I have a book of salvation

Chapter 664: The magical power of the emperor, mediating fortune (5k two-in-one)

But even though I was looking forward to it, I was also quite curious.

However, Yu Chen also suppressed the impulse.

After all, this place is the Holy Land of the Great Sun, or the Holy Land of the Great Sun that has been destroyed.

As soon as the news of the destruction of the Holy Land spreads out, the Far East will inevitably become the focus of attention in the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Whether it is the other Seven Saints or Eight Families, Tianji Pavilion, or the ancient races that are recovering, they will all turn their attention.

It was already known to everyone that Taotie had entered Fusang, but if people saw that the judge who had a close relationship with Taotie was also wandering around the ruins of the Holy Land.

I'm afraid the blame for the Holy Land's destruction will fall directly on him.

The wind is blowing tightly, the wind is blowing tightly.

Turn around and leave.

Crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, he reached a teleportation node. Before the incident in Dongchuang, he jumped all the way back to the Sky Burial Abyss.

Once the door is closed, nothing matters.

After returning to the house, I just opened the Book of Saviors.

That rich golden light seemed to dye the entire room into a golden color, shining everywhere!

Then, in this vast golden light, Yu Chen's consciousness gradually... collapsed.

Obviously the person is still there, but there is no longer any consciousness in his eyes.

It was as if his soul had already left his body and rushed to the vast distance.

——This is actually the case.

Yu Chen's soul, in the vast golden light, left the body and flew towards the underworld.

He saw the mighty river with no beginning and no end, running for endless miles, lying in the middle of nothingness.

And in this endless river, Yu Chen's own figure is actually reflected.

In other words, it's not just him.

There is also Xuan Tiangang, the ancient god Taotie, the three-legged golden crow, the hanging god, the people who destroyed the Great Sun Holy Land, the people who went to Beijing, the people of the Eastern Wasteland, Yu Chen has seen the earth, has not seen the earth, and everything between heaven and earth ...all emerge one by one in this vast river.

Every drop of river water contains a completed world, but in that world, everything is still.

And the world in the river changes slightly with every drop of water, so when viewed together, it looks like a comic strip, moving.

So...as the river surges, time just flows.

There is change, there is development, there is... time.

At that moment, it was almost self-explanatory.

Yu Chen understood.

The name of this mighty river in the dark is... years and years.

The long river of time records all the changes in the heaven, earth, and universe since the beginning of history.

It can be as big as earth-shaking, as small as firewood, rice, oil and salt. Every living thing and everything in the world is included in it.

Only when there is time can there be change, and only when there is change can there be "life and death".

After realizing this, Yu Chen had a startling glance in the long river of time, and the scenes fell into his eyes.

From the battle between Taotie and the Golden Crow, to the destruction of the Holy Land of the Great Sun, to the Holy Land of Fusang, a scholar-like figure had a secret conversation with the Golden Crow...

But it's like looking at a flower right away, passing by in a flash and not really clear.

Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable force came from the source of the long river of time, pulling Yu Chen's soul to shuttle away.

Obviously, the reward of this second-grade last wish is not just to let him peek into this vast river of time.


In an instant, Yu Chen's soul was pulled by that force, rushing towards the source of the endless river of time!

Along the way, countless magnificent scrolls flashed past Yu Chen's eyes!

There are seven sages and eight families who dominate the sky and suppress heaven and earth; there are Tianji Pavilions arrayed in the eastern wasteland to monitor the world; there are rivers cut off and the sky collapses and the earth is torn apart; there are horrific wars that are fought from the inside to the outside of the universe; there are majestic and mysterious figures that tower over the heavens; There was an age of great prosperity and joy...

Just like watching the video played backwards, the changes in the world flashed in Yu Chen's eyes.



At a certain point in time, everything seems to be shattered!

There is endless darkness in the sky and on the earth!

Looking further forward, it is an even more terrifying and majestic war!

There are dense golden clouds in the sky, the heavenly soldiers in the clouds are in full swing, reincarnation is majestic underground, ghosts and gods are ferocious, the human world is as powerful as the sea, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth... A terrifying chaos breaks out!

