I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 294 Serial Murder Cases, Demon-Slayers

Li Bin was sitting in the passenger seat of the police car, looking ugly.

He has been very irritable recently, very irritable!

Since the incident of the crazy murderer in the community, various weird and terrifying incidents have occurred frequently.

It made his already somewhat aged face look even older, making him look a bit like a fifty-year-old in his thirties.

Especially recently, a shocking serial murder occurred!

The murderer's methods are extremely cruel and his anti-reconnaissance capabilities are extremely strong.

Twelve victims with different identities have appeared so far, with irregular branches even lower in the city.

If the news hadn't been blocked, people would have been panicked.

Just now, the thirteenth victim appeared, and Li Bin was on his way there.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of a small restaurant.

Li Bin walked down with a serious look on his face, crossed the cordon, and walked towards the scene of the discovery.

The detective on the side began to report the situation to him.

"Similar to the previous twelve cases, the surveillance was destroyed in advance, and the body of the deceased was divided into six large pieces, which were still connected together in that weird form."

"There were obvious signs of a fight around, but no clues were left behind."

Hearing this, Li Bin gritted his teeth and said bitterly:

"Is this true again? How did this guy do it? Why doesn't he leave any evidence every time he commits a crime?"

While talking, Li Bin had already arrived at the back kitchen of this small restaurant.

I saw that the surrounding walls were covered in blood, and a pungent smell of blood hit my face!

In the middle of the kitchen, a pile of corpses were strung together in a strange form.

At the bottom is a head with its eyes dug out. On both sides of the head are open arms, then up is the torso, and finally are the legs set up in a "V" shape.

The entire body was divided into six pieces and strangely reassembled.

This scene is horrifying!

Fortunately, there were all veteran agents on the scene. If they were newcomers, they would probably vomit on the spot.

Li Bin stepped forward to check.

As before, there was a thick steel wire among the corpses, connecting them to each other.

"A middle-aged man who runs a small restaurant usually doesn't offend anyone and has very simple interpersonal relationships. So why would the murderer find him?"

"Could it be that some evil demon is practicing evil ways and performing evil rituals?"

After remembering the identity of the deceased, Li Bin became more irritated and angry.

He really couldn't figure out why he wanted to kill such an ordinary middle-aged man.

In just one month, thirteen people have been killed, but Li Bin has no clues.

If this continues, he won't have to work as a detective anymore, and he can go home and farm and raise pigs!

"No! I must catch this serial killer!"

Li Bin secretly made up his mind and walked around the murder scene with a sinister expression.

According to traces at the scene, the murderer was 190 to 195cm tall and weighed 120 to 150 kilograms.

Very strong and sturdy!

Such people are very rare. They are extremely conspicuous in the crowd and there is no reason why they cannot be found.

How did he hide his tracks?

Li Bin was puzzled.


At the thirteenth death scene, there were still no useful clues left except traces of the fight, not even a single hair.

The tremendous pressure made Li Bin unable to sleep.

Fortunately, similar serial killings have occurred in other cities and have not been solved.

Otherwise, his position as detective would most likely have been replaced.

But Li Bin's obsession with breaking the news is still very strong.

From that day on, even when he came home from get off work, he would patrol outside until two or three o'clock in the night before going home to take a nap.

But for several days, no clues were found.

Despite the news being blocked, some rumors have already spread among the people.

There are almost no people on the streets late at night. Li Bin is like a lonely wandering soul, searching hard for the truth.

Anger, pain, self-blame and other emotions enveloped him, causing him immense pain.

But hard work doesn’t come to anyone’s heart.

That night, Li Bin finally discovered something!

On the street at three o'clock in the morning, the cold light shone on Li Bin with a slight chill.

He let out a breath of air and prepared to go home with dark circles under his eyes.

"Another night of hard work was in vain."

Li Bin smiled bitterly, looking a little self-deprecating.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the street corner not far from him and strode forward.

The figure was about 1.7 meters tall, wearing black clothes, black pants and a hood.

Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, he looked quite thin and completely different from the person Li Bin was looking for.

He glanced at the man's back, sighed, shook his head, and turned to go home.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, his eyes lit up as if he thought of something.

Li Bin suddenly thought that when this man turned around just now, a cold light flashed under his neck, much like the light reflected from metal.

In the middle of the night, a man was walking on the street with what appeared to be a metal instrument hidden in his chest.

There is definitely something wrong with such a person!

Thinking of this, Li Bin became energetic, and he quietly turned around and followed the figure.

This person was extremely sharp, and Li Bin did not dare to follow him too closely, but only dared to stay far behind.

Fortunately, his speed is not too fast and Li Bin can keep up.

The two walked in tandem for half an hour.

Along the way, this thin figure was very vigilant and kept observing the surroundings.

