I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 669 The weird world under the

The sea of ​​nothingness is indeed a natural barrier that isolates all barbarians, not to mention the countless deep holes hidden under the "sea surface", the coquettish and eerie blood-colored flowers just now are by no means the horror that ordinary monks can fight against. exist!

Needless to say, I can guess the fate of the group of monsters that rushed into the sea just now, I am afraid that they have already become the food of the monsters!

Tang Zhen couldn't help but wonder, the master of the totem has been entrenched in overseas places for countless years, how can he not know the danger of this sea of ​​nothingness, but why did he come straight here?

Could it be that he found a way to guard against these monsters, or even a way to get out of here?

The more Tang Zhen thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely high!

The master of this totem is related to the promotion of Shenglongcheng's rank, how could Tang Zhen let him escape easily, otherwise the manpower and material resources invested by Shenglongcheng some time ago will be wasted because of this!

The most crucial point is the particularity of this task, which is also the real reason for Tang Zhen's perseverance!

Because once the mission of this overseas land fails, no new overseas land will reappear for at least a hundred years for the Holy Dragon City to conquer and develop!

Therefore, if the task is not completed, it can only be consumed all the time, and there is no other solution.

Therefore, the Lord of Totems must die, otherwise the unfortunate one will be the Holy Dragon City!

The rules for promotion to a national-level building are stricter, and it takes longer to wait for the new world after failure. This is why Zhantiancheng has been spent in a different world!

Calling five monks in charge of tracking, Tang Zhen asked them to confirm again, and after proving that the totem master entered the sea of ​​nothingness from here, he asked the monks to step aside and wait.

Up to now, Tang Zhen has no choice but to venture into the sea to track down the totem master!

This trip was extremely dangerous, and the cultivators of the Holy Dragon City who accompanied them were not enough, and they could only die if they followed, so Tang Zhen didn't plan to let them follow.

And if he is alone, Tang Zhen can also evacuate in time if he encounters danger.

For this unknown terrifying sea area, in addition to his strong vigilance, Tang Zhen also had a trace of expectation.

This sea of ​​nothingness, which is isolated from overseas places, must hide a big secret that no one knows about. If you can peep at it, maybe it will bring you huge benefits.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen no longer hesitated, immediately teleported back to the original world, and found the contact person sent by his partner.

An hour later, a remote-controlled detection robot was sent to Tang Zhen and taken directly back to Loucheng World.

Appearing on the shore of the Sea of ​​Nothingness, Tang Zhen took out the detection robot and controlled it to slowly drive towards the sea.

This kind of detection robot uses a fully enclosed shell made of special alloys, which can work normally in extreme environments such as deep sea, high temperature, and severe cold, and the transmitted video images are also extremely clear.

Among Tang Zhen's existing applications, there is actually an application that can see through the water, but it cannot see through the sea of ​​nothingness composed of fog, so he can only resort to the technology products of the original world.

With Tang Zhen's operation, the detection robot slowly submerged into the water, and the camera also sent the captured images at the same time.

It turned out that under the sea of ​​nothingness, there was also a thick layer of fog, surging like water waves.

In addition to these mists, on the ground covered with small stones, there are some round holes of different sizes that are seen from time to time, and a faint mist is slowly gushing out.

Obviously, the mist that constitutes the sea of ​​nothingness is formed by these small holes.

Except for small holes and stones, the ground is full of skeletons of various shapes, most of which are glowing with pale green fluorescence.

Manipulating the detection robot to watch carefully, Tang Zhen discovered that the fluorescence on the surface of the bones was actually a kind of constantly wriggling bug, which was firmly fixed on the bones like hair.

In addition to these weird bugs attached to the bones, there is also a sea snake-like creature in the mist, which is constantly swimming in the mist,

Chasing those scattered green spots from time to time, as if to treat them as food.

It didn't take long for the detection robot to discover an incomparably huge deep hole, and at the same time it saw the giant monster entrenched next to the deep hole.

