I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 253 Crazy criticism of girls and dancing with the devil

The man sat cross-legged next to the corpse, closed his eyes and began to regulate his breathing.

He had no intention of sleeping, he just wanted to take a rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he relaxed, a wave of sleepiness surged up like a tide, drowning him.

His consciousness is getting blurry and blurry...

"No! Why am I so sleepy all of a sudden? Something is weird!"

Just when he was about to fall asleep, the man suddenly started and realized something was wrong.

But it's too late now!

The intense sleepiness enveloped him layer by layer like a cobweb, forcibly dragging him into the dream world.

There is Sumu's home field and his burial ground!

The abilities of Nightmare and [Reimu] must be asleep before the target can take effect.

Therefore, Sumu specially fused a fourth-level evil object that can make people fall asleep. The warrior in the early stage of the Grandmaster has no way to resist, not to mention that he is still defenseless.

Soon, the man fell to the ground and twitched all over.

His face was full of pain, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

After a few breaths, he completely lost his breath.

A hazy, smoke-like black light floated out from his body, looking like a faceless man.

"Stop hiding, come out."

After killing this man, Su Mu drew a lot of strength from his broken soul.

Since Nightmare's level is very low, an early stage master can improve him a lot.

But Su Mu didn't pay attention to this, but turned his head and looked into the depths of the dense forest.

Where his eyes focused, there was nothing.

After the words fell, there was still no movement. He seemed to be talking to himself.

But Su Mu didn't look away.

After a few breaths and no response, his voice turned cold.

"If you don't come out, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

After saying that, Su Mu waited for another three breaths.

Seeing that there was still no movement over there, a killing intent filled the air.

But at this last moment, a figure suddenly appeared there.

This is a girl in her prime.

She was petite and thin, looking a little frail.

But he looked resolute and his eyes were full of hatred!

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Su Mu looked at the girl with cold eyes.

She is a Qi practitioner who has cultivated the fire and wood elements, which is equivalent to the acquired realm.

With such strength, Su Mu almost didn't notice her.

It seems that he has a secret!

"Pinellia ternata, ginger pineapple ternata!"

The girl said her name and emphasized her last name.

Then, she looked at the bleeding corpse under Su Mu and said with hatred:

"I'm going to kill him for revenge!"

The little girl clenched her fists tightly, and she burst out with such intense hatred that even Su Mu couldn't help but be surprised.

Jiang Banxia is only twelve or thirteen years old, and her cultivation level is average.

How to deal with a master warrior?

Even at the early stage of being a Grandmaster, she is far from being able to kill him!

Moreover, this grandmaster was flying all the way, how did she catch up with him?

Su Mu was a little curious and asked:

"This is how the same thing?"

Hearing this, two lines of tears flowed from Jiang Banxia's eyes.

Although she was forced out.

Although she didn't know what kind of existence Su Mu was, she was even afraid of him.

But this was the first time she had found "someone" to talk to.

"My father is Jiang Xingdao, the real person of Taixuan. He..."

Following the girl's narration, Su Mu probably knew what was going on.

Her father, Jiang Xingdao, was an extremely talented qi practitioner. At the age of thirty, he had cultivated to the point where the five elements were united and the three flowers gathered at the top.

After practicing hard for twenty years, I successfully understood the great way of heaven and earth and broke through to the state of becoming a god!

Even in this world with extremely rich spiritual energy, this is still an amazing speed!

While practicing, Jiang Xingdao also founded a sect and founded Taixuan Sect.

As his strength increased, Taixuan Sect's power also expanded rapidly, becoming a second-rate sect on Shuangfeng Island.

Such a character should have a bright future.

It's a pity that he offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

As mentioned before, there are two big mountains on Shuangfeng Island.

One of them is the Hunyuan Sect of Lion Head Peak.

The other one is the Tiansha Gate of the Goddess Peak.

A long time ago, Shuangfeng Island was dominated by the Hunyuan Sect family and they lived freely overseas.