This made Li Bin a little confused.

This man was extremely vigilant, as if he was afraid that some monsters would suddenly pop up around him.

Just as he was thinking about it, the thin figure jumped up, easily crossed the wall, and climbed into a house.

Seeing this, Li Bin was in great panic!

Climbing over the wall and breaking into other people's homes in the middle of the night is definitely not a good person.

You can't let him commit a crime under your nose!

At this time, Li Bin didn't care about hiding his figure and rushed forward quickly.

Unexpectedly, before he ran over, he only heard a muffled "bang".

This is the sound of the door being broken open!

Li Bin trembled and quickly speeded up.

I originally thought that the thin figure would only do some petty theft, but now it seems that he guessed wrong!

Li Bin "Zeng Zeng" climbed up the wall twice, sat astride the wall, and looked attentively.

I saw that the door of this house had been kicked open by the thin figure, and three figures slowly walked out of it.

It was a young couple with a little girl, about six or seven years old.

The strange thing is that this family of three was neatly dressed in the middle of the night, and seemed to be ready for "guests" to come to their door.

And his expression was extremely calm, so calm that it was a bit strange.

It's just that Li Bin didn't have time to think too much at this moment, because someone drew a knife!

"Heh, it seems you have found the wrong person."

Seeing a family of three walking slowly, the figure hiding behind the hood sneered and took out a heavy hatchet from his arms.

There was a layer of dark red blood on the blade, almost black.

"Stop! Put down your weapon!"

Seeing this scene, Li Bin couldn't bear it anymore and drew his gun and pointed it at the thin figure.

In his opinion, this loud shout should bring the situation under control immediately.

Unexpectedly, neither the thin figure nor the family of three actually looked at him, but just tilted their heads slightly.

Li Bin was a little confused.

what's the situation?

Are you being ignored?

What he is holding is a gun!

Have today's criminals evolved to the point where they don't even bother to respond when pointed at a gun?

Just when Li Bin was slightly stunned, the situation suddenly changed!

The little girl in a family of three suddenly put her limbs on the ground and crawled towards Li Bin quickly.

The speed is as fast as lightning.

Before Li Bin could react, the little girl had already crawled along the wall in front of him!


The originally cute little girl let out an inhuman roar, her face distorted, and a ferocious mouth bit her.

All this happened so fast that Li Bin had no time to react.

Because at first his attention was entirely on the thin figure.

In Li Bin's opinion, this person is the murderer and the family of three are the victims.

Who would have thought that a little girl who looked cute and needed protection would turn into a life-threatening monster in an instant!

Caught him off guard.


Just when Li Bin thought he was going to die here, a spiritual light cut through the dark night and hit the little girl.


The fire suddenly appeared, the heat wave rolled in, and Li Bin's eyebrows and hair tips were singed.

The little girl who was hit by this blow was even knocked out and hit the ground heavily.

But she was not dead. A Gulu climbed up and let out a low and painful roar. His green eyes stared at the thin figure.

The spiritual light just now came from his hand.

"Get behind me!"

The thin figure growled angrily at Li Bin.

He was very distressed that a precious Taoist talisman was wasted.

After that, he ignored Li Bin and roared angrily after taking off his clothes.

The originally thin body continued to expand and did not stop until it reached more than 1.9 meters!

At this time, Feng Zheng, who was originally thin, turned into a tall man with an iron tower of nearly two meters, exuding a fiery aura!

"you you……"

Li Bin jumped down from the wall and hid behind Feng Zheng, staring at him dumbfounded, almost unable to believe his eyes.

It's him! It's definitely him!

Li Bin knew that the man in front of him was the serial murderer he was looking for.

But what happened just now shook his heart.

Is this person really a murderer?

Before Li Bin could figure it out, the battle had already begun!

After the "little girl" was repelled, the bodies of the two adults began to twist and mutate. In the blink of an eye, they turned into two humanoid monsters with rotten, pale skin and yellow pustules.

They all have a huge tumor on their chest, one looks like a poisonous snake, and the other looks like a toad.

It looks so evil that it makes one's scalp numb!

"It's the Five Poison Ghosts!"

After seeing the prototypes of the two ghosts, Feng Zheng looked a little heavy.

The Five Poison Ghosts are no longer low-level ghosts, they are completely middle-class ghosts.

He has acquired and innate strength, and is very difficult to deal with!

Fortunately, this five-poison ghost has only collected two poisons, and the third poison is still growing.

Yes, the "family of three" in front of them are actually one and the same ghost.

Before the complete body, the five poisonous individuals are separated from each other.

Only when the five poisons are complete will they be fused together and their strength will be greatly increased!

The information about the Five Poison Ghosts flashed through his mind. Feng Zheng was already holding a hatchet in his hand. He stepped forward and slashed hard with the blade!

