I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 273 The rebel army entered the city and killed the emperor and Daqian!

"who are you!"

Wang Yuan sat up straight and asked sternly again.

His nervous look made the other generals in the military tent stop laughing and vaguely felt something was wrong.

Is it possible that this young boy is really a big shot?

Otherwise, why would their king react like this?

"I said, listen to my orders and do things for me."

"Otherwise, die!"

Su Mu's eyes were cold.

He didn't know what that weird ritual would turn into Li Mingtai, but it was definitely not a good thing, and the sooner it was terminated, the better.


Su Mu's attitude made Wang Yuan furious.

Although he noticed something was wrong with Su Mu, Wang Yuan was used to being an anti-king, so how could he tolerate his attitude?

After giving a sharp shout, Wang Yuan suddenly rose up and charged towards Sumu like a roc spreading its wings!

The swift and fierce wind swept out, and the military tent was full of murderous intent and the cold wind howled.

Wang Yuan is also a genius with both martial arts and martial arts, focusing on martial arts and qi refining as a supplement.

His condensed small world is composed of endless wind.

With one punch, Su Mu was immediately swept up by the hurricane, killing him from all directions!

This is the scary thing about Wang Yuan, his moves are extremely difficult to resist!

Seeing that the killing move was coming, Su Mu stood motionless.

Seeing this, Wang Yuan could not help but reveal a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph! This little thief must have some strength to be so arrogant,"

"But after all, you are young and have little combat experience. If you let me do anything you want, then I won't be polite!"

With this thought in his mind, Wang Yuan increased his strength, trying to kill him with one punch, or at least seriously injure him.

Unexpectedly, the next second, a cold and violent corpse energy burst out from Su Mu's body.

In an instant, he turned into a zombie over one foot tall!

Wang Yuan was shocked, but he had no choice but to fire the arrow.

Furthermore, what about zombies?

With my cultivation in the Martial God realm, can’t I kill with one punch? !


In a flash of lightning, these thoughts flashed through Wang Yuan's mind.

Then his expression became extremely ferocious, and he punched Su Mu hard.

"Swish, swish, swish—"

The turbulent wind around him turned into countless fierce fist winds that chopped down at the same time.

The effect of this punch is comparable to being cut into pieces with a thousand cuts!

If a master warrior resists this move, he will probably be smashed into millions of pieces with one punch.

However, Wang Yuan faced Su Mu who had the power of a demon!

Zombies gather all the bad luck from heaven and earth and are immortal.

Not to mention anything else, the defense is top notch!

After this punch fell, Su Mu remained motionless, standing there looking down at Wang Yuan, his eyes becoming colder and colder.


Seeing Su Mu who was unharmed, Wang Yuan was dumbfounded and terrified to death!

After condensing his own small world and advancing to the level of Martial God, he believed that he had few opponents in the world.

Even if he loses, it won't be too different.

But the appearance of Su Mu completely shattered his self-confidence!

"have you had enough?"

Su Mu laughed evilly, with a hint of disdain in his cold eyes.

Although this person has the cultivation level of an early Martial God, his condensed small world is weak.

He barely pushed his cultivation level to one step, which was basically the limit.

Wang Yuan was a genius compared to other people, but far inferior to the likes of Zhuge Hongtu and Yun Qingkong.

After all, Wang Yuan was born in the military and experienced hundreds of battles.

Although he was extremely shocked, he quickly reacted and retreated backwards.

He wants to escape!

Escape from this monster and surround him with an army!

At this time, Su Mu finally moved.


There was a muffled sound, and a hand full of corpse energy was firmly pressed on Wang Yuan's shoulder.

His figure stopped instantly and could not move.


Wang Yuan looked at Su Mu in horror.

But before he finished his sentence, Su Mu had already moved.

He grabbed Wang Yuan with one hand, hung the man in the air, and then punched him away!


A terrifying loud noise came from the military tent.

The aftermath of this punch caused the entire military tent to explode, and all the generals in the tent were swept away.

Duan Pingyang, who was the weakest, flew nearly a hundred meters away. Fortunately, he landed on a military tent and lost most of his strength.

But even so, his face was still pale and he was obviously injured.

"What a terrifying strength!"

Duan Pingyang stood up tremblingly, looking horrified.

The other generals had the same reaction as him. They were all horrified and looked at the main army tent in disbelief.

As the smoke dispersed, everyone could see clearly.

I saw Wang Yuan being picked up by Su Mu with one hand like a dead dog, blood spurting from his mouth, his breath was weak, and he looked half-dead.

There was an obvious punch mark on his strong chest, which was almost punched through!

This was the result of Su Mu holding back her strength.

If he hadn't been able to use it, this punch would have been enough to kill him!

In the Grandmaster realm, there will be situations where people are in the same realm, but with a huge gap in strength.

Not to mention the Martial God Realm.

