I have a big sailing game

Chapter 372 Ocean, Earth, Life, Wisdom (Two in one, please subscribe!)

[His whole body is made of blue water, and he exudes a calm and gentle aura. 】

[This seems to be a very easy-to-get-together kindred spirit. 】

[You are full of curiosity about Him and have the idea of ​​communicating with Him. 】

[And He seemed to have noticed your presence, and soon looked at you. 】

[You learned from the conversation that he is the being who controls the ocean, called Sennavia. 】

[Same as your perception, He is easy to get along with, and at the same time he is knowledgeable and knows many truths. 】

[It was also through his teachings that you learned your true name - Mopulos from your own strength. 】

"Mepros...the Whisperer's true name."

Roger muttered to himself.

Whether it was the information given by the blood essence of the ancestral dragon or the exceptions in various classics, he had never heard of these two names.

It is obvious that these two powerful beings are buried in history.

[Senavia has a very good relationship with these newly born lives. He likes them very much and allows them to grow and survive in his own domain. 】

[You also learned from him about the existence in charge of these lives and the close friend who was born with Senavia - Life Authority Inoto. 】

[However, Senavia tells you that these lives were not created by Inoto, but appeared with him when he was born, just like the sea water around Senavia. 】

[You understand, these lives are like the dreams that accompany you. Although they are controlled by you, they are not created by you. 】

[At this point, a question can’t help but pop up in your mind. 】

[Since these things that continue to fill the world are not created by you, the embodiment of authority, then who really created them? 】

[And who created you, the embodiment of authority? 】

[When you asked this question, Senavia, who was erudite and well-informed in your impression, also fell into a rare silence, and only told you after a long time that he did not know the answer to this question either. 】

[This makes you feel confused. 】

A manifestation that coexists with authority, but is not the creator of authority...

Roger quickly figured this out.

At the same time, he was also curious about the issues that the Whisperer Mopulos was thinking.

In this mysterious world, who is the source of everything?

The original continent always has a source.

Just like in the real world where he lives, the Big Bang process of the universe comes from nothing.

So the source of this world... is the same, or does it come from a great existence?

[...You have no way of knowing the answers to these questions. 】

[After thinking hard to no avail, you can only focus on other places. 】

[You want to visit the authority of life, that is, Inoto, to find him, in order to understand these "lives" that surprise you. 】

[But Senavia stopped your behavior. He told you that now is not the time. The authority of life, Inoto, is now at a very critical moment. 】

[Then, Senavia smiled and told you that maybe before long, you will have one more friend. 】

【This makes you feel very happy and looking forward to it. 】

Crucial moment?

What critical moment?

Rogge was quite surprised. At this time, he was as curious as Mopulos.

However, as a bystander, he could only continue to watch patiently.

[The waiting time always makes people feel unbearable. In order to amuse the boredom and see more changes in the world, you choose to say goodbye to Senavia and go to other places. 】

【The world has changed greatly at this time. 】

[In the sky, the sun and the moon, two guys who don't seem to get along very well, are still fighting. 】

[However, the sun and his clouds seem to have the upper hand in this battle, suppressing the moon. 】

[This makes the world full of sunlight, the plants become greener, and the food-rich life becomes stronger. 】

[But in contrast, you see some things born after death hiding in the shadows, wailing in the sun, and it is very painful. 】

[But you didn’t care about this at this time. 】

[During your continuous travels, you met another person of the same kind. 】

[The Authority of the Earth·Ogo. 】

[He is a manifestation of authority that was born very early and is extremely powerful. His body is made of soil and rocks, with some crystals and minerals. 】

[The feeling he gives you is completely different from the feeling Senavia gives you. They seem to be at two extremes. 】

[Senavia is calm and gentle, but Ogo is manic and irritable. 】

[He would often get violently angry for no reason, causing the earth to shake while he cursed, causing deep and huge cracks to appear in the land. The mountains spewed extremely hot magma, causing plants to burn and life to pass away. 】

[You dislike him very much, but you always have a weird feeling that this guy seems to be born with something missing...]

[But you didn’t think too much and chose to continue traveling...]

"Ogo, the authority of the earth?"

"Another guy I've never heard of..."

Rogge silently wrote down this name in his mind.

He had a vague guess that the current situation in the mysterious world must be closely related to what happened to Ogo, the authority of the earth.

Then, he followed in the footsteps of Meploos the Whisperer and watched this extremely long "movie".

[Although you are traveling and want to see more changes in the world, you can't help but focus more on the "life" in this world. The changes in them always make you feel very happy. 】

[They also need sleep, but they cannot give birth to dreams and connect with your power. You always feel that they are missing something...]

[In addition, you also find that their appearance seems to be constantly changing. 】

[From the beginning, they were all a ball of light green. Due to changes in the surrounding environment, they were divided into different groups, and their appearances became different. 】

[Some live in the sea water controlled by Senevia, grow gills and fins, and swim in the sea. 】

[Some grow wings, live on high peaks, and fly under the war between the sun and the moon. 】

[Some grew hair and slender limbs, running for their lives under Ogo's unpredictable disasters. 】

[You observe this group of beings all the time, note every change and difference in them, and record them in your dreams. 】

"Evolution began from the first life... These should be the various races that came later..."

"So, in today's mysterious sea, all races are actually from the same origin, coming from the original life..."

After seeing this, Rogge also understood this.

But he wasn't particularly shocked.

It doesn't matter whether all races have the same origin or not, and war will never disappear because of this.

