I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 179 Five thousand years ago, this world was a monster! (Please subscribe for new copies)


After confirming the entry, Su Mu's eyes flashed and he came to the simulator's standby space again.

Then, the familiar panel appeared in front of him again.

[Host: Sumu]

[Basic attribute points: 30]

【body:? 】

【wisdom:? 】

【Life:? 】

"Please allocate basic attribute points. A new copy will be automatically generated after the allocation is completed."

"Note: The copy world cannot be changed after it is generated!"

This time, Sumu's basic attribute points increased by 7 points, to 30.

Among the three basic attributes, 10 points is a small threshold. After crossing it, it is equivalent to reaching a higher realm.

This time, Sumu planned to go to the extreme.

Because he had conceived it in advance, he quickly allocated the basic attribute points.

[Host: Sumu]

【Body: 18】

[Wisdom: 10]

【Life: 2】

"Basic attribute points have been allocated and the copy world has been automatically generated."

"You can carry three talents, please choose."

Su Mu wanted to try what would happen if he lost his life, so he didn't add too many lives.

I just don’t know if I can get the talent he wants.

In addition, the attribute of body is unprecedentedly high and has reached a whole new level.

After adding points, a new dungeon world was generated, and ten new talents appeared in front of him.

They are——

[Tianque: Life -30] (blue talent)

[Self-healing: rapid healing of injuries] (cyan talent)

[Deceive the public with evil words: increase the credibility of words] (cyan talent)

[Nightmare: There is a certain probability of sudden death while sleeping] (cyan talent)

[Spiritual Flesh: The effect of flesh and blood in elixir is increased by 20%] (green talent)

[Taiyin: The fate of the Great Yin, easy to attract ghosts and evil spirits] (cyan talent)

[Getting stronger with age: After turning 100, you will transform once every ten years] (Blue Talent)

[Reincarnation: After being swallowed more than half, the target can be taken away] (blue talent)

[Indomitable: Strength can be improved after recovering from injuries] (cyan talent)

[Intelligence Aura: The thinking ability of all creatures within 100 meters is reduced by 20%] (cyan talent)

The talents of the new copy are the same as before, and the overall quality has been improved again.

Among these ten talents, there are seven cyan talents and three blue talents.

The white talent is completely gone.

The three blue talents are [Tianque], [Reincarnation], and [Old and Stronger], and their abilities are quite special.

Among them, [Tianque] can be said to be an old acquaintance, and has already appeared several times with talents with similar abilities.

But the effect is getting stronger each time.

This time it has become a blue talent, which can reduce life by 30 points.

Su Mu had long wanted to try and see what would happen if he lost his life, so he only ordered 2 points of life this time.

I didn’t expect that I would actually develop such a talent!

So Su Mu chose [Tianque] without hesitation.

As for the other two blue talents, they have not been chosen yet.

The ability of [Reincarnation] is a bit strange, I don’t know how to use it yet.

[Old and Strong] Looks good, but you have to live to be more than a hundred years old.

So far, Su Mu has never lived past a hundred years old, so he has no choice.

Several cyan talents caught Su Mu's attention.

The first is [Taiyin].

This talent existed in the first simulation world, but it was at the white level.

Now that its effectiveness has been improved, it may attract even more ferocious monsters.

Don’t choose!

There is also [Intelligence Aura].

According to reports, even the wearer of the gift will be affected.

It’s too boring, so I won’t choose it!

[Nightmare] Not to mention anything like that.

Although there may be hidden abilities, it was just a cyan talent that Su Mu was too lazy to explore.

In the end, Su Mu chose [Self-healing] and [Perseverance].

Although these two talents are both cyan level.

But it goes very well together and has high universality.

Su Mu still couldn't believe that there was no chance of injury in this copy world!

In this way, the talents of the first life of the new dungeon world have been decided, which are [Sky], [Self-healing] and [Indomitable].

There are also four solidified talents, namely: [Resentment], [Friendly], [Kongjing] and [Strengthening].

The specific abilities are as follows:

[Shame of Resentment: The pain of death will be magnified ten times] (white talent)

[Friendly: favorability of all living creatures +30%] (cyan talent)

[Kongjing: The spiritual platform is clear and bright, and the mind is strong. Increase learning speed by 10%] (cyan talent)

[Enhancement: Designate to strengthen a selected talent] (blue talent)

In this way, Su Mu has seven talents!

