I have a cos system

Chapter 261 Transformation of Mind Power


Nosebleeds will occur if telekinesis is used to the limit. This is what happened in the original novel, and it is at full capacity.

Qiao Ji also saw him using it to death as soon as he came up, so he immediately rushed over to remind him not to use all his strength.

If you break the string of your mind power, your capillaries will also be broken.

When it comes to exercise, you just have to use part of your strength continuously, and you don’t have to use all your strength to feed your baby.

He himself had never had a nosebleed. It was probably because he was equipped with the Gourd Small Diamond Necklace, which made his blood vessels a little bit stiffer. Diamond's blood vessels were indestructible.

"Did I use too much force?" Volunteer No. 1 reacted.

As for that minor injury, the medical team next to him had already cured it by wiping it with his hand, and gave him a ball of cotton to wipe it with.

Instructor Tao, who was leading the volunteers, asked: "This is..."

Why do you look so young?

Qiao Ji glanced at him and said with a smile, "I am a success story and the first person to come into contact with the props."

The term "successful cases" is easy to understand. Instructor Tao and the volunteers were in awe, as they turned out to be experienced seniors.

All his young men and young men must study hard with this young man and learn from his experience.

Qiao Ji came over to give guidance, and of course Qiao Yao and the others wouldn't say anything.

"If you have succeeded, your mental power may be weak at the beginning... Maybe you can try using this amplification. The feeling should be more obvious."

A pan appeared in Qiao Ji's hand, and then the portal flashed away, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

One end of the dagger is clear fiberglass, filled with silver arcane mercury.

Holding this dagger, Qiao Ji could feel that his telepathy was amplified by a field flowing from the secret mercury.

And the amplification effect is very strong. After all, a standard prop only uses 2 to 3 grams of arcane mercury, and such a dagger contains 620 grams of arcane mercury. Even without careful control, the original amplification effect of the material alone It's wild enough.

"Take this and try to move the stones on the ground with your mind."

Secret mercury?

As soon as Volunteer No. 1 grasped the dagger, he realized what it was, because they had also used similar equipment, but the equipment they used did not have so much arcane mercury, and at most it was only 100% of the dagger. Once arrived.

Holding the secret mercury dagger in his hand, Volunteer No. 1 felt his mental energy becoming more active.

He was originally a Xuan-level spiritual power user. With the blessing of such a secret mercury dagger, his mental power became more active, and his strength and perception also increased.

He closed his eyes to sense his own changes, and then noticed some abnormalities in his mental power.

It's like a hair floating on the surface of a basin of clear water.

It's easy to miss it if you don't pay attention, but if you look carefully you can see that it is completely different from water.

Is it this one?

The mental power of volunteer No. 1 began to flow towards this anomaly. Later, he discovered that this anomaly was contagious. He absorbed his own mental power and assimilated it, resulting in some kind of mutation, but this process was very slow.

If you are telepathic, then I will help you!

Volunteer No. 1 mobilized his mental power and rushed toward this abnormality. Then he opened his eyes, and the stones on the ground flew up with a hiss, and he was firmly caught.

He let go of his hand, and the stone floated in his hand.

There is no doubt that this is telekinesis.

"Succeeded?" Instructor Tao muttered to himself, somewhat unbelievable.

Gaining telekinesis so easily?

Is it still too late for me to sign up now?

After all, telekinesis is a famous all-purpose power that can be used in most situations, and he is very envious of it.

'It seems that 20 to 30 seconds should be enough to use it with all your strength. In this case, the speed of imparting telekinesis is quite fast. ’

Xia Xing Center estimated, "I just don't know how effective the mind power is." ’

Qiao Yao came up to ask about the situation, "No. 1, how do you feel now?"

"Report, my body is normal, but there was a very weak abnormality in my mental power before. I judged that it was my mental power, and it was absorbing my mental power for transformation, so I took the initiative to transform my mental power. He has obtained telekinesis that is equivalent to the mid-level Xuan level." Volunteer No. 1 replied, "I have seen people with telekinesis abilities who are at the mid-level Xuan level, so I made this judgment."

Xuan-level spiritual power users have partial spiritual vision effects, so they can see other people's invisible thoughts. Having seen others, it is easier to judge their current level.

"Intermediate Xuan-level telekinesis? Are you sure?" Qiao Yao asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, I can prove it."

He then walked to the place where he had just exercised to the extreme, and put the secret mercury dagger aside, not relying on its power.

Then he narrowed his eyes slightly at the building materials, and he used his mind to pull up the cement bricks and steel bars. However, the weight was much smaller than before, but it was estimated to be about four or five tons.

Instructor Tao and his teammates all looked at him with envy.

That's amazing. Do you have this level of telekinesis right away?

"It is indeed equivalent to the telekinesis power of the mid-level Xuan level. You seem to only have 64 kilograms, right?" Qiao Yao turned around and asked Qiao Ji.

"I don't have mental powers. Isn't it normal for my mental power to be weak?" Qiao Ji only has mental defense, and the basic value of his mental power is not high enough.

Does this boy have no spiritual powers? His telekinesis is only 64 kilograms?

Instructor Tao and the volunteers were all listening to the excitement. After all, no matter how greedy they were, they could not be impatient, so they all stood there keeping their posture.

Qiao Yao asked Qiao Ji again, "Have you ever actively transformed your spiritual power?"

"Probably, I can't feel the mental power. I just feel that something suddenly penetrates my brain, and my mental power increases sharply."

After combining the two samples, the situation is relatively clear, but more data is still needed to be safe.

Instructor Tao said at this time: "I have a question."


"No. 1, can your spiritual powers still be used normally?"

Volunteer No. 1 nodded, "Report, my spiritual powers can be used normally."

"Okay, I have no problem." Instructor Tao was very satisfied with the result, and at the same time he was a little jealous.

He was afraid that his mental power would be transformed into telekinesis, and his original mental powers would disappear.

But think about it carefully, the boy over there doesn't even have mental powers, doesn't he still have telekinesis?

Don’t some people with telekinesis powers also have telekinesis and other mental powers? There is no conflict between telekinesis and mental abilities.

It seems that I asked a stupid question, but I still have to ask it to feel at ease.

In addition, he also thought that even if he was thick-skinned later, he would try to use his telekinesis power. Multiple powers would mean more lives on the battlefield.

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