I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 100 Betrayal! Fall into hell!

In the darkness, two big fireballs like the sun hung high in the sky.

Su Mu knew that these were not the sun at all, but the two big eyes of the red dragon centipede!

In addition to a pair of eyes on its head, the red dragon centipede also has a lot of small eyes densely packed on its back, with hundreds of them!

When opened, these densely packed little eyes are like stars in the sky, each emitting light.

But the glowing green light makes people feel extremely inappropriate.

Being so closely together is even more heart-numbing! I feel like gagging!


A strange sound sounded.

Then hundreds of small eyes on the back of the Red Dragon Centipede projected streams of light, shrouding Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu.

Amazing power!

I don’t know what kind of magic it is.

After devouring the Dragon Blood Wood, the monster's strength increased a bit and he fought with Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu.

As for Sumu, it was ignored.

In the eyes of Red Dragon Centipede, Sumu is too weak and poses no threat to it.

And there is no way to escape, and it won’t be too late to deal with it later.

The only good thing is that the moment Yaoyun appeared, Yu Hanmei at the foot of the mountain noticed something strange.

She escaped in time with ten cute babies without being trapped by the black sky.

The Suo Yuan Qi Seizing Formation collapsed as a result, and Su Mu became even weaker without the blessing.

It has become an ant that the red dragon centipede can ignore.

In the sky, two people and a demon were already fighting together.

In the extreme darkness, dazzling sword light flashed from time to time, as well as various magical powers and magic spells.

The terrifying aura continued to spread around, and Su Mu could only avoid being affected by hiding in Yunfeng Mountain, which was hollowed out by tree monsters.

Otherwise, Su Mu would not be able to bear the aftermath of their fight!

"Ms. sir! Mr. sir!"

While hiding, Su Mu suddenly heard an anxious shout from outside.

It's Yu Hanmei's voice!

After sending her ten children away, she returned.

But it was blocked by the dark sky, unable to enter, and could only shout loudly from outside.

Unfortunately, Red Dragon Centipede was currently fighting Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu, two great masters, and had no time to talk to her.

Otherwise, Yu Hanmei could be included in it with just a thought.

But then it was really the couple who returned the home!

"Take the child and leave! Have a good time practicing, and one day when you are strong enough, come and avenge me!"

Taking advantage of the fact that Red Dragon Centipede had no time to care about them, Su Mu loudly responded to Yu Hanmei's call.

"Ms. sir, I want to come in and save you!"

"Why save? Leave quickly. If you don't leave, you won't even have the chance to take revenge!"

"No! I won't leave!"

"If you don't leave, I will divorce you! Leave quickly!"


"Get out of here!"


After Su Mu shouted loudly, Yu Hanmei's crying voice gradually faded away.

Su Mu rubbed his brows with a headache.

He always felt as if he had heard of this scene somewhere.


When White Snake was suppressed into Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Xian seemed to be in the same desperate situation.

But when Su Mu turned over, she was "suppressed" and turned into a husband instead of a wife.

What kind of sad drama is this?

Thinking of this, Su Mu smiled bitterly.

On the other side, the battle between Yun Qingkong, Zhuge Hongtu and Red Dragon Centipede became even more intense!

The dark environment made it difficult for Su Mu to see clearly.

I can only feel waves of terrifying Gang Qi, demonic Qi and spiritual Qi constantly emanating, wreaking havoc in this small world!

The magical powers, magic and martial arts they displayed were each more terrifying than the last!

The space in the dark sky was turned into a mess, and it was like a world shattering!

Of course, only in this small space.

I don't know how long the battle lasted.

Both sides were injured, and their breath was slightly weakened.

Suddenly, a large hole opened in the dark sky, revealing a huge scarlet hole.

The upper and lower sides of this huge hole are densely covered with jagged fangs, which is very scary.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is a huge hole here. It is clearly the bloody mouth of the red dragon centipede!