It can only be said that a group of people from the devil's path came behind, that is, the Tiansha Sect.

The Tiansha Sect seemed to have suffered a catastrophe, and the remaining forces fled overseas and came to Shuangfeng Island.

This demonic sect is very powerful. Even if it only has a few residual forces, it is enough to compete with the Hunyuan Sect.

In desperation, Hunyuan Sect could only cede some territory to it.

Over the years, the power of the Tiansha Sect has become stronger and stronger, and has steadily surpassed the Hunyuan Sect.

Behaving more and more arrogantly!

Taixuanmen is caught between two forces and is in a delicate situation.

The Tiansha Sect wanted Jiang Xingdao to join them, but Jiang Xingdao wanted to have both sides and remain independent.

It was a good idea, but it was a pity that he overestimated his own strength and underestimated the methods of those in the devil's path.

Although Taixuanzong seems to be quite powerful, with two powerful martial arts masters, a master of transforming gods, and nearly a hundred masters.

But the sect was established just a few decades ago, and its foundation is too shallow.

The people in the door are mixed, the loyalty is relatively low, and the construction is not perfect.

After the Tiansha Sect instigated a rebellion, Jiang Xingdao's former good brother led a group of people to betray him.

The end result is simple and cruel.

Jiang Xingdao and a few people who firmly supported him were all killed, and Taixuanzong, who had changed his master, defected to Tianshamen.

In this regard, Hunyuanzong could only pretend not to see it.

Jiang Banxia is Jiang Xingdao's only daughter.

After Jiang Xingdao died, several powerful spiritual treasures disappeared.

For this reason, Jiang Banxia's mother was forced to death by the traitors in power, and she helped her escape from the sect before she died.

Seeing the girl's performance, Su Mu knew that those spiritual treasures must be on her body.

At a mere acquired level, she could not only keep up with the speed of the master warrior, but she could also hide herself so much that even Su Mu didn't notice her.

Needless to say, I know that there must be a treasure to help!

After hearing Su Mu's speculation, Jiang Banxia admitted generously.

She knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times, and begged:

"Senior, please help me take revenge!"

"As long as you kill those traitors in Taixuan Sect, I will give you all the spiritual treasures passed down by your father!"

At this moment, Jiang Banxia's nervous breathing almost stopped.

In her eyes, Su Mu is a powerful, strange, and terrifying unknown existence!

In just a moment, she killed the enemy she had been following for half a month but couldn't find the slightest chance to kill him.

Facing such an existence, even with several powerful spiritual treasures to protect her, she was as fragile as a lamb.

It would be better to take the initiative to offer the spiritual treasure. Maybe the other party will let her go if she is happy, or even take revenge on her.

But all of this is within the other person’s thoughts!

Jiang Banxia is too weak, she has no choice but to take a gamble!

"Kill all the traitors of Taixuan Sect?"

Su Mu repeated what Jiang Banxia said with interest.

"Yes, kill them all! The current high-level officials of Taixuan Sect are all the murderers of my parents. I want revenge!"

Even though his own safety was not yet settled, after hearing these words, Jiang Banxia suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Mu with a longing look on his face, his eyes filled with surging hatred!

"What a coincidence, my goal is somewhat similar to yours, only bigger."

"I want to kill everyone in the world, but now I need an assistant. Are you willing to help me?"

Su Mu floated in front of Jiang Banxia and looked at her with a half-smile.

Looking at the evil and ghostly black shadow in front of him, Jiang Banxia's heart palpitated.

She had a vague hunch that the existence in front of her might really destroy the world.

This world that made her suffer so much!

But Jiang Banxia didn't hesitate at all. She looked directly at Su Mu and said firmly:

"Please give me your instructions, senior!"

"But please ask me, senior, to be the last one to kill me. I want to see this world filled with blood and bones."

"Only in this way can I die in peace."

There was a hint of madness in this little girl.

Maybe it's painful experience, maybe it's nature, or maybe both.

