I have a cos system

Chapter 382 Tracking


"Pilot, I think they may have discovered traces of your previous battles."

"You mean, they discovered the traces of previous battles and saw the deaths of their own kind, so they are afraid of our strength?"


This is indeed a powerful factor that contributed to their desire to be conceited and compromise.

"No matter what the specifics are, it doesn't matter. What matters is the passage to the underworld."

As long as they can get to that place, it doesn't matter what they plan.

"What just happened?"

Lin Mengfu asked quietly.

Qiao Ji chatted with someone, and while chatting, he used his telekinesis to immobilize the person, and then he was taken away.

Although Lin Mengfu wasn't familiar with her, she had the impression that he was a celebrity, so she didn't know why such a thing happened.

"A criminal scumbag, I punished him."

Such people must be severely punished!

"Hold? You want to report it?"


After chasing him out to watch the excitement, other people who asked about the situation also came back. Yu Luoluo ran the fastest and came over to ask Qiao Ji: "Qiao Ji, what happened just now? Why was Tang Song taken away by the police?"

"He committed a crime."

"Holy shit, what crime?"

Yu Luoluo's eyes lit up, and the spirit of gossip burned brightly. This was first-hand news!

"Let's wait for the official announcement."

At this time, several reporters with a keen sense of smell asked other people and learned that Tang Song was arrested while talking to the young man Qiao Ji, so they immediately came to inquire about the information.

"Excuse me, please, what happened to Tang and Song Dynasties just now?"

"What did you say to him?"

"Why was he taken away?"

Looking at the camera and even the mobile phone, I only heard continuous crackling sounds, and a pile of equipment turned into scrap metal.

Ao Ling, the little dragon girl, had already stretched out a small hand towards them, but they simply ignored the child and squeezed in hard.

As a result, sparks erupted from all the equipment that came over, and people were knocked over by a flow of air.


"Is it going to explode?"

They quickly threw away the smoking electronic devices in their hands.

Qiao Ji smiled, "It's time for you to bully the children."

"Let's go, it's a mess here."

Qiao Ji didn't blame Ao Ling for using her ability. She didn't need Qiao Ji to use it.

They fled and sent a message to Yu Luoluo, saying that the place was in a mess and it was inconvenient for them to bring a child, so they went out and came back in the afternoon.

Yu Luoluo and the others didn't follow. After all, he thought it was quite fun here and they could dig up some celebrity information.

After leaving there, Qiao Ji did not escape. Because he had to keep an eye on the person he was following, he took Lin Mengfu and Ao Ling shopping, buying some clothes and snacks to pass the time.

The two spies who had been paying attention to Qiao Ji changed cars on the way, leaving their electronic equipment behind, and then came to a basement, where someone was there to guide them.

Afterwards, they teleported away directly.

Qiao Ji:......

"They went to the basement, someone came to meet them, and they teleported away. BT, did you notice anything?"

"No, I lost track of them."

"Now I want to find someone to cosplay Roaring Dog."

If I hadn't tracked him for thousands of miles, I still wouldn't be able to find him.

"Pilot, I'm trying to figure it out."

BT is still working hard.

"What can you do?"

"I'm judging their teleportation distance, Pilot. Is there a power amplifying device where they teleport?"

Qiao Ji glanced at it and said, "No."

"Are you wearing any amplifying equipment?"

Qiao Ji recalled that the man who picked them up was wearing shorts, a vest, and no accessories.


"There are three of them. If there is no amplification equipment, the distance they can move instantly will not be too far, so I judge that they are still within a certain range. I am monitoring the electronic equipment within the range and filtering the data. For areas without electronic equipment , using drones for reconnaissance to find it.”

"It's a bit reluctant to search a city this way. What if they teleport away several times in a row? What do you do when you arrive in a countryside that lacks infrastructure and electronic equipment?"

"I just try my best."

Please don’t give artificial intelligence strength. Do you blame me for not having enough infrastructure?

Qiao Ji and BT's tracking of this group of people has come to an end for the time being. It seems that they have a strong sense of prevention.

"BT, let me track another group of people and show them their coordinates."

"Pilot, the other monitored personnel are currently taking a break from work."

BT displayed several scenes on the nano glasses. None of them said anything about Qiao Ji, concentrating on playing their own identities.

Then there is no other way.

"BT, you said that if I use my teleportation ability to chase them, I should be able to follow them through the space rift through which they teleport."

"Not sure. I suggest waiting. They are exposing more and more people now. After this afternoon's meeting, there should be a substantial breakthrough."

"Okay, just wait."

As long as a key figure can emerge from the afternoon meeting, Qiao Ji will use his power to kick open their door.

"Qiao Ji, does this look good?" Lin Mengfu walked out of the fitting room and put on a light blue denim skirt, which also had a unique flavor.

Next to him was Ao Ling, who was wearing a set of denim overalls and a hat with small wings. He also wore a pair of sunglasses like Qiao Ji, which looked cool.


Go shopping, then find some delicious food, which gives you a holiday atmosphere.

At 12 o'clock, Qiao Ji received a strange call on his mobile phone.

"Hello, Mr. Qiao, I am Lu Cheng."

Qiao Ji was not surprised that they were able to get his number.

"Is the matter settled?"

"Of course, I will do my best to fulfill your request. However, the club's shareholders are located all over the world. Many of them may not be able to come. However, several major shareholders can make an appointment with Shanghai this afternoon. I didn't know you..."

"It's quite close. I'll come over after my nap, about half past two."

"Okay, that location..."

"You make the arrangements."

"Okay, I'll send it to you right away so I won't disturb your rest."

The address was sent, somewhat to Qiao Ji's surprise, on a cruise ship.

Are they taking themselves to the high seas to commit crimes?

This is a common plot in old Hong Kong movies.

Qiao Ji is not afraid that they will throw him into the sea to feed the sharks. He has never caught a shark before, and he is quite interested. If he has a chance, he must try it.

After lunch, Qiao Ji and the others went home to rest.

He pulled Lin Mengfu aside and said, "I have something to go out for. I'll see if I can go to the afternoon performance."

"Ah? Didn't we agree to go together?"

Lin Mengfu was a little unhappy. She was obviously having a lot of fun today, so why did you quit halfway?

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