I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 155 Counting the harvest and opening the third underground floor!

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On the Shenglongcheng Square, all kinds of goods are piled up like a mountain!

A large group of residents are pointing around the randomly stacked goods, their eyes are full of curiosity and excitement. They have long known about the magical ability of the city lord, but it is the first time they have seen such a large-scale transportation of goods.

After seeing Tang Zhen approaching, everyone stopped talking immediately, and then looked at him intently, with a hint of anticipation in their eyes.

Tang Zhen still didn't understand their thoughts, it was just that there was something in it that made their hearts move, and he wanted to see if the Lord of the City could give everyone a piece or two.

"Ziyan, you lead someone to count these things, and then put them all into the warehouse. If there is anyone who can't figure out the purpose, come and ask me, Tyson, don't look at it, ask your people to help, and after the inventory is completed, Every resident can pick one thing they like from it.”

As soon as Tang Zhen's voice fell, everyone cheered and quickly surrounded them, opening the boxes one by one to count them.

Seeing the happy residents who were doing their best, Tang Zhen chuckled lightly, then called Tyson and Qianlong to the side, and began to discuss how to clean up the third floor of the shelter.

The three walked a distance, and after sitting down on a large rock, Tang Zhen took out two cigarettes and threw them to the two, and then he said, "The last time we cleaned the second floor, our behavior was a bit too rash, so It is easy to cause unnecessary casualties, and the Holy Dragon City is weak now, I will feel distressed for a long time if a person dies, so this time we clean up the third underground floor, we must be more secure."

Both of them took it seriously when they heard the words. If it wasn't for Tang Zhen's great power last time, I'm afraid there would be fewer than a few soldiers left in the second underground floor of the Holy Dragon City. The two have a deep understanding of it.

After seeing the expressions of the two of them, Tang Zhen continued: "So this time to clean up the third underground floor, I plan to go down by myself first, and after confirming that there is no danger, I will notify you to bring people down, this is the safest way. Method."

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, the two of them fell silent, Qianlong hesitated for a while and then asked: "City Lord, you are very strong, we all know this, but you can't take it first when you are in danger. , what is the use of us like this?"

Tyson on the side nodded, obviously he also agreed with Qianlong's statement.

Before joining the Holy Dragon City, the two were not ordinary people, at least in Tang Zhen's view, as long as they had the right conditions, both of them were people who could do great things. It was only after joining the Holy Dragon City that Tang Zhen's radiance was too dazzling, so the brilliance of the two was covered up.

How many of the people who can survive in the endless wilderness are simple characters?

Now, under the leadership of the two, Shenglong City is running very well, and Tang Zhen, the big shopkeeper, has less troubles. He only needs to concentrate on providing logistical supplies, and he can take command during the war.

It is a pity that such people are not willing to be ordinary, hiding behind danger and watching, which is also not their style. Although it would be very safe, if the two were given a choice, they would choose to sway their blood in the blade and sword shadow without turning back.

Patting the two of them on the shoulders, Tang Zhen pointed to the sky above his head, and then pointed to the smiling Sacred Dragon City residents and said, "Don't you realize that the sky is very blue, isn't the Sacred Dragon Valley beautiful?"

Looking at the unknown two people, Tang Zhen continued: "No matter what you two think, but I am sure that the residents of Shenglong City will definitely think this way, because this place can provide them with shelter and food and clothing. life.

But sweet dreams are easy to wake up. If you want to finish this dream without being disturbed, you must have a stable sleeping environment.

The same is true for the Holy Dragon City. It is still very weak and cannot withstand too many winds and waves, so I try my best to maintain it and block any wind and rain that can hurt it, just so that it can grow steadily. ,

This is true for the Holy Dragon City, and the same is true for you. When one day you have enough strength to face the wind and rain in the endless wilderness, I will naturally hide behind the scenes.

You are my sword and shield. I look forward to the day when I can see you commanding millions of heroes, sweeping the Quartet, and using the blood of aliens to compose the magnificent chapter of my human race!

So before that, what you have to do is to improve your cultivation, take good care of your subordinates, and don't die easily. I don't want to wait until the Holy Dragon City is famous all over the world, but there is no company by your side! "

After Tang Zhen said these words with a smile, he turned around and walked towards the mother tree, without turning his head, he continued: "Remember to go back and sort out the equipment, we will start cleaning the third underground floor early tomorrow morning!"


Early the next morning, Tyson and Qianlong followed Tang Zhen into the depths of the second underground floor with their fully armed men. According to Tang Zhen's instructions, they would guard the entrance of the third underground floor and wait for Tang Zhen. shock command.

Tang Zhen, who was wearing a black cloak and light armor, stretched out his hand to open the door of the third underground floor, and walked in with big strides.

Tang Zhen, who opened the [Almighty Data-Based Battle Interface], walked lightly through the third underground floor passage and officially entered the interior of the third underground floor.

As the application scanned, various data flowed rapidly in front of his eyes, and at the same time, a three-dimensional building image appeared on the right side of the field of vision. With the map perspective, Tang Zhen had a preliminary understanding of the third underground floor.

This is not a residential area, but a building complex that looks like a shopping mall. It is divided into five main streets, and each main street is connected with shops on both sides, occupying the entire space of the three underground floors.

The lighting control system on the entire third underground floor could not be found for the time being, so Tang Zhen had no choice but to move forward.

It's just that until now, Tang Zhen has not seen the shadow of a monster, which makes him quite puzzled. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and Tang Zhen doesn't dare to take it lightly.

Holding the machine gun in his hand, Tang Zhen cautiously took a few more steps forward, but still didn't find any abnormality, but the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. He couldn't help but stop his steps and looked around carefully again. stand up.

There was still nothing abnormal in the surroundings, and there was nothing wrong with the application, but Tang Zhen's incomparably sensitive feeling was reminding him that something was peeping at him, and the feeling that made his scalp tingle could not be faked. .

"Damn, what the hell is that?"

Tang Zhen cursed inwardly, took a deep breath, and then stabilized his mind, and searched for the source of the uneasy once again. The shadow flashed suddenly.

Tang Zhen only felt his hair explode. At the same time, he turned the muzzle, aimed at the shadow's position, and pulled the trigger.

In the pitch-black third floor, the unique sound of firearms firing immediately sounded, streaks of light flashed past, heading straight for the moving shadow, and at the same time, a scream of pain suddenly sounded. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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