I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 510 Alien legion, air cavalry raid!

About 200 kilometers away from Shenglong City, there is a vast grassland.

After experiencing the disaster of the cold moon, all the wild grasses on this grassland have frozen to death, and now there is a withered yellow in the eyes.

However, the weeds in Loucheng World, like the natives here, have an incomparably powerful vitality. Although they have gone through a catastrophe, they are still not dead.

You can see that there are countless grass buds arching out of the ground, although they are immature, they still look alive.

It's just that the ill-fated weeds have been ravaged again today.

The trampling of countless footsteps caused the ground to vibrate, and various sounds broke the silence of the grassland.

When I looked up, I saw a black crowd of aliens slowly approaching, like the waves of the ocean.

Walking at the forefront of this legion is a group of kobold warriors with hideous faces. Most of them wear leather armor and hold short spears. There are about 50,000 people.

These kobold warriors lined up in countless small squares, each led by a kobold officer, looking imposing.

On both sides of these kobold squads, there are more than a dozen kobold vassal races.

These vassal races are equipped with different equipment, and the number of city warriors they lead is also different. At this time, they are following the kobold army, and they also form large and small queues.

And in the center of this tier of legion, there is a queue of thousands of giant kobold monks.

These kobold cultivators are well-equipped, with sturdy expressions, and are guarding nearly a hundred ornately dressed kobolds as they move forward slowly.

Judging from the clothes of these hundred kobolds, they are obviously nobles among the kobolds.

Looking at these kobold aristocrats, there is also a golden kobold wearing a magic soldier armor and riding a lord-level giant wolf monster.

Judging from the respectful attitude of the surrounding kobold nobles, this golden retriever kobold is obviously of extraordinary status.

"Eldest Prince, according to the news just received, our army has already been found in Shenglong City, and at the same time, an army of about 20,000 people has been dispatched, which is rushing towards us."

A kobold general held a note and said to the golden kobold.

The golden-haired kobold, that is, the eldest prince, heard the words and asked casually, "How many monks are there in the Holy Dragon City Legion? What is their level? Do you have any specific information?"

The kobold general heard the words and immediately replied: "The number of monks is only 2,000 people, the level is higher than ours, and there are a lot of strange vehicles in their team..."

After the eldest prince heard his subordinate's report, his originally indifferent complexion changed slightly, and then he showed a dignified expression.

Glancing at the dignitaries around, the eldest prince said coldly: "This holy dragon city has risen very fast, but in just a few years, it has been promoted to a fifth-level building city, which obviously has great potential!

The business district of Shenglong City is now well-known, and the products there are sold all over the world. Even in our Loucheng area, products from the business district of Shenglong City are often seen.

My teacher once told me that this is actually an invasion, but ordinary people can't see it.

It can be seen that this holy dragon city is by no means like an ordinary human building city, but has great ambitions!

Our family has fought against the Holy Dragon City several times before, but each time we were defeated, and tens of thousands of our children were buried in the wilderness. For our kobold family, this is simply a great shame!

This kind of hatred is unbearable, and there is no possibility of it being resolved! "

Having said that, the eldest prince showed murderous intent and said coldly, "For this kind of enemy, we must completely obliterate it before it really grows!

This time, I said to move the father emperor and gather a hundred thousand troops to go straight to the Holy Dragon City, just to wipe it out completely!

Otherwise, when this holy dragon city is in full swing, it is likely to be the time when my kobolds will exterminate my clan! "

When the kobolds around him heard the words, they immediately nodded in agreement,

The eldest prince of Liandao is wise.

The other alien cultivators who were guarding the kobold noble perimeter also echoed, but if they looked closely, they were somewhat insincere.

These alien races have long been dissatisfied with the rule of the kobolds, but due to the strength of the kobolds, they can only choose to submit.

Sending troops to go out this time is also a helpless move. If they don't obey the order, they will definitely be suppressed by the kobolds.

Whether the Holy Dragon City is strong or not has nothing to do with them at all, but they have to bear the cost of sending troops.

For this kind of loss-making business, they can only grit their teeth and hold on!

At this time, the eldest prince of the kobold had ordered to stop advancing and set up camp near a river on the grassland.

