I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 283 Wanted, Surrendered

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Tao Xingyuan said that he has been single for thirty years.

But he doesn't look like a thirty-year-old at all, more like a young man in his mid-twenties.

What he just did was beyond common sense, and he was definitely not an ordinary person!

Su Mu made a small cut on Tao Xingyuan's arm, took a sip of some blood, and then his complexion changed slightly.

There was a strange power in this man's blood, surging and as hot as fire.

No wonder he was able to kill the resentful ghost with just one pee.

But where did Tao Xingyuan get this power?

"Have you ever encountered anything strange?"

Su Mu didn't know what to tell Tao Xingyuan, so he could only ask him if he had encountered any abnormal events.

Hearing this, Tao Xingyuan was shocked and said with interest:

"I've encountered so many unusual events!"

"I am destined to encounter many bizarre things in my life."

"When I was one year old, I was abducted by aliens and almost taken to their planet to be their planet leader."

"When I was two years old, I saw two underground men crawling out of a well."

“When I was three years old, I played poker with two snowy mountain savages.


"When I was four years old..."


Su Mu raised his hand to interrupt Tao Xingyuan, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Sure enough, trying to communicate with a mentally ill person was his biggest mistake.

"Where is the archives? Take me there."

Su Mu gave up on getting information from Tao Xingyuan and planned to look for his files.

"The archives room? It should be on the first floor."

Tao Xingyuan was interrupted and still had some unfinished thoughts.

But since he has recognized Su Mu as the boss, he naturally has to listen to the boss's words.

At this time, there is no particularly big threat in Ding'an Mental Hospital.

Most of the corpse ghosts were killed by Su Mu, and the most powerful ghost ghost was also sent away in a pee.

But if such a big thing happened, someone would be here soon.

So Su Mu quickly searched and finally found Tao Xingyuan's information in a corner of the archives room.

After opening it, he started reading quickly, his expression constantly changing.

Tao Xingyuan's original name is Tao Cheng. The name "Xingyuan" should have been given by him, which matches his identity as "Xingjian".

Tao Xingyuan is indeed thirty-one, thirty-one years old in preparation, and has been suffering from the disease for eight years.

In the photo of him a few years ago, he was still a bit haggard and old, but from the year before last, he suddenly became young!

Tao Xingyuan's attending doctor also found it strange.

After checking, nothing unusual happened, so I just let him go, only mentioning a few words in the file.

Su Mu closed the file and began to think in his mind.

"It must be that something happened the year before last. A force entered Tao Xingyuan's body, which greatly increased his vitality and gave him some special abilities."

"In other words, the world had already changed before I came."

Just as he was thinking about it, Tao Xingyuan, who was waiting boredly, suddenly trembled and said to Su Mu anxiously:

"Boss, it's bad! Many people wearing strange clothes are coming, let's run away!"

Hearing this, Su Mu's heart moved.

He walked to the window and took a look outside, only to see many police cars surrounding Ding'an Mental Hospital.

Seeing this, Su Mu raised his eyebrows and looked Tao Xingyuan up and down.

This guy actually has some kind of special perception ability.

He has a lot of secrets, so you have to take him with you.

"Follow me, let's go."

Su Mu dropped the file and walked somewhere. Tao Xingyuan followed him nervously.

Soon, the two of them left Ding'an Mental Hospital from the sewer and disappeared into the darkness.

Su Mu didn't know that not long after they left, an invisible layer of darkness quietly exited the mental hospital.

It was like a hazy layer of gauze had been lifted off.

Everything is back to "normal" again.


Outside Ding'an Mental Hospital.

Li Bin stood in the police car, clenching his fists and looking ugly.

He is the burly man with a vicissitudes of life who interrogated Su Mu before.

Unexpectedly, less than a day later, he would return to this mental hospital.

And judging from the content of the report, it seems that a lot of terrible things happened inside!

Detectives shouted outside for a while but got no response.

Li Bin couldn't wait any longer.

He took a team of people and broke in personally.

As soon as they entered the door, the strong smell of blood hit their nostrils, and a hellish scene appeared in front of everyone!

Meat mixed with entrails covered the walls.

Thick blood stuck to the feet, making it difficult to walk.

The corridor is covered with white and scarlet bones, as far as the eye can see!


After a second's pause, a young agent couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out to vomit.

When he started, no one else could hold back.

The dozen or so people Li Bin brought in all ran away in a short time, and he was the only one left standing in this hellish lunatic asylum.

His whole body was trembling slightly, and his complexion was green and white, and white and red.