Among them, [Enhancement] is special and needs to be attached to other talents.

After Su Mu thought for a while, he decided to strengthen [Tianque].

If you want to play, play to the extreme!

But unexpectedly, it failed and got a notification sound from the system.

"[Tianque] is a special talent and cannot be strengthened!"

"Can't it be strengthened?"

Su Mu frowned slightly, vaguely feeling something was wrong.

[Tianque] This talent seems a bit unusual.

But he didn't think too much about it. At most, he would just not have this talent in his next life.

"Strengthen [Indomitable]."

In the end, Su Mu chose to strengthen this talent that can improve strength after injury.

At this point, everything is ready.

It's time to enter a new world!

【Simulation begins! 】

[Host: Sumu]

【Body: 18】

[Wisdom: 10]

[Life: -28]

[Talents: Tianque, perseverance (enhanced version), self-healing, kindness, resentment, strengthening, emptiness]

[Item: None]

[Tip: Tianque is a special talent that has caused irreversible effects. This talent cannot be removed from this copy world. 】

On the panel where the simulation was turned on, a bright red prompt that had never been seen before actually appeared!


Su Mu was stunned for a moment.

[Tianque] This talent will actually affect the dungeon world, making it impossible to remove it later!

In other words, he can only replace two other talents at most later on.

The remaining five talents are all fixed.

But Su Mu didn't have time to think too much.

His consciousness was pulled away and he entered a whole new world.


In the darkness, Su Mu's entire body curled up together, wrapped in a ball of cold liquid.

"This feeling...is different from before."

"Am I still in my mother's womb? Isn't it my mother's womb?"

Su Mu felt something was wrong.

He wanted to reach out and touch his surroundings, but he didn't feel the presence of his limbs.

This made him feel even worse!

Gradually, Su Mu developed a feeling of suffocation.

He no longer waited, and raised his head fiercely.


A crack opened in the hard wall-like object above his head, and a ray of light shone in.

"Isn't this an egg?"

Su Mu guessed something and continued to hit it hard.

After a few blows, a gap was opened above, and Sumu twisted his body and crawled out.

"Sure enough! In this life I am not a human, but a snake!"

After climbing out, Su Mu used the light to look at himself and finally figured out the situation.

Perhaps due to the influence of negative fate, he was reincarnated as a newborn black snake in this life instead of a human race.

Su Mu didn't know much about the snake clan, and he didn't know what type he was reincarnated into.

After observing for a while, he found that there were some newly born brothers and sisters around, crawling out of the eggshells one after another.

But these little snakes are much smaller than Sumu.

Sapphire is about the length of a forearm.

And these little snakes are only as long as a hand, not even half as long as him.

Even though he was just born, his 18-point physical fitness gave Sumu a head start at the starting line.

"It seems that I am going to be a monster in this life. Is this the effect of being negative?"

After being reincarnated so many times, Su Mu's character has become extremely firm.

Although he accidentally became a snake tribe, he quickly accepted the status quo and planned to go out to find some food so that he could grow up as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a black shadow quickly passed by!

Su Mu took a closer look and saw a small black snake snatched away. The murderer was a leopard-like kitten.

It swallowed the little black snake in a few mouthfuls as if eating spicy strips, and then came to kill it again!

Seeing this, Su Mu's brothers and sisters scattered and fled for their lives.

Su Mu was no exception. He found a direction and crawled quickly.

He didn't want to die on the day he was born!

But I don’t know if it’s because Su Mu is fatter and bigger than his brothers and sisters.

There were more than a dozen little black snakes, and the ocelot just focused on him!

This ocelot is about the same size as an ordinary house cat, but it has ferocious movements and sharp teeth and claws.

He caught up with Su Mu before running very far, and then flew towards him!

This pounce actually made Su Mu smell a hint of death!

No matter how hard the dungeon was before, at least he was protected by his parents when he was born.

This time it was better, we were faced with a life and death crisis at the beginning, and we were about to reopen.

But Sumu has experienced hundreds of battles, how can he just accept his fate?

Seeing the ocelot charging towards him, he suddenly stopped.

Then he circled his body, gathered strength, and shot towards the ocelot's belly like a big bow.

