I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 231 I, Jiang Wu, want to hold my thigh!

Evil is Su Mu's most intuitive impression of the world.

Regardless of the situation in this world or the people and things we encounter, none of them have anything to do with "good".

The same goes for the person who came to visit this time.

As a member of the escort team, Ke Liang didn't want to keep vigil to protect the villagers, but instead came here to extort money.

The character is evident.

In addition, Jiang Wu and his party of 5 went out, but he was the only one who came back alive.

But Ke Liang didn't care at all.

All he cares about is that if Jiang Wu brings a stranger back, he has to pay!

The others are dead, what does that have to do with him? Doesn't it do him any good?

"Brother Ke, can you be accommodating? I'm very tight recently."

Jiang Wu's face looked a little ugly.

He was very poor. He couldn't get enough to eat, so he didn't have much to bribe the wolf.

Hearing this, Ke Liang's eyes became fierce.

"Accommodating? Are you kidding me?"

"I suspect that you were corrupted by the darkness, and the stranger you brought in was also an evil creature."

"Can you understand what I mean?"

Ke Liang looked at Jiang Wu coldly, his voice full of threats.

Obviously, if Jiang Wu didn't bribe him with something, it wouldn't be as simple as just driving Su Mu out.

This person has a very dark heart!


Jiang Wu quickly agreed, his heart full of despair and helplessness.

Although he is ruthless, cunning and clever, he still can't play any tricks in the face of absolute power.

Regardless of his status or his own strength, Ke Liang is stronger than him.

So, he can only give in...?

If it were before, maybe I would have to give in.

But today... Jiang Wu glanced at Su Mu quietly, and then quickly lowered his head to hide his twinkling eyes.

He leaned over and crawled under the bed, fumbled and opened a secret compartment inside, and took out three large cakes and a few dark pills.

"Okay Jiang Wu! I thought you only saved some rations, but I didn't expect you also had four Qi-boosting pills! Where did you get them? You have some ability!"

Ke Liang looked at the thing in Jiang Wu's hand greedily. As he spoke, he quickly stepped forward and reached out to take it.

Who knows whether he was too nervous or something, Jiang Wu's hands shook.

The few pills rolled out of his hand and fell to the ground.

Ke Liang followed it subconsciously and reached out to pick it up.

But at this moment, the big cake in Jiang Wu's hand cracked, and a dark dagger hidden underneath stabbed Ke Liang suddenly!


Jiang Wu's knife was fast and hard,

All the daggers penetrated Ke Liang's chest, leaving only the handle exposed.

Moreover, this dagger is coated with poison, and it can be used against ordinary people to seal their throats with blood!

However, Ke Liang did not die.

A flash of pain appeared on his face, and his complexion turned livid.

But he did not fall, but became extremely angry!

"You little bastard, you dare to trick me, you must die!"

Ke Liang shouted sharply, his eyes lit up with a strange green light, and he looked at Jiang Wu.


This sight made Jiang Wu's face turn red, and he covered his neck in pain, as if he couldn't breathe.

"Becoming an Immortal in One Step"

"You loser has no idea how powerful the evil warrior is. Go to hell!"

Ke Liang gritted his teeth and continued to glare at Jiang Wu, venting the anger in his heart.

However, at this moment, a strong wind hit him!


With a muffled sound, Ke Liang's jaw was hit hard.

Under the heavy blow, he felt a sharp pain in his jaw, as if it had been shattered.

At the same time, he raised his head uncontrollably and moved his gaze upward.

This is not the end.

The next second, a sharp knife struck his neck, shattering all his fragile neck bones!


Ke Liang's vitality was very tenacious, and even so he did not die immediately.

His head drooped on his back, and he clutched his neck in pain and struggled.

Almost ten seconds later, he fell to the ground without breathing.

"You, you killed him?"

Jiang Wu panted heavily and looked at Su Mu with some luck.

He almost died!

The person who took action just now was the third person in the room - Su Mu.

Although Su Mu is just an ordinary person at the moment, his body is still a little weak.

You must know that most martial arts and moves require strong physique and Qi to be used.

Fortunately, there are still some low-level martial arts that can be used.

In the hands of a martial arts master like Su Mu, even the simplest moves can display considerable power, and his combat power is comparable to that of a second- or third-rate warrior.

This Ke Liang's physical quality is very weak, but his vitality is extremely tenacious.

In addition, the eyes seem to have the ability to suffocate people.

As long as Su Mu can move, there is no pressure to deal with such a character with some extraordinary power.

With a sudden attack, Ke Liang was killed in two moves.

After killing Ke Liang, Su Mu ignored Jiang Wu.

He walked to Ke Liang's body and squatted down, pulled out the dagger stuck in his chest and started dissecting it on the spot.

After slicing open the man's chest, Su Mu was a little surprised.

Ke Liang's internal organs were damaged to a certain extent, and they looked like they had been corroded.

A normal person would be dead long ago, but he can still be alive and kicking.

No wonder Jiang Wu couldn't kill him immediately even if he stabbed his heart with a knife.

But other than that, nothing special.

At the moment Ke Liang died, Su Mu vaguely noticed that a weak force had dissipated.

