I have a big sailing game

Chapter 381 Awakening and Change (two in one, please subscribe!)

[He Yi's Soul (Unique): You can now control two clones and choose to fuse them with your main body. After the fusion is completed, your abilities in all aspects will be greatly improved. 】

"Fusing the main body and the clone?"

Rogge was a little surprised. He really didn't expect that this talent could be improved again and give such a powerful effect.

The clone of Heisatan is already a demigod among the creatures of faith, and his current main body has also been promoted to the demigod level. If the two can be fused, the strength after the fusion will inevitably reach an extremely terrifying level. .


"I now have two clone slots. In addition to the fixed slot of Heisatan, there is also a mobile slot, so..."

If he finds another clone of the demigod level, he will have two demigod clones. If they are merged with the main body at the same time...

Rogge didn't know how much this would improve his strength, but it would certainly not be small.

"It just so happens that the authority and power of the main body are not fully controlled. Maybe I should take the initiative to find those guys..."

Thinking of this, Rogge had an idea.

But before that, he still had some things to deal with.

"I didn't expect this dream to have passed for such a long time..."

Roger shook his head.

During the period of his sleep, a lot of things happened in the entire territory of the Black Tide Secret Society, and the world also changed. It was time for him to wake up...


White steam rose above the ship, and giant iron ships bearing the logo of the Black Tide Secret Society slowly set sail from the largest port in Scott.

Above the port, a group of people watched this scene curiously.

Among them are wealthy businessmen who are brightly dressed, elegant ladies who are graceful and well-behaved, and even Asians and some alien species that look weird and different from ordinary people.

However, people in Scott seem to have long been accustomed to this.

Even in the eyes of some women, these former aliens are far from being considered as the annoying guys who don't shower in the crowd at this time.

Of course, these are all trivial matters. People gathered at the pier obviously not to see who was more annoying.

"Steam is used as power for ships...it feels unreliable. Is Master Papua's giant ship really as powerful as she says?"

"...Although I respect Master Papua very much, I really don't think much of this strange ship. Maybe it will be forced to stop soon... God, your feet are really smelly, Lord of the Black Tide Please put on your shoes!"

"Hey... I think this steamship has great prospects. After all, some factories have begun to use this new technology. If it doesn't work, the secret society will definitely not approve it..."

"Well, I heard that this steamship also uses secret patterns and enchanted items... Tsk, I have to go back and ask my son what these two terms mean..."

People were talking a lot.

Whether they were elegant and luxurious ladies, sweat-stained workers, slovenly wanderers or strangely dressed adventurers... they all turned into a crowd at this time, discussing the feasibility of this steamship.

However, there are still more people who are optimistic than those who are negative. After all, the Secret Society and Papua Masters have promoted many useful new technologies in recent years, and many of them are beneficiaries.

After a long period of exposure, most of them even began to gradually adapt to the changing rhythm of this sea area.

Just when everyone was focusing on the giant steam ship in the distance.

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd behind.


"Hey, hey, why are you pushing?"

"Damn, it hurts!"

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see a masked man with a fierce face, like a slippery loach, roughly pushing away the crowd and galloping towards the shore.

"Damn it! Don't run!"

"If I catch you, I'll put your head into your ass!"

Quetidor's tall and strong figure became his resistance at this time. If he used too much force, he might hurt the ordinary people at the port.

"Okay, stop shouting. He will stop if you tell him to stop?"

Ferner on the side rolled his eyes, his body was flexible and light, and he quickly crossed the crowd and Quetidor next to him, quickly closing the distance with the man.

"Get away!"

With an exclamation, the masked man roughly pushed an unlucky young lady into the sea, then took out a shell and slapped it twice like a castanet.

The next moment, there were ripples on the sea surface and waves gathered. Not long after, a strange creature covered with spikes like a sea urchin appeared on the sea surface.

The masked man jumped down without hesitation, and the spikes on the sea urchin immediately shrank, leaving a flat area for it to stand firmly.

Then, he reached out and grabbed the two large spikes in front of him. After the sea urchin paused for a moment, it made huge waves and began to move towards the steamship at an extremely fast speed.

His goal seemed to be that steamship.

"Give way!"

Not half a minute after he left, Fellner's figure appeared at the pier.

Looking at this guy's retreating figure, he took a deep breath.

"Just in time to try this magic carving tool on you!"

He snorted coldly, and in the next second, in full view of everyone, he took out a delicate pistol covered with mysterious patterns, took out the bullet neatly and loaded it, and then raised the gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger at the back of the masked man.


With a gunshot, the bullet quickly rushed towards the masked man.

However, the masked man seemed to have sensed something, and he turned his body and dodged the bullet fired by Ferner.

It missed!

The crowd at the port couldn't help but shake their heads secretly when they saw this.

Seeing this situation, they certainly knew that it was the people of the secret meeting who were doing it, and the masked guy was naturally the enemy.

But now it seems that Ferner's last attack seems to have missed.

I'm afraid that the masked guy will have to escape...


The masked man holding the sea urchin sneered when he saw this.

It's just a pistol bullet, can it hit me?

If you can hit me so easily, I might as well crash my head into this sea urchin and die!

But, just after he sneered, a sound suddenly came from the place where the bullet fell into the water.

He was startled.

The next moment, something even more shocking happened.

The space twisted, and the black tide quickly changed into a figure, and finally froze into Ferner's appearance.

At this time, he had raised his legs and stared at the face of the masked man.

