I have a big sailing game

Chapter 70 Evidence

At this time, a group of Mother Goddess Church believers at the entrance of Sally's Clinic began to take further actions after hyping up the matter for a while.

[The territory blessed by the Mother Goddess must not be polluted by evil witches! 】

[People, don’t be fooled by her appearance! 】

[Next, I will act on behalf of God to capture this evil witch! 】

After a burst of righteous shouting, the leading believer ordered several subordinates dressed as believers to rush directly into Sally's clinic.

【hateful! What do they want to do! 】

[We have to find a way to stop them! 】

Lina was a little anxious, and she even wanted to take out a gun.

Before Rogge could speak, Mira gently grabbed her arm.

[Sister Linna, there is no way to solve the problem with a gun in this situation. 】

【What should we do? 】

Linna felt that she couldn't sit back and ignore it, but after Mira's dissuasion, she calmed down a little.

[Let them produce evidence? 】

Mira heard this and shook her head.

[These people dare to do this in a big way, so they are naturally confident. 】

[Even if Dr. Sally is not a witch, they can probably find the so-called "evidence". 】

If you want to impose a crime, there is no need to hesitate.

[Crew Mira, stop being so pretentious and let us hear your ideas. 】

Rogge looked at her with a smile.

Of course he had considered these things, but he had no good countermeasures.


After a while, Rogge walked up with Lina and others.

In the clinic, Sally was treating a patient, but she didn't hear anything going on outside.

【The evil witch is here! 】

The believers roughly pushed away the people around them and pointed at Sally.

Sally frowned when she saw this.

【What do you want to do? 】

【What to do? 】

The leading believer sneered.

[You are a despicable and shameless evil witch, you actually disguise yourself as a human and plant evil spells by drugging innocent people! 】

[The great Mother Goddess has long understood your cunning conspiracy and sent down divine revelation for us! 】

[Today is the day you go to the stake! 】

[Fire will wash away your sinful soul! 】

The leading believer cursed bitterly, as if he really had a sworn enemy with the evil witch.

In response, Dr. Sally shook her head calmly.

【I am not a witch. 】

[...Dr. Sally, she is not a witch, he saved me...]

At this time, a little boy waiting at the door spoke weakly.

The rest of the people were silent and watched all this happen.

Hearing this, the leading believer narrowed his eyes and spoke in a kind tone.

[Children, witches are very cunning, you can't tell them apart. 】

[Don’t worry, I, being inspired by God, will expose this witch’s hypocritical mask. 】

After saying that, the leading believer looked at Sally with a cold expression.

[It’s not up to you to decide whether you are a witch or not! Mother Goddess will tell us! 】

【Catch her! 】

The believer raised his hand, and several minions behind him who had been preparing for a long time immediately stepped forward to catch Sally.

However, at this time, under the leadership of Rogge, Lina pushed Mira in.

[Nadvelo is the territory of Thousand Island Kingdom. 】

【Kingdom law is greater than all else. 】

[If you want to arrest someone without trial, who gives you the right? 】

[Or do you mean that the rights of your church already override the laws of the Kingdom? 】

Mira's voice was not loud, and even seemed very weak.

But the face of the leading believer changed after hearing this.

As soon as Mira said this, they immediately lost the opportunity to catch Sally.

If they take action again, they will use their actions to prove in front of everyone at the scene that "the rights of the church have overridden the laws of the kingdom."

If this matter becomes a big deal, he will definitely be unable to eat and walk around.

This loser came out of nowhere and is meddling in other people's business!

The leading believer cursed secretly.

However, he still had to maintain a kind and hypocritical mask.

[This lady, you don’t know the real situation...]

Before he finished speaking, Mira interrupted him directly.

【Okay. 】

[If you want to prove that Dr. Sally is a witch, then bring out the evidence. 】

[If there is no evidence, then you are making false accusations. 】

Mira looked at them calmly.

When the leading believer heard this, he secretly gritted his teeth.

[...Okay, if you want evidence, then I will give you evidence. 】

He narrowed his eyes and motioned to the believer next to him to bring the things he had prepared in advance.

This is a white cup with some water in it.

[This is the Holy Grail blessed by the Mother Goddess, which can help people identify evil witches hiding in the dark. 】

[You only need to put the witch's hair into the Holy Grail to see her true face. 】

[Give me her hair. 】

The leading believer stretched out his hand with a proud look on his face, confident of victory.

【How to see the true face? 】

[Is it possible to tell by hair color change? 】

[Perhaps you should let us examine your so-called Holy Grail first. 】

Mira smiled.

She thought this guy had some clever tricks.

Is this the result?

Sure enough, when the believer on the opposite side heard this, his pupils shrank, and then he yelled loudly.

【shut up! 】

[This is a sacred object blessed by the Mother Goddess. How can you let you defile it wantonly! 】

Then, he glanced at the men next to him and motioned for them to go up and take Sally's hair by force.

In his opinion, these three people were just nosy fools.

He didn't need to pay attention to them at all, he just needed to give these fools around a seemingly reasonable explanation.

Mira was not in a hurry about this.

[Well, since you want hair, I'll give it to you. ]

She and Lina asked Dr. Sally for a hair, and then handed it to Roger.

Roger stepped forward and handed it to the believer.

The believer's expression eased a little.

He was quite reasonable and knew his own weight.

In his opinion, these three people knew that they couldn't stop him and his men, so they had to give him the hair.

In the eyes of everyone, the believer put the hair into the cup.

After the hair came into contact with the water in the cup, the hair began to slowly turn purple, and finally turned into bright purple.

[It's a witch! ]

[Only the hair of an evil witch will appear purple after being washed by the holy grail water! ]

[Catch her and send her to the stake! ]

[The three people who defended the witch are also suspected, arrest them together! 】

The believers shouted loudly, and several men rushed forward and came towards Sally.

This time, several men moved very quickly.

It can be seen that they don't want to give Rogge and others a chance to speak.

Sally watched all this quietly, and there was still no expression on her face.

She seemed to be a little too calm.

Mira frowned. She didn't expect these people to fight directly.

In response, Rogge chuckled.

[Mira, if you want to make a shameless person talk, you have to point a gun at his head first. 】

Mira is very smart, but she is a little too idealistic.

It seems that Yas may have protected her too well.

It's time to end this farce.

Rogge was too lazy to control it himself, and directly let the game character fight by himself.

The figure of the game character flashed, his fists were like thunder and lightning, and his legs were like iron whips. In a few breaths, he knocked several men to the ground.

In an instant, there were wailing all over the ground.

Looking at this amazing scene, the leading believer was stunned.

Where the hell did this monster come from?

In his astonished eyes, Rogge picked up the frightened leader believer.

[You, what do you want to do? ]

[I am a believer of the Mother Goddess Church, and the Mother Goddess Church has...]

Rogge ignored the guy's shouting and threatening, and directly stretched out his hand to pull out a bunch of his hair roughly, and then threw it away like garbage.

Ignoring the painful screams of the leader believer holding his head and grinning.

Rogge put his hair into the so-called Holy Grail in front of everyone.

The hair turned purple.

Rogge squatted down and patted his face mockingly.

[How come you, a devout believer of the Mother Goddess, are also an evil witch? ]

[The evil witch is really hidden very deeply...]

One ball a day!

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(I don't know if it will be deducted like Tomato...)

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