The grassland in front of you is a flat river, which is just right for the two sides to fight. The Kobold Legion just needs to wait for the arrival of the Holy Dragon City!

For a while, there were busy figures everywhere on the grassland, tents were quickly set up everywhere, and the kobold cavalry soldiers who were in charge of swimming and vigilance also rushed to the surrounding grassland in groups.

Kobolds are able to have the scale of power they have today. In addition to the large number of ethnic groups caused by their strong reproductive ability, half of them are because they fight all year round and are very good at marching operations.

The reason why they lost to the Holy Dragon City in the past few times is mainly because of the powerful weapons and the tall city walls of the Holy Dragon City. If they lose these two reliances, I am afraid that the Holy Dragon City will be defeated and enslaved by it like other races. .

Because according to the information, it will take some time to reach the Holy Dragon City, so the atmosphere of the Kobold Legion is not very tense.

The dignitaries who fought with the eldest prince even gathered to drink and chat, and by the way, they discussed how to deal with the prisoners of war in the holy dragon city after defeating the holy dragon city.

Some people suggested that they be killed directly for military rations, some people suggested that they should be allocated to various nobles as slaves, and some people thought that the monks in Shenglong City should be used as cannon fodder troops, and let them go first when fighting!

No one would think that the Kobold Legion would fail. After all, the number of legions this time was 100,000, and all of them were elites.

No matter how powerful the weapons of the Holy Dragon City are, it is impossible to defeat so many kobold warriors, so this battle will be won!

In the final analysis, these kobolds are still too arrogant, completely unaware of the horror of the original world's weapons.

Even through the intelligence of the spies, the kobolds already knew the guns and weapons of the Holy Dragon City, but they still regarded them as the harvest from the wild buildings, and they believed that the number was limited!

In the real battle, Shenglong City still needs to use swords and fight with human life!

And in the battle of flesh and blood, who were the kobold warriors afraid of?

At the head of the banquet, the kobold eldest prince leaned against a soft chair with the red-haired and green-eyed lord-level monster beside him, his face also full of smiles.

He was in a very good mood listening to the praises of the kobolds, and seemed to have seen the scene of the Holy Dragon City being conquered by them.

With this credit, his prestige in the kobold clan will become higher, and when he ascends the throne and becomes the lord of the kobold king city, it will definitely make the kobold clan more prosperous, and even dominate the entire Big Six!

Looking up at the sky in the distance, the eldest prince's eyes showed a look of contempt for the world, as if the place where he entered his eyes was the land of our clan!

But at this moment, in the azure blue sky, a silvery white light entered the sight of the eldest prince.

"What is that, is it a flying monster?"

The eldest prince narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately instructed the magician around him to perform a magic technique that enhanced his vision. He wanted to find out what was flying from the sky.

Hearing the words, the magician immediately followed the guidance of the First Prince and looked at the silver light spot in the sky.

"Do you see clearly, what is that?"

Seeing that the magician's expression was dull, the first prince hurriedly asked.

"Go back... Go back to the eldest prince, the thing in the sky that day seems to be... It seems to be..."

Hearing the words, the eldest prince immediately said angrily: "Hurry up and say, what is it?"

The magician shook his body and said with a sad face: "I'm not sure, but it seems to be a big metal bird, but there seems to be some races with long pipes on their faces sitting in their stomachs!"

The eldest prince was stunned when he heard the words, and was pondering what kind of race with a long tube on his face, when a "bang rumbling" sound suddenly came.

The sound immediately caught the attention of all the alien races. They looked up at the sky at the same time and saw the "big metal bird" that was rushing in!

It's just that before these aliens came back to their senses, they saw those big metal birds suddenly lowered their height, and at the same time, there were a few big metal birds that seemed to be shitting, leaving a pile of iron lumps.

After seeing this scene, those kobolds were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed drastically, and the sound of "enemy attack" could be heard incessantly.


It was at this moment that the iron lumps that fell from the sky fell into the kobold camp, and the terrifying sea of ​​fire rose into the sky. Countless kobold warriors were swallowed up by the sea of ​​​​fire, and the screams resounded through the wilderness!

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