I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 246: Constructing a dream and killing people in a dream!

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"Damn it, why is there nothing, just a mummy. Bad luck!"

"It's over! I've been working all day in vain!"

"Wait a minute, this man opened his eyes, he's still alive!"

"Hey! It's the breath of a living person. He's really not dead. What's going on?"

"Stop talking nonsense. It's getting dark soon. Drag him back quickly. Let's talk about other things later."

Just like in the previous life, after some discussion, these people dragged Su Mu out of the coffin, who was stiff and weak, and prepared to take it back to the village to be used as fertilizer.

Soon, darkness fell, and the torches in their hands could not protect them.


With a scream full of fear, the man carrying the sumu was attacked by an evil thing and fell to the ground dead.

Seeing this, the remaining four people panicked, leaving Sumu behind and preparing to escape. Remember the URL m.xbequge.com

At this time, Su Mu finally recovered a little, and at least he could move freely.

He quickly took out a Fire and Thunder Talisman and threw it into the air.


The lightning suddenly appeared, mixed with some purple flames, and struck one place fiercely.

With one blow,

A strange scream of pain came from the surrounding darkness, and even the darkness was dispersed a lot.

Extraordinary power!

The Fire and Thunder Talisman requires no other means, it can be activated automatically as long as it is thrown.

Su Mu specially bought five of them to get through the early period of weakness.

This is where it comes in handy!

This scene made the other four people freeze on the spot, with horror on their faces.

The fire and thunder talisman was not only very powerful, but also quite powerful. It immediately shocked these future people who had never seen the thunder method before.


Just when Su Mu wanted to speak, Jiang Wu had already reacted, knelt down in front of him, and begged again and again.

"Please help me, sir, please save my dog's life!"

Jiang Wu was not sure whether the evil creature had been killed or driven away. He only knew that the man in front of him was extraordinary.

Whether it's to save your life or to hug your thigh, you must seize the opportunity!

Seeing this, the other three people also reacted and knelt in front of Su Mu and begged for mercy.

"Hel me up and take me back to the village."

Su Mu calmly gave instructions to the four people in front of him.

Hearing this, the four people headed by Jiang Wu immediately took action.

They carried sumu wood on their backs, held torches, and hurried toward the village cautiously.

Fortunately, the evil creature in the darkness had been severely injured by the Fire and Thunder Talisman and was frightened away. The five people did not encounter other dangers and returned to the village smoothly.

"I'm hungry, take out the food you stored."

Like the previous life, Su Mu was brought back to Jiang Wu's broken house. The difference was that this time three more people survived.


Hearing this, one of them was hesitant, and the other person's face was also a little tangled.

Jiang Wu was overjoyed when he saw this.

He immediately jumped out, first handed the hidden food to Su Mu respectfully, and then scolded the other three people:

"What idiots! Your Excellency saved your dog's life, and you don't even want to give him some food?"

Seeing this, the three people did not dare to say anything. They all went home to find out the hidden food and handed it into Su Mu's hands.

Su Mu took a glance and found that the food Jiang Wu gave was actually only half of what he had secretly hidden.

This person was much smarter than his companions, and while taking the lead to win his favor, he also had a few tricks up his sleeve.

It can be regarded as quite clever.

Thinking of this, Su Mu glanced at Jiang Wu with a half-smile, which made his scalp numb, and he vaguely felt that he had been seen through.

"Hey! I remembered, there are some big cakes hidden inside, let's find them for him."

Jiang Wu pretended to remember something and slapped his head. He dug out all the remaining food and handed it to Su Mu respectfully.

This time, I finally didn’t hold anything back.

Su Mu didn't care about these people's thoughts.

His body was very weak and hungry and needed to replenish energy.

He ate these coarse dry foods with big mouthfuls, and his condition gradually recovered.

This time, Su Mu already had a certain understanding of the world and no longer needed to ask common sense questions.

He just needs to find an opportunity to transform into a nightmare!



While eating, there was a rough knock on the door.


The four people headed by Jiang Wu were startled and asked tremblingly.

"I am Ke Liang."

A cold voice sounded outside the door.

Hearing this, a short companion next to Jiang Wu whispered with fear:

"He must have seen us coming and a stranger came into the village and wanted to blackmail us!"

"Last time, he made an excuse and robbed me of a lot of food, and I was even beaten."

Hearing this, the other people's expressions didn't look very good.

Su Mu didn't want to waste time with such a small character.

