I have a cos system

Chapter 215 Re-entering the Dragon Spirit Realm


"Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, I don't really want to raise small animals."

Without the gourd diamond necklace, Qiao Ji would definitely not mind raising an earth-level supernatural beast to protect himself.

But he doesn't lack force at all now.

If he raised an earth-level supernatural beast, it would feel a bit useless. If the supernatural beast had greater use elsewhere, he would just refuse it. There was no need to use it to protect himself.

I wonder if they have heaven-level supernatural beasts, that must be very cool.

"Ready to eat." Lin Mengfu shouted.

"Come on, come on...has your friend not messaged you back yet?" Qiao Ji glanced at the screen.

"No, he obviously downloaded the file, but he didn't reply to me."

"Maybe you can go eat after downloading. It's time for us to eat too."

"Then let's talk to him later." Qiao Yao closed the computer, packed up the data dagger, and went to wash his hands and eat.

At the Yujing Imperial Tomb Base Network Security Office, Huang Guanghe has become addicted to this hacking tool kit.

Yes, in his opinion, this must be a toolkit developed by a ghost-level super hacker.

He had just tested it. The seemingly perfect Cangjie system could find dozens of defense loopholes in two seconds. The effect was at the level of alien technology.

There is no doubt that this is a work of genius, no, it is a work of genius!

Taking this tool kit to Cangjie for training can greatly improve the defense of Cangjie's system.

It can also be used directly by your own people. It is estimated that some comrades outside will need this hacking data toolkit to facilitate them to collect data in some special places.

By the way, Old Joe.

He was so fascinated by it that he forgot about the person who sent him this.

'Old Qiao, where did you get it...'

He thought for a while, deleted the second half of the sentence and changed it to:

‘Old Qiao, this thing is so useful, what do you want me to do? ’

It's not a good idea to directly ask the source. Just ask what it was sent to you for. Anyway, it's definitely not just for yourself to take a look at.

He waited for a reply.

After waiting for half a minute, he started tapping his fingers on the table.

After waiting for a minute, he got up and poured a glass of water, then walked back quickly.

"You haven't replied yet?" He was a little anxious.

‘Old Qiao, are you there? ’

I sent a message and there was no reply for a minute.

I don’t know how to eat anymore. Damn it, wait a minute.

One, two, three, I can’t wait anymore, give me a call.

dinner time.

Qiao Yao and Lin Xingying talked about the wedding.

Although they are living together now, the wedding has not been held yet.

Their original plan was to invite only a few relatives and friends, with little fanfare.

But the situation has changed now, and I feel like something can be done.

Qiao Ji expressed support for this, "If you want to do it, do it. Do you like Chinese or Western style?"

Qiao Yao looked at Lin Xingying, she must choose this.

"I think it's okay. The key is the location. Should we do it in Yujing or go back to Tongshi?"

There are many relatives in Tongshi, and most of the relatives of the two families are in Tongshi or nearby counties.

Here in Yujing, there are also many current colleagues, old classmates, and friends.

By the way, there are also leaders. Zhang Jin and Xia Xingzhong will definitely invite them, including Principal Xue and Director Huang from Qiaoji School, as well as their former teachers.

That's quite a lot of people.

Qiao Ji was helping to think, "Either do it once, or take the person over."

It is to bring people from Tong City over, and we do not consider running it only in Tong City.

"Get someone here?"

Lin Mengfu, who always felt that she couldn't get a word in, thought for a while, "There must be a lot of people. How do you pick them up and teleport them?"

"Is it possible, by train or plane?"

Chartering a plane or car is much more convenient than flashy methods like teleportation.

"We can find round-trip transportation first. We're not going there just to collect money."

This was said arrogantly.

"Oh, by the way, something suddenly occurred to me. Is there a phoenix crown in the imperial mausoleum?"

Qiao Ji thought of the phoenix crown he saw when he visited a museum in his previous life.

This world is a world of supernatural powers, so the phoenix crown must look better and use better materials.

"Feng Guan?"

Lin Mengfu was a little surprised, can she still use this?

I will also want this when I get married!

"Don't have any ideas about Feng Guan. You can't use it for personal use."

Qiao Yao guessed what his son was thinking, but the Phoenix Crown was a powerful piece of equipment.

Although the ancient queens would not use it to fight, the craftsmanship and materials were indeed the top of the era, and the effect was very powerful.

"I don't intend to let you use what others have used. What I mean is, can you make a copy of it?"

Qiao Yao's eyes lit up.

This is a good suggestion. What man doesn’t want to see his wife wearing a phoenix crown?

"It's too troublesome to do this, so let's forget it."

Lin Xingying decided to refuse, but it could be seen that she was not very determined.

"This isn't trouble. Besides, it's the child's wish." Qiao Yao persuaded.

Qiao Ji: Ah, yes, yes, it was all my idea.

Just when Qiao Yao was about to continue persuading, the call came.

He glanced at the caller. It was Huang Guanghe. This bastard had been ignoring me for so long.

"That's it. I've decided. I'll take a call... Hey, do you still know how to get back to me? How do you see the things?"

Qiao Yao went aside to answer the phone.

During the following dinner time, Lin Mengfu would giggle from time to time when she saw her mother.

Well, it seems that mother really likes Qiao Ji's proposal.

After dinner, Qiao Ji introduced the housekeeping assistant of the Black Shadow Corps to Lin Xingying.

"You can leave all the housework to them, isn't it?"

Qiao Yao studied the size of the shadow soldiers, and then looked at the hidden weapons they carried, "I always feel that they should be soldiers."

"Don't you also have to clean up your house as a soldier? It's the same."

Well, Qiao Ji convinced them.

After all, no one wants to get bogged down in household chores.

"When do you plan to enter the spiritual realm?" Qiao Yao asked.

"Just take a look now and go back early so I can sleep."

Qiao Ji decided to go to the Dragon Spirit Realm to have a look again. He was unprepared last time. This time, he had the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant, the Soul-Eating Blood Armor, and the telepathy brought by Andrew's camera. He was ready to go and find out again. .

Last time, it was mainly because I was caught off guard and I was not prepared at all.

"Do you want me to watch from the side?" Qiao Yao suggested.

Qiao Ji didn't intend to let him be around. What if soul-eating blood armor appeared on his body?

"Are you stronger than the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant? Don't worry, there will be no problem."

"Then be careful."

The Dragon Spirit Realm is where the Xia family made their fortune, so there should be no danger, not to mention the protection of treasures like the Nine Dragon Jade Pendant, so he doesn't need to worry.

Returning to his room, Qiao Ji summoned Andrew's camera and added telepathy.

The Nine Dragon Jade is worn around the neck, and the Soul-Eating Blood Armor is also ready.

Finally, he took out the Biyan Fang and held it in his arms.

Everything is ready.

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