I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 169 The snake demon is killed and the spell is obtained (dungeon ends)

The three big snakes were a little confused.

It was practicing well in Tianyu Mountain, and suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in the space above.

The three-headed serpents, who were wary by nature, immediately tried to test it. As a result, the space collapsed and the three monsters fell down. Two of them are still its subordinates.

Forget it, but the terrible things have just begun!

"Lord Snake God, I found Emperor Qin for you. Don't forget my contribution after devouring and refining it!"

The only bull demon that the three-headed serpents didn't recognize suddenly shouted to it, and then hid behind it.

This made the three big snakes a little confused, not knowing what was going on.

It even wondered if it had forgotten this subordinate?

After all, after dominating the Fuso Kingdom, it conquered many demons and even humans.

It’s normal to forget one or two.

But the next moment, in the broken space above, a huge bloody blade that was constantly flowing with blood and was so red that it was piercing suddenly stabbed out.

This bloody blade shattered the surrounding space, making the passage even larger.

Then, a strange giant wrapped in blood emerged.

It's Bai Qi!

The three-headed snakes didn't know Bai Qi's identity, and only heard an extremely cold sound coming from his mouth. "Anyone who offends His Majesty shall die!"

Following this sound, Bai Qi swung his blood blade, and a sea of ​​blood surged up, killing the three big snakes. The whole sky was dyed blood red!

All the trees on Tianyu Shenshan withered and turned into a dead land!

Although I don’t know what Bai Qi’s current state is, his power is really terrifying!

Even the three big snakes were dumbfounded.

This all happened too suddenly.

The three-headed snakes vaguely felt that they might have been tricked by the bull demon just now, but now they could only fight hastily. A giant snake nearly a kilometer long surrounded the top of the mountain. Both its size and aura were incomparably astonishing.

Like a ferocious beast from the wilderness!

But Bai Qi is even more terrifying!

In the sea of ​​blood, countless wailing souls floated up and down, like an endless purgatory.

When the sea of ​​blood submerged the three big snakes, these innocent souls immediately crawled toward it and crazily crawled into its body!

At the same time, the huge bloody blade tore through the sky and slashed at the three serpents.

That power made even the Inugami hiding in the distance feel frightened, and the monster's body felt vaguely like it was about to be torn apart.

Although the strength of the three-headed serpents is also very strong, they seem to be only slightly stronger than the red dragon centipede in the previous copy that has not yet absorbed the national destiny dragon energy.

It roared and struggled wildly.

The three snake heads spit out torrents of various colors, trying to repel Bai Qi.

But all to no avail!

Bai Qi became more and more courageous as he fought, and the ten thousand meters sea of ​​blood boiled, swallowing up the entire Tianyu Mountain!

The surrounding creatures were also affected and all were destroyed.

Fortunately, Su Mu and the others had already escaped and were watching the battle twenty or thirty miles away.

I saw three big snakes rolling and struggling in the sea of ​​blood, but their injuries were getting more and more, and their breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing this scene, Inugami was stunned, and his tongue couldn't help but stick out in fear.

It had been planning for an unknown amount of time and tried every possible means.

But he still couldn't fight against the three big snakes.

But facing Bai Qi, in less than half a quarter of an hour, the three-headed snakes were about to lose their support!

What kind of strength is this?

"Te's death has come.

Su Mu sneered and took out the three shells, ready to steal its blood essence after the battle.

Inugami seemed to realize that he had something up his sleeve and asked nervously:

"Wait a minute! You, what else do you want to do?'

"Don't cause any more trouble, Master Quan, I'm going to be killed by you!"

"No! You're my grandfather, aren't you? Please don't cause trouble!'

Hearing this, Su Mu looked at it strangely and said:

"We are already here, and the three big snakes are dead. What does it have to do with you? Let's go our separate ways." "Also, don't call me grandpa, I don't have a grandson like you."

Hearing this, Inugami was stunned for a moment and said blankly:

"Yeah...what do you do have anything to do with me? Master Quan, I'm free!"

"Do whatever you like, I'll withdraw first!'

With that said, Inugami patted his butt and turned to leave.

After flying more than a mile away, it suddenly looked back at Sumu and said to him:

"You, please keep it in check in the future. Although it is not the real body, but

"Hey, forget it, it's up to you.'

After saying these words, Inugami disappeared from Sumu's sight in a few flashes.