While eating the cake, he pointed at the broken door and said calmly:

"Open the door."

Seeing Su Mu say this, Jiang Wu walked forward without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, due to the delay this time, Ke Liang outside the door couldn't wait any longer!


The broken door of the house was kicked open, and Ke Liang, a short man with an ugly face, walked in with a smile.

"Why, you're not welcome..."


Before he could finish his words, a blue-purple thunder carrying flames struck him fiercely.

Ke Liang didn't have any time to react and was killed instantly!

Looking at Ke Liang's mutilated body, Jiang Wu and others were stunned and could not recover for a long time.

Killing as soon as you say it is too cruel!

This is not a disagreement, this is a case of killing people if they disagree even half a word!

Several people were trembling, but Jiang Wu was still calm.

"S-Sir, this man is a member of the escort team. Killing him... is not a good idea."

"The village chief and the guard chief are both first-level evil warriors and are quite powerful."

Jiang Wu said while observing Su Mu's reaction.

Su Mu's expression didn't change at all, and he was still eating with big mouthfuls.

Seeing this, Jiang Wu'an calmed down.

This one seems to have completely ignored the first-order evil spirits!

Jiang Wu guessed correctly.

The first-level evil warriors are not strong, and the Fire and Thunder Talisman can easily kill them.

But Su Mu didn't plan to do that. He planned to test the talent of [Ling Meng] and kill the village chief and the guard chief in his dream!

It would be even better if you could activate [Nightmare] and transform into a nightmare.

"I'm sleeping, don't disturb me."

After eating, Su Mu lay down directly on the bed, adjusted to a comfortable position and began to sleep.

Seeing this, Jiang Wu and others looked at each other, wondering what kind of trick he was playing.

After daybreak, the village chief and the guard captain will discover that Ke Liang is dead.

By then, I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle!

Isn’t it too presumptuous to just go to bed without making any preparations at this time?

"Lao Wu, what should we do?"

One person asked Jiang Wu at a loss.

It was really hard for him to adapt to Su Mu's style of doing things.

"Let's go to your room. Don't disturb the adults' rest."

"It's just two first-level evil warriors. Your Excellency will take care of it!"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Wu gritted his teeth and gave an answer.

Now he could only choose to believe Su Mu.

There is no other way!

Soon, the four people retreated, leaving Su Mu alone in the room.

Jiang Wu and the others didn't know that Su Mu was already in the dream world at this time!


After lying down, Su Mu turned on [Reimu].

With this talent, you can construct your own dream and drag the target into the dream.

After turning it on, Su Mu came to a vast white space, which was somewhat similar to the system's standby space.

The difference is that he can control this space and transform it as he wishes!

"To kill in a dream, you need to break the target's will and spirit."

"Then, horror is needed!"

As soon as Su Mu thought about it, the dream space immediately became distorted and changed.

A building that was almost identical to the village chief's small building appeared in the center of the dream world.

Looking at this small building, Su Mu gasped slightly, and a look of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"The dream world is infinite, but it requires mental energy to transform it."

"The more complicated it is, the more mental energy it consumes."

"With my current situation, creating this small building is already the limit."

"Now, just wait for Lin Jinggang and Qiao Xue to sleep."

"We must deal with these two people tonight and take control of this village."

[Reimu] Although the target can be dragged into the dream world, the premise is that the target is asleep.

After constructing the dream world, Su Mu's perception spread.

In his perception, sleeping people are like candles.

As long as Su Mu has a thought, he can drag them into the dream world!

Ordinary villagers are not his targets, village chief Lin Jinggang and guard captain Qiao Xue are.

At this time, Lin Jinggang was playing happily with those "beauties" and did not sleep.

But Qiao Xue had already fallen asleep.

This time there was no Jiang Wu to wake her up, and she slept soundly.

"Very good, I'll use you to do the surgery."

Su Mu sneered and dragged Qiao Xue's consciousness into the dream world.

The nightmare begins here!

"Huh? Why did you wake up after sleeping so well?"

Qiao Xue, who looked like a witch, suddenly woke up.

She looked out the window and found that it was dark outside and there was no dawn.

After muttering, Qiao Xue fell asleep again.

But this time, she couldn't fall asleep, and she didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Strange, what's going on?"

Qiao Xue felt vaguely uneasy, and the scene she just saw flashed through her mind.

Suddenly, she was startled and realized that something was wrong.

Even if it is dark, some torches and fires will be lit in the village. How come there is no light at all outside the window? !

