I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 278 Su Mu’s relatives, boxing skills from another world

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Su Mu sat up straight and stared at the middle-aged bald doctor in front of him, a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

What he said just now gave him a very deliberate feeling, as if he wanted to label him as "mentally ill".

Su Mu had an impulse. He wanted to kill the doctor to see if he was a human, a ghost or a demon!

But after thinking about it for a while, I gave up.

This dungeon world is a bit strange, so let’s stay put and collect intelligence.

"Why are you still standing there? Go get the medicine! Xiao Zhou, take him there."

"Good doctor."

Seeing that Su Mu was stunned, Guan Liye called the nurse outside the door, and finally told Su Mu:

"If you have any special circumstances, just contact me in time without any psychological burden."

"I see."

Su Mu withdrew his gaze and did not act rashly.

After taking the medicine and walking out of the hospital door, he found a trash can and threw all the medicine in.

He is a majestic Nine Provinces Demon Saint, Great Qin Emperor Master, and may even be an emperor for fun in the future. Does he need to take these medicines prescribed to madmen?

What a joke!

Thinking of this,

Su Mu smiled coldly and strode away amidst the surprised eyes of others.

After taking a few steps, the phone rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was his brother calling.

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, then asked after taking the phone:

"Brother, are you okay in the hospital?"

Su Mu has an older brother, Su Chen, who is seven years older than him. He contracted a strange disease not long after his marriage, and has since become a disabled person in the hospital.

Needless to say, my wife ran away within a few days.

Their two brothers' parents died early, and the burden of taking care of their brothers fell on Su Mu, who had just turned 20.

The reason why Su Mu is so poor is because he saves all his money to treat his brother.

Before traveling to another world, Su Mu also thought about who would take care of him when he was gone.

It's just that no matter how much you worry, it's just in vain, so you can only stop thinking about it.

But what Su Mu didn't expect was that Su Chen was very surprised when he heard this and asked:

"Xiaomu, what are you talking about? Aren't you the one who went to the hospital?"

"I just received a notification from Dr. Guan that your sister-in-law and I came to the hospital to pick you up."

"Have you seen us? We're right across the street from you."

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

Su Mu looked across the road and saw a head sticking out of a car, waving to him.

This man was exactly the same as his brother Su Chen in Su Mu's memory, except when he was healthy.

After he fell ill, his car and house were gone.

"Memory and reality are confused again. It seems that Su Chen in this world does not suffer from that strange disease."

Su Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that everything around him was filled with weirdness.

But he didn't show any abnormality, and walked across the road and got into the car with a calm expression.

A man and a woman were sitting in the car.

The man is somewhat similar to Su Mu and is quite handsome. He is his brother Su Chen.

The girl's appearance is not bad either. Xiaojiabiyu looks cute and has a smile on her face. She looks like she is easy to get along with.

She is Qiao Qiaoyun, Su Chen's wife who has been married for more than a year. The two had a good relationship before Su Chen fell ill.

The Su Chen in this world is not sick, and I think their married life is quite happy.

"Xiaomu, are you okay? Doctor Guan said you didn't get your medicine on time."

Su Chen asked with concern while driving.

"It's okay, I just forgot."

Su Mu answered casually, secretly observing the movements of the two people in the front seat.

But like Guan Liye, Su Chen and Qiao Qiaoyun looked no different from the outside.

They were just two normal people, and they still cared about his family.

"Don't forget this! You have to remember the good days next time."

"By the way, why don't you come and live with us. Our house is big, and there won't be much room for you."

"Don't worry about your sister-in-law, she's really looking forward to having some fun in person."

"That small rental house makes me feel bored just looking at it."

After Su Chen finished speaking, Qiao Qiaoyun immediately smiled and said:

"Yeah, why are you meeting your brother and sister-in-law?"

"If you are willing, I can clean up a room for you when I get back."

"We have several rooms available."

It can be seen that this is not the first time these two people have invited Su Mu.

But how could Su Mu agree if he didn't understand the situation yet.

He shook his head and said:

"No need, I'm used to living there."

Hearing this, Su Chen sighed helplessly.

"You are just stubborn, you have been strong since you were a child."

"Forget it, it's good for young people to endure some hardships. With your intelligence and energy, you will definitely be able to stand out in the future, better than me, an office worker."

Afterwards, the three of them chatted casually in the car.

Most of the time, Su Mu listened silently, hoping to get some useful information.

But what Su Chen and Qiao Qiaoyun said were just short-lived parents, nothing special.

After arriving at the old-fashioned community where Su Mu rented a house, Su Chen put him down and brought him two food boxes.

"Here are the stewed chicken soup and braised pig's trotters made by your sister-in-law. Take it and eat it. Remember to wash the bowl after eating."


Su Mu took the food box and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Although I don’t know whether the brother in front of me is real or fake, a human or a ghost.

But the two brothers have depended on each other since childhood and have a good relationship.

When we meet again after such a long time, he is still a healthy brother who is able to care and take care of himself.

It was hard not to stir up ripples in Su Mu's heart.

"Go ahead, come to me if you need anything."

Su Chen waved his hand and drove out of Su Mu's sight.


Su Mu let out a breath and returned to the narrow rental house with two food boxes.

Opening the food box, the aroma of stewed chicken soup and braised pig's trotters hits your face.

Su Mu hesitated for a moment, then took a small taste.

Um! It tastes great!

After taking a bite, he waited for a while, but nothing unusual happened.

So Su Mu no longer hesitated and swept away the delicious food in front of him with the force of the wind and the remaining clouds.

After eating, he lay on the bed, closed his eyes and thought.

