I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 298 New Era, spread martial arts all over the world!

After the blood mist disappeared, Feng Zheng appeared in another place.

The ghosts and companions have disappeared!

Judging from the appearance of the building, he was still in the building, but it was no longer on the same floor.

"Does this damn place still have the ability to teleport? I wonder what happened to Brother Bing and the others?"

Fengzheng muttered in his heart and began to observe the surrounding situation.

He found that the surrounding buildings were covered with a layer of charred ash, and a disgusting stench emitted from it.

Feng Zheng frowned, with a vague premonition.

He held the demon-slaying sword upside down and carefully explored the corridor.

As soon as I walked to the corner of the corridor, a cold breath suddenly hit me!

Feng Zheng didn't even think about it and immediately retreated, narrowly avoiding a ray of blue flame.

When he stood still, he discovered that the ghost that attacked him was a terrifying-looking charred corpse, surrounded by blue will-o'-the-wisps.

"Yinhuo ghost?"

Feng Zheng looked solemn as he recognized this kind of ghost.

This kind of ghost will cling to their burned corpses and is quite powerful.

Yes, the charred corpse is not a ghost, but the will-o’-the-wisps outside it are!

After missing a hit, the scorched corpse continued to rush toward Feng Zheng under the control of Yin Huo.

This time, Fengzheng didn't plan to quit.

He took out a talisman, held it in his hand, and punched the Yinhuo ghost.

The Yinhuo ghost was not afraid, and one person and one ghost soon collided with each other.

Who would have thought that after one punch, a lot of black sludge would appear on Feng Zheng's arm.

The sludge squirmed toward the Yin Fire Ghost like a living creature and stuck to its body.

The Yin Fire Ghost is very special, possessing both the elements of water and fire, and restraining metal and wood.

I am only afraid of Tu Xing’s magical powers and spells!

Fengzheng is familiar with the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book. Although he has never seen a Yinhuo ghost before, he immediately knows how to deal with it once he encounters it.

Sure enough, under the attack of this earth-moving talisman, the Yinhuo ghost retreated continuously, screaming in agony.

How could Fengzheng let go of this opportunity?

Hurry forward and slash with your sword!

The demon-slaying sword with the warrior's fiery energy and blood penetrated the Yinhuo Ghost's body like a branding iron, causing it to suffer more injuries.

Soon, the yin fire attached to the charred corpse was extinguished.

The unattended charred corpse fell to the ground and became an ordinary corpse.

Fengzheng checked it and was basically certain that the charred corpse was the victim in this building.

But looking around, there was no second charred corpse.

I'm afraid there are a lot of Yinhuo ghosts on this floor, and all the other scorched corpses have been taken away!

"The second kind of ghost appears, and there are quite a lot of them!"

Feng Zheng's expression was more solemn than ever before.

Most of the ghosts he killed before were alone, and the most he happened to encounter were two ghosts at the same time.

This time is different, this place is like a ghost land!

Not only are there many ghosts, but there are also many types.

Who knows what other ghosts we might encounter next?


Fengzheng let out a breath of turbid air and found a place to avoid first.

Unexpectedly, a gust of dark wind came, and four or five charred corpses burning with will-o'-the-wisps came out from everywhere, surrounding him in the middle.


Feng Zheng's complexion changed drastically.

Even though he just killed a Yinhuo ghost with one move, in fact, most of it was due to that Taoist talisman.

He still had two of those Taoist talismans, but they didn't look like they were enough.

Just when Fengzheng was in despair, the window on the side suddenly broke open, and a golden light shone in!

The golden light swept across, and the Yinhuo ghosts gave in one after another.

Unable to give in, he immediately let out a scream and turned into a cloud of ashes under the golden light!

"Are you... demon-slayers from other areas?"

After the golden light dissipated, Feng Zheng saw five energetic people flying in through the broken window.

"That's right! Master Tianmo sent us to support you. How is the situation here?"

asked a strong, bald man.

"My companions and I were separated. They may be in danger. We need to find them quickly!"

Feng Zheng immediately thought of Li Bin, Ji Shilan and Shen Jing.

He himself is in crisis, how can the three of them fare well?

Hearing this, the bald man laughed and said:

"Don't worry, we have three groups of people here, one group has already gone to help, and another group is cleaning out the monsters in this building."

"In this operation, Lord Demon has given me a lot of good things."

As he spoke, the bald man shook a bronze mirror in his hand.

Obviously, this is the magic weapon given to him by Su Mu.

"Is that so? Thank you very much!"

Hearing this, Feng Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. He no longer had to worry about the safety of Li Bin and the three of them.

This is indeed the case.

Just when Li Bin, Shen Jing and Ji Shilan were being surrounded by enemies, a group of demon-slayers came in!

The strength of these people is similar to Fengzheng, but they hold powerful magic weapons in their hands, and they can also manage Taoist talismans.

In this way, the combat power is greatly increased!

Enough to cope with the current situation.

After joining the battlefield, these demon-slayers massacred everyone and quickly cleared away the demons outside.