That is to say, the Red Dragon Centipede restrained Zhuge Hongtu, otherwise he would have been able to sweep away the seven rebel armies by himself!

This is the terrifying thing about high-end combat power!

"Now, does the reason listen to my orders and do things for me?"

Su Mu asked again.

If Wang Yuan still doesn't agree, he will kill this person directly and replace him with a new leader to control the rebel army.

"Spare... spare my life, sir!"

Wang Yuan begged for mercy repeatedly, looking miserable.

The strength he thought he had was vulnerable to this young man.

What else can you do besides begging for mercy?

"very good."

Su Mu threw Wang Yuan to the ground and ordered:

"I'll give you three hours to coerce the other six groups of rebels and attack the city together."

"This is!"

Wang Yuan originally wanted to say that the time was too short, the siege was too difficult, etc.

But when he saw Su Mu's cold eyes, he swallowed all these words.

No matter how many problems there are, they must be overcome!

Although Su Mu didn't say what would happen if he couldn't do it, looking at his appearance, Wang Yuan could tell with his butt that the outcome would not be any better.

"Wait a minute, let him be your deputy, and he will report to me if anything happens."

When Wang Yuan stood up and was about to do something, Su Mu pointed at Duan Pingyang not far away and directly promoted him to the second-in-command of the Kamikaze Army.

He had some impression of Duan Pingyang. Although his strength was low, he was a capable person who could be used.

"Me, me?"

Duan Pingyang, who was just watching, was stunned by this sudden benefit.

Compared with the second-in-command of the Kamikaze Army, he was even more happy that Su Mu still remembered him!

It is a huge honor to be remembered by such a powerful person!

Just like now, Su Mu's casual words can bring him huge benefits!

"Yes, it's you, let's start quickly."

After giving instructions again, Su Mu said no more.

He quickly moved to Wang Yuan's position, picked out a jar of unopened wine and drank it.

There was a faint murderous aura in his calm and unhurried posture.

Wang Yuan did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly took Duan Pingyang away, preparing to meet the other six anti-kings.


Sumu doesn't care about the process, only the results.

Two hours later, Wang Yuan and Duan Pingyang returned. They had united four groups of rebels, while the other two groups had failed.

Hearing this, Su Mu issued an order to attack the city immediately.

The five rebel armies are almost here. Time is running out. The sooner we attack the city, the better!

In this moment, Yuan Qinhu had spread the news of Zhuge Hongtu's death through some acquaintances in the city.

Without his command and leadership, the soldiers in the city were panicked and their fighting spirit was greatly reduced!

Su Mu also sneaked in quietly, destroyed some key formations, and killed some senior generals.

Although Wang Yuan was a powerful warrior, Zhuge Hongtu had already taken precautions, but he could not do this.

Only Sumu can do it!

After the siege started, Wang Yuan could not believe how smoothly it went.

He originally thought it would be another hard battle in which he lost troops and generals and returned without success, but he did not want his soldiers to be so strong.

In just an hour, the first rebel army entered the city!

Then the defense lines collapsed one after another, and the city gates opened wide!

Rebels from all walks of life rushed into the city like crazy, preparing to burn, kill and loot.

The army in troubled times is more terrifying than the bandits.

They had failed too many times to attack the city, and they were holding an evil fire in their hearts, just waiting to be vented.

If no one stops him, the people in the imperial city will surely suffer.

However, just after entering the city, a gray mist rose up and enveloped hundreds of thousands of rebels.

This gray mist is the evil thing that Su Mu spent 10,000 points to exchange for in the main world.

His purpose in doing this was to lure these rebels to deal with Apocalypse Emperor Li Mingtai and Red Dragon Centipede, not to let them burn, kill, loot, and mutilate ordinary people.

"Where does the ghost mist come from? I can't see clearly!"

"Why are the surrounding houses missing? Is there such a terrifying formation in the imperial city?"

"There is light ahead, it must be where the formation is broken!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

The rebels in the gray fog were scurrying around like headless flies. Su Mu guided them casually, and they rushed towards the palace.

Soon, a large number of rebels surrounded the palace.

After discovering that the palace was ahead, these rebels became red-eyed and rushed in like crazy, preparing to plunder.

But at this moment, a huge bone blade fell down and struck in the center of the imperial city.


With a loud noise, a large hole was opened in the center of the imperial city, leading all the way to the underground and the underground palace where Li Mingtai was hiding.

"not good!"

The royal family in the underground palace worshiped something secretly.

The transformation ceremony of Tianqi Emperor Li Mingtai is still going on, and no one else can be disturbed.

They had no choice but to fly out and fight with the rebels coming from all around.

These royal families are quite powerful, but the number of rebels is too great!

Blinded by the gray mist, the rebels at the rear did not know that a fierce battle was taking place in the front, and waves of people were killed by the royal family.

They thought there was some good treasure in the palace, so they rushed forward one by one to intimidate.

By the time you realize something is wrong, it's too late.

