I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 577 Preparations before the residents arrive!

The next morning, Hussaini and others got up early again and started a new day of study. r?anw?e?n?`

After yesterday's experience, they already had a preliminary understanding of this training base.

Unlike other places, although the instructors in this training base are very powerful, they don't pay much attention to physical training, but they try to stuff things into the brains of Hussaini and others.

Whether you can digest it or not, it is a cramming indoctrination, but with the combination of that weird learning machine and medicated diet, it is really stuffed into their heads.

It is also for this reason that these guys who kill without blinking their eyes are screaming and frowning all day long.

They didn't know until now that learning every day was the most troublesome thing compared to fighting a war.

Many people are thankful for this, because their childhood and adolescence were beautiful, and they did not learn such horrible things!

Learning, training, repeated every day, after about ten days, these old and rough people finally got used to this way of life, and the efficiency of learning began to improve continuously.

The medicinal herbs brought from Loucheng World greatly nourished their weak souls, making the edge hidden in their bodies revealed little by little.

Although their attributes are superior to ordinary people, they must also undergo reasonable development and training before they can perform far beyond ordinary people.

During this period of time, Hussaini and the others also knew the concept of soul transmission. While exclaiming, they finally figured out why they recruited many older people.

As long as this broken body is replaced, they will be rejuvenated!

This kind of miraculous thing was unimaginable in the past. Hussaini remembered that when he first heard the news, everyone was shocked and stunned, and some old guys were even too excited to speak.

Fear of death is a common problem of all human beings. Now, with this method of soul boarding, their lifespan has been extended several times. Who can not be excited?

Hussaini is also very excited. When he is on a video call with his family, he also asks his children to study hard and get the qualification to go to Loucheng World, so that their whole family can meet in Loucheng World!

Time passed slowly, and the things that Hussaini and the others learned began to gradually decrease, and gradually entered the stage of consolidation.

Today, their breath is calm, their eyes twinkling, and they are completely different from before!

Pick a random person to test, and you'll find that they are knowledgeable, agile, and have an outrageous memory!

After learning to this level, they are already qualified, and the countdown to the days before these people go to Loucheng World has also begun.

Holy Dragon City, back valley.

Tang Zhen stood in front of the Soul Teleportation Array with his hands behind his back, looking at Murong Ziyan, Xiaodie and the others who stood up from the Soul Teleportation pod, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Murong Ziyan and the others were all smiles. They stayed in the original world for nearly three months this time, and they visited almost all the most famous scenic spots in the original world.

Because Qianlonghe, Xiaorui and others have jobs, they only stayed in the original world for less than a month, and then returned directly to the world of Loucheng.

The short one-month trip to the original world left them a deep impression, so much so that after returning to the Holy Dragon City, they kept bragging about their scriptures to others.

There are countless girls who are crazy and want to marry them, and they can't stop them. How prosperous all kinds of super cities are, they have everything they want, and so on.

In addition to bragging, each of them also brought back countless things, and generously gave them to relatives and friends. Seeing how they couldn't put it down, they immediately felt that their vanity was greatly satisfied.

Because of his busy work, Tyson didn't get the opportunity to go to the original world, and his heart was always full of resentment, while Qianlong deliberately dangled in front of him, and from time to time he mentioned the experience of the original world, which made Tyson smoke!

Until Tang Zhen promised to take Tyson to the original world next time,

He just went back to work happily, and he liked to ignore Qianlong's show off.

Qianlong and others had to return because of work, but Murong Ziyan and several women refused to return easily, so in the end, the men all returned to the Loucheng world, and the remaining women ran wild all over the world.

Because of the special status of these foreign visitors, the partners attach great importance to their safety. During this period, there are always a large number of secret guards, so there is no accident.

However, when the US alliance attended the event, everyone encountered some demonstrators, shouting to resist the development of the otherworld, calling Tang Zhen and his partners butchers and executioners!