Kill until the sky and the earth are dark, kill until the sun and the moon lose light, kill until the mountains and rivers pour down, and kill until the heaven and earth collapse!

——Because Yu Chen watched from back to front, it can be clearly inferred that this terrifying battle was the cause of the endless destruction.

Following the pull of that force, Yu Chen's vision continued to look forward uncontrollably.

I saw the vast palaces above the sky, the gods and Buddhas surrounded by precious lights; I saw the underworld in its greatest glory, the six paths of reincarnation; I saw the vast ancient gods, and I saw the majestic human world...

He even saw the young man among the gods and Buddhas - the young man who appeared in the Yama Holy Land. He went to the palace that day, strolled around, and was cynical.

Not only that, but also... Fengdu.

That majestic figure wearing twelve crowns and black gold imperial robes.

Then, the pulling force burst out again, making Yu Chen's vision even blurrier.

He saw only heaven and earth disappearing with the passage of time, thousands of living beings disappearing from existence, earth, fire, water and wind transforming into yin and yang, and then yin and yang transforming into billowing chaos, innate ancient gods transforming from prime age to childishness, and finally returning to nothingness...

Everything finally came to a standstill!

And he also saw it.

——The origin of the long river of time, that boundless, vast, endless chaos.

There is no space, no time, no yin and yang, no anything, just... nothingness.

Then, that terrifying pulling force instantly pulled his soul into the chaos.

Yu Chen was confused.

He raised his head and looked around, the surroundings were in chaos, the clear and the turbid were not separated, the yin and yang were combined, everything was still, everything was eternal.

Nothingness is vast.

His soul was brought to the birth of this world by that force, and then... there was no more.

When he came to this vast chaos, the power dissipated without leaving a trace.

He doesn't care about killing or burying them, just leave them here and don't care about anything else.

But despite this, Yu Chen understood in his heart.

This should be the reward for the second-grade last wish.

It's just...he hasn't discovered the secret yet.

So, I simply sat down cross-legged and observed the vast chaos, trying to find any clues.

Unfortunately... nothing was found.

Yu Chen's soul was trapped in this vast chaos, unable to escape and unable to move.

Chaos has no time, there is no difference between millions of years and an instant.

But for Yu Chen, after the initial curiosity and impulse faded away, what he felt was endless loneliness and emptiness.

There is nothing here, no time, no space, no life, no sound.

Yu Chen's mind began to become anxious, complaining, and angry...

Over time, even the anxiety disappeared.

His eyes became scattered, and his soul merged with the chaos around him, and the boundaries were unclear.

His existence also seemed to become nothingness.

I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, but Yu Chen seems to have assimilated with this vast chaos.


I don’t know how many years have passed.

Thousands of years, or just a moment.

——Of course, this is for Yu Chen's thinking, and for the chaos of this unopened world, time is meaningless.

Yu Chen's thoughts began to become slow and dull with this extreme silence, and a thought would take countless thousands of years.

Finally, complete silence.

It was as if he had completely assimilated with this chaos.

Until a certain moment.

There was a loud bang! It was like an unprovoked thunder, exploding in the boundless chaos!

There is sound!

In other words, there have been... changes!

Once a change occurs, everything changes!


There was another terrifying thunder, echoing in the vast chaos! Dazzling light burst out from the chaos.

With color!

Then, the chaos that had been silent for countless years began to move!

Chaos, separate!

The one above is Yang, and the one below is Yin.

After yin and yang, all four phenomena are born.





Time and years!

The long river of time begins from here!

As time goes by, the two instruments of yin and yang, earth, fire, water and wind, roll around.

Therefore, the pure air rises to become the sky, and the turbid air sinks to become the earth. In the collision of yin and yang and the four phases, a little bit of light falls on the sky and the earth, gradually giving birth to young creatures of different shapes - a golden bird with three legs, a sheep with a long beak on the chest, a cow with a six-pointed head...

Finally, more and more tiny light spots looked on the ground and turned into vast grass and trees, turned into all kinds of frosty sky, turned into... naked people.

——Creation of heaven and earth, creation of all things!