"Swallow it!!!"

Accompanied by a sharp scream, a terrible suction force came from the bloody mouth of the red dragon centipede, and the surrounding space was slightly distorted!

Despite struggling desperately, Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu's bodies still flew towards its mouth uncontrollably.

Continuous battles made both of them exhausted.

Facing the red dragon centipede's sky-devouring demon technique, Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu could no longer stop it!

As for Su Mu, he was even more powerless to resist.

Although he was the farthest away, he was the first person to be swallowed by the red dragon centipede.

After being swallowed, Sumu came to a strange space.

It was still pitch black here and nothing could be seen clearly.

But there was a strange slime all around, making him feel like he was stuck in a mire.

Not only the body, but also the spiritual energy was sealed!

I can't move at all!

After a while, two more people came here.

Although he couldn't see anything, Su Mu knew that the people coming must be Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu.

"Two seniors, where is this place? Is it the centipede spirit's belly?"

Su Mu asked loudly.

"Yes and no. This is a small space that the evildoer created in his belly, specifically for people."

"This place is full of death energy. If an ordinary person is swallowed, all the energy will be sucked out in an instant."

"Even qi refiners and warriors won't survive long if they don't have enough cultivation!"

Hearing Yun Qingkong's explanation, Su Mu's heart sank.

No wonder he felt that his vitality was constantly passing away, and his body was rapidly weakening.

It was originally sucked away by the red dragon centipede!

After a short pause, Yun Qingkong said again:

"But this alone is not enough to kill us. It will be fine for a year and a half. As for you... go!"

As he spoke, a ray of light flew out from Yun Qingkong's body, landed on the top of Su Mu's head and enveloped him.

With the blessing of this light, Su Mu suddenly felt much more comfortable, and the feeling of constant weakness slowed down a lot.

"I can only help you so far. As for how long you can survive, it's up to you. Remember, guard the memorial platform closely and don't let up!"

After helping Su Mu, Yun Qingkong gave another warning.

As he got closer, Su Mu heard Zhuge Hongtu's cold snort.

Gu Ke

"Hmph! In the battle just now, the centipede spirit didn't get any benefits. He probably wanted to use this method to kill us hard."

"It's not afraid of bursting its belly and disrupting its inner palace!"

Hearing this, Yun Qingkong said:

"This is a small space and it will not affect itself."

"If there is really a risk of being breached, the Centipede Spirit will definitely throw us out in advance."

"So don't even think about damaging it from the inside."

Zhuge Hongtu's breath stopped and he asked again:

"Then what should we do? Although there is no problem in resisting for three to five years. But if it continues to be wasted, it will definitely be a dead end!"

"With that centipede spirit's behavior, it won't be a problem to live another three to five hundred years."

"We can't use it up!"

Yun Qingkong comforted:

"It's not that bad."

"We can compete with the centipede spirit here."

"It cannot relax and must expend energy at all times to suppress us, otherwise it will be rushed out by us."

"It's not just us, it's also wasting it!"

"In addition, we can also think of other methods, maybe we can get out in advance."

"But this is the territory of that monster. It can definitely hear our voices and communicate with us using its spiritual consciousness."


After Zhuge Hongtu agreed, the two of them stopped talking.

Su Mu knew that these two masters must be communicating with their spiritual consciousness.

Since he is not morally qualified enough, he will naturally not be able to participate.

Although he didn't know what Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu were discussing, Su Mu did not stop thinking.

If he hadn't appeared, these two people would have been ambushed by the red dragon centipede, and the tree demon would not have died.

But with the strength of Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu, they probably wouldn't die that easily even if they were ambushed.

A year later, the fifth prince Li Mingtai, who had no way out, brought his people to seek help and entered this devil's cave.

Normally, he would definitely die!

But... Li Mingtai did not die, but became the next emperor of Daqian!

What happened?

What did Red Dragon Centipede do to become Da Qian's national master?