Li Bin could not imagine what happened in Ding'an Mental Hospital to cause such a tragic situation!

He took several deep breaths, finally adjusted himself, raised his legs and walked deeper into the mental hospital.

Along the way, there were corpses of dead people everywhere, and there were almost no human figures left.

After walking down the entire first floor, Li Bin didn't see a single living person!

It wasn't until I got to the critical patient area on the fifth floor that I saw some locked up mental patients still alive.

Seeing someone coming, these madmen immediately shouted.

"There is a ghost, there is a ghost! Let me out quickly, let me out!"

"I saw high-dimensional creatures. They are gods! They have sent down divine punishment!"

"Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand! I am going to become an immortal! When I become an immortal, I will come out and kill you all. Hahaha!"

"Hey! Who is this monster? Why don't you die quickly when you see this poor man!"

Listening to these crazy words, Li Bin's face became even more ugly.

Obviously, he couldn't get any useful information from these lunatics, let alone what happened in Ding'an Mental Hospital.

But Li Bin did not stop.

After some searching, he came to the main surveillance room of the building and opened all the surveillance videos.

Unexpectedly, the screen was filled with snowflakes and a harsh sizzling sound.

It wasn't until Li Bin opened one of the videos that the picture finally changed.

This video still has large swaths of snowflakes occupying the main body.

But in the center of the screen, two people appeared!

They walked one after another in the snow, and there were some weird movements from time to time.

But since everything except these two was covered in snowflakes, it was impossible to tell what the two of them were doing.

Afterwards, Li Bin watched the remaining surveillance videos one by one.

Sure enough, only the two people just now could show it.

Everything else was just snowflakes and nothing could be seen.

One of the two, Li Bin, knew him. It was the super madman Su Mu who killed more than forty people two days ago!

The other person followed him like a younger brother, and he was not an ordinary person.

Li Bin stared at the two figures in the picture with a gloomy expression, his eyes uncertain.

At this time, there were countless questions in his mind.

"Why can Su Mu escape from being locked up?"

"What are the two of them doing all the way?"

"So many people died, how come nothing happened to the two of them?"

"Is this bloody massacre related to the two of them?"

If these questions are clarified, maybe we can know what happened in Ding'an Mental Hospital.

In other words, Li Bin must find Sumu and Tao Xingyuan!

After thinking about everything, Li Bin slammed the table, stood up, and ordered his subordinates:

"Go and distribute the portraits of these two people. They are wanted throughout the city!"


Su Mu didn't know what happened in the asylum after they left.

But as long as you are not stupid, you can guess that the two of them will most likely be wanted.

Before leaving the mental hospital, Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan deliberately changed into normal clothes.

After leaving, I plunged into the remote roads and walked into the countryside and suburbs.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?"

Tao Xingyuan approached Su Mu with excitement and asked.

After regaining his freedom, he was as excited as a monkey, jumping up and down around Sumu.


Su Mu slapped Tao Xingyuan away with his backhand and fell heavily to the ground.

"You told me not to get so close to me, why don't you remember it?"

If this slap hit an ordinary person on the face, he would at least faint.

But Tao Xingyuan got up in one go, smiled nonchalantly, and said:

"Boss, isn't it because your handsome face is so attractive that I can't help but get closer? I must pay attention next time!"

After saying that, he jumped up and down again.

Seeing this, Su Mu shook his head helplessly.

There is a strange power in this man's body. Not only can ordinary blows not hurt him, but it can also speed up his absorption of this power.

Su Mu had already taught him a lesson several times along the way, but the more he beat him, the more enthusiastic he became.

I don’t know if some strange properties are activated.

Su Mu ignored Tao Xingyuan, jumped on a big rock and looked at a small village in the distance.

"I'm hungry, let's go get something to eat first."

After entering martial arts, one has very high requirements for food.

Su Mu urgently needs a lot of food to replenish his energy and blood.

Only by eating and drinking enough can you continue to practice martial arts and improve your strength.

Under the leadership of Su Mu, the two came to this remote village.

Although the civilization of this world is extremely developed, there are still many remote and backward places.

There are often no young people in such places, and all the young people have gone out to make a living.

Only the old man was left guarding his hometown, slowly waiting for death to come.

After all the older group of villagers died, this remote village would be abandoned.

When he walked in and took a look, the village was indeed pretty much what Su Mu had expected.

Many houses have been abandoned, and dozens of elderly people live scattered in the village.

Perhaps because few outsiders came, many old people stuck their heads out and looked at Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan curiously.