But this power is too weak, and Su Mu himself is still an ordinary person.

So it was not captured.

"How much do you know about the evil warrior and this person's abilities?"

Su Mu turned to look at Jiang Wu.

Since you can't find out by yourself, just ask the native.

Jiang Wu shook his head slightly and said helplessly:

"I don't know much. I only know that evil spirits have strange abilities and are much stronger than ordinary people."

"This Ke Liang's ability is to distort things wherever he looks. The power is not great, but it is not small either."

"He pinched my trachea just now and I almost suffocated to death."

"I really didn't expect that an evil warrior like Ke Liang, who is not even at the first level, would have such a strong vitality. I should have inserted his eyes."

Although he said so, Jiang Wu could not do this.

He will instantly detect the attack with both eyes, and then use his own ability to deflect the dagger's direction.

Without Su Mu's help, Jiang Wu would not have been able to kill Ke Liang.

This is the difference between evil spirits and ordinary people!

Of course, it was precisely because of Sumu's existence that Jiang Wu took the chance.

Otherwise, he would obediently take out a few big cakes for Ke Liang and hide the pills.

"How can I become an evil warrior?"

Although he guessed that Jiang Wu most likely didn't know, Su Mu couldn't help but ask.

He was very interested in this cultivation method that was completely different from martial arts and Qi refining.

"have no idea."

Jiang Wu's answer was as expected by Su Mu.

He was not in a hurry and continued to ask:

"How many people are there in your village? How many evil spirits are there?"

"There are probably more than a hundred people in the village. Because people often die and refugees often join, I'm not sure."

"As for the evil warriors, if Ke Liang dies, there will still be 13 left. The village chief and the guard captain are first-level evil warriors. The others are the same as Ke Liang and have not yet reached the first-level level."

"The village chief and the guard captain live together in the center of the village, taking care of each other. Other evil warrior branches of less than first level are around them."

Jiang Wu told everything he knew, and even added something that Su Mu didn't ask.

He had a vague feeling that what was dug out of the coffin today might be an unusual person!

His chance to change his destiny is coming!

This thigh must be hugged tightly!

After listening to Jiang Wu's story, Su Mu had a general understanding of the situation in this village.

The overall strength is still relatively weak.

"By the way, what are these black pills?"

Su Mu seemed to remember something and pointed to the pill pill that fell on the ground.

Ke Liang's eyes lit up when he saw this thing just now, it seemed to be quite valuable.

"This is a low-level pill that has the ability to satisfy hunger, repair injuries, and replenish physical strength."

"I found it from a rotting corpse. If you want to get it through normal means, you can only buy it in the town."


Su Mu asked curiously.

"The town is quite far away from our village. I have never been there. Generally, people who are not evil people cannot go there. There is a high probability that they will die on the road."

Jiang Wu explained.

Su Mu nodded slightly, and then asked many questions in various aspects.

After chatting with Jiang Wu for half an hour, he finally understood something about the world.

This is a dark and hopeless world.

The days are extremely short and the nights are dangerous, resulting in food shortages and insufficient resources in all aspects.

Needless to say, the population is sparse due to the dual effects of resource crisis and strange evil things.

The village where Su Mu is located has a population of about one hundred people all year round.

There is no other village within a hundred miles, it is all wasteland.

The town Jiang Wukou mentioned was at least five hundred miles away from the village!

The most terrible thing is that Su Mu just tried to practice.

As a result, this world has no aura and is filled with evil spirits.

The road for warriors and Qi refiners is blocked!

This world is really a bit apocalyptic.

Even Su Mu didn't know what to do for a while.

"The previous dungeons were created for a period of time before the crisis came. This time it was better. The beginning was directly thrown to me until the end of the world."

"Refining qi and practicing martial arts doesn't work, and the unique cultivating methods of evil spirits are monopolized. It's difficult to do it!"

Su Mu sat on the broken bench, squinting and thinking about the next step.

But who would have expected that just when Su Mu had just meditated for a while, Jiang Wu suddenly knelt down on the ground with a common sound, his head buried deeply in front of Su Mu's feet.

"Please take me in, sir, I don't want to live like this anymore!"

Ordinary people in this world live a precarious life, eating one meal without another, and may die at any time!

Jiang Wu had no choice before and could only live in a muddle-headed manner and live one day at a time.

But it’s different now!

He met Sumu and uu read a book


Seeing hope, he wants to hug his thighs!

Jiang Wu's reaction surprised Su Mu slightly.

But this man is quite witty and decisive.

This decision is not surprising.

But why did Su Mu accept Jiang Wu?

Not everyone is qualified to be his little brother.

As soon as this idea came into Su Mu's mind, Jiang Wu continued:

"If you are interested in the evil master's cultivation method, I have a way to help you get it!"

"Oh? Tell me."

Hearing this, Su Mu showed an appreciative smile on his face.

This is a smart man. He threw out his chips without saying anything.

Su Mu likes to deal with smart people. If Jiang Wu can really do what he says, Su Mu does not recommend accepting him.

When you come to a strange world, you always need to have a few subordinates who can help you.


Recommend a book, "Strange Invasion, I Awakened to the Netherworld"

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