Thinking of this, Qiao Xue couldn't sleep.

She got up and walked towards the door, intending to go out and see what was going on.

Who knows, just as Qiao Xue was about to push the door open and go out, something strange happened!

A cloud of black gas came out of the doorknob, and instantly transformed into a ferocious ghost claw, tightly grabbing her palm!

"what happened?"

Qiao Xue was shocked and tried to break free by pulling hard.

But she did not succeed. Instead, the door began to squirm strangely, and a ghostly face appeared from the door, opening its bloody mouth to bite her!

Qiao Xue was horrified and tried to mobilize the power of the evil spirits to fight back.

But the evil hair she controlled didn't react at all at this time, as if it didn't exist!

At this time, Qiao Xue was completely panicked. The fear of death made her whole body cold. She couldn't help but stay on the spot, stupidly watching the ghost face coming towards her.

At this critical moment of life and death, someone grabbed her hard from behind, pulled her out, and broke free from the shackles of the ghost's hands.

"village head?!"

Qiao Xue looked back and found that the person who rescued her was Lin Jinggang.

This feeling of being brought back from the brink of death plunged her into ecstasy.

Even Lin Jinggang's ugly face looked much more pleasing to the eye.

But Qiao Xue didn't notice that "Lin Jinggang"'s expression was a little stiff, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a strange arc.

"Go to my room, it's safe!"

After rescuing Qiao Xue, Lin Jinggang said something hastily and pulled her towards his room.

The situation was critical, Qiao Xue didn't think much and hid behind him.

Then, she asked Lin Jinggang with lingering fear:

"What's going on? Is there an evil invasion?"

Lin Jinggang shook his head and said gloomily:

"I don't know, maybe."

"So what do we do now?"

Qiao Xue asked him again.

Both of them have no brains, Lin Jinggang is relatively better.

Normally, Qiao Xue would listen to his orders, but when faced with a crisis, she subconsciously wanted to rely on him.

Facing Qiao Xue's inquiry, Lin Jinggang suddenly paused.

He remained silent and stared at Qiao Xue motionless.

The whole person looks like a puppet, with an indescribable weirdness!

Qiao Xue noticed this strangeness, and felt a chill in her heart, as a chill suddenly surged up.

"Village chief, why don't you speak? Is there something wrong?"

Qiao Xue said while taking a few steps back.

Lin Jinggang's facial muscles twitched, forming a twisted smile.

"What's wrong? Everything is fine, very fine."

The more Lin Jinggang said this, the more Qiao Xue felt something was wrong.

At this moment, he gave Qiao Xue an extremely strange feeling.

Lin Jinggang is not such a person, and he doesn't act like that.

Could it be that...he is not Lin Jinggang?

With this thought, the fear in Qiao Xue's heart became even stronger!

What exactly is going on?

After waking up, everything became weird and terrifying!

What the hell is going on!

Qiao Xue roared crazily in her heart and stepped back step by step.

But as she was retreating, she suddenly knocked over something and was stopped.

Qiao Xue suddenly looked back, her pupils shrinking violently.

She had been ignoring a question just now - Lin Jinggang was the only one in the room. Where were the "beauties" who accompanied Lin Jinggang?

At this time, Qiao Xue had the answer.

Several gnawed female corpses that were not humanoid floated on her body, blocking her retreat.

The most horrifying thing was that the same twisted smiles as Lin Jinggang appeared on the faces of these female corpses, and their blood-stained eyes stared at her!

"Come on~ join us, stay with us."

The mouths of these female corpses opened and closed, and while they spoke, a large number of disgusting bugs came out of their mouths and flew towards Qiao Xue.


After losing the ability of the evil warrior, Qiao Xue lost her confidence and became mentally fragile.

She screamed miserably, her fear reached its limit, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse!

The next second, a big hand that kept leaving pus, blood and rotten flesh grabbed Qiao Xue's head and forcibly turned her gaze around.

What caught her eyes was Lin Jinggang's mostly rotten grimace.

"Let me have a taste, just one."

As he spoke, Lin Jinggang's grimace split in the middle and turned into a huge mouth, with sharp and ferocious teeth on both sides.

After stretching to the limit, he suddenly rushed towards Qiao Xue, looking at this posture, he could swallow her head in one bite!


At this moment, fear broke through the threshold, and Qiao Xue's spirit collapsed.

The moment she took a bloody bite, her consciousness was swallowed by darkness.

Qiao Xue is dead!

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