However, this kind of sound was quickly drowned out, and it is already the general trend for human beings to develop the building world!

Tang Zhen ignored these guys who jumped up and down. After finishing the work at hand, he would play with Murong Ziyan and the others to relax his mind.

Now that the residents recruited in the original world are about to arrive, Tang Zhen has no time to waste any more time. Murong Ziyan and others have almost finished playing, so they also decided to return to Loucheng World.

After Murong Ziyan and the others left, Tang Zhen went to the mother tree tower to check the newly cultivated batch of bodies.

Today's mother tree is more luxuriant and majestic. You can see her luxuriant branches and leaves from far away. Countless colorful birds inhabit and multiply in it, as if it is a world of its own.

The few moonlight pebbles that Tang Zhen got were handed over to her, which made the mother tree very happy, and she happily agreed to Tang Zhen's proposal to help cultivate her body.

The number of bodies cultivated in this batch is 10,000, which Tang Zhen specially prepared for those new residents, because some of them have special attributes and may become magicians and mother tree monks.

For such high-end combat power, Tang Zhen naturally would not waste it, so compared to the standard semi-mechanical body of others, the body cultivated by the mother tree was more sensitive to energy.

At this time, under the mother tree, hundreds of monks in white robes gathered. They were sitting cross-legged on the grass and were communicating with the mother tree.

These mother tree cultivators have different levels, and the one with the highest cultivation base has reached the fifth level!

Before the mother tree is promoted, the highest level of the mother tree cultivator is level five. They are the guardians of the mother tree, and their strength is also derived from the mother tree. Naturally, it is impossible to surpass the mother tree in level.

Not far from these mother tree monks, a group of residents of the Holy Dragon City are cooperating with each other, harvesting giant fruits with boarding bodies, and there are several mother tree monks working together.

Huge fruits kept falling from the branches and leaves. The length of the vines was several thousand meters. After landing, the vines were cut off by the residents of Shenglong City and carefully loaded into the back valley.

After seeing Tang Zhen's arrival, everyone bowed and saluted, Tang Zhen smiled and nodded in response.

"How many fruits have not been picked, will it not delay tomorrow's affairs?"

Tang Zhen asked the residents of Shenglong City beside him, and put his hand on a fruit at the same time. After sensing it, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"City Lord, please rest assured, the picking work has come to an end, and it will be all over before tonight."

The person in charge in work clothes replied, with an unusually respectful expression.

"That's good, thanks for your hard work!"

Tang Zhen nodded and praised.

"The Lord of the City has won the prize, this is our share!"

After the two chatted for a while, Tang Zhen left Mother Tree Tower and went to check elsewhere.

With the arrival of a large number of residents soon, Tang Zhen's hard work has finally come to fruition, and he is in a good mood.

After the arrival of these new residents, after a little running-in period, Shenglong City will officially be promoted to the sixth-level building city.

Tang Zhen had been waiting for this day for a long time, because the conditions were immature before, so he was not in a hurry to be promoted.

Now with the arrival of new residents, all planning can officially begin!

With the existence of these new residents, the four-city siege that Loucheng will encounter when he is promoted has now become a joke!

As time goes by, these residents of Shenglong City who have been cultivated in a special way will become more and more powerful!

And the existence of the soul transfer secret technique will also turn them into an undead army and become a nightmare for all enemies!

Facing the wolf-like warriors of the Holy Dragon City, they were afraid that they would not have any chance to fight back, and they had already become prisoners of the Holy Dragon City.

It didn’t take long for the Holy Dragon City to be promoted to the fifth-level building city, and other buildings that share the heteroplanar channel are naturally similar. Now they are afraid that they have not even earned back the resources consumed when they were promoted to the fifth-level building city. Longcheng, the chance of victory is really slim.

Thinking about things in his heart, Tang Zhen came to other departments in Shenglong City again. After confirming that there was no problem, he returned to rest with satisfaction.

After tomorrow, Shenglong City will become more lively! (To be continued..)

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