I have a cos system

Chapter 233 No such material found


Six earth-level superpowers, armed with high-risk weapons, broke into the royal family's territory.

What are you going to do?

What do you want to do?

It's really like Dashachun.

If I give you a space crack, I dare to drill into it. Next time I take you to take a lava bath, will you come too?

But having said that, it should be quite comfortable for Qiao Ji to take a bath in the lava now. The high temperature of the lava can recharge his energy.

"...It would be nice to take a bath in the lava. Maybe I should have a rechargeable appendix."


BT heard Qiao Ji's idea and retorted: "Pilot, your current ability can absorb energy. If the heat of the magma is absorbed by you, it will solidify."


"Moreover, there is a high probability that there will be harmful gases near magma. I have not found any relevant protective measures in your ability. I suggest you not get close to the magma."

Yes, I am not immune to toxins yet, so I need to pay attention to this.

"BT, you are really thoughtful, I feel like you can even cosplay (●—●)."

"Pilot, there is no record of 'Baymax' in my database."

"Dabai is a home medical robot with the color of a white coat and a soft body that can monitor human health, similar to a personal health assistant."

"Pilot, I can monitor your health in real time."

You are right, the Pioneer-class Titan integrates many functions.

But now, let’s scan the two weapons first. They are the weapons of the two ghosts, a spear and a trident.

The clawed ghost has no weapons and is probably poor. He is not doing as well as the other two. There is also a wealth gap between the undead.

Qiao Ji waved his spear and shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"Too light."

Like a dried hemp pole, he was afraid that he would break it by swinging it harder.

What about the trident?

The third one is a little heavier, but it is not easy to take advantage of. Both weapons are two and a half meters long, and cannot be placed horizontally on the table.

In this case, the scan failed.

If it can't be placed horizontally, it certainly won't work vertically or diagonally. This is a difficult problem in the dog world.

Fortunately, Qiao Ji's IQ was above average and he was able to stand them up.

[Scan completed]

Scanned to the material library, it is still the spiritual material part that cannot be copied.

Qiao Ji didn't care about it, he just wanted its materials.

Then, he refreshed a copy of each of the spear and trident, then put them together on the table, exposed part of them, picked up the knife, and chopped it down like sugar cane.

The power of Vajra is endless!

Ding ding

He chopped it twice with his hand knife and got two cylinders about 10 centimeters.

There were some patterns on the cylinder that symbolized death and destination, which Qiao Ji erased easily.

Then, break off the spear blades and spiked parts of the two weapons and put them into boxes respectively.

But the only boxes he has here are transparent disposable plastic lunch boxes, so I’ll just use them first.

The rod and blade should not be made of the same material, so Qiao Ji took samples separately.

For the spear, he took a pen and wrote 1 and 2 on the box, and for the trident, he wrote 3 and 4.

He planned to take these samples to let Qiao Yao test what materials they were made of, so that he could name the two materials in the material library, otherwise they would be 'Unnamed 276' and 'Unnamed 277'.

Then, he refreshed the sound-killing flying sword, war hammer, and lion shield he got from Stormy Eddie, and cut some materials from each to be packed in boxes, intending to send them all for testing.

He casually rolled the scrap metal left over from sampling into a metal ball and threw it into a corner.

Now go to bed, I have to go to school tomorrow.

When he got up early in the morning, Qiao Yao saw a pile of plastic lunch boxes prepared by Qiao Ji.

"What are these?" He frowned at the pile of things.

"There are some materials in there that I don't recognize. Please help me find out what kind of super metal they are."

"These..." He took a closer look, "It's hard to judge with the naked eye. Let me test it for you when I get to work."

Just take it and look at it with a spectrometer and you will know.

Lin Mengfu made a joke, "I thought we were going to eat these this morning. I was shocked."

After all, Qiao Ji only found disposable transparent plastic lunch boxes to put things in.

"Then you have to be as cute as a panda."

"If you want to take it to Warehouse No. 6, I'll get a bag and put it in it." After Lin Xingying determined the quantity and size, she went to find a suitable bag.

The pile of superpower materials was finally put into a paper bag from a clothing brand for easy carrying.

After breakfast, those who need to go to school go to school, and those who need to go to work go to work.

When he was leaving, Qiao Yao said: "By the way, come over to Warehouse No. 6 at noon. All future superconducting materials will be handed over here. In addition, the room temperature superconducting materials sent by my friend will arrive soon. It's just right for you to come over at noon. Scan it."

"No problem, do you want me to take you there?"

Lin Xingying was just about to say no, we drove over, and Qiao Yao agreed, "Okay, it will be much faster if you see us off."

If Zuoying went there, he would only need to walk a few steps through the shadows to get there. It was so fast that he didn't even want to drive there by himself.

Just be lazy if you can.

And the speed of escape was very fast. It only took Lin Mengfu time to pack her schoolbag, and Qiao Ji was back after sending everyone off.

"Let's go."


The class time passed very quickly, mainly because Qiao Ji now had a lot of books to read. Although they were all extracurricular books, they were used to enrich themselves, so it was not a waste of time.

During class, Yu Luoluo, Xu Zhuo and the others had been talking about their visit to the archery studio yesterday, and were looking forward to going to the shooting range this weekend.

Qiao Ji took out a laptop and checked what his father sent.

"The test results are out. These samples No. 1 to 4 are all materials produced only in the underworld. I have sent you the details by email. The rest are unknown materials and are not included in our database."


Qiao Ji opened the email attachment and checked the information on the Ghost Spear and Ghost Trident. He found no problems. The properties of the materials were average, but ordinary people couldn't get enough to make weapons, not to mention the materials they used. It is also a spiritual weapon, and its value is even greater.

In general, it fits the prefecture-level status.

However, the Sound Killing Flying Sword, the White Bone Black Hammer Head Warhammer and the Lion Shield were not included in the database. I don’t know where the high-level Earth-level Storm Eddie got them.

Among them, the Yinsha Feijian is probably from their country, China, and is related to a spiritual realm. It is very likely that its material is produced in that spiritual realm, so Qiao Yao can't find it.

The handle of the war hammer is like a bone, and the head of the hammer is made of metal. It is impossible to find where the material comes from.

But now he couldn't ask Stormy Eddie about the exact origin of these things. After all, everyone else was dead and the souls had been turned into props.

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