I have a cos system

Chapter 229 Undead Invasion


The undead can move freely in the gray mist that is not dense enough. Their movements are not inferior to the agility of normal humans, and they rush towards the living people surrounded by the gray mist.

And Ami is a country with a lot of guns. They are not polite when unexplained monsters appear.

Many people directly picked up shotguns or single-shot rifles, and fired at the charging skeleton. The skulls were blown away and turned into pieces.

But when the bones were broken, the red or green flames inside flew out very quickly and fell on the shooter unexpectedly.


Creepy screams rang out one after another. The body of the person who was hit by the flames quickly gained a touch of iron-green color, and then green moss grew out, and black breath was released. In less than ten seconds, a standard The American fat man turned into a skinny skeleton, with more powerful green flames beating in his eye sockets, and rushed towards the next person.

The bullets came and shattered their new bodies, but the green flames that became more powerful were unimpeded and would look for the next target.

A policeman fired with a gun, accurately blasting the heads of five undead, and then five balls of miserable green flames flew towards them.

He continued to fire, and the gun hit the flames flying towards him, but it was ineffective. The bullet passed directly through without any effect.

Five balls of miserable green flames fell on him, turning him into a shriveled corpse in just two seconds.

Then, five groups of miserable green flames merged and turned into a group of scarlet flames as red as blood.

Next to him, his old black colleagues couldn't help but cursed, "Mom, Fuck," and threw the gun with the empty magazine out, and were then overwhelmed by the undead that rushed towards him.

"Holy shit!"

Qiao Ji felt that this scene was a bit outrageous. These undead people could not be dealt with by ordinary means.

Just the fact that they are not afraid of guns basically kills ordinary people.

"Pilot, I judge that this is a spiritual creature."

"I saw it too."

Not afraid of physical attacks, it can also absorb nutrients and strengthen itself like a parasite.

If this happened in China, it would be difficult for Qiao Ji to deal with it, because the area they cover is quite large.

The source should be dealt with quickly.

Qiao Ji was thinking about what he should do if it was him, but in this situation, he shouldn't need to help, right?

Ami also has a lot of superpowers, and he must have his own plan when encountering emergencies. There should be earth-level superpowers coming out to control the situation soon.

Qiao Ji didn't want to stir up trouble. He left himself alone, and they had to allocate manpower to deal with him. After all, he had just defeated an earth-level superpower among them two days ago.

"Is this a crisis from the underworld?"

Qiao Ji can probably think that this is the invasion of the underworld into the human world. If the underworld is full of evil spirits like this, then they cannot be allowed to enter our world.

Soon, he saw several helicopters appearing, and he even felt that the other party's reaction speed was too slow.

However, there was an old black man on one of the helicopters. As soon as he appeared, the undead on that street stopped moving, and then the flames in their heads exploded, and hundreds of undead fell down in an instant like a switch.

An earth-level power has taken action, and it must be a spiritual power.

Then the old black man jumped out of the helicopter, and the fire hydrant next to him was blown away by the water column. A large amount of water converged on him, and then washed away towards the streets covered in black mist.

Earth-level superpowers have the ability to destroy a city. The water tanks on the roofs along the way burst, and all the stored water gathered and turned into a wave, rolling forward.

Those undead souls had no power to resist in the face of hundreds of tons of water, and were swept away by the waves. At the same time, this water flow carried a special power that forced the black mist back.

As the water flow gathered more and more, the water flow on several streets was controlled, suppressing the black fog in the vicinity.

From Qiao Ji's point of view, the current black mist is like an inflating balloon, and then a part of it is forcefully poked back by a finger.

The earth-level superpower is still very powerful. If you give him time to accumulate power, it will be no problem to destroy a city. Even if he appears directly by the river, there will be a lot of water sources to use, and the speed will be faster.

However, Qiao Ji felt something was wrong.

What about teammates?

There are many superpowers on the ground resisting. In addition to invisible spiritual attacks, energy attacks are also effective and can hurt the undead.

But once it enters the black mist, it's like fire entering water, and the supernatural energy will dissipate quickly.

Therefore, they can only fight at close range, which puts many superpowers at a disadvantage, but at least they have the power to resist.

Ordinary people really have no choice.

But ten minutes have passed since Qiao Ji started watching. How come there is an earth-level superpower?

It shouldn't be.

But an earth-level superpower seems to be able to push back the black mist. He stood on the top of the wave, and the water waves hit the black mist. The black mist seemed to be retreating, and then——

A sharp blade protruded from his chest, and a ghostly figure held a spear-like weapon and picked up the earth-level superpower.

Qiao Ji was shocked to see that he was unexpectedly attacked.

What about teammates? Where about teammates? Please help!

But it was too late. After the sharp blade cut open the spine and pierced the chest, the spear also emitted bursts of lightning, which shocked the earth-level superpower to a crisp. On the spear, it was very explicit.

The gathered water flow also collapsed due to the death of the controller. The next moment, the black mist came back and submerged them, and Qiao Ji could no longer see them.


An earth-level superpower is like this?

"I didn't expect that the undead was also the sixth, and the last undead appeared outside the black mist."

It seems that the undead are not unable to leave the black fog, but the low-level undead cannot leave. Is it because they are afraid that the sun will be blocked by the fog?

Qiao Ji continued to watch the situation at the scene. More and more vehicles and helicopters arrived, bringing police officers one by one.

But what about earth-level superpowers? What about the army?

For a full quarter of an hour, no second earth-level superpower appeared.

What are they doing?

Qiao Ji searched with his clairvoyance and found that there seemed to be no senior personnel in command.

What's going on? Is the U.S. emperor so inefficient?

BT has seen the news on social platforms, but you haven’t noticed the news here yet?

It's still daytime there.

"BT, what's going on over there? Do they really don't care?"

"Pilot, there seems to be a problem with their command system. Through the intercepted communications, I found that they seem to lack effective communication. There is more than 90% possibility that the local command level was assassinated, resulting in a lack of information transmission. "

Regarding the current situation, BT gave a relatively reliable answer based on the intelligence it collected.

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