The dungeon world is very strange this time.

Not only did he escape from the Kyushu realm and return to Earth, but there were also many things that were different from what Su Mu remembered.

Su Mu even suspected that this might be a large-scale illusion!

But now that he has no cultivation skills, he can't tell the truth from the false. He can only take one step at a time.

Thinking of this, Su Mu suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself in a deep voice:

"The most important thing is to have strength!"

"As long as you are strong enough, no matter what happens, you can just crush it."

With that said, Su Mu got up and tidied up, getting ready to go to work.

Before time travel, his brother was seriously ill in bed. Su Mu relied on his strength and youth to find a job as a sparring partner in a boxing gym.

The partner for sparring was a second-rate boxer, but even so, he could still beat Su Mu to the point of being knocked off his feet!

Fortunately, his protective gear was tight enough, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to work for a few days.

When I returned this time, I happened to go to the boxing gym to practice my skills and see if there was any possibility of cultivation in this world.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Mu arrived at the door of the boxing gym.

Looking around, there are many people training in the boxing gym.

Most of them are enthusiasts who mainly focus on exercising and losing weight.

A few of them are professional boxers and rely on this to make a living, and sometimes they also work as coaches.

"Xiaomu, you're here. Go get ready, Xiao Chen is waiting for you."

A middle-aged man with a big body and a round waist patted Su Mu on the shoulder with a gentle attitude.

This man is the owner and head coach of a boxing gym. When he was young, he was a moderately powerful middleweight boxer, nicknamed Flying Leopard.

After retiring, he opened this boxing gym, and then his body shape soared, from a flying leopard to a fat leopard.

However, this nickname can only be used by his close peers, and most people call him Brother Bao.

The Xiao Chen he mentioned was Su Mu's training partner, Chen Kang.

Chen Kang has good talent and was discovered by Brother Bao and trained as his apprentice.

His current goal is to train Chen Kang, win glory for him, and make money for him.


Su Mu agreed and started to warm up.

Fat Leopard looked at his strong figure and said:

"Xiaomu, you are actually quite talented. Are you interested in becoming a professional boxer?"

"talk later."

Su Mu said casually.

But Fat Leopard's eyes lit up when he heard this.

When talking about this before, Su Mu always refused.

But not this time. Could it be that he had this idea?

Little did Fat Leopard know that Su Mu had no intention of thinking about becoming a professional boxer.

He just wants to practice and become stronger!

During the warm-up, Su Mu tried to sense the spirit energy, but still couldn't sense it.

Without the stimulation of spiritual energy, the energy and blood in the body would be like a pool of stagnant water, making it impossible to practice.

This made him sigh slightly.

"Is it possible that this dungeon world also needs to follow a special path of cultivation?"

Thinking of this, Su Mu felt a little annoyed.

After the warm-up, Su Mu got into the ring wearing two boxing gloves.

Chen Kang, who had been waiting for him for a while, said in surprise:

"Aren't you wearing armor? I might hurt you without protective gear."

Su Mu said casually:

"No, I want to experience the feeling of the game."

Hearing this, Chen Kang looked at Fei Bao, who was serving as the referee on the ring.

It was just a sparring match, he didn't want to hurt Su Mu.

Fat Leopard originally wanted Su Mu to wear armor, but then he thought that Su Mu might really have the idea of ​​entering the professional boxing world, so he wanted to try a fight without protective gear.

In this case, why not give him this opportunity?

Thinking of this, Feibao waved his hands and said:

"I won't wear it this time. Let's get started."

Seeing that his coach had said so, Chen Kang didn't say much.

The two walked to the center of the ring and bumped fists, and the battle began immediately!

Yes, it's a battle, not a competition!

At the beginning, Su Mu's eyes immediately changed.

He was like a cruel and cold-blooded lone wolf, staring at Chen Kang.

As long as a flaw is revealed, he will be torn into pieces!

"Why do I feel like he's a little weird today?"

Chen Kang felt cold all over when Su Mu stared at him, and felt inexplicably afraid.

However, the quality of a professional boxer kept him calm, and he hit Sumu with a front hand jab.

Su Mu lowered his head to avoid it and hit him in the lower ribs with a backhand punch.

Chen Kang's front jab was mainly probing and did not exert much force.

So he reacted immediately and dropped his elbow to block the punch.

The next second, Su Mu hit Chen Kang's elbow with a seemingly light uppercut, making a dull sound.

But what Fat Leopard, who was watching the fight, didn't expect was that after the punch, Chen Kang's expression immediately changed. He stumbled back several steps and fell to the ground, clutching his lower ribs.

"What's going on? Xiao Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Fat Leopard trotted over in surprise, squatted on the ground and inspected Chen Kang's injuries.

"The ribs, the ribs seemed to be broken, broken."

Chen Kang gasped in pain, and his facial features were twisted together.

Su Mu's punch just now wasn't particularly powerful, and he blocked it successfully.

But the power of this punch is extremely weird, and its penetrating power is exaggerated!

After being hit by a punch, his elbow was shaken first, and then a wave of force penetrated the layers of defense, uu read a book


Acts on the ribs.

It felt like being pricked by countless needles, leaving him breathless and his eyesight going dark.

By the time he realized what he was doing, he was already lying on the ground with severe pain in his ribs, which must have been broken.

"What? Broken ribs?"

Fat Leopard was stunned.

How could it be that Su Mu's ordinary punch just now broke Chen Kang's ribs?

He is not an old man with osteoporosis.

Fat Leopard was a little confused, but he immediately called a few people and sent Chen Kang to the hospital.

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