I Have a Bunch of Players on Earth

Chapter 1208: : Bolton's Fate (Part 2)

Interstellar pirates have always been the most feared existence of many little lords. No matter what the family background and the starting resources are, they can only admit to those desperadoes, because the gods who have not grown up really have no resistance at all.

And you can't tell whether those star pirates are real pirates or arrangements of some hostile forces.

At that time, Bolton was seriously injured, the planet of the initial resources was destroyed, the people were looted, and all the materials brought from the elders of the abyss were robbed, including the first few elders who trusted him to send him to grow together. Several of the valued juniors also died! !

Among them were the royal candidates of the Fallen Angel at the time.

That loss made the Abyss Demon Race very disappointed in him, and they have even begun to prepare for the selection of the second deity quota.

He didn't even dare to go back to the abyss, but became a drifting lord...

But doom starts and ends from that moment...

He encountered the starting point to change his fate, that mysterious intelligence!

Intelligence guided him to find a new planet, which was a new starting point, an opportunity to start again.

He also made a comeback!

After that time, intelligence guided him to acquire countless resources, including some ancient secrets. In just a few million years, he personally earned the resources of a galaxy, and he was also qualified to return to the abyss and obtain Re-trust of the demon elders!

To this day, he has hundreds of galaxies, and sixteen galaxies have been developed to the level of advanced star domains. The Celestial Contract has allowed him to sign a large number of demon children.

The abyss continuously sent excellent children here, and he also used the resources of the gods to train the children in the major demon tribes. In just tens of millions of years, three star juniors and a large group were born from their own forces. The descendants of the dragon class were all cultivated by the resources they earned in the Federation!

This achievement is very much in line with the expectations of the elders. More and more tribes began to trust themselves, began to send their own children, and also began to fund resources to him, and even willing to provide him with the blood of the tribe under his persuasion. star!

Everything is moving in an extremely good way, and under the guidance of his intelligence, he rises much faster than ordinary gods!

In the Eastern Star Territory, apart from the smelly panda, the younger generation, basically no **** can match himself!

But in his mind, the speed of development is still too slow!

As he rises, more and more demons in the abyss want to send their children to the forces to train them, and the elders have higher and higher requirements for him.

But what volume is the abyss? What size is his power?

How could it be possible to accommodate so many younger generations?

More and more demons began to quarrel over the number of places, and each demonic group broke their heads in order to send a child to themselves.

This was originally a good thing, which meant that his status was getting heavier, but he didn't think so later.

Because he heard that the abyss began to plan to cultivate more gods to expand domestic demand!

If this is the case, then he will not be the only demon **** in the future, and his unique position may slowly disappear as his competitiveness increases.

He needs to be faster and needs to become a high lord as soon as possible. In this way, even if there is a descendant of the **** lord, at least he can't replace his position in a short time.

After all, the importance of the overlord is completely different from that of ordinary gods. In the universe, only the overlord is qualified to make a race into a royal family, and letting the abyss demon have the glory of the royal family is something that many elders dream of, as long as they can achieve it. , Will be an irreplaceable existence in the history of the abyss!

But the threshold of the high lord is too high. Although he has been expanding over the years, he seems to be stuck in a bottleneck period. It takes a lot of time to digest the results of the previous battle. Before encountering the heavy confession, it seems that he can only fall into the water mill period.

This made him, who was advancing all the way, become a little impatient, and therefore, after confirming Xi Ye's chance, he would make such a major move.

"My lord..." the rock demon Baogusi said in a voice: "I looked everywhere, there was nothing, and I didn't notice the breath of other companions. Would you like to expand the spiritual realm to explore it?"

Bolton glanced at the other party and smiled slightly. Although the other party is naive, but very obedient, at least he knows everything to ask himself for advice. Among the many army commanders, this guy is probably the one he can use the most. ....

In the early days, when this guy was sent in, he was actually very dissatisfied. It felt like the Rock Demon clan was perfunctory, but now the Rock Demon clan wants to send some powerful children in, but unfortunately...there is no star quota. ...

"Don't act rashly, it's easy to expose your position..." Bolton said lightly.

Bogus: "Then what shall we do?"

Bolton: "Watch the changes..."

"Oh..." Bogus nodded, but then he said: "My lord, you didn't think you should do it?"

Bolton: "........."

This guy is easy to use, but it's too straightforward. If you change to other subordinates, even if you say it, you will be more tactful.

He really didn't think about what he should do now, after all, everything that happened today was too different from what he had expected before!

To be honest, facing a junior who is only at level five or six, he has been cautious enough to guess the opposing chance, and even willing to try his best with the lion and the rabbit, but he never expected such a situation!

I can’t blame my imagination for being too low, I can only blame the reality for being too magical...

The original situation encountered such a big change, he should leave immediately...

After all, what he is carrying is different from ordinary gods, it is the entire family of abyssal demons. The theory is that he should be steadily and steadily. Such a bet on the whole game is absolutely inappropriate.

But... the temptation is really too big this time!

The spiritual world channel, if you really get it, it will be a wave of takeoff. With such a huge resource, even if the entire abyss demon's children flood into your own power, you can still afford it!

Success is the greatest Dylan demon in the history of the devil!

I'm afraid no one can bear to let go of this opportunity...

Bolton looked up at the green fibers in the sky, and looked into the distance, with a trace of confusion on his face again. To be honest, even now, he is not sure if his risky approach is correct.

Because since I came here, many things have begun to be out of his control...

First Xiye, then Ren, and then the little guy from the fairy clan who he thought he had controlled.....

One thing out of control made him feel a little uneasy, and what made him most uneasy was not the above, but more important things.

I don’t know when, the intelligence that has been guiding me... seems to disappear! ! ! !

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