I have a cos system

Chapter 189 Mental training equipment


And the energy control training club...

Qiao Ji searched with his clairvoyance and found that they were relatively far away. In the corner of this area, there were several mountains next to the lake.

The movement over there can be heard from a long distance away. It seems that it is right to leave the control department alone, as the destructive power will be much greater.

Qiao Ji walked into the gym-like building of the intensive training department and smelled a fragrance in the air as soon as he entered.

Is it some kind of soothing incense?

The venue here is quite large, but it is not very partitioned and has a completely open design.

The students gathered together in twos and threes, not many people.

As soon as Qiao Ji walked in, he saw Lin Mengfu waving to him.

"Qiao Ji, here."

Where Lin Mengfu and the others were, there was something like a sand table.

It is nearly two meters long and wide, and about one meter high. It is filled with silver-gray gravel, and there are several metal poles protruding from the gravel on the edge.

Yu Luoluo was standing there, grabbing a metal pole protruding from the sand table with both hands, holding back his strength.

And the gravel in front of him actually arched up with every movement, as if there was a small fountain underneath.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Ji asked.

"It is used to train mental power. This kind of training sand can be controlled by mental power. The more and more precise the control, the stronger the mental power." Lin Mengfu explained.

Yu Luoluo worked hard for a while, and the silver-gray gravel moved, as if there was a little mouse underneath, squirming back and forth inside.

"Feifeifei... fly for me!"

He grasped the metal pole with a look of gritted teeth and exertion on his face.

But the silver-gray gravel never flew up, which made him a little discouraged.

He let go, "Qiao Ji, come and try."

"Have you all tried it?"

"I've tried everything, it's just you." Yu Luoluo wanted to see how Qiao Ji performed.

Xu Zhuo also said: "I tried, but my mental strength is not good enough and I can't make the sand move."

"Isn't beast intuition considered a spiritual system?" Qiao Ji asked.

"He doesn't count, at least he didn't strengthen his mental power, but Qiao Jiqian is the embodiment of his mind, so he should be able to do it. Come on, let me see." Yu Luoluo urged.

"Just put your hands on this."

Lin Mengfu gave him a demonstration. She put her hand on the metal pole and grabbed it. One end of the metal pole was submerged in the sand pool.

Then, the silver-gray gravel in front of Lin Mengfu slowly arched up and turned into a general human shape, then gathered and changed, and turned into a maracas, suspended in the air.

Yu Luoluo couldn't make the gravel float into the air with all her strength, but Lin Mengfu was able to do it easily. After all, one had just awakened and the other was already at the Xuan level. There was a big gap.

It looks pretty fun.

Qiao Ji quickly tried it too, grabbing the metal rod with both hands, and then...

Nothing seems to have changed.

Yu Luoluo ran to Qiao Ji and stared at the silver-gray gravel in front of him, "Qiao Ji, you are in control, why are you so still?"

"Under control."

Calmly, Qiao Ji felt a very weak spiritual touch.

There was a very light rustling sound, and grains of gravel were climbing towards the metal pole. They quickly wrapped the bright stainless steel metal pole and even attached to Qiao Ji's hand.

"Is this the only way? Let the induction sand fly and try it." Yu Luoluo said.


Qiao Ji tried, but as soon as he controlled the gravel to fly into the air, the metal rod and the gravel in his hand all fell back into the sand pool.

After trying several times, he couldn't do it. Qiao Ji could only declare failure, "No, I can't fly."

"Your supernatural power is so powerful, how come your mental power is almost the same as mine?" Yu Luoluo complained.

His superpowers are not spiritual, they just have some spiritual characteristics.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ji was similar to him. Didn't he have psychic powers?

It seems that his psychic ability is not very good in terms of mental power.

"So be it."

Qiao Ji didn't care, because he had no powers at all now. He thought he would be as uncontrollable as Xu Zhuo, but he didn't expect to be able to control it at all.

It would be nice to be able to control it a little, which already shows that Qiao Ji is extremely talented.

After all, as a time traveler, it is natural for you to be mentally stronger.

Or is it because of the memory space?

A male classmate wearing glasses came over with a stack of paper and pen. He must be a senior in the undergraduate department.

"The last person has arrived, right? Come and fill out the club application. You can come here to use the equipment for free in the future. If you don't understand anything, you can also ask each other or the instructor."

Lin Mengfu is a pretty good prospect, she is already at Xuan level at a young age. The others don't feel good enough, but let's recruit them.

After all, their intensive training department has much fewer members than the physical training department next door, so every one they can take counts.

"Do I have one too?" Xu Zhuo was also sent an application to join the ministry.

"You should have your powers implanted in a while. Sooner or later."

I just heard them say that they were from Class 7, Grade 1, and if they were able to enter the special recruitment class, they would naturally go to the prefecture level, so of course they could come in early.

"Okay then, thank you, senior."

Xu Zhuo also filled out the application for joining the ministry together with everyone. It was so crowded and lively.

As for the future, he should still focus on physical training. He will go to the physical training department next door later, which is more suitable for him.

He also encouraged Qiao Ji.

"Qiao Ji, let's go to the physical training department next door later. It's quite fun there."


Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I’m not in a hurry to go home. I won’t start downloading the dungeon until after dark.

On the other side of Africa, it gets dark very late, almost midnight.

Next, they briefly browsed the training facilities of the intensive training department, but they were difficult to understand.

For example, two people control one black and one white chess piece respectively. You overwhelm me, and I overwhelm you. The situation is constantly changing, which is completely different from the ordinary Go rules.

Another example is that several people at the same table are concentrating on the action. The puppets on the table are being pushed around, their eyes are wide open and their facial expressions are changing greatly, making them look very intense.

But as a bystander, it's a bit boring. I don't know how intense this game is. After all, mental power is invisible unless you personally participate in it.

Lin Mengfu wanted to give it a try, but when someone asked her what level her spiritual power was, she said it was just the mysterious level.

Then it was rejected.

If you are a Xuan-level person, don't come here to play. The training facilities here are basically used by human-level superpowers.

Let Lin Mengfu go up and play, I'm afraid the table will be overturned.

As for Qiao Ji and the others...

"They are too good at playing, but they are too good at the rest." Yu Luoluo simply summarized their situation.

"Why don't we go to the physical training department next door."

Xu Zhuo suggested that he had always thought about going next door.

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