I have a big sailing game

Chapter 365 A Qualified King (Two in one, please subscribe!)

What I saw was darkness, coldness and death.

In my ears, there was only the sound of liquid dripping on the ground.

Scarlet blood was floating in the air around them, waving its claws and teeth, as if trying to break through the cage.

However, Rogge's power imprisoned them firmly.

This was the manifestation of pain.

The black and red blood dripping on the ground was the interweaving of pain and pollution, condensed into substance.

Rogge looked into the distance silently, looking at the center of the palace.

It was a huge and simple throne.

On the throne was an extremely tall but skinny man.

A giant sword with traces of decay was inserted into the floor in front of him, also corroded by black blood.

His two withered palms hung weakly on the armrests of the throne, and black and red blood kept dripping from his fingers.


Mira was stunned, with disbelief in her eyes.

At this time, the young king could no longer see the heroic spirit of the past. His flesh and skin were like a mummy stuck to his skull, and his deep eye sockets were numb.

Kadi seemed unable to respond to anyone.

Even though the people in front of him were his former captain and crew.

"Rogge, what's going on?"

Lina couldn't help but look at Rogge.

"It's pollution." Zidong, who was in a low mood, said: "... With the arrival of the big wave, the most terrifying threat is not monsters, but the pollution that is hard to prevent..."

"They erode reason and flesh, causing endless pain and torture..."

"In order to give everyone hope and will to live... the king... erected a statue."

"Whenever the polluted people pray to the statue, their pain will be reduced, and they will even recover and return to normal..."

At this point, Zidong closed his eyes in pain.

"But the pain and pollution did not disappear out of thin air."

"Instead...all of them were transferred to the king..."

Hearing this, everyone's heart was suddenly hit by a heavy hammer.

It turned out that the reason why those civilians prayed to the statue of Kadi was to calm their physical and mental pain.

But this pain was transferred to Kadi, and he had to bear it.

The reason Kadi is like this now is that he is bearing the pain of everyone on the entire Ozurik Island with his own strength!

The monsters in the big wave are already extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for people to resist.

If Kadi does not do this, then pollution and pain will be rampant, and Ozurik may fall at a very fast speed...

This is a helpless move, and it is also a drop in the bucket.

Kadi has a limit to his bearing. Even if he becomes a king beyond ordinary people because of the sword of Odakiro, he cannot bear the increasing pain and pollution.

But he must do this.

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight."

"You are a qualified king, Kadi."

Rogge spoke in a deep voice and slowly stepped forward.

Tentacles extended from the black tide, and the tip of the tentacles reached the numb top of Kadi's head, carefully picking it off.

"Next, leave it to the captain."

As Rogge's voice fell.

The endless pain and pollution that lost the suppression of the crown instantly burst out from Kadi's tall and skinny body.

The black and red air flow was mixed with blood-like liquid, trying to escape with an extremely frenzied breath.

And Rogge just raised his hand slightly and clenched his hand.

Silently, all the pain and pollution were compressed in an instant, and finally condensed into a small ball.

Then, the dark yellow destructive force completely submerged it...


"King... I am in so much pain..."

"My spirit seems to be eaten by wild beasts, and my body seems to be burned by flames..."

"Save me... Save me..."

Screaming, wailing, crying.

The endless wail was like a maggot on the tarsal bone, tightly wrapped around Kadi's ears, eroding his few remaining sanity.

Kadi felt as if he was trapped in endless pain.

Those powerless moments kept repeating in front of him.

"King... It's up to you next..."

The voice of Shadow Chief before his death rang in his ears again and again.

"King, my brother died in the battle, my wife died of illness, and now my son has also contracted a strange disease. I beg you... to save him..."

The loyal warriors only bleed on the battlefield and never shed tears, but now they kneel in front of him and cry and beg.

"When will this day... end..." "There is no hope, the Thousand Island Kingdom... is going to die..." "We have no chance of winning..."

The square was filled with grief, and the despair in the air seemed to have condensed into substance.

"What should I... do..."

"Is the Thousand Island Kingdom... really going to die..."

Kadi looked at his broad palms, which could obviously smash the monster's head with one palm, but at this moment he felt deeply powerless...

The heavy crown on his head seemed to be about to crush his tall body.

“We must not allow the pain and despair to continue to spread…”

“I will bear the pollution!”

The young king clenched his large and powerful palm into a fist, and spoke with a resolute voice.

The ministers around him advised him, but no one agreed to this proposal.

“Absolutely not!”

“King! You are the last line of defense! Without the king, how can the Thousand Islands Kingdom exist!”

He just shook his head.

"The kingdom does not exist because of the king."

"If everyone has no hope in their hearts, that is the real destruction of the country and the extinction of the race..."

As he said this, he took off the gorgeous crown on his head, wiped the dust off it, and smiled.

"Since they are still willing to call me king in the face of such a disaster, then..."

"I should always do what a king should do..."



The heavy door was locked. In the worried eyes of the people outside, Kadi watched the last ray of light disappear from his eyes with a firm look...

In the end, there was only endless darkness.

Kadi took several deep breaths before he could calm down.

He inserted the sword of Odakiro in his hand into the floor and began to cast layer after layer of secret techniques.

After doing everything, he sat on the throne and closed his eyes.

As a strange force came, his skin began to feel severe pain from time to time.

This made Kadi sweat all over, but he gritted his teeth, grasped the hilt of the sword of Odakiro, and his body swelled, bursting out the power of resistance.

However, with waves of severe pain coming.

The severe pain gradually intensified, and the pollution became more and more serious.

Finally, the roar of pain echoed in this sealed palace.

However, once the pain and pollution began, they would not stop, they would only increase.

