I have a book of salvation

Chapter 676 Prepare for a rainy day and borrow the Holy Order again

Yu Chen looked at him, but was stunned.

Let's talk about the devout faith of Moko Buddha. He said that if the Buddha asked him to do harm to heaven and earth, he would not do it.

But you can say that he is ungrateful, but he can do this without any burden even though the Buddha's decree dictates that he swallow the remains of a golden body.

Quite a strange man.

"Then we will set off tomorrow. Let's find the Buddhist scriptures first and then make a decision." Yu Chen said.

——Now the ghost body of Moko Buddha cannot affect the things in the world. Even if the Buddhist scripture falls on the ground, he cannot pick it up.

So Yu Chen naturally had to follow along.

——Although he has not agreed directly, Yu Chen has already decided. As long as the next step of the Buddha's instructions is not harmful to nature or killing people, he will accept it.

Firstly, it was because his first impression of Moko Buddha was not bad.

Secondly, the rewards of second-grade ambition are too tempting.

After Xuan Tiangang's last wish was fulfilled, he directly obtained the ancient Divine Court's imperial power "Mediation of Creation", allowing him to take over the fateful murderous intention of the true leader.

If this second-level ambition is realized, what surprises will there be?

It just so happened that Yu Chen was eager to improve his strength at this moment, and this second-grade last wish came at the perfect time.

As for the danger...

As the saying goes, a horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall.

If he had not taken the risk to fulfill Xuan Tiangang's second-grade last wish and had not obtained the magical power of mediating creation, I am afraid that he would have been killed by the true leader that night.

But just like last time, even if you decide to take risks and fulfill your second-grade last wish.

You can't just rush over.

That's not brave, that's stupid.

You still have to be well prepared.

But now the ancient god Taotie has fallen into a deep sleep because of the battle with the three-legged Golden Crow carrying the suppression seal.

What else can Yu Chen rely on?

After much thought, we set out overnight.

After Yu Chen said hello to Shitou and Li Yuanqing, he took the ghost of Moko Buddha directly and took off into the air.

Yama Heavenly Palace.

The journey was smooth.

It can only be said that they are all old acquaintances. The master of Yan Mo Palace, Tianzun, is enthusiastic and caring towards Yu Chen.

It's a pity that Yu Chen is not in the mood to chat with him tonight. He borrowed the teleportation array to cross thousands of mountains and rivers and came to the Holy Land of Yama again.

It was late at night, the Holy Land of Yama was surrounded by nine days in the sky, and infinite darkness was falling down.

The Ninety-nine Peaks are like that shocking sharp sword that pierces out of the earth and reaches the top of the clouds, majestic and majestic. Auras of terror were buried in the silent darkness, just like the ancient monster that was sleeping, and turned upside down as soon as it opened its eyes.

"This is... the Yama Holy Land?"

Moko Buddha followed Yu Chen, frowning slightly.

Seeing those Qi refiners from the Yama Holy Land, they saluted Yu Chen with great respect and called him elder.

Just now I realized that according to rumors, the gravekeepers at the Sky Burial Abyss did seem to have a close relationship with the Yama Holy Land.

Because of his identity as an elder and Taoist monk Yu Youyu, the combination of the two made Yu Chen very familiar with the sect even in the Yama Holy Land.

Even those Heavenly Lord Peak Masters respect him immensely. Just like that, the road was smooth, all the way to the main peak of the Lord Yama.

The baby fish is not asleep yet.

The petite girl was still working at her desk in the study, with a large pile of files piled high in front of her.

It wasn't until Yu Chen came in that she finally got out of the busyness and had a chance to breathe.

After meeting Yu Chen, there was a glimmer of light in those tired eyes, which was quite a surprise.

"Why are you here so suddenly?" The tired girl took the ghosts of Yu Chen and Moko Buddha to another living room and asked the waiter to bring tea.

"Don't I miss you?"

Yu Chen smiled, then frowned, looking at Yu Xiaoyu's haggard and tired face with bloodshot eyes, "Is it so difficult to sit in the position of Holy Lord? I think Holy Lord Jiang was quite at home back then."

"That's the teacher."

Yu Xiaoyu sighed, stretched out, and curled up on the chair.

Only in front of Yu Chen, she was not the fierce and fierce new Holy Master, but a weak girl.

"Teacher has been a Holy Master for many years, so he is naturally familiar with the job.

But I have just taken office, but I have to be familiar with and control everything.

Not to mention anything else, the pile on the desk in the study room is all information collected by the secret guards.

Which peak has a bad relationship with which peak needs to be paid attention to at all times; which peak has too many Tianzun elders, and one family cannot be the dominant one; Forging Tianfeng and Yubao Peak are fighting again because of the competition for materials in the secret treasury. , must be handled properly; wherever there are monsters causing trouble under the rule, depending on the degree of danger, it depends on whether to send elders to eliminate them, or to set them as sect tasks for disciples to experience...

I never thought that Holy Master would have to deal with so many things. Fortunately, the teacher will be there to help me, otherwise I might not even have time to practice. "

After saying that, Yu Youyu waved his hand and looked at Yu Chen: "Also, gravekeeper, tell me why you are here - I just wrote the letter yesterday, but I still don't believe you are so clingy."

Yu Chen scratched his head, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

Then, he talked about the last wishes of Moko Buddha and the second grade.

