I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 296 The terror recovery begins!

After some inspection, Tao Xingyuan was lying on the ground with his eyes dull and his clothes messy.

Su Mu sat cross-legged on the side with a thoughtful look on his face.

Sumu uses a spiritual tree as his body, and his strength has already reached the innate realm.

Just now, I used Gang Qi to invade Tao Xingyuan's body and investigate him inside and out.

But even someone with Su Mu's vision still couldn't figure out the origin of the power contained in Tao Xingyuan's body.

Suddenly, an idea came to me.

"This kid seems to have insight into everything in this world. Could it be that he is similar to the Son of Destiny?"

Su Mu couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

Tao Xingyuan didn't know any divination skills at all.

He can predict all kinds of things, it's completely instinctive.

With just one thought, you can understand everything.

This ability reminded Su Mu of the way of heaven.

If Tao Xingyuan is really the son of fate and destiny, Su Mu can be gradually accepted by this world, maybe it has something to do with him.

Thinking of this, Su Mu looked at Tao Xingyuan strangely.

Seeing this, Tao Xingyuan was shocked.

He immediately got up from the ground, grabbed his clothes tightly, and said aggrievedly:

"Brother, everything else will work, but this, this really won't work."

"I-I'm afraid of pain!"

Su Mu's words were filled with anger and he wanted to slap him to death.

"What's this mess? Practice as soon as you have time. I don't know how to use my strength."

"Next, Blue Star will not continue to live in peace!"

After saying that, Su Mu stopped talking to Tao Xingyuan and began to make some Taoist charms and memorize some exercises.

These are all prepared for the demon-slayers under his command.

Blue Star's peaceful days are indeed coming to an end.

The second dark plane space is gradually integrating with the main space of Blue Star.

All kinds of monsters are ready to invade!

The revival of terror is about to begin!

Half a year has passed in a flash.

In the early morning of this day, Li Bin sat at the dining table, chatting and laughing with his wife and daughter, and slowly ate breakfast.

Thinking of his experiences in the past six months, he always felt like he was in a dream.

After practicing martial arts and becoming a demon-slayer that day, Li Bin's life changed drastically!

He was horrified to discover that there was an unknown side to this world.

And this side is not covered up by high-level officials, as some conspiracy theories say.

But really almost no one knows about it!

This is very scary.

Those ferocious demons are simply not something ordinary people can deal with, and the weapons of modern civilization have no effect on them.

Only practitioners like them can kill demons!

Li Bin has been fighting on the front line all year round and has rich combat experience.

After practicing, he made rapid progress.

It didn't take long for him to start to have a certain combat effectiveness.

Under Su Mu's arrangement, Li Bin and Feng Zheng formed a partnership and were responsible for cleaning up the monsters in the city.

As for the police job, he has already resigned.

The reason for using it was that I was too tired and my body couldn’t bear it anymore.

Fortunately, Li Bin's wife is not only a senior white-collar worker, but also very good at making money.

And very understanding and supportive of him.

From then on, Li Bin appeared to be a jobless man who was unemployed at home.

But his family became more harmonious.

If you really get a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?

But Li Bin doesn't really eat soft food at home every day.

In the first three months, he and Feng Zheng teamed up to kill sixteen ghosts!

But after that, there were fewer and fewer ghosts in the city.

In the next three months, the two of them only killed four ghosts.

This is because the first batch of ghosts were released by tearing the passage when Su Mu traveled through the two realms.

After killing it, it's gone.

But recently, Li Bin keenly discovered that there was an ominous atmosphere in the world, and the number of ghosts gradually increased.

He couldn't help but think of what Lord Demon once said - a new era is coming!

This cast a shadow over Li Bin's heart, and his smile couldn't help but shrink a bit.

Is this new era good or bad?

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Have you thought of anything unhappy?"

Li Bin's wife Shen Jing was keenly aware of Li Bin's changes and asked casually.

"I remembered a little thing, it's nothing."

Li Bin put a smile on his face again, said something perfunctory and continued to have breakfast with his wife and daughter.

After breakfast, Li Bin sent his daughter to kindergarten, while Shen Jing rushed to the company to work.

After getting into the taxi, Shen Jing frowned slightly, feeling a little worried.

Every time Li Bin went out to kill monsters at night, he would use some tricks to put Shen Jing into a deep sleep.

He thought he had covered it up well, but he didn't know that in the eyes of his relatives, he was full of flaws.

First, it is a matter of character.

Shen Jing has known Li Bin for more than ten years and knows him very well.

For a person like Li Bin, no matter how tired he is, he cannot rest at home for half a year. This is not in line with his character.

Secondly, it is the face and mental state.

The previous Li Bin looked a little old and was in a bad mental state due to his long-term work schedule, day and night, all year round.

But in the past six months, not only has his health improved, but his face has also become much younger.

This can no longer be adjusted by just resting.