Quietly, the oldest and greatest feat was just like this... completed.

And between heaven and earth, in the void, a pair of ancient and vicissitudes of eyes opened instantly!

Those eyes were like heaven and earth, cold, empty, and emotionless.

It wasn't until the world was completely opened up and time flowed that there was a trace of "light" in those eyes.

who I am?

Where do I come from?

Where will it go?

There was doubt in those eyes.

Then, like a torrent pouring out, the rolling memories were replayed!

"I am...Yu Chen..."

Those eyes murmured to themselves.

Yu Chen's soul reappeared, and he remembered everything clearly.

Then, that inexplicable power surged in again, pulling his soul across the vast river of time and back to the present world thousands of epochs later.

On the sky burial abyss, Yu Chen opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

It was like having an extremely long dream.

In the dream, he merged with the chaos, and did not wake up until the heaven and the earth were opened and all things were created.

He raised his head. The light of the Book of Saviors in the sky had dimmed, and it slowly fell into his hand, making no sound anymore.

Yu Chen: "?"


That's it?

This is the reward for the second-grade last wish?

Just let him experience the creation of heaven and earth and the creation of all things?

There is a saying that Yu Chen still remembers the magnificent and terrifying changes vividly.

But...what's the use!

The second grade last wish!

Beaten to death, and even fucked the ancient god Taotie until he fell asleep, and then killed the three-legged golden crow, fulfilling his second-level ambition! The reward he got was to let him watch the revolving lantern of the birth of heaven and earth?

When did Du Renjing become so stingy?

But I looked around the whole room and couldn't find any magic weapons or treasures.

It seems that the reward of the second-grade last wish is the glimpse through time just now.

Finally, Yu Chen scratched his head and sighed.

Yes, all the work was in vain.


Just then, my stomach growled.

He put aside his thoughts.

That’s it for now, let’s eat first.

Then he opened the door and went to the dining room.

The Sky Burial Abyss was empty. Shitou and Li Yuanqing had both gone down the mountain and disappeared.

When Yu Chen came to the dining room, there were no scraps of food at all, only two fresh, fat fish in the bucket.

The tail slapped, causing a splash of water.

Yu Chen clicked his tongue and rolled up his sleeves, preparing to cook the two fat fishes first.

But as soon as the firewood was lit, Yu Chen was stunned.

Suddenly I forgot the cooking steps.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Over the years, Shi Shi was the chef, but his own cooking skills had deteriorated so much that he couldn't even remember how to cook.

After sighing, he picked up the firewood and was about to stuff it into the stove.

But when I looked up, there was a plate of delicious boiled fish on the stove.

Yu Chen was stunned and turned around to see that the bucket was empty.

At that moment, Yu Chen had goosebumps all over his body!

what's the situation?

Could it be that at that moment, the fish had disemboweled itself, jumped into the pot, boiled water, put in oil, salt, soy and vinegar, put it on a plate and put it in the pot? !


As a result, Yu Chen's whole body tensed up.

Look around!

But nothing was found.

And when he turned back, there was a flash of light, and the plate of fish that had obviously been disemboweled was jumping alive in the bucket again!

Yu Chen: "?"

Damn it!


Ghosts are not that scary!

He took a deep breath and stared at the two fat fish that were jumping around.

In my mind, for some reason, the scene of the heaven and earth being opened up and all things being created suddenly appeared!

So, he saw it before his eyes.

——Those two fat fishes turned into the most primitive dust in an instant, and then reconstructed and turned into a plate of delicious food with all colors, flavors and tastes.

Yu Chen was stunned.

He suddenly realized that the problem with the strange changes just now was not with the fish, nor with the outside world.

But...in himself.

He reached out his hand and gently touched the plate with fish.


It turned into endless dust again, reorganized again, and turned into two fresh fat fish that fell into the bucket and jumped alive!

He pointed again.

The two fishes turned into dust, and after reorganization, they turned into two lively rabbits, jumping around the kitchen.


Yu Chen swallowed and suddenly realized something.

It seems like... something terrible happened?

He closed his eyes and recalled in his mind the terrifying scene of chaos opening up and all things being created.