After all, even if humans belong to the same race, there are still various divisions such as social class, region, etc., and differences will always exist.

[After traveling for a while, you suddenly feel sleepy. 】

[This is the first time you feel sleepy. Even though you still have curiosity and desire to explore other parts of the world, you cannot control the urge to sleep. 】

[So, you took a nap and began to fall into a deep sleep. 】

[You have entered your dreamland again. 】

"Are you in a dream again? No wonder the description says that Mopulos is a guy who likes to sleep..."

Roger shook his head.

If conditions permit, he would like to see everything that happened in the entire long history through Mopulos's perspective.

It's a pity that Mopulos' sleepiness seems to be insurmountable, and he must fall asleep in a dream.

[In the dream, you begin to fill in your dream by combining what you see with what you think. 】

[Thus, the dreamland is full of life, the ocean occupies most of the place, and the earth is not to your liking, only a small piece. 】

[In addition, you also combine these lives through your own fantasy, trying to create some more beautiful creations. 】

[Unfortunately, your creative skills are really poor. Not only did you fail to create beautiful creatures, but you also created some weird and ugly things. 】

[This is very disappointing for you. 】

"...What kind of abstract thing is this? It's too curious..."

Looking at the dream creature created by Mopulos, Rogge couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, feeling that his sanity was contaminated.

Lines that are so distorted that they have no sense of beauty, and weird and horrifying biological features were all created by Mopulos with a beautiful original intention...

[After a long period of trying. 】

[You finally created a dream creature through dreams that you are satisfied with. 】

[You are very happy. To commemorate this moment, you also named it Mona. 】

Rogge on the side saw this dream creature named "Mona" and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This is a guy with a pure white body, dotted with some light red, and looks a bit like a jellyfish.

Although it still looks a bit unsightly, at least it doesn't look as eye-catching as before.

Oh, by the way, it is worth mentioning that Rogge saw with his own eyes that Mopulos threw all those [failed works] into a corner of a dream.

[The birth of Mona makes you very happy, and you often play with it. 】

[It’s just that compared to you, Mona cannot think. All its actions are controlled by you. 】

[Not only Mona, but everything in the dream is like this. Although you have long been used to it, you can't help but feel a little lonely. 】

[Although the creations in the dream are obedient in every possible way and fully comply with your wishes, they are still unable to give you the feeling of Senavia, and they are not even as good as that annoying earth authority Ogo...]

[They have no life and the ability to think for themselves...]

Mopulos also understood very well that these dream creations were ultimately just manifestations of his imagination, and did not have real life like the manifestation of authority.

[Life...you suddenly thought of something. 】

[Perhaps, you can go find Inoto, the authority of life, and ask him to give life to the creations in your dreams. In this way, you will no longer be bored when you are asleep. 】

[After having this idea, you feel very happy and also look forward to it. This will definitely change the entire dream. 】

[However, before leaving, you have to expand your dream. 】

[This is the instinct given to you by authority, and it seems to come with the development of the world. 】

[You start to seriously expand your dreams. 】

【Until this day, you suddenly stopped. 】

[You are surprised to find that a life actually appears in your dream! 】

[It is not a life created by you. It does not belong here. What belongs here is just its manifestation in dreams. 】

[You are particularly excited and shocked, and want to step forward and observe carefully. 】

[But as soon as you approached it, its eyes looked over, and at the same time, you also felt the aura of the same kind. 】

["Hello Mopulos, the authority of dreams, I am Hechilibia, the authority of wisdom."]

"Wisdom and authority?"

Rogge frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of the source of knowledge and wisdom.

He once learned from an exchange with the source of knowledge and wisdom that He was born not long ago and is even still in the growth stage.

It is obvious that he has most likely experienced some changes, abandoned his past, and is growing again.

Or the authority and power are reborn.

All in all, this wisdom authority Heqilibia must be inextricably related to the current source of knowledge and wisdom belief.

[He said your name and introduced himself in an extremely calm tone, as if he was born with insight into this information. 】

[You are quite surprised by this sudden visitor, but you don’t hate him because he doesn’t seem to have any ill intentions. 】

[During the exchange, you learned the origin of Heqilibia. He is also a manifestation of authority that was born recently, controls "wisdom", and is also inseparable from the authority of life, Inoto. 】

[However, when you asked about Inoto, Heqilibia shook his head and did not tell you. You were curious, but did not ask any more questions. 】

[He has even shown erudition beyond that of Senevia, and can answer almost all your questions and doubts. 】

[Except for that question about creation, of course. 】

[You chatted for a long time. 】

[However, most of the time, it is actually you who is asking, and Hecilibia is the one who is answering, and He is very patient. 】

[After a long conversation, Heqilibia also learned about your dreams and your own information. 】

[You don't mind this because you consider Him a friend. 】

[However, Heqilibia always gives you a very special feeling. 】

[He is far more knowledgeable than the Sea Authority Senavia, but the feeling in your heart is completely inferior to Senavia. When you face Heqilibia, you always have a feeling that you don’t know how to describe... 】

"It's the crushing of IQ..."

Rogge couldn't help but shook his head after witnessing all this.

As the embodiment of wisdom and authority, Hechiribia knows a lot and has a strong purpose.

His main purpose in coming to the dreamland was most likely not to make friends, but to learn information about the dreamland.

But that's not to say he had any ill intentions.

Just like Meplous expanding his dreams, obtaining more information may be regarded as Hechilibia's instinct...

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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