I have a cos system

Chapter 227 Strategic Goals


"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Aren't you the only ones who can stick together if your lips are dead? After all, you have more than one tooth."

The man folded his hands and put them on the table, and said with amusement in his eyes: "Besides, the current country may not be malicious. They may just ask you to come out and have fun with the people."

"Hmph!" The rich man snorted coldly.

The guest at the next table suddenly felt a chill on his back and shuddered, but after careful inspection he didn't find anything. He just assumed that the restaurant was too air-conditioned and continued eating.

The man named Wen Chenggong continued: "Actually, I really want to know what you did. Why did Hua have to open Xiaoling?"

The rich man said slowly: "We don't know why either."

"Really? You must know that we had an agreement after the Dingling incident. They should not open the imperial mausoleum for no reason. Have you done something? If you did, just tell us. You can't let us do it for you. Pay the price for your behavior.”

"We didn't do anything." The rich man explained.

"Really? I don't believe it."

"believe it or not!"

He flicked his sleeves, and even though he was wearing a summer shirt, a cold wind blew in the restaurant, which made people's hearts tremble.

Many people looked up at the air conditioner vents. Is the air conditioner turned on too much?

"Don't be angry, it's just a joke. I believe you. After all, no one will mess around at this time. But judging from the current situation, we dead people are far from the opponents of the living. If in our era, with the help of the underground palace, The mercury formation can be invincible, but in this era there is something called nuclear weapons, and this is——"

He spread his hands to express his helplessness.

Just like a saying on the Internet in this world says, poor talents are interspersed with tactics, and great ones are defeated by me.

Their tactics that could be used to defend the city hundreds of thousands of years ago have been abandoned by the times.

In this era, it is not easy to hit a fixed target. Even if the space is blocked, the current Chinese country can drill holes in you.

Or just make some modifications on the missiles so that they can fly in through the space barrier. This is not difficult because their imperial tombs don't have long legs.

"So, on behalf of my emperor, my final suggestion is, either you go directly to China for peace talks, so that you can have some initiative and give us a good example, or -"


"You just break them into pieces. There are more than one billion people in this country. It is not easy to find you. It is not difficult for you to go abroad. You can directly control a small country, but I think you are reluctant to let it go. After all, a lifetime of inheritance has been carried to the tomb, and future generations are also on this land." The elegant man talked eloquently.

"I think we have a third way, which is to unite." The rich man still insisted on his idea.

"Unite?" He shook his head, "It can't be done. The last time was the last time, and this time is this time. Now that the orbit of the sky is approaching and the earth is close to the dust, we are the first to be affected. Many countries are already in contact. You ghosts are ready to take refuge in the underworld."

The rich man pondered and did not refute, because the news he received was the same.

"Okay, that's it for now. If you come to see us again next time, you can make an appointment at the address on the business card instead of wandering around our palace."

A business card was left in place, and the person stood up and left the restaurant, followed by several people around him.

The remaining wealthy man picked up the business card.

Wencheng Investment

It seems that they have some forces in today's human world and are better prepared than themselves. If they had known about what happened today, they should have contacted the outside world more, instead of being complacent. When they wake up, the world will change drastically.

He sighed inaudibly.

The current situation is difficult, forcing them to find reinforcements.

After all, in this era, the country in China is terrifyingly powerful.

In their era, when the military front was at its peak, they were unwilling to open the imperial tomb of the former dynasty lightly, because the Yin Ling soldiers and generals inside who were defending the city would definitely cause them heavy losses.

But this era is different. Whether they want to open the imperial tombs of various dynasties and generations depends solely on whether there is a need.

If they want to fight, they won't even exchange battle losses with you.

After the Dingling Mausoleum was opened, riots occurred in thirty-seven imperial tombs across the country at the same time, which was considered a test.

Then, they were suppressed and appeased by a piece of paper. The Chinese government promised not to open the imperial tombs for no reason and disturb the peace of the deceased.

So they all stopped.

But as political creatures, they know very well the meaning of the word 'without cause'.

Well, you can find a bunch of reasons at any time.

As for Wen Chenggong, he had no intention of helping them. Instead, he wanted to push them to try the waters first.

Although they are all for their own interests, being in such a difficult situation makes people want to look up to the sky and sigh.

After all, he was right.

Now that the sky is approaching, they will either fall to the underworld and accept the canonization - but how can the founder of the country tolerate others being canonized?

What's more, it will become a springboard for the underworld and a vanguard for them to massacre their descendants on this land!

This is what they don't want to see.

Then we can only talk to the current Huaguo?

He feels that this is not a good choice. Who would be willing to have a good talk with you when you have absolute superiority in force?

Moreover, life and death are in conflict, and their situation and identity are very embarrassing.

Falling to the underworld, seeking self-reliance, serving the good and the bad, blocking the road to the world, this seems to be a better choice, and it seems to be a good strategy to save the country in a roundabout way to show their benevolence.

At the same time, it can also protect itself. It is no wonder that the owners of the imperial tombs chose this way.

But the Tian Khan who represented the man behind Duke Wen Cheng, who claimed to be the emperor through the ages, seemed to want to have more contact with China on his own side.

This was the party they had contacted today who was relatively kind and willing to give a solution.

At least they have a clear attitude and want to try to negotiate peace, unlike those who are on the fence and think about him left and right, which is completely useless.

But the premise is to test the waters with them.

This seems to be a dead end. Who knows what the other party's attitude will be?

It is impossible to say that the current Chinese country is going to occupy everything in the imperial tomb, and how can people like myself and these ghosts integrate into the current society?

Alas, it is difficult!

No matter how you die, you still won’t have peace.

"My emperor, I believe that the kings who will maintain the status quo in future generations cannot be trusted. It is best to discuss with the founders of each dynasty first."

The rich man spoke, but his voice was transmitted into another space.

Those emperors who have never conquered the world are really lacking in resources and strategies. There may be some outstanding ones, but most of them are mediocre.


He got a response.


The candidates to enter the Xiaoling Mausoleum have been discussed, and not surprisingly Xia Xingzhong is among them, with the Xia family accounting for half of the team.

After all, they are the descendants of that emperor. By choosing them, they can also express some goodwill and hope to successfully get the dragon chariot.

In addition, there have been frequent movements in the underworld recently, and they also have plans to discuss with the dead emperor to understand the situation and to scare the monkeys.

We can't let the underworld continue to erode wantonly. We will first kill a few Erwuzi to sacrifice the flag, and then start a counterattack. We will go to the Dragon Spirit Realm to rescue the trapped dragon clan, contact other dragon clans, find strategic fulcrums, and establish a bridgehead.

The strategic goals this time are:

Strive for the initiative and bring the battlefield to the spiritual realm!

If we fight in the spiritual realm, we won't have too many scruples if we overturn the world.

(Let’s evolve during the working day. When the weekend comes, all I want to do is eat, drink and have fun~)

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