I have a cos system

Chapter 342 Prefectural Level Dispatch


The scope has been locked, and more detailed investigation work needs to be done next.

However, because of the importance of this matter, it received extraordinary treatment, that is, earth-level superpowers would go to the scene to deal with it.

They are professionals.

Qiao Ji didn't show up to help. The world is so big, how far can he control it?

Of course it is best if they can find a solution on their own. Solve it once and accumulate experience. The two worlds are getting more and more in contact and will always influence each other. It is better to adapt earlier.

The test results cooperated with the Cangjie system's retrieval of all monitoring equipment, and a large number of data comparisons and screenings were conducted. Each household's electricity and water were included in the data monitoring, and comparative analysis was conducted to narrow down as much as possible before taking action. target range.

"The power of technology is really convenient. If Cangjie's system is given a few more days, he will be able to find all the people."

Yang Chengrong praised the work efficiency of the new version of the Cangjie system. If there were robots as flexible as humans to command the Cangjie system, it would save them a lot of work.

Recording every time you enter and leave the community, activity traces, electricity and water consumption periods, and water body inspections are enough to enable accurate locking. It just takes a few days to obtain more data samples.

It's a pity that they are short of time now, and tomorrow is their holiday. They judge that the probability of the undead spies causing some damage tomorrow is very high, so they choose to arrest them today to obtain more information.

Time passes little by little, and everyone is waiting for the time to act.

A quarter past ten in the evening was the scheduled time for action, because at this point, everyone was basically at home, making it easier for them to control the suspect.

As the night progresses, the headquarters building is brightly lit.

Each action team has been fully armed and prepared. In fact, they have not received any precise time notification, because this time they are not the main force, they are the reserve team.

"All personnel are in place and ready for action."

"let's start."

The orders coming out of the command room were carried by radio waves to the ears of teams of Earth-level superpower partners.

They work in groups of three or four and look like retired old people who go out to pave the road.

But at this moment, a space portal suddenly appeared next to them. With telekinesis, he grabbed the power amplifying device dragging the cable and pressed it down on the road with a roar.

The huge superpower amplifying equipment weighs forty or fifty tons and looks like a circular steel stage.

It can be seen through the portal that skilled space power users have opened multiple portals at the same time, accurately delivering equipment to various mission locations.

The earth-level superpowers immediately boarded the equipment, and the surging power was supplied to the superpower amplification equipment through the cables, further strengthening their already powerful superpowers.


Invisible fluctuations swept across, and the wind and leaves in the community in front of him suddenly stopped, and everything seemed to be frozen in an instant.

The otaku who plays the game at home is operating the character, jumping forward as if his feet are on a hot floor.

Suddenly, his hand that pressed the space bar stopped, and he stood there with the character, motionless.

However, after a few seconds, the game character started to perform the preset actions and began to inspect the firearm on the spot. However, he remained motionless and did not even blink.

"Group 3 reported that the telekinesis freeze has been completed, a suspicious person was found, and they applied to enter the mission location for target screening."

"Agreed, please pay attention to the target situation at all times and provide prompt guidance if an explosion occurs."

"Group 3 received."

After an earth-level superpower froze the entire community with the power of telekinesis under the amplification of the equipment, his companions began to enter the community to deal with people who felt abnormal in close contact with telekinesis.

He squeezed into the jelly-like viscous space, which was suppressed by overwhelming telepathy. If it were further developed, it might be like absolute zero, which could stop the movement of molecules.

But thinking about it, it is still too difficult. Now, suppressing an entire community requires the help of equipment, and then the power supply of the power station can do it.

Although the old man who entered the community felt that the air was very thick, it did not have a big impact on him. After all, he was an earth-level superpower, and his body was also strengthened by superpowers.

He covered a distance of more than 100 meters in three steps, jumped to the seventh floor in one step, tore open the security window with his bare hands, opened the bedroom door, and saw a man playing a game.

The character on the screen was motionless, and the enemy attacked him, but not a single shot hit him. The opponent just fired his gun in a rhythmic "bang, bang, bang" manner.

The earth-level superpower took out something like a code scanner and scanned the motionless man's forehead.


The red indicator light comes on.

Green represents normal, and no black fog component has been detected.

Yellow represents suspicion, and less than the expected amount of black fog components has been detected, indicating that there may have been close contact.

Red means confirmed.

"The three groups reported and the target was confirmed."

As he spoke, he quickly took off the equipment from his waist and put it around the opponent's neck, blocking the opponent's abilities, suppressing the opponent's spirit, and making him fall into a deep sleep.

At this time, he suddenly noticed the computer, and the character opposite him was walking around in the distance with a red name, but he did not harm the character in front of him.

In a gun battle game, shouldn't you just defeat the enemy?

"Cangjie Cangjie, I suspect that the target may use the game to transmit intelligence. Their gunshots sound like some kind of code. The name of the game-"

An old Earth-level superpower pressed the keyboard and looked at the name of the game.

"The Call to Responsibility."

What a strange name.

"Received, I have included other possible contacts in the surveillance and reported to the command. I judge that there is a high probability that they are transmitting intelligence through game behavior. This is the direction of my omission. Your observation is very keen. "

BT's voice came from the headset of this earth-level superpower.

It is unlikely that it is an oversight, but some meaningless actions in the game are difficult to include in monitoring and analysis.

After all, the players in the game are indeed very boring, and they may do some tasks that make people's eyes dark.

"That's for sure. When I was young, I was the commander of the sharp knife company!"

The old man said happily, then switched the channel: "The target has been controlled, I'm out."

Holding the unconscious target between his legs, he quickly jumped down from the seventh floor, and then retreated directly into the portal.

The companion slowly put away his powerful mental power, then stepped off the equipment, wiped his forehead with his hand, and shed a lot of sweat.

"Ouch, this thing is really not easy to use."

Close the stall, close the stall.

The teleportation power moved dozens of tons of large-scale amplification equipment back, and then the portal closed.

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