I have a cos system

Chapter 204 Aura value 3.2


Titan battery has a black casing and a green indicator light.

The shape of this thing is very similar to the shield battery in Apex, but this thing is much more powerful than the shield battery. This thing is for the Titan to pump, ah, no, it is used.

Qiao Ji took out a Titan battery as an accessory from the garage, then pulled a plug over, stripped off the wires, and put it on the battery.

"BT, the way to use the Titan battery is to press it and turn it a small half circle, and then pull it out, right?"

[Yes, but Pilot, I don’t recommend that you use the Titan battery in such a rough manner. 】

"Just use it for a while, it's okay."

After connecting the wires to the Titan battery and wrapping it with electrical tape, Qiao Ji grabbed a handle that was recessed at one end of the Titan battery.

First press it down and then twist it half a turn.

The green light on the side of the Titan battery changes to a yellow light, indicating that the Titan battery is ready for use.

This process is usually carried out in Titan's battery compartment, but now, Qiao Ji took it out and used it outside.

After only twisting it for less than a quarter of a turn, Qiao Ji felt a click to stop it.

OK, it’s in place, then pull it out gently.

He felt resistance, but it was nothing compared to his brute strength, as long as he was careful not to pull it apart.

The yellow light turned into a red light and the current started to be output.

The Titan battery also has an intelligent control chip, and Qiao Ji can use the Pilot helmet to adjust its voltage.

On the other side, after the power supply was turned on, the indicators on the aura detector lit up and the computer turned on.


He used Titan batteries to power the device and wanted to test his aura value.

After the device was powered on, it was successfully turned on. Qiao Ji put the Titan battery away, went over to check the situation, and put the device into detection mode.

The operation is quite simple and clear. Qiao Ji asked the shadow soldier to come over, "After I sit on it, you just click start."

The shadow soldier nodded.

He sat on the spherical metal chair of the aura detector. The shadow soldier clicked the mouse, and the three rings outside the metal chair began to move according to their respective trajectories, scanning in all directions.

During this inspection, Qiao Ji did not put away his props, wanting to see if it would affect the results.

Anyway, I now have a device, and I can test it as many times as I want.

The outer ring rotated for more than ten seconds and then stopped and returned to its position. The inspection process was very simple, and the whole process only required a single click from a shadow soldier to start.

The device stopped, and Qiao Ji immediately walked to the computer to check the results.

On the screen, two wavy lines gradually became straight from left to right, and finally the data was measured.

Mental power: 282%

Aura value: 320%


The aura value is 320%, isn’t that 3.2?

This number is completely inconsistent with what Principal Xue said.

I have used a total of six spiritual light potions, and the sixth one has not been used up yet.

And his previous aura value was 2.63, which means that he has increased his aura value by a full 0.57?

Basically, a spiritual light potion increases the spiritual light value by 0.1!

But Principal Xue said that only the first aura potion will have an increase of about 0.1. The more the amount is absorbed later, the lower the effect will be. Part of the aura potion will be dissipated and cannot be fully absorbed.

But judging from my own situation, the absorption efficiency has not decreased at all due to the increase in the number of absorptions. Every spiritual light potion I have is 100% absorbed.

And judging from the scene yesterday of absorbing the spiritual light potion and entering the memory space, this conclusion is undoubtedly correct. All the white mist is bound in his own memory space.

100% absorption efficiency?

This is a bit powerful.

In order to be accurate, Qiao Ji reset the machine and planned to test it again.

This time, he removed other props and equipment to make the data more accurate.

The results came out quickly, and they were no different from the last time.

It's the wavy line part, which is shorter than last time, and the rest is straight line.

This means that the equipment can filter out clutter faster and measure accurate data. Otherwise, there is no impact.

It seems that he can be equipped with props for testing in the future.

But can my aura value be tested in the future?

3.2, I would never dare to think like this in my wildest dreams.

I just don't know if my aura value can be improved any more. If I had known it, I would have bought those aura potions.

"Aura value of 3.2... BT, it seems I have to re-plan my choice of abilities."

[I agree, Pilot. An aura value of 3.2 allows you to have 8 kinds of abilities. I suggest you re-match it. 】

"But how do you express such a high spiritual light value?"

3.2, not 2.2. Can such a high value be given by less than 6 spiritual light potions?

Thinking of this, Qiao Ji felt a headache.

As a genius, a little god of wealth, and a supplier of supernatural materials, he has attracted too much attention. This kind of thing does not make sense at all.

Do you want to tell others that an old beggar taught me a set of Tathagata palms in a dream, and after he learned it, a spiritual light emerged from the Tianling Gai?

so funny.

Let's discuss it with dad during the day.

Go back to bed.

"Put away this aura detector and the Titan battery." Qiao Ji ordered the shadow soldiers to do things while he went home to sleep.

After returning home, Qiao Ji entered the bathroom quietly.

After all, I had worked hard all night, soaked up a lot of dust and sweat, and there was no fresh water at the training ground.

He considered getting a water tower to store water for the training ground, but it seemed to be quite troublesome.

Even though Qiao Ji chose the bathroom far away from Lin Mengfu's bedroom, the sound of rushing water at night was still obvious.

It was already late at night, and Lin Mengfu woke up from her dream.

What is the sound, the sound of water?

Who is taking a shower, who takes a shower in the middle of the night?

It couldn't be Qiao Ji, he had obviously washed up after dinner.

Lin Mengfu suddenly woke up from her nap, went out with her telekinesis, and found no one in Qiao Ji's bedroom.

But when Nianli leaned towards the bathroom over there, he felt the familiar hot breath. Qiao Ji's breath was as conspicuous as a 20,000-watt light bulb.


It's really Qiao Ji.

But why do you have to wash it in the middle of the night? It's already half past two now, and didn't you wash it at night?

Could it be that it's dirty?

Lin Mengfu suddenly remembered some physiological hygiene tips she had seen.

Short oil~

She turned over, grabbed the blanket, and buried her head under the pillow.

Don't think about it, don't think about it, go to bed quickly, go to bed quickly, go to bed quickly.


Taking a bath is much more comfortable, but cleaning up the scum is a dirty job.

Qiao Ji was lying on the bed, not feeling sleepy at the moment.

He played with his mobile phone for a while, and the more he played, the more energetic he became.

Especially when I glance at the system balance from time to time, I really want to use up the remaining two ‘sublimated souls’.

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