Finally, there are some details in life.

For example, Li Bin would make some calls behind her back to prevent her from hearing him.

For example, Li Bin sometimes has a strange fishy smell.

For example, Li Bin is often in a state of excitement and full of fighting spirit.

The details are too numerous to count.

In short, Li Bin is full of flaws in the eyes of his wife Shen Jing.

Shen Jing knew that her husband must have done something without telling her, but she did not expose it.

She believed in Li Bin's character and knew that he must have his reasons for not saying anything.

But Shen Jing was still worried, fearing that something might happen to him.

"I hope Abin will always be safe and sound!"

With something in mind, Shen Jing arrived at the company unknowingly.

Shen Jing works for a women's underwear company and she is a designer.

After entering the company, there are mannequins everywhere.

Outsiders would probably feel a little fussy when looking at it, but Shen Jing is used to it.

She came to the office and started her day's work.

When you are busy, time always flies by.

Before I knew it, it was noon.

"Well! I'm so tired. I need to take a rest after lunch."

Shen Jing stretched and prepared to go to the company cafeteria downstairs to have a meal and then come back to take a nap.

She stood up and said to her colleagues:

"Xiaorou, do you want to go to dinner together?"

Unexpectedly, after asking, the woman remained motionless, as if she didn't hear Shen Jing's words.

"Xiaorou, Xiaorou?"

Shen Jing was a little strange. She called twice, but still didn't get a response.

Her colleague seemed to be asleep.

But how can anyone sit upright and fall asleep?

At this moment, Shen Jing had an unknown premonition in her heart.

She slowly stretched out her hand and pushed Xiaorou.


A head with exquisite makeup fell off, fell off the desk and rolled out.


Shen Jing was startled, her face turned pale and she stepped back.

After losing her head, Xiaorou's body was so soft that she fell on the table. The cut surface of her neck was full of flesh and blood, but no blood spattered out.

The most terrifying thing is yet to come.

The beautifully made-up head rolled all the way to the feet of a headless family model.

Then, ignoring gravity, it rolled all the way up and connected with the mannequin.

Then, the dummy with a real head actually started to move "kakaka" and strode towards Shen Jing!

"W-what's going on?"

Shen Jing's hands and feet were cold, and she felt a cold air reaching the sky!

But she was not frightened. When she saw the mannequin moving, she immediately opened the door and fled outside.

"Help, help! Is there anyone?"

Shen Jing fled to the corridor and shouted for help.

But after running for a while, she desperately discovered that Xiaorou was not the only one who had undergone changes.

In the company, there are actually several monsters with real heads and dummy bodies who are killing people!

A middle-aged bald man in a suit and tie was caught by a monster and his head was twisted off.

Then his head was placed on the neck of the mannequin.

In this way, this monster has two heads!

Such horrific scenes were staged throughout the company.

There were screams and cries of terror everywhere!

Shen Jing was extremely frightened.

She looked back and saw that "Xiao Rou" had driven the dummy body to catch up.

A strange and cold smile appeared on his face, and a pair of white eyes stared at her!

The pace seems stiff, but in fact it is quite fast.

If this continues, Shen Jing will be caught soon.

This is without considering being singled out by other monsters!

"Sister Jing, come to me!"

Just when Shen Jing was panicking, the ventilation duct above suddenly opened and a hand stretched out.

Shen Jing looked up and saw a young girl.

This little girl's name is Ji Shilan. She is an intern who has just joined the company for two months. Shen Jing has taken care of her for a while before.

In this situation, there is no room for quiet hesitation.

She immediately grabbed Ji Shilan's hand and climbed up the ventilation duct with her help.

As for the monster Xiaorou transformed into, he did not pursue her after seeing her escape.

Because there are prey everywhere!

A horrific killing is underway!

"It's so scary. What on earth is going on?"

Shen Jing gasped and asked Ji Shilan.

The little intern shook his head and said in shock:

"I don't know, a good person suddenly stopped moving, then his head fell off, merged with the mannequin and turned into a monster."

"You don't know either? Forget it, let's not talk about it and call the police quickly."

With that said, Shen Jing took out her mobile phone, but found that there was no signal at all.

"It's useless. There's no signal at all. I've tried it before."

Ji Shilan said helplessly.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Shen Jing frowned and whispered.

She forced herself to calm down and began to think of countermeasures.

"In this case, we don't dare to use the elevator. If there's an accident, there's really no place to run."

"As for the stairs, the thirty-ninth floor is too high. It's probably difficult to escape smoothly."

"Let's try and see if we can get the signal to the phone."

Thinking of this, Shen Jing said to Ji Shilan:

"We crawled out along the ventilation duct, and when we found a room without monsters, we went down, then opened the window and called for help outside."

Ji Shilan's eyes lit up and she agreed:

"This method is good, just do what Sister Jing said."

After the two reached an agreement, they crawled cautiously in the ventilation duct.