Some kind of deal?

Su Mu couldn't figure out many of the problems and could only wait quietly for the development of the situation.


Falling here, Sumu almost lost the concept of time.

About a year later, Su Mu lost 80% of his vitality and became extremely weak!

If this continues, he will be dead within half a year at most!

Yun Qingkong and Zhuge Hongtu were very strong, and their auras were not too weak.

They also make trouble in this space from time to time, which makes the centipede spirits restless, so they must allocate their energy to suppress them.

The two parties were in a stalemate!

On this day, Zhuge Hongtu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly made some moves.

"Sword formation!"

With this loud shout, five divine swords flew out, forming a five-element sword array.

The Five Elements Sword Formation released streaks of rays of light, illuminating the surroundings and shattering the mucus that trapped them.

"Brother Yun, today is the day to break through! We will act according to the plan!"

Zhuge Hongtu flew out and shouted at Yun Qingkong.

"Okay! Follow the plan!"

Yun Qingkong responded, and the white Taoist robe automatically lit up a series of mysterious spells without wind.

Drain away all the dark and cold demonic aura around you!

"Follow me! I have found a flaw and I will definitely break it!"

Zhuge Hongtu set up his sword formation and flew to a certain place.

Finally, he did not forget to explain to Su Mu.

Seeing this, Su Mu knew that the two people must have planned it in private, and that's why they took this action.

Is it possible that the day of breaking is today?

Thinking of this, he was shocked and quickly followed behind the two of them.

"This is it, attack!"

Zhuge Hongtu pointed at a place and controlled the Five Elements Sword Formation to kill it.

Yun Qingkong did not hesitate, the magic power of the Taoist robe on his body was fully activated, and all kinds of magical communication were at his fingertips, and he kept blasting towards that place.

Wind, fire, thunder, lightning, earth, wood, metal, water, all kinds of Taoist spells and spells were bombarded indiscriminately!

Amidst the roars, a hole was actually torn open in that space, and a faint light could be seen.

"It's done!"

Seeing this, Yun Qingkong showed a look of joy!

"You go out first."

Perhaps seeing that Su Mu was too weak, Yun Qingkong threw him out first after tearing open the space crack.

Then, he and Zhuge Hongtu flew outside one after the other.

Seeing that Yun Qingkong had flown to the edge of the exit, a muffled groan came from behind.

He turned around and saw a trace of paleness on Zhuge Hongtu's face, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

"Brother Zhuge, what's wrong with you!"

Seeing this, Yun Qingkong was shocked and immediately flew back to support him.

"No, it's okay. I got a little injured, no problem..."

Halfway through speaking, Zhuge Hongtu, who looked a little weak just now, suddenly lit up with a ruthless look in his eyes.

He swung a fierce punch and hit the unsuspecting Yun Qingkong!

This is not the end.

After severely injuring his good brother with one punch, Zhuge Hongtu immediately turned around and kicked Yun Qingkong downwards, falling into the endless abyss!

The completely unexpected sneak attack caused Yun Qingkong to be seriously injured, and he fell into the darkness with blood spitting from his mouth.

His face full of disbelief was gradually swallowed up by darkness.

No more noise!

"Brother Yun, I'm sorry. I have...my difficulties."

Zhuge Hongtu stopped in place for a second, his expression extremely complicated.

There is shame, unwillingness, and pain.

But more importantly, determination!

Soon, Zhuge Hongtu flew towards the exit and left here.

A person who yearns for light falls into hell.

A man's heart turns to darkness and ascends to heaven.

It wasn't until the last moment that Yun Qingkong understood.

The calamity of his life and death lies not in Yuntai Town, nor in Red Dragon Centipede.

But on Zhuge Hongtu! ! !

This calamity is difficult to overcome!


Chapter 100 small achievement achieved! Throw flowers! ??ヽ(°▽°)ノ?

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