The ocelot obviously did not expect this scene, and was bitten firmly on the soft belly by Su Mu.

A cat and a snake collided and rolled to the ground.


The ocelot screamed in pain, and slapped him away with a flick of his claws.

There was a medium-sized wound on his abdomen, which was bleeding gurglingly, but the amount of bleeding was not large.

This injury made the ocelot lose its intention to hunt. It looked at Su Mu in fear and ran away whimpering.

On the other side, Su Mu shook his dizzy head and got up from the ground.

Although he has a physical strength of 18 points, he has just been born after all and does not have much combat power at all.

The counterattack just now only caused a small bite on the ocelot's abdomen.

On the contrary, it was the ocelot's slap that sent Sumu flying several meters away.

If it is not afraid, Sumu will probably reopen.

Fortunately, this kind of small hunter is the most cautious. When he sees something is wrong, he immediately becomes afraid and gives up hunting and runs away.

Su Mu's first calamity in this life was passed safely.

But his demon life has just begun.

To be precise, Su Mu is not a demon yet, but an orc with very good talent and potential.

The road is long and long!

The place where Sumu was born is a continuous mountain range.

This world follows the law of the weak and the strong!

After repelling the predator, Su Mu took a short rest.

Then he transformed into a hunter and began to hunt weaker creatures.

The world of the orcs is so simple.

In fact, the human world is similar.

While hunting, Su Mu thought about the future development path.

There is no doubt that this copy world must develop in the direction of the demon clan.

As a result, among the four solidified talents, only [Resentful Evil] has no effect, and the others are pretty good.

Monsters are living creatures, so [Friendly] can play a role.

[Kongjing] can enhance learning ability and is useful in any way.

As for the specific development route, we need to obtain more information and understand this dungeon world before making plans.

After a while, Su Mu hunted several mice.

After swallowing, I felt an itching sensation in some parts of my body.

The ocelot's slap just now made Su Mu recover a little bit.

At this time, the energy is obtained, [Self-healing] takes effect, and the body recovers in a few breaths.

At the same time, [Perseverance] also took effect.

After recovering, Su Mu could clearly feel that his body had become stronger.

These two talents are very suitable for the demon clan!

But... what to do next?

Su Mu couldn't help but feel a little confused.

In the past, when Su Mu grew up, he would start practicing martial arts and Qi.

But now he is no longer a human, but a snake.

Do the demon clan have any cultivation methods?

Su Mu doesn't know.

Although demons and ghosts are rampant in Daqian.

But there are many ghosts and monsters, and demons are quite rare.

This resulted in Su Mu knowing very little about the demon clan, let alone their cultivation techniques.

"Forget it, let's grow up first and then talk about it."

After thinking to no avail, Su Mu felt a little tired.

He simply stopped thinking about it and found a secluded place to fall asleep.

Time passed little by little, and the moon gradually rose.

The bright moonlight shone on Su Mu's exposed tail, and a tingling sensation spread over her.

This feeling made Su Mu wake up suddenly, turning his head to look at the moonlight on his tail in surprise.

"This feeling...is spiritual energy!"

"Is it possible that I can swallow the essence of the sun and moon to practice?"

"But I haven't started practicing yet, so how come the spiritual energy penetrates into my body along the moonlight? Is it so easy for the demon clan to practice?"

"No! If it were that simple, the demon race would have replaced the human race long ago."

"I almost forgot, I am a genius!"

Su Mu was surprised at first, but soon understood.

The 18 points of body and 10 points of wisdom are not added in vain.

Even though he was reincarnated into the snake clan, Su Mu's talent was still extremely powerful and he was considered a genius among monsters.

So even if he doesn't practice, the spiritual energy will actively penetrate into his body.

It's just very inefficient.

After discovering this, Su Mu immediately became energetic.

He climbed to the brightest place where the moonlight was brightest and began to absorb the moonlight and breathe out the aura of the weather.

Threads of power penetrated into Su Mu's body, strengthening his body and strengthening his flesh and blood.

This feeling is wonderful!

After one night, Su Mu grew up a lot and became much stronger.

Even the scales on his body shone with a faint aura, making him look like a piece of exquisite art.

After finishing the practice, a strong sense of hunger came over me.

Su Mu's body was in urgent need of energy to fill the gap caused by his recent growth.

So he started hunting again.

