I have a cos system

Chapter 222 Riding


Emperor of the East China Sea?

"This place is not close to the sea, and Xiaohong has never been to the seaside." Lange objected.

"I just said it casually, but after all, he is the king of beasts. Calling him Xiaohong is not impressive enough."

"Then... call it Dahong?" Lange suggested.

Qiao Ji:?

Naming genius, your base has found a treasure.

the other side.

Li Yansong asked Zhang Jin in a low voice, "What's going on now? There are only two little kids here to inspect?"

"Where is the little baby? That is the ancestor. Our entire department depends on him to run."

"Oh——" Li Yansong understood, "It must be some kind of special power."

Some of the superpower materials are produced by superpower users themselves.

For example, some people with body-enhancing powers can use their own bodies to secrete some special substances, which can strengthen their bodies if used by others.

There are also people with superpowers whose body fluids are healing elixirs. They can absorb a little blood and recover it even if they are cut in half.

People with special abilities like these are treasures of the human body. It is no exaggeration to say that they can support a project or a department.

For example, the most famous enhanced proliferation cells can be said to be as effective as human flesh and bones, and the original cells were extracted from a person with superpowers.

After cultivation and development, strong reproductive cells have become widely used medical products.

These two little dolls are probably also people with this type of superpower.

Li Yansong didn't think about the materials that appeared recently, because given his level and position, he didn't know about the news. There was a large increase in supernatural power materials. Except for people with earth-level powers, only those in relevant positions could notice it.

Zhang Jin did not deny it.

After all, Qiao Ji really has special powers, very special ones.

"This time I will choose a bodyguard for him. Your beast king will be taken away by him later."

Be his bodyguard?

Li Yansong felt that he might have encountered a superpower like the strong reproductive cells that could affect an entire industry. Otherwise, how could he let an earth-level superpower protect him?

"The Beast King is not young. Can he be taken away and placed in a safe place?"

"Of course there's a place to stay."

Qiao Ji has such a big superpower space.

Li Yansong nodded and shouted over there: "Lange, let Xiaohong take them for a lap."

Then he said to Zhang Jin: "Xiaohong has a good temper and is very understanding of human nature. In addition to being bigger, he is a good choice for protecting people."

"That's what we're looking for."

If he is not docile enough and does not understand human nature, he will not be chosen to protect Qiao Ji.

Lange didn't expect that the two students would have the opportunity to get on the Beast King's back. Most people didn't have this opportunity.

"Xiao Hong, they are guests, you have to take good care of them..." Lange and Beast King were talking.

After hearing this, the beast king stretched its huge head into Qiao Ji's arms, then raised it up, and threw him onto the horse's back with a force of skill.

It can be seen that the Beast King is very skilled.

Qiao Ji didn't move around. He tried the automatic loading machine and it felt pretty good.

"Don't worry, sit tight, you won't fall off." Langer was very confident and didn't even ask Qiao Ji whether he could ride a horse.

Obviously, even a novice will not fall off the back of this beast king.

After Qiao Ji sat on it, he felt that the horse's back was particularly spacious.

Because it's so wide, it's a bit uncomfortable to keep the legs crossed. If it weren't for the slight curvature, sitting on it would be a pure split.

A faint red energy spread out from the Beast King's body, and then moved against the surface of Qiao Ji's body, clinging to his chest, making him feel like he was stuck in mud and jelly, and he felt blocked when he moved his fingers.

It is estimated that this is the fixation method on the horse.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaohong's superpower will protect you and you won't fall. You can go up together." Lange then said to Lin Mengfu.

"Huh? Two people?"

Lin Mengfu was about to ask whether it was too heavy, because when she was a child, she went to play with her family and saw a camel carrying two fat people. They couldn't stand up for a long time, so she tried to avoid overloading...

But when she took another look at the Beast King's body, which was more than three meters tall and weighed more than forty tons, she swallowed back all her words.

Let alone two fat men, even twenty fat beast kings can move, right?

What's more, I'm not fat either.

The Beast King's head came over, as if he wanted to use the same move that had just thrown Qiao Ji up.

But Lin Mengfu was a little afraid of this huge horse head, so she flew up with a thought and landed in front of Qiao Ji.

"Don't be afraid, she just wants to send you up." Lange smiled.

This girl is also a superpower.

The Beastmaster snorted, as if to express her approval, and then she took small steps forward with clattering hooves, as if dancing.

"You can cross your legs. It will be more comfortable and you don't have to worry about falling." Langer shouted from behind.

When Lin Mengfu heard this, she quickly pulled her legs back. She was saying that something felt wrong while sitting like this. The Beast King's back was too broad.

"It's much more comfortable to sit like this." She moved her body, adjusted herself to a suitable posture, and then looked back at Qiao Ji.

Qiao Ji's body was very hot, and the sun-like aura suppressed her so much that she didn't even want to touch it, so she all retracted her body.

When it comes to physical contact, there is no telepathic feeling.

Qiao Ji, who was pressed closely against her, couldn't pull her legs back unless Lin Mengfu sat forward and moved forward.

Or maybe he steps back a little.

But at this time, Beast King's little dance step ended. They walked from the gravel road paved at the base to the soft grass. Before Lin Mengfu could react, Beast King jumped ten meters high in one step and landed dozens of meters away. .

Three seconds later, the horse's hooves fell and the soil splashed.

The feeling of stepping on the ground from underneath your body is like stepping on your heart, causing adrenaline to surge instantly.

After landing, the Beast King began to show her true strength. Lin Mengfu only heard the sound of horse hooves, the wind howling, and the scenery on both sides and other horses quickly retreating behind her.


She tried her best to cover her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, because it was so exciting and the pushing sensation was strong, but they were fixed by the red energy of the Beast King and would not be thrown away.

She has never tried to move at such high speed. Even if she uses telekinesis to fly, there is no need to run much faster. She never exceeds the speed limit.

The Beast King is faster than any car Lin Mengfu has ever sat in, and it is still accelerating.

Qiao Ji remained motionless and even took out the camera. After all, this speed was nothing to him.

There was no response from the human on her back who asked to slow down. In the Beast King's pupils, crimson lightning flowed out. The lightning turned into arcs on the red energy released from her body, pointing diagonally at the blue sky, like a reverse star. meteor.

It’s time to speed up!

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