In short, there is a hysterical madness hidden in this girl's heart.

Even if she sacrifices herself, she will drag all her enemies down.

Even the whole world!

Think about it, if a normal girl encounters something like this, she will basically run away and live in fear, for fear that her enemies will come to her door.

Fortunately for Jiang Banxia, ​​he actually stared at the Grandmaster of Taixuan Sect for more than half a month, just to find an opportunity to kill him!

You know, this is just the weakest of her enemies, but she still wants to kill them one by one.

Is this something a normal girl would do?

Su Mu saw the madness rolling in Jiang Banxia's heart like lava, so he decided to accept her.

This is a world dominated by humanity, and the cultivation civilization is extremely prosperous.

If a monster like Su Mu kills people unscrupulously, he will soon be exposed and be attacked by a group of people.

He needs someone to cover for him.

I originally wanted to find someone stronger, at least a Grandmaster.

However, Su Mu liked Jiang Banxia, ​​so it was okay to choose her.

At most, take some time to train.

Sumu has plenty of time.

"In that case, your life is mine from today on."

"As a reward, I will help you get revenge."

Su Mu said a few words, then his figure flashed and got into Jiang Banxia's body.

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!"

Hearing this, Jiang Banxia was ecstatic.

After kowtowing three more times, she stood up, wiped away the blood from the bruise on her forehead, and tore off the broken skin. There was a hint of madness in her expression of incomparable determination.

"Go back to Taixuanzong."

However, Su Mu's next words immediately stunned Jiang Banxia, ​​finally showing a hint of girlish innocence.

She was a little confused.

Everyone in Taixuan Sect is an enemy. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to die if we go back?

But Jiang Banxia didn't ask this question.

The next second, her expression returned to normal and she strode towards Taixuanzong.

Now that you have chosen to dance with the devil, there is no turning back.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, Jiang Banxia will jump down without hesitation!


Taixuanzong is located on a spiritual mountain in the center of Shuangfeng Island, with a very good location.

It was Jiang Xingdao who spent a lot of money and relied on his strong combat power to conquer it back then.

Nowadays, the founding father is dead, but Taixuanzong is developing very well with the support of Tiansha Sect.

There are eight thousand disciples in the sect and nearly one hundred masters.

Sect leader Xie Xin had just broken through to the middle stage of Martial God not long ago, and received congratulations from the Tiansha Sect. He was in the limelight for a while!

In his opinion, betraying a brother in exchange for an increase in power and realm is a great deal!

It's a pity that he only has such a good brother, otherwise this business can be done several more times.

The only worry was that his good brother's daughter ran away and the spiritual treasures disappeared.

At this time, in the main hall of the sect, an elder was reporting the situation to Xie Xin.

"Sect Master, there is no trace of that little girl. I'm afraid... it's a bit difficult to find her."

Xie Xin has straight facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an upright look on his face.

From the outside, he doesn't look like a treacherous villain.

Hearing this, his expression did not change, he gave the elder a cold side glance and said:

"It seems that all of my good brother's treasures are in the possession of my niece."

"That's all, I'll go there myself for those treasures."

Xie Xin knew that among those spiritual treasures there was a piece of magic feather fairy clothes, which could be invisible.

Although Jiang Banxia's strength cannot bring out the full power of this treasure, it is not something that ordinary masters can see through.

But just when he was about to take action personally, a deacon hurried in.

"Report to the sect leader, that little girl is back!"

"What? Which little girl?"

Xie Xin was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

"It's Jiang Banxia!"


Xie Xin's brows couldn't help but frown.

When Jiang Xingdao died, a few diehards resisted and accompanied him.

But this does not mean that the remaining people in Taixuanzong are on the same front as Xie Xin.

In fact there are many centrists.

These people still somewhat remember Jiang Xingdao's kindness.

These people were very dissatisfied with Jiang Banxia's mother who forced her to death.

Now that Jiang Banxia is back, if Xie Xin still uses the same method to force her, he is afraid that it will cause resistance.