Yu Youyu frowned for a long time and then said, "Buddhist affairs are the most complicated. Are you sure you want to get involved? Those bald donkeys are not easy to deal with.

Besides, you also said that the dangers of the second level... should be similar to that of the Holy Land of the Great Sun, that is, almost the same ancient god is the enemy. Now that Taotie is asleep, are you sure you want to take this risk? "

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?"

Yu Chen took a deep breath and said, "If you want to improve your strength in a short period of time, you have to take risks. As for the danger... isn't that why I came to find you?"

Yu Xiaoyu was stunned.

"To be honest, I want to borrow the Holy Order of Yama once more." Yu Chen took a deep breath and spoke directly without being shy.

The Holy Order of Yama.

The token of Holy Lord Yama, where the holy order is, is as if the Holy Lord is here in person.

In addition, it also contains the aura and power of the Yama Lords of all generations.

What's more... it is related to the terrifying existence sleeping in the sky of Yama Demon Cave - you can borrow the power of the sleeping ancient one with the help of Yama Demon's Holy Order!

Last time, if Yu Chen hadn't brought the Holy Order of Yama to the South China Sea restricted area. As long as the Holy Order is in hand, the Holy Lord of Yama, Jiang Yue, can directly suppress the traitor Zhu Qiyun without having to be banned from the sky for so long.

Yu Xiaoyu's pupils shrank and he understood.

Why did Yu Chen come?

She frowned slightly, "If you had mentioned this matter a few years later, I could have made the final decision. But now, although I have inherited the position of Holy Lord, the power in the hands of the teacher has not yet been completely transferred. . If you want to borrow the Holy Order, I naturally have no objection, but you have to ask for the teacher’s permission.”

Yu Chen nodded. Yu Youyu's answer was not unexpected.

"Then wait a moment, I'll go discuss it with the teacher right now."

After saying that, Yu Xiaoyu got up and went out.

Only Yu Chen and Holy Son Moko were left.

The latter looked at Yu Xiaoyu's back and then at Yu Chen, his eyes full of smiles, and after a long time he said: "The happy event of the two benefactors is widely known, and the poor monk has also heard about it. Now that they meet, they are really a match made in heaven. What a great story!”

Yu Chen smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Buddha, for the compliment."

"But the poor monk never thought that the person who visited the grave that day was actually... a famous judge!" Moko Buddha took a deep breath and said.

Yu Chen's previous conversation with Yu Youyu did not avoid him and was completely overheard by him.

From the Great Sun Holy Land, the Ancient God Taotie, etc., it was naturally determined that Yu Chen was the judge.

Yu Chen didn't defend himself and waved his hand, "It's good to have multiple identities in the world. Buddhists won't mind, right?"

"Of course, these are matters in the world of the world and have nothing to do with the poor monk. They are just surprised and curious."

Moko Buddha clasped his hands together and suddenly changed the subject, "But having said that, the poor monk thinks that the donor's trip may have been in vain."

The Holy Order of Yama.

Moko Buddha has naturally heard about it for a long time.

Its status in the Yama Holy Land is very similar to the status of the Moko Golden Body in the Moko Holy Temple.


He was a dignified Buddhist disciple of Moko, and even after he took away the golden body of Moko, he was hunted down to pieces.

Yu Chen, an outsider, wants to borrow the Holy Order of Yama from Yama Holy Land, which is tantamount to wanting to borrow the golden body of Moko Ancient Buddha from Moko Holy Temple...

He even felt that if Yu Chen and Lord Yan Mo were not Taoist companions, he would not even be able to leave this door today after making this request...

After hearing Moko Buddha's concerns, Yu Chen didn't refute, but just handed over his hand: "Fo Master, just wait. If it doesn't work, it won't be too late for us to go back home."

The young fish came back very quickly, almost as fast as a stick of incense.

He held a dark red token in his hand.

As soon as he entered the door, he threw it to Yu Chen, "Teacher said, you can use it as you like, just bring it back when you're done."

She looked Yu Chen up and down, "Gravekeeper, what kind of ecstasy did you give the teacher? If I want to take this holy order out of the Holy Land, the teacher will not agree, but once I say it's you If I wanted to borrow it, I agreed immediately.”

Yu Chen laughed, "Maybe the old Holy Master is extremely satisfied with my son-in-law!"

Yu Xiaoyu's face turned red, "You're shameless!"

After chatting for a few more words, Yu Chen took Mo Kefozi away.

His thoughts penetrated into the Holy Order of Yama.

In an instant, his soul seemed to have arrived in an infinitely vast world.

In this world, above the sky, three stalwart and terrifying shadows cover the sky and the sun, as if they have existed forever, casting an infinite and terrifying power.

——The Ancient One!

The ancients of Yama Holy Land.

Feeling that majestic and majestic power, Yu Chen felt slightly reassured.

After returning to the Heavenly Burial Abyss from the Holy Land of Yama, Holy Son Moko finally couldn't help but speak, "Donor, apart from being a judge, what other identity do you have? Can such a holy land treasure be lent to a benefactor?"

"Buddha, half a month ago, I had a secret conversation with the old Holy Master. If only I had not rejected his words on that day."

Looking at the puzzled Holy Son Moko, Yu Chen smiled, looked at the dark sky in the distance, recalled the night conversation with the old Holy Master that day, and murmured,

"——Then the current Holy Lord Yama is not the young fish, but me."

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