It cooperated with Su Mu, and originally wanted to kill the three big snakes, take back Tianyu Shenshan, a treasured place for cultivation, and then find a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough.

Now, the three big snakes are dead and Tianyu Mountain is destroyed.

Its road is also broken.

Especially after seeing the nine-tailed demon fox, Inugami became even less hopeful about becoming a martial god.

The nine-tailed demon fox is stronger than it, so it needs to find a way to have some possibility of breakthrough.

What's more, what about it?

After Inugami left, the nine-tailed demon fox glanced at Su Mu silently, his eyes flickering as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end he didn't speak and left quietly.

In the blink of an eye, only Su Mu was left around.

The battle on the other side is coming to an end.

A hundred meters of blood flashed past, making a tearing sound, and the right heads of the three big snakes fell down.

The huge snake head smashed into the sea of ​​blood. After a few ups and downs, it was eaten by countless innocent souls, leaving no bones left!

The three big snakes roared in pain, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, it only has one head in the middle left!

Moreover, many places on the huge body were corroded by the sea of ​​blood.

Countless strange ghosts penetrated into its body, gnawing at its flesh, blood, demon power, and even its soul!

It looked absolutely miserable!

"Spare your life...spare your life! I am willing to surrender!"

The three big snakes begged for mercy, but how could they still retain their original power?

But Bai Qi was like a cold machine and ignored it at all.

In addition to swinging a knife, still swinging a knife!



The largest head among the three serpents was severely chopped off by the bloody blade, along with its soul and vitality!

Another snake head smashed into the sea of ​​blood, splashing countless blood flowers.

At the same time, a large amount of blood flowed out from the snake demon's broken neck, falling downwards like a waterfall.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out.

It is the bull demon controlled by Su Mu!

He took a handful of blood essence and sprinkled it on the three shells.

The restrictions above melted immediately, and three spells emerged!

Su Mu was overjoyed, and after taking a quick glance, he memorized these three incantations.

The next second, a huge wave surged in the sea of ​​blood and hit him.

Su Mu didn't bother to resist.

If he hadn't escaped just now, he would definitely not be able to escape Bai Qi's pursuit now.

Now that the goal has been achieved, this bull demon has no value. Anyway, the demons conquered in this world cannot be brought back to the main world. Su Mu's consciousness attached to the Bull Demon disappeared instantly as blood appeared in his field of vision.

Didn't even last for a second!

Although it was because Su Mu gave up his struggle, it can also be seen from this that Bai Qi is worthy of being the number one killing god throughout the ages.

Even in a weird state, his strength is still terrifying!

Even the three giant snakes among the three giant monsters could only be killed obediently.

However, after watching the entire battle, Su Mu felt that among the three demons, Sui was the strongest, followed by Yan.

This snake monster is the weakest, so no wonder it is so cautious.

"This world is already chaotic enough, but now that a group of weird things have appeared, I don't know what it will become." "Is this why the system recalled me?"

In Jizhou, Su Mu, the ghost king, is waiting to return under the heavy protection of thousands of demons.

But what he has to consider now is what to do after he returns.

Red Dragon Centipede Yan is waiting for him in the main world!

Fortunately, this life has yielded a lot of sumu wood.

After doing the math, there are three ways to use the statues of beasts and three spells.

You should be able to escape the giant monster's attack after you return.

As for the potential ghost.

This demon template is so powerful that it may even create the underworld!

But...it takes time to develop.

The monsters conquered in the dungeon world cannot be brought back.

After returning to the main world, Shi Gui had no cultivation but no demons to control, and was unable to exert his combat power in a short period of time. I just hope that this disaster can be overcome and Su Mu can have some time to digest the results of the battle.

As long as you give him a little time, he will have the confidence to advance to the level of Martial God!

Su Mu was thinking about all kinds of things.

Soon, the system sounded.

(Copy completion: 76%]

[Points earned: 3000]

[Comment: You may have brought a world to destruction in advance] [Tip: The world changes, force exit]

The ending prompt this time was different from the past, and even the completion of the copy did not meet the minimum clearance requirements. But Su Mu had no time to care about this at this time.

He has returned to the main world, sitting cross-legged on his bed, holding a statue of the three beasts in his hand.

At this time, a terrifying aura was killing him at an alarming speed, and it would arrive within ten breaths!

It’s Red Dragon Centipede Yan!


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