I Have A Bunch Of Earth Player

Chapter 321 Unexpected mutation!

"Lord Lord really want to take this risk?" In the base, looking at Xiye who was about to leave, the system frowned.

To be honest, Xi Ye sits on the treasure house of D-ball people. There is really no need to risk such unknown risks. The local lord has no information about his class or ability, so he rushed in. Even if he has a trump card, he is not in his own right. At the fifth-level, the probability of overturning is still great!

"It's better to take a risk than a chronic death..." Xi Yeyou quietly said: "The space rift here cannot be recovered temporarily. Once this world falls into the hands of other lords, it will be a huge threat to us, and you I have also seen that the other party has the technology of the Black Goat Map. Once he successfully launches it, it will erode the world for at most three years. In three years, it is impossible for us to grow to the point of patching space..."


Xi Ye's words are correct. The Biology-based Black Goat is one of the fastest ways to erode a world. It would be more optimistic to last three years with the life strength of this world.

Once that time comes, with the terrorist biological weapons spawned by the black goat map, they will have no chance. After all, the war between lords has never been a single battle between BOSS...

"The lord, what do you mean...Want to try your luck?" the system said cautiously.

"Yes..." Xi Ye also said frankly.

Although his body has not fully recovered now, it is still okay to release Restrictions again. As long as the lord of the opponent dared to appear in front of him, he has a chance to behead...

"Where is the closest teleportation point to the imperial capital?" Xi Ye asked.

Smart: "In the multilateral city of Moron, Karnas, you still have ten days away without flying tools. If you don’t count the consumption, it will take three days, but I don’t recommend you to do this!"

"Understood..." Xi Ye nodded, and said in his heart: Is it only three days at the earliest? I hope that girl can hold it...

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Imperial Capital:

"Where is Ms. Icacio?" Rox asked the butler who took his horse as soon as he returned to the mansion.

"In the study..." the old butler smiled slightly. Icacio has now taken over Morendo, and he is called by his husband's Ferren's surname outside, but grandpa seems easy to forget this. Stubble, every time I call someone's previous name directly.

And the word "lady" is for single women...

Rox didn't pay attention to his butler's profound eyes, and after handing him the coat, he quickly walked towards the study.

In order to ensure the daylight and view, the study room of Rox's Mansion was directly facing the courtyard. A long distance away, Rox saw the rain girl looking through the materials.

In all fairness, this woman is definitely not stunning, but the temperament that is always changing at any time and Zhizhu is holding is the most attractive point. No matter how big things are, this woman's calm attitude can't be shaken.....

I have to say that sometimes what men often see is not necessarily the truth. At this time, Yu Nu Wugua is actually panicked.....

Ma Dan... After all, it's not a game...

Yu Nu Wu Gu murmured in a low voice...

To be honest, even after knowing the truth, she didn't really regard everything in the base as real deep down in her heart. After all, this environment where she can go offline and resurrect at any time is too comfortable. Who is not full of confidence in this environment?

In fact, she should have thought that one day she would face this kind of crisis, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Boss, your old friend is here..." an elf player reminded in the secret of the study.

"Shut up!" Yu Nu Wu Gu glanced at the elf, looking at the sky speechlessly, not only secretly saying that the mentality of these military players is really good, she is not worried at all?

While sighing, she saw Rox rushing to this side with a look of dust and dust, she quickly got up and saluted: "My lord is back, what's the matter?"

"It's going well..." Rox nodded, but then he rubbed his hands and smiled, "Shall we make a bowl of noodles first?"

Rain Girl has no melons: "........."

After a quarter of an hour...

"According to your statement, we will try our best to bring in the frontier army in advance..." Rox slurped two noodles and took a big breath: "But the situation is still not very optimistic. The external terrain of the empire is really good. In terms of timing, we are not at an advantage, and the time and place are at a disadvantage. This battle is difficult to fight....."

After a pause, Rox looked at the other party and said seriously: "I think it's better for you to go back to the south first, madam, and take the children back..."

Yunv Wugua rolled her eyes when she heard this, she wanted to run quickly, but the key is that she dares to run now?

"I don't need to say any more..." Yunv Wugua shook her head and said, "There are no eggs under the nest? If you fail, my lord, even if my mother and child are far away in the south, they will eventually die out later. , Now... you are the last hope of our mother and son..."

Rox heard the words and watched the strong woman say these words, a strong desire for protection could not help rising in his heart.

There are finished eggs under the covering nest. This term... is used so well!

Rox smiled slightly and said nothing, lowered his head and drank the delicious noodle soup.

"My lord, without Shuaiyin, how can I mobilize the frontier army?" Yu Nv asked curiously.

Rox put down the bowl in his hand and smiled after hearing the words: "We old people have spent most of our lives on the battlefield. Sometimes this old face is better than some dead things..."

Yu Nuo was taken aback for a moment, and for the first time she felt that this guy seemed to speak with a bragging tone.

Rox was taken aback when he finished speaking. To tell the truth, he was the most low-key and reserved person among all the generals in the empire, but he did not expect that one day he would show off his own feathers like a young man.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Maybe... After this tough battle, I can really think about something... Rox looked at the Rain Girl Wugua and thought to himself.

Just thinking about it, suddenly, something strange happened...

Rox found that the beautiful and bright picture of the woman in front of him suddenly freezes in place, and the light gradually dims. The entire space has unexpectedly turned into a black and white portrait!

what happened?

Rox was shocked, and immediately thought that it might be a curse attack by some occultist. When he was shocked, he just wanted to make a move, but found that the grudge in his body was involuntarily running, and a panic surged to his heart. .....

Because he discovered that the person that the grudge in his body was aimed at was actually the rain girl who was less than a few feet away!

do not want! !

Rox realized something and screamed in his heart, trying to control his own grudge, but found that not only the grudge, but also his body almost completely lost control!

The rain girl Wugua, who was just around the corner, didn't notice Rox's strangeness at all. When she was about to ask about the information about the Gus family, she suddenly felt a chill coming. When she looked up, she saw Rox. That strange pair of pupils that turned green like opals!

"Boss!" The elf player in the distance finally found that something was wrong, but in order to prevent Rox from discovering them, they were not very close. They tried to stay ten meters away, and they had never thought of Rooke. Stanley has no shots against the Rain Girl. Rox itself is a third-level life form. Suddenly shot at such a close distance, even the agile elf player is too powerful at this moment. The distance of ten meters is like a moment. I couldn't cross the ditch with my desperate efforts, I could only watch Rox thrust an ice-like blade into Yu Nu Wugua's chest!

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