The next moment...

Bang --

Accompanied by the masked man's scream, Ferner kicked him in the face, kicking him back and falling into the sea.

"Well done, Ferner!"

At this time, Quitidor, who had just squeezed out of the crowd at the port, happened to see this scene and shouted excitedly.

Then, everyone saw this strong man in a shabby worker's clothes took out an exquisite black tie from his pocket and tied it around his neck skillfully.

... Although they came out to perform the mission, they were not wearing the conspicuous black robes of the Black Tide Secret Society.

But his workman's clothes with exquisite black tie were still quite strange.

However, in the next second, the onlookers understood why Quitidor did this.

With a splash, the black tide instantly surged out of the tie, wrapping Quitidor completely, turning him into a tall dark shadow with only light blue eyes.

Quitidor bent his legs and jumped off the port and landed on the sea.

However, his body did not sink, but used all four limbs to run like a beast to help Ferner at a high speed.

"Damn... Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill your wish!"

The masked man who was kicked off the sea urchin looked ferocious.

The next moment, he bit off his index finger directly, blood flowed, and his eyes instantly became empty and weird.

Then, the sea urchin he summoned from the shell also underwent a strange change. In less than a breath, it turned into a monster covered with sharp gray-white rocks.

Accompanied by a strange cry, countless pale rocks appeared out of thin air around the monster, with starlight flickering in them, as if hiding some strange power.

Ferner frowned when he saw this, and his expression became a little solemn when he felt the breath of the monster.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.


As if oppressed by an invisible big hand, the spikes on the monster's body were directly crushed and the rocks around it turned into powder.

The masked man vomited blood, was severely injured, and fainted directly, slowly sinking into the sea.

Just as Ferner was surprised, a voice penetrated his ears, which shocked him all over.

"Ferner, come to the cathedral."

This calm and steady voice was very familiar to Ferner. Although he hadn't heard it for many years, he still felt extremely happy.

After responding, he went forward and, with the help of Quitidor, picked up the masked man and headed towards the island.

The islanders in the port were shocked when they saw this scene. They couldn't help but marvel at it. This trip was not in vain. They saw such a big excitement...


"During the years you were sleeping, the surrounding seas were very calm. Neither the Church of Kiz nor the Church of Nature had any unusual movements. As for the Church of the Mother God, there was no news. The only one who had any intentions was the power of the Polar Night Stars. Their small moves have never stopped."

Sharlo said.

Mopros' dream was very long, but from Rogge's perspective, he didn't stay in it for a long time, just a few days.

But it was obvious that it was a dream in deep sleep, and the time was not synchronized with the main world.

And Rogge actually knew most of what happened in the Black Tide Secret Society.

After all, he left Heisatan outside, and many believers were praying frequently, and Sharlo also reported a lot of things.

But overall, there was no big trouble.

If you insist, it's a good thing.

Under the inspiration of Rogge, the master craftsman Papua finally combined his own skills with new inspirations, and set off a technological innovation in the entire Kuroshio Sea.

Factories, trains, ships... and other creations that combined new technologies appeared one after another, rapidly changing the lives of all the islanders.

During these years, the rule of the Black Tide Society has also rapidly stabilized. Up to now, the islanders under the rule of the Black Tide Society have regarded the Black Tide Society as their only faith, and the remnants of the Church of Giz have no longer appeared in the open.

In addition, magic potion technology and supernatural powers have also flourished, and some new branches have also emerged.

For example, [Magic Engraving Instruments].

This is a new branch jointly developed by Papua and the Magic Potions Research Department of the Black Tide Academy.

In short, it is to engrave the power of magic potions into objects through special techniques, so that they have the power of supernatural people.

But because it is an instrument itself and has no wisdom, people who have supernatural powers can easily control it.

Apart from some minor side effects, it can be said to be very practical.

In addition, there are some new drugs jointly developed by Lina and the Magic Potions Research Department, etc.

In short, there have been earth-shaking changes under the rule of the Black Tide Society.

One factory after another made production more convenient and efficient, and the more powerful steam ships made trade faster...

The young people from all walks of life have now become the backbone and an indispensable part of the Black Tide Secret Society and even its rule...

"Add some people appropriately."

Rogge nodded.

He was referring to the "Secret Society Head".

This organization proposed and planned by Chergen in the Swamp of Corruption allowed Sharo to open its headquarters in Scott.

After all, compared to the rebels that the Swamp of Corruption has to deal with, the Scott area in the Sea of ​​Confession needs these intelligence and special work personnel more.

In addition, Rogge has a premonition that after the peaceful development of the past few years...the storm is coming.

Before that, he must be prepared.

The two talked for a few words, and Felner arrived.

"Meet Archbishop Sharo, Archbishop Rogge."

Felner saluted and greeted the two.

"Long time no see, Ferner." Rogge nodded, and without much hesitation, he said directly: "There is something that may require you to go."

"Vic, the city-state of Balsato in the Swamp of Corruption."

Speaking of this, Rogge smiled: "He should need your help."

"I see that you haven't had a good rest recently. It's just right that I can take this opportunity to give you a vacation."

"Vic?" Ferner was a little confused when he heard it.

Although the passage between the Sea of ​​Confession and the Swamp of Corruption is not unobstructed, Rogge has found a relatively safe route through his deduction, and it is naturally not difficult to enter it.

But what makes Ferner a little confused is, who is this Vic, and how can he attract the attention of Archbishop Rogge?

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