The ghost disguised as Feng Zheng in the room saw this and wanted to run away, but was discovered by the quick-sighted demon-bender, who nailed it to the wall with a sword!

"It turned out to be a puppet. This kind of ghost is rare."

A demon-slayer said with a smile, then twisted off the ghost's head and threw another talisman into it.


With the help of strong foreign aid, Feng Zheng, Li Bin, Shen Jing and Ji Shilan escaped safely, and many office workers working in the building were also saved.

But this does not mean that everything is calm, and the horror recovery has begun!

After the building was engulfed, a black hole formed there, continuously releasing Yin Qi.

This is just the first point.

As time goes by, the dark plane continues to merge with the main space of Blue Star.

The time of terror resurgence has arrived!

The number of demons and ghosts has increased sharply, and they are wandering in the world, mainly ghosts.

Blue Star Civilization had no way to deal with this, and tragedy was everywhere for a while!

Without the intervention of a strong external force, most of the Blue Star humans would be killed or injured before the spiritual energy was revived!

I don’t know how many years it will take to gradually recover.

But now, there is an additional variable called Sumu!

After the dark plane merges with the main space, the moon banyan tree can absorb spiritual energy more easily.

In this way, not only can it grow vigorously, but the extra spiritual energy can also be used to create a secret space!

Previously, the secret space created by Su Mu could only cultivate thirty warriors at most.

After the resurgence of terror, the secret realm expanded several times, and he was able to cultivate more demon-slayers!

In the third month after the resurgence of terror, the number of demon-slayers finally reached one hundred.

Su Mu could clearly feel that the world's rejection of him had been greatly reduced!

The demon body can already move a little bit.

A large number of demon attacks have appeared all over the world, causing heavy casualties!

Only near the area where Su Mu is, demon-slayers appear every day and kill many ghosts. The safety factor of the surrounding cities has increased many times!

As a result, many people heard the news and moved to nearby cities where Sumu is located.

Originally, this place was just a few second- and third-tier towns. Unexpectedly, in just a few months after the resurgence of terror, it would become overcrowded.

From just one point, you can see how terrible the world today is!

So Su Mu accelerated the training of demon subduers and released as many as possible.

However, the adaptability of the human race is strong.

Although it was impossible to fight head-on against those demons and monsters, after a while some people came up with some ways to avoid them.

Although it may not be 100% effective, it can have some effect.

If you are lucky, you can escape with your life when encountering demons and ghosts.


After working so hard for a year, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Many strange rules are circulated among people, all in order to increase the possibility of surviving when encountering monsters.

On this day, Su Mu looked up at the sky and whispered:

"finally come!"

After such a long wait, the third spiritual energy space finally began to merge with the main space.

From this moment on, spiritual energy recovery will replace terror recovery!

If it develops normally and the spiritual energy reaches a certain level, some people will slowly find a way to practice.

Then after a long period of time, the practice methods were constantly adjusted and improved.

This is the germ of cultivation civilization.

But Blue Star's situation is a little different.

Thanks to the resurgence of terror, monsters are everywhere now!

The development of cultivation civilization will inevitably be restricted.

So Su Mu planned to help.

This is also the most important part of his plan - to spread martial arts all over the world!

After Tao Xingyuan learned about this plan, he showed a rare serious expression.

"Brother, if this plan succeeds, you will become a saint in heaven and earth!"

"How did you know?"

Su Mu had some curious questions.

"This... I don't know either, I just know. Hehe!"

When Su Mu asked this question, Tao Xingyuan broke through in a second and turned into his usual slut again.

However, Su Mu could feel that after the resurgence of terror, the energy in this kid's body became more and more powerful!

This gave him a vague guess, but it wasn't time to verify it yet.

Three years passed in a flash.

Blue Star's spiritual energy level has reached one-tenth of Daqian's level, and is still slowly improving.

Just as Su Mu expected, a cultivation civilization was born on Blue Star.

But it was just some of the most superficial cultivation techniques, which in his opinion were simply unsightly.

And so far, there are no warriors in the acquired or innate realms, and everyone is struggling in the body refining realm.

Even the monsters that appeared earlier have not been cleaned up.

It can be said that today's human race is suppressed by various demons and demons, and it has not yet reached the moment of turning over.

Of course, the demon-slayers trained by Su Mu were not included in this list.

There are a few extremely talented demon-slayers who have successfully cultivated Gang Qi and entered the acquired realm.

They are spread all over the world, killing monsters and monsters, and they are heroic existences in people's minds!

As for Su Mu, the leader of the demon-slayers, he is synonymous with mystery and power.

Like a god!

His subsequent "Bu Wu Tian Xia" laid the foundation for his fame.

And today, three years later, Sumu Buwu's plan to conquer the world is finally about to begin!

"The spiritual energy concentration is almost there, we can start."

Su Mu was flying in the air, looking at the land, with golden light in his eyes.

After these years of practice, his avatar has reached the master level.

Not only that, the "merits" accumulated in the past few years have greatly reduced the limitations of Su Mu's demonic body.

When necessary, you can take action!

"Brother, are you ready to start that plan?"

At this time, Tao Xingyuan's voice appeared next to Su Mu.