The size of this monster is hundreds of meters in size. It looks like a huge silver-ringed sea snake, but it has more than ten flat tails of the same thickness.

The monster seems to be in a deep sleep at the moment, the huge triangular head hangs on the edge of the hole, constantly swallowing the mist ejected from the black hole, and the body flashes with fluorescent light every once in a while.

Unlike other underwater monsters, it emits purple-red fluorescence, which is as vivid and strange as blood.

Beside the giant monster, Tang Zhen also saw the "flowers" that devoured the monster just now. It turned out that they were also a group of strange monsters, floating in groups near the seaside area.

The size of these monsters resembles a huge flower bud, with a huge belly dragging underneath, and the four pairs of fin-like limbs occasionally flap slightly.

Once an object falls into the water, these monsters will rise to the "surface", and then unfold their big mouths like flowers to capture and devour the fallen monsters!

After the detection robot entered the water, it also attracted the attention of some strange monsters, but because there was no fresh flesh and blood on its body, these monsters had no interest in it.

After Tang Zhen noticed this scene, he had some thoughts in his heart. Did the totem master use this feature to avoid the hunting and killing of those monsters?

Thinking of the introduction of the three spirit body sisters about the origin of the totem master, as well as his method of refining countless barbarians into corpses, Tang Zhen thinks that this is very possible!

Then the next thing to do is to confirm where the totem master went?

It is impossible for the totem master to enter the sea of ​​nothingness for no reason, so there must be some secrets here that can help him escape the pursuit of the holy dragon city!

Continuing to operate the detection robot to walk forward, it didn't take long before Tang Zhen suddenly found a huge gully blocking his way.

But in a flash, he seemed to see a piece of ruins at the bottom of the gully, and there were even a few corpses!

Just because the place was too far away from the detection robot and the image was a little blurry, Tang Zhen wasn't sure whether he was confused.

Just when Tang Zhen was about to manipulate the detection robot to look closer, a huge black shadow suddenly flashed across the camera, and countless electric snakes danced around its body.

Just as the shadow approached the detection robot, the video in front of Tang Zhen suddenly stopped, and the robot lost contact completely!

Taking his eyes off the video screen, Tang Zhen let out a long breath and walked slowly towards the sea of ​​nothingness.

I have seen everything that I should see, and I have a certain understanding of the situation under the sea of ​​nothingness, so I will go to the field to investigate!

After thinking of this, Tang Zhen quickly entered the dark world and stepped into the sea that did not exist.

In his opinion, as long as he relies on the particularity of the dark world, he can easily reach the ravines on the seabed.

But when he entered the bottom of the sea, he was suddenly shocked, and his brows were furrowed tightly.

It turned out that the mist under the sea of ​​nothingness was actually filled with countless spiritual bodies of various appearances, most of which were barbarians with miserable deaths!

Looking around, these ferocious spiritual bodies are filled with all corners of the seabed, like walking corpses, wandering around with blank eyes.

They obviously all died in this sea of ​​nothingness, but for some unknown reason, they became spiritual bodies and were trapped here. After countless years, they reached such a terrifying number.

At this time, Tang Zhen, who entered the dark world, was as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark night, causing the nearby spirits to look sideways, and then invariably rushed towards him.

Facing so many spirit bodies, other monks would turn around and flee without hesitation, so as not to be trapped here by these spirit bodies.

But Tang Zhen not only possessed the Mirror of Samsara, but also possessed two powerful weapons, Soul Eater and Guardian, to deal with spiritual bodies, so the scenes that other monks avoided were simply a benefit to him.

Anyway, it was easy to do it, and without delaying the pursuit of the totem master, how could Tang Zhen miss this opportunity!

"It's all mine, let's get to work!"

Following Tang Zhen's low roar, the Mirror of Samsara suddenly appeared in front of him, and the Guardian and Soul Eater also appeared on his left and right sides at the same time!

Seeing so many spiritual bodies, these two guys also had their eyes twinkling, and they rushed forward without hesitation!

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