After all, his power and strength cannot overwhelm everyone.

"This damn little girl!"

"Let's go see where she got the courage to come back."

Xie Xin cursed, then stood up and walked out, with the other two following closely behind him.

After walking out of the main hall, Xie Xin saw a girl with hatred in her eyes walking towards him step by step.

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Jiang Banxia?

"My dear niece, it would be great if you come back, otherwise I won't be able to explain to my sister-in-law! Hahaha!"

Xie Xin flashed and came to Jiang Banxia, ​​patted her head and laughed.

This sentence is completely heartbreaking!

Xie Xin wanted this kind of effect, and he wished Jiang Banxia would attack him in public.

This would be a reason to kill Jiang Xingdao's entire family!

It's a pity that Xie Xin is destined to be disappointed.

Although he could not suppress the mad hatred in his heart, Jiang Banxia did not act rashly.

She said coldly:

"Thank you uncle for your concern. Mother entrusted me with a dream last night and asked me to take care of you until you grow old, so I'm back."

"I also ask my uncle to give me a training cave so that I can take care of you in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Xie Xin's expression immediately turned cold.

He looked at a pretty middle-aged woman not far away, and then he suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

This person's name is Lu Yun, she is Jiang Xingdao and his adopted sister, and the biggest obstacle to his control of the sect!

Lu Yun is a dual practitioner of martial arts, and her initial level as a Martial God is slightly lower than his.

But it is extremely powerful and difficult to deal with!

When Jiang Banxia's mother was forced to death, Lu Yun and Xie Xin almost fell out, and the quarrel was very unpleasant.

"Sooner or later, I'll deal with you two stinky bitches, the older one and the younger one!"

Xie Xin cursed fiercely in his heart, forced a smile on his face, and said to Jiang Banxia:

"This little thing is nothing, I will arrange it for you."

As he said that, Xie Xin winked at the elder behind him.

The elder understood and took Jiang Banxia and flew towards the mountainside.

Due to various pressures, Xie Xin did not dare to do anything to Jiang Banxia on the surface, and had to take care of her a little.

After all, she is his niece and the orphan of the old sect leader.

On the same day, Jiang Xingdao moved into a spacious, bright and high-end training room with abundant spiritual energy.

She was very surprised by this.

After all, she is just a little girl and doesn't understand the twists and turns.

What he did just now was all done according to Su Mu's instructions.

Thinking of this, Jiang Banxia asked in a low voice:

"Senior, didn't you just tell me to teach you martial arts? Can you start now?"

After saying that, a look of impatience appeared on the girl's face.

She longs for power!

More than anyone else!

"Go to sleep."

Unexpectedly, these two words were the answer to her.

Hearing this, Jiang Banxia became anxious and said urgently:

"I'm not tired yet, I can start practicing right away! Please teach me, senior!"

After she finished speaking, a chuckle sounded in her mind.

"Ha! Who said sleeping means not practicing? Go to sleep and I will teach you in your dreams."

"Ah? T-Teach me in a dream?"

Jiang Banxia was stunned for a moment, a little in disbelief.

But she finally chose to believe Su Mu.

The girl didn't ask any more questions, just lay down and fell asleep.

Soon, her consciousness fell into a deep sleep and darkness enveloped her.

But the next second, Jiang Banxia's consciousness suddenly woke up.

She looked around and was surprised to find that she was in another world!

This is a martial arts training ground, and not far away stands a tall, handsome man with an evil temperament.

"What are you still doing? Come here and practice martial arts!"

The man urged.

After hearing this voice, Jiang Banxia knew his identity, it was the senior hidden in her body.


Jiang Banxia's heart was burning and she strode towards Sumu.

In her eyes, Sumu turned into a blazing sun flowing with blood.

She is running towards hope and towards destruction!

There is no conflict between the two.

Jiang Banxia’s hope is destruction!


The first chapter is nearly 5,000 words, and there will be another update later.


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