This time, due to his improved strength, Su Mu's hunting process became much easier and he could catch more prey.

Even after spending some effort, he killed an ocelot like the one that was chasing him before!

Yesterday, this ocelot was a hunter.

But just one night later, the ocelot became prey in front of Sumu.

This is the beauty of cultivation!

After Mei Mei had a hearty meal, Su Mu took a nap.

It wasn't until the bright moon was high that he woke up again and found a good place to continue practicing.

The small area where Sumu is located is peaceful and has no major enemies.

He can practice with peace of mind.

As for other things, let’s wait until we become stronger!

In the following six months, Su Mu spent the whole day practicing, eating and sleeping. His strength and body shape skyrocketed.

Nowadays, Sumu has grown to more than five meters long.

Moreover, the body is strong and the blood is sufficient!

The black scales on his body protected him like armor, and just by looking at him, he felt untouchable!

In a hand-to-hand fight, pythons of the same size are not his combined strength.

Moreover, Su Mu also figured out a magic method.

He can exhale a stream of poisonous smoke from his mouth, which is very lethal within thirty meters and can poison most prey without cultivation.

Even tigers and lions can't hold it back!

After cultivating to this level, Su Mu felt that he could barely be called a demon and had broken away from the level of ordinary beasts.

As for strength, it is similar to ordinary second-rate warriors.

Such strength seemed too weak to Su Mu and he had to continue practicing.

If no one disturbs him, Su Mu can continue to practice.

He quite liked this simple and pure life.


But no copy world will ever be peaceful.

This night, Sumu is absorbing the moonlight and exhaling spiritual energy.

Suddenly, there was a groan in the distance, as if someone was hurt.

Hearing this voice, Su Mu became interested.

More than half a year after his reincarnation, he had never met a human race, and his understanding of this world was almost zero.

It’s not even clear what year it is.

Su Mu was not in a hurry to go out and explore, and planned to wait until he became stronger.

But now someone has come to the door, and it seems to be a wounded person, so we can take the opportunity to ask.

Thinking of this, Su Mu stopped practicing and crawled quickly following the sound.

After getting closer, Su Mu saw a woodcutter wearing linen clothes, lying on the ground, holding his injured leg and groaning.

Behind him was a slope, and he seemed to have accidentally rolled down it.

"Ah! Snake, such a big snake! Go away, go away quickly!"

After seeing Sumu, the woodcutter was so frightened that he screamed and his face turned as white as paper.

He was not afraid of a five-meter-long snake!

And at this time, he injured his leg and couldn't run.

Just when the woodcutter thought he was dead, the big snake did not attack him, but wrote a line of words on the ground with its tail.

Then he pointed with his tail, as if to let him take a look.

Seeing this, the woodcutter was very surprised, his mouth was so big that he could hardly believe his eyes.

After a moment of shock, he vaguely realized that what he encountered today was probably no ordinary snake.

But a snake demon!

This gave the woodcutter a glimmer of hope despite his panic.

If it was a snake demon that could communicate, it might still be possible to survive.

Thinking of this, the woodcutter stretched out his head and looked at the line of words.

But after looking at it twice, he almost cried!

"Lord Snake Demon, I don't recognize what you wrote!"

The woodcutter was so anxious that he almost cried.

I originally thought that if I could communicate with this big snake, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Who knew that he didn't know any of the characters written by the big snake.

It's really over now!

Hearing the woodcutter's words, Su Mu was stunned.

This woodcutter should be literate, otherwise he wouldn't be saying this.

If he was literate but didn't know Sumu's characters, that would reveal a lot of information!

The characters used by Da Qian were formulated after Da Qin unified the world.

Although there have been improvements in the past few years, the changes are not significant.

People after the Qin Dynasty can basically recognize it as long as they are literate.

In addition, the woodcutter's accent is also a bit strange.

If Su Mu wasn't very perceptive, he might not be able to understand what he said.

Could it be that...this copy world was before the Qin Dynasty unified the world?

But Da Qin has been five thousand years away from Sumu's era!

If it was still before this, what era was this place in?

For a moment, Su Mu felt confused as if he was out of place in time and space.

The time span between this copy world and the main world is too big.

The people and things we were familiar with before no longer exist.

It's a whole new world!


This chapter is five thousand and five thousand. Although it is one chapter, it is not too short... right?


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