and has incredible bloodline abilities. Even if you enter, you will die."

"If you let me go, then..."

Before it finished speaking, Rogge frowned and covered its mouth.

It seems that this guy was indeed born not long ago. Although he looks normal, he is actually mentally immature and extremely noisy.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Rogge said calmly.

Then, he raised his right hand, and a mysterious purple power condensed on the pad of his index finger, slowly moving towards the eyebrows of Odoan's son.

This is a little extraordinary trick he got from Doyle. Using the power of faith to temporarily improve it, he can easily cope with the current situation... and obtain part of Odoan's memory.

However, the price is that he will die.

What is this? !

Seeing Rogge's index finger getting closer and closer to his eyebrows, one of the heads of Odogan's son couldn't help but feel terrified, and his pupils tightened.

What is he going to do? !

The head pointed at was very frightened and kept whimpering, but could not speak.

Rogge didn't intend to waste time with it, and directly pointed his finger down.


The moment Rogge's index finger touched the forehead of the son of Odoan, he rolled his eyes and twitched his body, as if his brain stem was pulled out.

A moment later, Rogge opened his eyes, retracted his hand, and threw his body aside.

"You killed it?" Uweyemuzer was a little surprised, but he didn't care too much about it. After all, if Rogge didn't kill it, it would do it: "How is it, did you get any news?"

Although it didn't ask, it knew that Rogge would not do something meaningless.

Rogge didn't speak.

He closed his eyes again, as if he was digesting these memories.



Accompanied by blood and mucous membranes, the blurred vision gradually became clear.

Then, a pair of big hands hugged Odoan.

This was a huge giant with two heads. It was naked, and mysterious lines and patterns grew on its rough skin.

"My child... You are Odoan's child... My eldest son... This is the greatest miracle!"

Its expression seemed extremely excited and excited, and its voice trembled.

"What the God of Stars said is indeed right. As long as I touch it, it will give me strength to remove this damn blood shackle..."

It turned its head and looked at a place, and Odoan's son also looked over with it.

However, what caught his eye was a dark red weird flesh and blood bed, on which seemed to be a humanoid creature, but its body had completely condensed into one with the flesh and blood bed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Nemirs..."

"You are a great mother, the source of all two-headed giants... Mother of Giants."

"In the future, all two-headed giants will sing your name loudly and remember your greatness..."

Odoan's voice sounded with emotion.


As time passed, the Mother of Giants and Odoan stayed in the room almost day and night.

Odoan's eldest son rarely saw his father, but he knew clearly that he had more and more brothers and sisters.

As his brothers and sisters increased, the smile on Odoan's face also increased. In addition, there was an increasingly vigorous ambition and desire!

"I will build a kingdom of giants!"

The eldest son of Odoan often heard this sentence from his father.

As the number of brothers and sisters increased, his father became more and more excited.

Until this day...


"Damn it! Why, why is this!"

Odoan was furious. The eldest son of Odoan only heard the sound of things being thrown in the room. A moment later, he walked out with blood on his hands.

It was the first time that the eldest son of Odoan saw his father so furious, and he was very afraid.

However, his father quickly regained his sanity and entered the room where the mother of giants was again.

However, as time passed, Odoan was surprised to find that his brothers and sisters were no longer increasing, and his father's anger was increasing.

Until one day, his father walked out with a gloomy face.

What he said made the eldest son of Odoan and other brothers and sisters feel extremely stunned.

"My son, I order you to take your brothers into the room and leave your blood on the mother of giants."

The eldest son of Odoan was shocked.

Although he did not understand the ethical relationship, he instinctively felt awe for the mother of giants, just like he did for his father Odoan.

However, he did not dare to disobey his father's order.

Not long after, the children of the eldest son of Odoan and his brothers were born, and they had an extra head on their shoulders.

They were weaker in strength and wisdom than the first batch of brothers and sisters, and perhaps they could no longer be called two-headed giants.

The father was extremely disappointed, but he did not say anything more, just let them leave the room where the mother of giants was.

However, the eldest son of Odoan found that his sisters were missing.

And in the tribe, there were some flesh and blood beds for them to use out of thin air...


Since the eldest son of Odoan could remember, they had been living in the cave and had never left here.

The giants were growing in numbers, and father Odoan would leave the cave from time to time, often with a gloomy face and inexplicable rage.

Since the eldest son of Odoan had no more brothers and sisters, he left more often.

Until one day, his father brought back a strange egg.

He smashed the egg, ate it up, and then entered the room of the mother of giants.

Not long after, the eldest son of Odoan found that he had a younger brother.

This brother did not have an extra head like his children, but his strength and blood were weaker than when they were young.

However, father Odoan seemed very excited.

"Yes, if that's true..."

"By devouring the dragon, I can give birth to a new bloodline..."

The father's excited voice made the eldest son of Odoan remember it.

Since then, his father began to bring back huge eggs from time to time.

Occasionally, he would drag back some huge corpses, devour their hearts and flesh, and even bones.

They would also get some leftovers from time to time.

Then... its brothers and sisters will increase again.

The two-headed giant tribe has found a way to grow stronger again!


"It's time..."

"That group of old things have fallen into a deep sleep. This is a great opportunity. I will conquer Dragon Country and turn every powerful dragon in it into nutrients for my new bloodline..."

Father Odoan's ambition was fully revealed at this moment.

And it was at this moment that Odoan's eldest son learned that the flesh and blood his father had been devouring were the eggs and corpses of dragons.

They are about to conquer Dragon Country.

But before that, Odoan did another thing.

It devoured its grandchildren and turned every defective two-headed giant offspring into its nutrients.

"...My descendants, I will become stronger because of you. With your power, I can conquer Dragon Country..."

"The giant tribe will remember your sacrifice..."

This is what father Odoan told them, and it seemed to tell it himself.

After devouring his offspring.

The father became more powerful.

It led his children out of the underground cave for the first time, across the sea, and came to the hometown of dragons.

There are islands suspended in the air everywhere, and on them are the nests of dragons.

And below, is the most fertile island with extremely rich resources, and great dragon buildings one after another, connecting the sea and the land.

But the purpose of his father bringing it here is obviously not to make friends.

"Kill every dragon and conquer this land!"

Odoan roared.

It led his offspring to a fierce war with the dragons in the Dragon Country.

The war lasted for a long time.

The crashed dragon nest, the devastated land, the bloody corpses, and... humans who did not know where they came from.

Finally, they won the war, and there were only a few dragons left in the Dragon Country, and only a few were kept in captivity by them.

Of course, there were a few who escaped, but they were still hunted to death by them.

So far, the two-headed giant ruled the entire Dragon Country.

After such a tragic war, there were few two-headed giants left.

There were not many brothers left of Odoan's son.

One of his father Odoan's heads was also bitten off by a dragon, and the wound was hideous.

But it was not heartbroken.

After the war, Odoan stepped on the corpse of a giant dragon, cut out the dragon's heart with his bare hands, raised his head and drank the dragon's blood, devouring the flesh and blood.

"My descendants, devour this delicious nutrient, and then spread your blood into the bodies of every giant mother, so that they can give birth to more compatriots!"

"I will build a giant country, let the glory of the two-headed giant replace the dragon, and spread the honorable name to every corner of the world!"

Odoan's face was ferocious, and he roared, resounding throughout the dragon country.

The giant country was built by stepping on the corpses scattered all over the dragon country...

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