After the pain reached the extreme and the strength was exhausted, Kadi's consciousness gradually blurred.

His hands fell weakly on both sides of the throne, and black and red blood began to drip along the cracked skin.

'It hurts so much... I shouldn't have been so stubborn earlier...'

"Alas, I have such an idea again... It's really embarrassing. I am not suitable to be a king. I don't have the spirit of a king at all..."

'But this should make them feel better...'

Kadi smiled bitterly.

Then, he began to endure more and more pain and pollution.

In the long-term pain and consumption, not only physical strength, but also Kadi's spirit, reason, and even soul... began to be worn away.

Gradually, he could not think.

He could not even understand why he felt pain and why he was here.

Everything was worn away in the fight against pollution and pain.

In the end, the king, surrounded by pain and pollution, had completely lost contact with his body.

His soul gradually disappeared, leaving only an incomplete obsession...

'Hold on... wait... for them...'

Kadi's consciousness, just like when he encountered the legendary giant beast Mokuto a few years ago, was about to sink into the bottomless sea...



The loud thunder was like a heavy hammer hitting a drum, awakening the sleeping soul.

Kadi seemed to have finally woken up from this endless nightmare.

However, the strangeness from his senses made him feel a little unbelievable.

Not only could he not see or hear, but he also had no hands, feet, or perception, only a very vague perception.

What is going on...?

"King? Ladi? Kadi? Intern?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice seemed to sound from his soul, which startled him.

"Mira?" He responded subconsciously, but soon fell into confusion. The voice was very familiar, but he felt at a loss: "...Who are you?"

"Who am I?"

Hearing his response.

A big stone fell from Mira's heart: "He is still alive."

Hearing her words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The king's soul... is in this pen?"

Zidun looked at the pen standing on the page with some disbelief.

Mira nodded and sighed slightly.

"In addition to the body, his soul is almost wiped out. In this case, even the captain may find it difficult to completely repair it."

"The body of an ordinary person cannot carry his remaining soul."

"This should only be a stopgap measure. The captain should think of a better way later."

Zidun heard this and his face was gloomy.

If conditions permit, he naturally wants to see his king again with his own eyes.

But, the current situation may be the best result.

"The king... can finally rest in peace."

Zidong sighed.

He is not much different from Kadi in age, and was also ordered to lead the extraordinary people of Ozurik to resist.

He can better understand what kind of terrible weight Kadi, the young king, has on his shoulders.

Now, although he has lost his body and most of his soul, it is also a good thing to avoid pain and pollution in this way.

Thinking of this, he looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky was filled with black clouds raging in thunderstorms, but it made people feel strangely at ease.

"... The king mentioned to me in his rare leisure time that when he was still a poet, he met a powerful and unique captain..."


After saying this, he seemed a little speechless, not knowing what to say to describe the shock that Rogge gave him.

In the end, he could only exhale and say a sentence with emotion.

"...I thought about the stagnation of the big wave and the arrival of accidents."

"But I didn't expect that this disaster would end in this way..."

After saying this, he looked up at the sky again.

The thunderstorm with black clouds still raged, and naturally the figure who saved the five seas from the water and fire could not be seen.

However, this allowed people to glimpse a little bit, a corner of the legendary powerful man...


Above the sea, waves beat, and thunderstorms raged.

The huge body of the beast, as big as a mountain, was covered with dark brown condensation, which was filled with a large number of dense holes. Countless hideous and sticky sea monsters shuttled through it, making unpleasant roars.

But they roared because their lives were threatened and they felt uneasy.

Because, above the ocean in the distance, a man in a black robe was standing, and the sea breeze blew the corner of his clothes.

[Honeycomb Reef Mountain - Mokueito]

[Type: Legendary Creature]

[Quality: Dominant]

[Level: 73]

[Rank: Angel]

[Description: A reef mountain beast that grew up in the five seas, instinctively gave it the responsibility to protect the five seas, but with the arrival of the big waves, the five seas are no longer as beautiful as before, and this beast that protects the sea has also become the hideous appearance it is today due to pollution...]


The terrifying roar came from the deep sea, and Mokueito's body stood up again. There were countless fine saw teeth in his big mouth, and the stench of corpses was mixed in the gaps.

The eyes that were originally like lighthouses were now replaced by darkness and ominousness, wrapped in a thick layer of blood scabs, and crazy monsters climbed on them and gnawed their flesh and blood.

Its lower limbs were also parasitized by countless sticky tentacles, which kept swinging.

Those things were the product of barnacles being polluted.

The former Mokueito was as old as the deep sea, with a heavy feeling of time.

Now, it is only mad and ominous, with a disgusting face and loss of reason. It has completely lost the appearance of the guardian beast of the five seas...

Looking at the unrecognizable beast in front of him, Rogge sighed slightly in his heart.

He still remembers that when the Starry Sky Dragon City fell in the past, because of the starry sky monster above, Mokuito rushed thousands of miles to fight, just to protect the five seas.

However, who could have thought that because of the arrival of the big wave, the whole sea has changed, and Mokuito... has also been polluted and eroded, becoming a mobile fortress of monsters.

The source of pollution near Ozurik Island comes from it.

Rogge shook his head slightly, and then raised his hand.

"Let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, the black tide surged.

Countless terrifying things and black tides almost covered the entire sea, completely surrounding the polluted Mokuito.

It let out countless strange roars with overlapping sounds, and charged towards the black tide frantically.

However, this is just a fight of trapped beasts.

The dark yellow destructive force gathered, like a beam of morning sun, and fell on Mokuito, the former guardian of the five seas.

Instantly, the giant beast wailed, and the disgusting monsters turned into ashes...

After a while, the black tide slowly disappeared, and the thunderstorm gradually subsided.

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