I have a cos system

Chapter 252 The power of telepathy grows out of thin air


Bailong patrolled around and scanned everyone, but did not see the god his father was looking for.

Her huge body shattered into dots of white and golden light, and then the light converged and turned into a white dress.

The light faded, revealing a girl with white hair and golden eyes, a beautiful face but a hint of cuteness, and two small raised white horns on her forehead... a little girl.

Yes, she is a little girl, because after transforming into a human form, she is only about 1.2 meters tall.

This little dragon girl can be said to have even bones and flesh, her limbs are in golden proportions, and her skin is as white as ice and snow. She is still wearing women's clothing from Xia Yuanhong's period, white clothes woven with gold, and her bare feet are suspended in the air.

The crowd suddenly became excited. Although the onlookers were all earth-level superpowers, who could not be interested in the magical power of changing body shapes?

You know, Xia Yuanhong, who has had full contact with the Dragon Clan, said that the Dragon Clan knows this trick.

They can be big or small, they can increase their potential, they can appear or hide, and they can control wind, rain, thunder and lightning. These are their racial abilities.

Moreover, their life span can generally reach three thousand years, and their individual strength and average combat power are much stronger than humans.

Being able to obtain some of the mysteries of the Dragon Clan and provide them with inspiration and reference may improve the overall strength of mankind.

What's more, they recently obtained information about Ami's superpower warrior plan, which also gave them a lot of reference.

Now that there is the threat of the underworld from the outside, it is a good time for technology to explode.


The world situation is changing rapidly.

But for high school students, they are more concerned about when and how many days they will have vacation.

Soon, the students who went to the office to inquire about information got the result:

You have to make up classes on the weekends and then take seven days off.

Well, that's to be expected, after all, it would be outrageous if it really took the weekend off as well.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Qiao Ji became familiar with the students in the class, and they probably knew who had a better relationship with whom.

The main reason is that there is Yu Luoluo who comes over to gossip after class, and will quietly forward messages to other groups during class. Not to mention his own class, Qiao Ji can also know the news from other classes and other grades very quickly.

After lunch, Qiao Ji went to Warehouse No. 6. He and Qiao Yao made an appointment to come and inject the spiritual light potion today.

"Come on, this way."

Qiao Yao was waiting for him in the office. When he saw Qiao Ji coming, he immediately took him to a newly built laboratory nearby.

"Built another house so quickly?"

"With modular design and a construction team with special abilities, the construction speed will certainly be very fast if the requirements are not high." Qiao Yao explained.

Unless some high-precision equipment is to be installed and the construction environment requirements are relatively high, in which case the construction period will be longer. Otherwise, the current construction team is very fast and the superpowers have been applied to all aspects.

Without a superpower, it is not that convenient to move bricks and lay dust. Implanting superpowers has become a general trend.

"I have given them all your power selections, and we will make them together into a power implant potion when the time comes. But in your current situation, you probably don't need additional powers."

Qiao Yao felt that since he could create his own abilities, why would he need power implantation?

At most it's a pretense, but it's not very necessary.

"No, I still want it."

How much counts as ability.

In the laboratory, there is a brand new aura detector.

"Come on, let's test whether your current aura value is stable."

It's more formal here. The test chair is in a special transparent compartment. It's not like the one Qiao Ji snatched from the training ground and placed casually on the cement floor.

After getting on the aura detector, the results were quickly obtained. Qiao Yao signaled Qiao Ji to come over there.

"How about it?"

"The aura value is 320%, there is no change, but your mental power has grown so fast, it is now 342%."

Qiao Yao couldn't help but wonder if it could grow so fast without spiritual powers. Qiao Yao couldn't help but wonder if it was a chain reaction caused by his too high aura value.

"320? It's indeed a lot more, but -"

In the first few tests, Qiao Ji's mental power level was twice that of a normal person, but now it has tripled.

And the changes in myself during this period... Well, I use telekinesis more. Qiao Ji and Andrew's video camera have to take it out every morning when exercising to get familiar with telekinesis.

He felt like something had changed in the past two days, but he didn't understand what it was.

Seeing the increased mental power, Qiao Ji seemed to have an idea.

"But what?" Qiao Yao asked.

"I'm wondering whether the increased mental power I've gained is mental power, or a variant of mental power, telekinesis."

Qiao Ji's mental power value didn't change much before, but it suddenly increased recently. It must be caused by something.

And he judged that it was brought about by Andrew's cosplay props. The ability of telekinesis in "Super Out of Control" is an ability that can be continuously improved through exercise.

From moving small objects such as pens, insects, and building blocks at the beginning, to moving large objects such as cars later, the protagonist group has improved through their own training.

Mind power is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.

"The increased part is telepathy?"

Qiao Yao doesn't understand why his son thinks this way. What does it mean that the increased part is telepathy?

"Why do you say that?"

"It's a guess, but the details will be known soon."

Qiao Ji looked around, finally lowered his head and chose his shoelaces.

He stretched out his hand to hold his shoelaces, recalling the feeling of telepathy.

Then, he saw the shoelaces moving slowly and being pulled up by an invisible force. However, this force was not strong, far less than the powerful telekinesis he had when he was equipped with 'Andrew's Camera', which could knead steel.

Just the simple action of pulling back the shoelaces requires all the concentration to be executed, and the power of thought is very weak.

Qiao Yao watched his son suddenly stare at the shoes, then reach out and make a strange movement. Then, the shoelaces were slowly untied by invisible force.


However, seeing how slowly and laboriously Qiao Ji untied his shoelaces, his telekinesis seemed to be quite weak.

"It's a bit unexpected..." Qiao Ji said to himself.

"What did you say?" Qiao Yao didn't hear clearly.

"I said, I have a tool here that can give people telekinesis. How should I deal with it better?"

Andrew's camera is a prop that can bring telekinesis to the wearer, and its strength is equivalent to that of a high-level Xuan-level camera.

In the movie "Superman", the power of telepathy will continue to grow.

Qiao Ji spent several hours equipping this item, and most of that time was spent training at the training ground——

Training means growth, and this growth seems not to be brought back to props, but to Qiao Ji himself.

It's hard for him to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. After all, this means that in addition to progress, some side effects produced during use will also appear on him?

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