"The Rebirth of Financial Giants"


The cold light flashed across and went straight to the tumor on the snake ghost's chest.

As long as you understand the Five Poison Ghosts, you will know that this is the weakness of this kind of ghost!

Fortunately, that adult gave him a copy of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book, otherwise Fengzheng wouldn't even know the Five Poison Ghosts, let alone deal with them.

Although Fengzheng is huge, he is extremely fast.

This slash of the sword did not give the snake ghost a chance to dodge.


The snake ghost who was hit in the vital part screamed, and his chest splattered with green ghost blood, and he retreated continuously.

But while severely injuring the snake ghost, the toad ghost had already circled behind Feng Zheng, and clawed at his heart, as if it wanted to take out his heart!


! "

Unexpectedly, when the ghost claws fell on Feng Zheng, there was a sound of gold and iron intersecting.

He seems to be wearing some kind of powerful inner armor!

Sure enough, after one blow, auras of light lit up under Feng Zheng's clothes.

Mysterious runes were all over his body, protecting him!

But the Five Poison Ghosts were not vegetarians. Seeing that the ghost claws were useless, they immediately opened their mouths and spit out a stream of poisonous smoke, completely covering Feng Zheng.

In an instant, Feng Zheng felt dizzy.

Even Li Bin, who was outside the battlefield, had a dark complexion and weak feet.

The short battle gave him a huge shock!

Li Bin's brain was at a loss and he was dumbfounded.

Being so smoked by the poisonous smoke, it becomes even more difficult to find North.

Fengzheng can't control Li Bin now, and his own situation is also very dangerous!

"It's true that it's a two-star ghost marked in the Hundred Ghosts Encyclopedia. Even if it's still more than half the distance from the perfect form, it's still much more difficult to deal with than low-level ghosts."

"Fortunately, I have the Taoist talisman that the Lord gave me, otherwise I would have been in trouble this time."

These thoughts flashed through Fengzheng's mind, and a Taoist talisman was thrown out.

"Qingfeng curse, destroy it!"

Together with the talisman, the spiritual wind cleanses away all the poisonous smoke.

The situation changed so quickly that Toad Ghost was shocked. Before he could react, Feng Zheng, who emerged from the poisonous mist, slashed the tumor on his chest with a knife.

At the same time, the iron fist blasted violently, piercing the chest of this ghost!

Snake ghosts and toad ghosts fell one after another, and the unformed "little girl" became the last hope of the five poisonous ghosts.

But just as it was about to escape, Feng Zheng waved his hand and recognized the hatchet and pinned it to the ground, unable to move!

This hatchet is nothing special.

To be more precise, it was originally an ordinary hatchet.

But after passing through the hands of that adult, it became a weapon for slaying demons!

Otherwise, how could ordinary knives cause such great damage to ghosts?

It can be said that 90% of his Fengzheng strength is related to that adult!

Thinking of that enigmatic adult, Feng Zheng pulled out the hatchet from the "little girl" and turned around to give the snake ghost and toad ghost a few more blows to completely eliminate them.

Then he took out the wire from his arms, followed the adult's instructions to cut the ghosts into pieces and connect them together, and cast spells to cleanse the surroundings.


A fire broke out in the courtyard, burning all the ghosts.

Without the support of the remaining ghost energy, the corpses of those ghosts became human again.

At the same time, all traces left by Feng Zheng at the scene were completely burned by the fire.

"let's go!"

Feng Zheng grabbed Li Bin, who was looking confused, and left with a leap.

Even if he grabbed one person, Feng Zheng could still easily run on the roofs and walls, and he would be far away after a while.

The cold wind moving at high speed hit his face, jolting Li Bin and realizing that what just happened was not a dream.

But it really happened!

All this was so absurd and unscientific that it completely shattered his understanding of the world.

But if you think about it carefully, you can actually match the details of the piece.

A strange series of corpses, murders without clues, serial murders without any reason...

These can be explained clearly!

The truth behind the serial murders turned out to be this!

No wonder they had no clue no matter how they investigated, they went in the wrong direction.


The more Li Bin thought about it, the more shocked he became. His throat rolled and he swallowed.

He had many questions to ask Feng Zheng, but he didn't know where to ask.

His thoughts have become a mess!

Finally, Li Bin looked at Feng Zheng who kept running and asked a question in the cold wind:

"W-where are you going?"

"Go and see a great being, one who can help us eliminate ghost poison."

Feng Zheng answered casually, with a touch of respect and awe deep in his eyes.

Hearing this, Li Bin was very curious.

He was about to ask who this "great being" who was revered by Feng Zheng was, but suddenly his vision went dark and he fell into a coma due to a ghost poison attack.


Clear your mind! Rise up!

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