They could see traces of monsters everywhere below.

One after another, colleagues had their heads ripped off and turned into headless corpses!

The pungent smell of blood kept pouring into their nostrils, impacting their nerves.


The olfactory and visual stimulation made Ji Shilan almost vomit, but fortunately she held it back.

"Are you OK?"

Shen Jing asked quietly.

"No, it's okay. I don't know what these monsters are. They're too scary!"

Ji Shilan's voice was trembling.

After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down her desire to vomit and crawled up again with Shen Jing.

Fortunately, a few minutes later, they finally found an office without any trace of monsters!

There are only two headless corpses in this office.

Although scary, compared to the murderous and head-twisting monster, it can only be described as cute.

Shen Jing and Ji Shilan jumped down one after another and entered the office.

Afterwards, Shen Jing rushed to the window impatiently.

As long as you open the window, you can call for help from the outside world, and maybe your mobile phone will receive the signal again.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and she quickly opened the curtains and windows with all her strength.

But the next second, Shen Jing was stunned.

She stood in front of the window, her body trembling slightly, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying.

"Sister Jing, what's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong outside the window?"

Seeing this, Ji Shilan immediately approached.

After just one glance, she fell into endless fear just like Shen Jing.

Outside the window, there was nothing but deep darkness!

The building they were in seemed like garbage suspended in the universe, turning into a dead island!

"This, this is impossible! How could this happen? What's wrong with this world?"

Ji Shilan's face was pale and her eyes were wide open.

She couldn't believe her eyes!

The monster that had a real head and a dummy body just now was bizarre and scary enough.

But compared to this scene, it can only be said to be childish.

The worldview that Ji Shilan had established over the past twenty years was shattered to pieces. She felt as if she had been swallowed by an extremely terrifying whirlpool!

After being stunned for a few seconds, Ji Shilan collapsed on the ground, her face full of despair.

Shen Jing is older than this intern and much more mature.

But faced with this situation, I had no idea at all.

Fight, can't beat.

Escape, cannot escape.

As for calling for help, what’s the point of calling for help when the outside world has disappeared?

"It's over!"

Two words emerged in Shen Jing's mind.

She leaned against the wall weakly, sat down slowly, and buried her head between her legs.

At this moment, the image of her family appeared in her mind.

Shen Jing misses her husband, daughter, and elderly parents very much.

At this moment, she wished her husband could be by her side to give her comfort and strength.

After thinking about it, Shen Jing suddenly smiled bitterly.

"My idea is too selfish. If A Bin were here, wouldn't he die with me?"

"I hope he and Niuniu can live a good life."

Thinking of this, tears couldn't help but fill her eyes, and she was swallowed up by grief and fear.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sound of breaking the door.

Then a familiar call came.


"Don't be afraid, Jingjing, I'm here to save you!"

Hearing this voice, Shen Jing shuddered and looked up at the door.

With tears in her eyes, she saw an extremely familiar figure striding towards her.

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Li Bin?

At this moment, Shen Jing almost wondered if he had hallucinated before dying.

She wiped away her tears, rubbed her eyes vigorously and looked again.

Two people strode toward the door, one tall and the other thin.

That tall man is indeed her husband Li Bin!


Shen Jing cried out, threw herself into Li Bin's arms and cried loudly, please relieve the pressure.

But she quickly stopped crying, looked up at Li Bin, and said worriedly:

"How did you get here? It's very dangerous here. There are many murderous monsters!"

Li Bin looked solemn, patted her back and comforted:

"I know, leave the matters here to me."

At this time, Shen Jing discovered that Li Bin was a little different from usual.

He wore strange wooden gloves on his fists, exuding a cold chill.

The whole person is like a warrior getting ready for the battlefield!

"Take this and follow me obediently."

Before Shen Jing could think more, Li Bin put a Taoist talisman into her hand.

Then Li Bin greeted Ji Shilan again.

"That little girl, you should also follow me and don't run around."


Ji Shilan agreed and followed obediently.

Although she didn't know where the confidence of these two people came from, she had no choice now but to hold on to this last glimmer of hope.

Seeing this scene, Feng Zheng frowned slightly and asked Li Bin hastily:

"You want to fight out? This time is different from the past!"

"There are not just one or two ghosts here, but they are integrated with the ghost realm. It is extremely dangerous!"

"They are still little ghosts now, but maybe the ghost king will pop out of nowhere soon!"

"Our best way is to stay where we are and wait for Lord Demon's support."

"Only a great being like him can solve this big trouble."

Yes, this time is completely different from the previous operations.

In the past, only a few ghosts escaped and invaded the main space.

But this time, the space where Shen Jing's company building is located actually merged with the dark plane!

This is no longer a problem that Li Bin and Feng Zheng can solve. Su Mu must personally take action.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

This situation also represents the official start of the terror resurgence.

The curtain of a new era has slowly begun!

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