I have a big sailing game

Chapter 55 Three people form a team, partners!

[Not entirely. 】

[In the beginning, it was indeed because I wanted to cure Mira that I got into fighting. 】

[But later I gradually fell in love with this feeling. 】

[But in my opinion, fame and power are not as important as Mira. 】

[Because she is my only relative. 】

There was no trace of regret in Yas's words.

Having said this, Yas looked at Rogge with serious eyes.

[Mr. Rogge, if you can save Mira, I can do anything for you. 】

[Whether I can do it or not. 】

His tone was pleading.

In his opinion, Rogge might have a way to save Mira, or at least temporarily extend her life.

This alone is enough.

When Rogge heard this, he frowned and thought for a moment.

It is of course impossible for him to cure Mira's disease completely now.

After all, he is not a doctor, and Mira's disease does not seem to be treatable by ordinary doctors.

However, if he used blood medicine like the Scarlet Fruit to temporarily extend Mira's life, he might have some ideas.

Thinking of this, Rogge knocked on the door and said to Lina outside the door.

[Lina, does that fruit have a core? 】

【have! 】

[Don’t throw it away, keep the core. 】

【knew. 】

After talking to Lina, Rogg turned to look at Yas.

[Did Mira tell you what happened to her after she was kidnapped? 】

He felt that Mira's illness might not be a difficult disease.

Maybe it's something like a curse of supernatural power.

[No, Mira has been in a coma the whole time. After she and the other children were locked in the basement, nothing seemed to happen. 】

Yas shook his head.

If he had any clues about this, he would not have stopped in Nadvelo long ago.

[Besides weakness, does Mira have any other symptoms? 】

Roger asked.

He tried to find some clues, maybe his occult skills could help.

[...In addition to being weak, Mira often talks in her sleep at night. 】

Yas said after trying hard to think about it.

To be honest, if Mira's sleep talking wasn't a little weird, he wouldn't have told Rogge about this little thing.

【daydream? What did she say? 】

Rogge was a little surprised when he heard this.

[A string of inaudible words, but the content is the same every time she repeats it. 】

Yas sighed.

After listening, Rogge also sighed.

There are no useful clues at all.

It seems that there is only one way at the moment, and that is to first find a treasure like the scarlet fruit to maintain Mira's life.

[I’ll try to find something to keep Mira alive first. 】

[However, you should be mentally prepared, the probability of finding these things is very small. 】

Roger said.

He vaguely thought of two ways to obtain the Scarlet Fruit, but he didn't know if they were feasible, so he said the probability was extremely low.

【I see. 】

Yas nodded seriously.

[By the way, one more thing. 】

Roger paused.

[We are currently short of manpower on board, so if you are interested...]

Yas frowned slightly when he heard this, as if he was hesitating about something.

[Mila’s situation may be...]

He wanted to say that Mira's situation did not allow him to do this.

But Rogge's next words completely dispelled his worries.

[Her situation is not optimistic, but there is hope. 】

[Take her aboard the Glynn with you. 】

[Even if you are looking for that faint glimmer of hope in the vast sea, you can't give up. 】

[Are you really willing to watch her lie on the island of Nadvelo for the rest of her life? 】

Roger's words are very straightforward.

He told Yas that the probability of saving Mira was very small, but it was not impossible.

Looking for a cure in the vast sea is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, it is better to have a glimmer of hope than to wait for death in despair.

After hearing Rogge's words, Yas' worries disappeared.

Even Rogge, a person he has known for less than a day, is working hard to save Mira. What reason does he have for not working hard?

And they were willing to take Mira with them. This alone was enough to make Yas grateful.

[Thank you, Mr. Rogge. 】

[Perhaps I should call you...captain now. 】

Yas solemnly stretched out his hand towards Rogge.

[Welcome aboard, Yas. 】

Looking at the burly and handsome man in front of him, Rogge smiled.

At the same time, new information prompts appeared in front of him.

[The number of your partners has reached 3, the team system requirements have been met, and the team interface has been activated. 】

[You can now view your partner's details. 】

After seeing these two prompts, Rogge was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that the game did not have such settings.

Now it seems that it was just that I did not reach the required minimum number of people 3 before this.

Now the addition of Yas and Mira has just made up for the lack of numbers.

Rogge immediately checked the details of the Kias.


[Level: 3]

【Body: 7】

【Spirit: 4】

【Belief: 1】

[Rank: None]

[Special skill: Fighting lv6. 】

[Life skills: Brewing lv3, Cooking lv3, Sailing lv2, Swimming lv3...]

[Talent: Innate divine power, strong fists and fierce hands. 】

[1. Natural divine power (rare), you have extraordinary power. This is a gift from God. It also greatly strengthens your body. 】

[2. Strong Fist and Fierce Hand (Legend), you have great talent in fighting. Your fists are like thunder, and your hands are like steel. Your strong fist and grip make you invincible. When using fighting skills related to fists and hands, , the attack power is greatly increased. 】

Not only can you see specific attribute values, but you can also see skills and talents!

This made Rogge's eyes suddenly light up.

With this companion interface, it will be much easier for him to do many things.

Moreover, Yas is worthy of being the most famous young fighter in the dock area.

Just an ordinary person has already trained his fighting skills to level 6.

The talents of the two characters are highly compatible, providing Yas with extremely strong combat capabilities.

This made Rogge a little impatient to see the information about other crew members.

But now is clearly not the time.

Because at this time Higet and Norm had already arrived at the tavern.

Lina also walked out at this time.

[How is it? How is Mira's situation? 】

Yas asked eagerly.

Lina threw the core in her hand to Rogge.

[Her condition is temporarily stable, and she should be able to wake up soon. 】

[However, her disease is so strange that I can’t treat it. 】

[With further examination, we may be able to find some way to keep her alive. 】

Linna crossed her arms and frowned, thinking about how to deal with it.

As expected, Lina and other doctors came to roughly the same conclusion.

One goal a day!

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