At that moment, he seemed to be no longer Yu Chen, but turned into vast chaos.

Open your eyes!

Yu Chen saw that the area around him, a hundred steps in radius, was shrouded in a dark halo.

From this point of view, it was as if with him as the center, the dim light formed a ball with a radius of a hundred steps.

And within these hundred steps...

Yu Chen had a feeling that he seemed... omnipotent?

As soon as I thought about it, everything within a radius of a hundred steps, including earth and stone, walls, stoves, firewood, flames, pots and pans, and the two jumping rabbits, stopped for an instant.

Then, it turned into the most original dust and particles, surrounding Yu Chen, like a guard.

Yu Chen pointed his hand, and the vast dust slowly reorganized according to his thoughts, turning into a sharp sword, a huge boulder, a group of surging water, a vast boiling flame, and a ferocious evil. Tiger, dragon that can overwhelm rivers and seas...

The most original mote of dust disintegrates again and again, reorganizes again and again, and is ever-changing.

Crossing the barriers between life and death, species, and even living and non-living things, there are thousands of changes, endless!

The source of these changes was actually just... Yu Chen's thoughts!

One thought makes all things come into being, one thought makes all people come and go, one thought makes the yin and yang reverse, and one thought turns the earth upside down!

In the most ancient and simple understanding, such an existence is called... God!

Finally, Yu Chen waved his hand, and the vast dust transformed into everything in the kitchen above the Sky Burial Abyss, returning to the same state as before, with no visible changes.

In the bucket, the two fish were still jumping around.

Then, the mysterious thoughts from the Book of Saviors poured into Yu Chen's mind!

——Tiangang · mediates creation.

This is the title of the "hundred-step ball" just now.

According to ancient rumors, the Thirty-Six Divine Powers of Tiangang come from the ancient divine court in the sky and are the means of the gods.

Among them, as the most powerful and terrifying "mediation creation", it is the Supreme Divine Court Emperor who, with great supernatural powers, crossed the long river of time and descended into the chaotic and ignorant world, risking endless dangers and terrors to... Only after merging into chaos and witnessing the creation of all things in the world with my own eyes can I understand the terrifying magical power of creation!

Just now, Yu Chen received the inheritance of "Mediating Creation", followed the inheritance of the Godless Lord, transformed into chaos, and experienced the creation of the world.

Finally, he had a rough grasp of the supreme magical power - "Mediating Creation".

With such magical power, it is difficult to define whether it is an attack, defense, or auxiliary method.

Its only function is to create a "domain" around it. Within the range, its caster is the supreme god who created the world.

Just the movement of the mind can control everything in that "domain", create something out of nothing, transform something into nothing, reverse life and death, merge yin and yang...

It’s for—creation!

Compared with the terrifying method of the ancient Shenting emperor who brought the entire sky into his domain in his mind, Yu Chen's current soul and spirit are enough to expand this "domain" a hundred steps in radius.

But within this hundred-step radius...he is omnipotent!

Even if there are beings more powerful than him, if they step into this "domain", they will be slaughtered like fish on a chopping board!

Even if he continues to grow, continue to become stronger, and practice to the extreme state, he can even use such magical power to create the world and create all things in a single thought!

Then, Yu Chen finally realized it!

The reward for this second-grade last wish... is so terrifying!

This is a more terrifying magical power than the powerful "field" of Tianzun!

After coming to his senses, Yu Chen felt relieved, and that unspeakable feeling of fatigue just came over him!

The previous efforts to mediate creation and create everything in the "domain" did not consume the energy of heaven and earth, nor mana, but Yu Chen's spirit.

But with his current spirit and moral conduct, he could only unfold it once before he was exhausted and unable to continue.

Staggering, I returned to the room and fell asleep.

Although tired, my heart is extremely...excited!

For him, this kind of magical power surpasses the Zhuxian Sword Formation, surpasses the Nine Dragon Divine Fire, and surpasses the reincarnation show. It can be used as the final trump card!

Today is also a two-in-one chapter. Please give me monthly votes at the beginning of the month, brothers!

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