I saw Tao Xingyuan riding a big bird that looked like a small plane, flying in the air.

This big wither looks majestic at first glance, but its eyes are a bit weird, like a husky.

This temperament matches Tao Xingyuan quite well, he looks like a sandbag.

Compared with ghosts, there are far fewer monsters on Blue Star.

Therefore, Tao Xingyuan cherished the "spiritual pet" he had tamed, and he always took good care of it.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Su Mu asked Tao Xingyuan.

This guy is extraordinary, and his opinions have certain reference value.

"No, no, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

Tao Xingyuan said excitedly.


"Yes! Brother, think about it, a brand new era, how interesting it is. Hehe!"

Hearing this, Su Mu smiled and said nothing more.

The new era has already begun, and he just wants to push it harder to speed up the change.

On this day, a piece of news spread across the world.

The mysterious leader of the demon-slayers announced three basic cultivation techniques and ten basic martial arts!

At this moment, the whole world was in an uproar, and everyone was shocked!

The exercises and martial arts announced by Su Mu were many times more sophisticated than those they created themselves.

Just like the gap between the Stone Age and the Industrial Age, it is so huge that it is unimaginable!

In the following period, almost everyone was practicing these skills.

It doesn’t matter if you have talent or not, just practice first and then talk!

However, there is hardly one person in a million who can truly cultivate on his own.

Although what Su Mu announced was only the body-forging realm techniques, they were still too subtle for Blue Star people to understand.

Only a very small number of monsters can practice on their own without anyone teaching them.

But the practice was also very difficult and not smooth.

Su Mu had already expected this.

On the tenth day after announcing the technique, he announced the creation of a martial arts school with an enrollment of 3,000 students.

There is only one admission requirement, and that is to be able to learn one of the three major exercises on your own.

Only a genius of this level would be interested in teaching Su Mu.

Of course, he couldn't do everything himself.

Before establishing the martial arts academy, Su Mu recalled a group of powerful and capable demon-slayers and asked them to help establish the martial arts academy.

Feng Zheng and Li Bin, who had been fighting demons and demons for many years, were called back and entrusted with important tasks.

Among them, Fengzheng became the chief martial arts instructor.

Li Bin even became the teaching director!

One can imagine what kind of social status the two of them will have after the Blue Star martial arts civilization develops!

After the news was announced, in less than three days the academy had recruited 3,000 top talents who could start on their own within ten days.

The usual courses are taught by the demon-slayers under Su Mu. Only a very small number of the top geniuses are qualified to let Su Mu give occasional advice.

Everything is in order, and Blue Star's martial arts civilization has entered a stage of rapid development with Su Mu's intervention!

According to Su Mu's expectation, after these three thousand geniuses have reached perfection in body training, they will be released to practice for a few years.

While spreading the martial arts, slaying demons and demons at the same time.

After a few years, they will be recalled again and continue to teach the techniques of the innate and acquired realms, and so on.

After the establishment of the Martial Arts Academy, Su Mu could clearly feel that his "merits" were skyrocketing!

This speed is more than a hundred times faster than before!

It seems that his actions to spread military power across the world have been highly recognized by the will of heaven in this world.

If this continues, Su Mu's demon body will soon be able to lift all restrictions and will no longer be suppressed by this world.

This is just the beginning.

After the suppression is lifted, the "merits" accumulated by Su Mu can deepen his connection with this world.

Perhaps to a certain extent, it will only be a matter of course for him to break through to the Holy Realm!

On this day, a full year has passed since Su Mu founded the martial arts academy, and everything is developing in a good direction.

In the principal's office, he was reprimanding several students.

"It's been a year and you haven't mastered such a simple martial arts. Who are you geniuses?"

"Practice, practice hard for me!"

After hearing his reprimand, these students lowered their heads in shame.

In the eyes of others, they are the pride of heaven.

Even the best among these three thousand students, the genius among geniuses!

But they know that this strength and talent are nothing at all, not even one ten thousandth of the principal!

They tried their best, but it was difficult to achieve the goal achieved by the principal.

Where does one deserve the word "genius"?


These students agreed with shame and retreated together.

I will probably practice even harder in the future.

After they left, Su Mu opened a magazine and started reading.

He doesn't need to practice anymore, he just needs to continue to accumulate "merit".

"This day is quite pleasant."

Su Mu yawned and flipped through the magazine.

Suddenly, the words and pictures in the magazine suddenly twisted and squirmed.

Then a figure appeared on the paper!

The figure's face was unclear, with only a pair of dark eyes looking straight at Su Mu.

"If you want to step into the holy realm, this alone is not enough."

A voice came from the magazine.

He is talking to Sumu!

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be frightened by this change and throw away all the magazines.

But Su Mu just squinted slightly, looked at the figures in the magazine, and asked calmly:

"Do you understand what you mean?"

"Of course, as long as you want, I can teach you the holy realm skills now."

"This world has just opened. You can become the only supreme saint in the holy realm and control the way of heaven! You are comparable to the true god!"

The figure's words were full of deception.

After hearing this, Su Mu sneered and asked:

"So, what's the price?"

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