Driven by the people at the rear, they had to enter the battle and fight with the royal family members who were thousands of times stronger than them.

This is an extremely brutal battle!

Dozens of royal tributes guarded the entrance of the cave, fighting off waves of rebels.

They are extremely powerful and can often kill dozens of people with one move.

But the rebels were too numerous!

Even hundreds of thousands of pigs will be killed until they lose their strength.

What's more, these rebels have some strength, and there are also many warriors with Gang Qi.

The palace of Daqian has been transformed into a meat grinder.

The endless enemies put great pressure on these royal servants.

They cannot retreat, they must stick to the defense line and kill non-stop.

Spiritual energy, Gangqi, and physical strength are rapidly depleted, and combat power is constantly declining!

Su Mu was hiding above, watching all this indifferently.

Finally, he waited for an opportunity and took action.

"Bones and blood control, Kai!"

Su Mu merged the bone-controlling ability of the Blood Demon Skeleton and the blood-controlling ability of Fei Zheng into one magical power.

He suddenly took action when all the royal family members were exhausted.

The combat power of these royal families was reduced to only 20 to 30%, and they were almost exhausted from exhaustion.

And I didn't expect that such a terrifying master as Su Mu was hidden!

As soon as he took action, the expressions of those royal family members immediately changed.

They only heard a heart-breaking sound of bone cracking in their bodies, and at the same time, blood spurted out from some previous wounds!

Some of the weaker royal family members died instantly, killed by Su Mu's magical power.

Although the stronger ones did not die, they were severely injured and their strength dropped again!

At the same time, under the guidance of Su Mu, more and more rebels poured in!

Finally, these royal offerings could no longer withstand the crowd and were overwhelmed by the crowd.

Although they were still roaring, they were destined to die miserably in the hands of these pawns who were far less powerful than them.

It's not a tragedy.

But being bound to Daqian is destined to end in tragedy!

Su Mu no longer cared about these royal offerings, he went underground and approached the underground palace.

"Damn it!"

In the underground palace, the man in black robe cursed angrily.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen. It seemed that this mission could not be completed.

After feeling Sumu's powerful and violent aura, the man in black robe took out a teleportation talisman without hesitation and transferred the spiritual energy to activate it.

Seeing this, Li Mingtai's face above the altar changed drastically, and he shouted eagerly:

"Special envoy, what do you want to do? I need you, you must not leave! The ceremony is far from complete!"

Li Mingtai was extremely anxious.

This ritual allows him to reverse the years, gain youth, and at the same time have a good level of cultivation!

Li Mingtai is about to die of old age and has been immersed in the fear of death these years.

When the man in black robe who claimed to be the special envoy of the fairy world contacted him, he decided to start the ceremony without hesitation.

Even if Zhuge Hongtu's flesh and blood and life were needed, there was no hesitation at all!

At this moment, you can clearly see that the wrinkles on Li Mingtai's face have relaxed a bit, and his body, which was originally full of lifeless energy, has recovered a lot.

But this is not enough!

The completion of the ceremony is not even one tenth!

"You useless thing, I have asked you to kill Zhuge Hongtu until now. If you had killed this person earlier, why delay it until today?"

The man in black robe cursed dissatisfiedly, and then ignored Li Mingtai.

This ceremony was not as simple as he said.

You can regain your youth and have good strength.

But after the ritual is successful, Li Mingtai's consciousness will be erased and he will become a puppet of heaven!

This plan can not only destroy the foundation of this world, but also obtain a powerful puppet, and also kill the powerful Zhuge Hongtu.

It can be described as killing three birds with one stone!

It's a pity that a Sumu came out in the middle of the process, so I had to give up.

The man in black robe was filled with deep reluctance, but seeing Su Mu's figure getting closer and closer, he did not dare to stop. He activated the space teleportation talisman and disappeared.

Now, Li Mingtai is the only one left in the huge underground palace!


With a muffled sound, Su Mu crushed the top of the underground palace and landed on top of the altar. He looked coldly at Tianqi Emperor Li Mingtai, who was only one foot away from him.

"Don't kill me! I can give you anything you want. I am the master of this world. I have everything!"

Li Mingtai, who was soaked in the blood pool, looked at Su Mu shivering and begged repeatedly.

But when he begged for mercy, he still had a sense of arrogance.

It was as if he was still the emperor of Daqian who ruled the world.

Hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help but smile.

"You are wrong, you have nothing left."

"You have lost this world."

"The only person you can rely on was killed by yourself."

"Even your children have abandoned you, what else do you have?"

"The only thing you have left is your life!"

After saying that, Su Mu stopped talking nonsense and turned his right hand into a huge bloody bone claw, slapping it away hard.



Amid the screams and muffled sounds, Emperor Tianqi, who had brought harm to the world for decades, was turned into a pile of rotten flesh and died tragically on the spot.

He will be the last emperor of Daqian!

Kyushu, there is no more great work!

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