"Young man, whose family do you belong to? I don't think I've seen you two before."

An old man with gray hair but still strong body asked Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan.

But there was no vigilance in his eyes, but envy and expectation.

Su Mu carried him away and looked at the old people around him. Everyone had the same expression.

Su Mu understood the meaning in their eyes.

These lonely old people grow old alone in remote villages.

They will soon be washed away by the torrent of time into dust that no one knows or remembers.

Perhaps no one has visited them for a long, long time.

These old people look forward to the day when their children can come and visit them.

It's a pity that I waited day after day in vain.

Thinking of this, Su Mu's heart palpitated slightly.

There is always too much helplessness in a short life.

When the body's functions decline and illnesses arise, life is left with only pain and despair.

Does he have a chance to live forever and live forever?

While these thoughts flashed through his mind, Su Mu smiled and said to the old man in front of him:

"The two of us came here for a trip and got lost when we got here. We are tired and hungry. I wonder if we can get some food."

After hearing these words, the old people around him looked a little lonely, but they soon became energetic.

"Young man, come to my house! I killed a chicken for lunch and I can't finish it!"

"My family made braised fish and didn't touch it much. Do you two want to come and take a look?"

"Chicken, duck, and fish are so greasy! Young man, do you want to try some fresh and delicious farm vegetables?"

The old people around warmly invited Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan to be guests.

This enthusiasm surprised both of them.

Finally, Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan went to the home of the old man who asked them the question at the beginning.

On the way, the three of them had a chat.

Su Mu learned that the village was called Sunjiacun, and that the old man was named Sun Jianhua, and that he had a wife who was slightly younger than him at home.

When they got excited, Uncle Sun pointed at a big banyan tree at the entrance of the village and said with a smile:

"See that big tree? It was planted when the village was founded hundreds of years ago."

"Our Sunjiacun is the descendant of Sun Wu!"

"Thousands of years of vicissitudes of life have not separated us. After several migrations, we came here and took root."

"I didn't expect that now that there are no disasters and disasters, and life is getting better, the village will be gone. Alas~~~"

Speaking of this, Uncle Sun felt a little depressed.

He shook his head and said nothing, and his originally upright back could not help but stoop a little.

About ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at the home of Mr. Sun Jianye.

After his wife found out what happened, he immediately brought out the food.

Seeing that Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan ate a lot, he fried two more side dishes and told them to eat more.

Today's rural economic conditions are not bad, and the food and rice are quite good.

Sumu ate five bowls of rice.

Tao Xingyuan had less, but he still ate three bowls.

Halfway through the meal, Uncle Sun's wife specially cooked a pot in a large pot on the stove to ensure the supply of rice.

The old couple just sat aside, smiling and watching them eat, with a little tears in their eyes.

After eating and drinking, Su Mu and Tao Xingyuan thanked the two old people.

Then he asked Tao Xingyuan to wash the dishes and pots, while he slowly started boxing in the small courtyard in the countryside.

Seeing this, Uncle Sun became interested and said with a smile:

"Young man has trained his body well, he is strong enough!"

"Unlike some young people nowadays, who are either using computers or mobile phones every day, sitting for hours at a time, which makes their bodies weak."

As they talked, Uncle Sun talked about the past of their clan again.

"Our Sunjia Village produced a general with great martial arts skills two hundred years ago."

"It's a pity that he was killed by a traitor later and died unjustly."

"It is said that after the general was beheaded, the emperor had nightmares for several nights, dreaming that the general's headless body came to seek justice for him!"

"Later, the frightened emperor reviewed the matter and overturned the case for him."

"It's just that the general's head has disappeared inexplicably and cannot be found."

"In order to appease the general's resentment, the emperor spent a lot of money to build him a proportional golden head and buried him in his hometown, our Sunjia Village."

"Since then, the story of the golden head has been spread in the village."

Su Mu was just chatting with Uncle Sun about building a tower, but when he heard this, he suddenly became interested.

"The story of the golden head?"

"Yes. uu read a book


Some villagers saw a golden head floating in the middle of the night, like a will-o'-the-wisp, but they didn't know if it was true or not. Anyway, I have never seen the old man. "

As he spoke, Uncle Sun knocked the tobacco bag in his hand on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the cigarette ashes were not knocked out, but the head was knocked off with a "gurgling" sound, and rolled to Su Mu's feet.

And he happened to be facing Su Mu, with a pair of turbid old eyes staring straight at him.

"Hey~ I'm getting older, and my bones are a little looser."

"Young man, can you put my head back on for me?"

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