I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 302 The undercurrent is surging, the plan to kill the gods!

Among the many guards of the Su family, Zhang Shan is inconspicuous.

He is mediocre in strength and taciturn. When he stands in the crowd, he looks like a transparent person with little sense of existence.

But at this time, he actually knocked the crazy monkey away with one stick!

This strength surprised everyone.

"Xiaoshan, are you a graduate of the First Martial Arts Academy?"

Su Fan was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but think of the rumor.

It is said that his grandfather Su Chen had an unknown close relationship with the demon who existed like a god.

Could it be true?

You know, only the top geniuses can enter the First Martial Arts Academy!

The First Martial Arts Academy recruits 3,000 people every year, and only one-third of them choose to leave when they graduate.

Most of them will stay near the college and continue their studies.

Every graduate of the First Martial Arts Academy is very powerful!

After entering society, he was sought after by countless people and treated as a guest by countless forces.

If Zhang Shan wants to, he has a lot of good places for him to choose from.

But he is working as a small guard in the Su family, which is incredible.

No wonder Su Fan would think of that rumor.

The five murderers, Crazy Monkey and Lu Guang, also thought of this.

Lu Guang smacked his lips and said with a smile:

"From the First Martial Arts Academy? That's interesting."

"It seems that your Su family does have a problem!"

The bald villain on the side took out two copper hammers from his back, held them tightly in his hands, and then moved his neck as thick as a thigh.

"I've always heard how awesome the people at the First Martial Arts Academy are, and today I finally have the chance to give it a try."

"I want to see if you are really that awesome!"

As he spoke, the bald evil man rushed out suddenly, and hit Zhang Shan with two copper hammers carrying strong wind.

The other four murderers followed closely behind him, killing Zhang Shan together!

The five of them had received the news before they came. They knew that there might be a strong enemy in the Su family, so they were already prepared.

Once you encounter a strong enemy, let the bald villain with the strongest strength and defense stand in front, and the remaining four will follow closely, waiting for the opportunity!

"Back off!"

Seeing the five murderers coming, Zhang Shan gave a sharp shout and told Su Fan and others to stay away from the battlefield.

But there was no fear on his face, he just stood firmly in place, as if there were roots under his feet.

This ordinary mixed-iron rod danced with countless afterimages in Zhang Shan's hands, and his whole body was tightly defended.

The next moment, five people attacked him at the same time, throwing all kinds of killing moves at him.

Either a sharp steel claw, a sharp long knife, a huge copper hammer, or a concealed poisonous needle...

But Zhang Shan, with one person and one stick, danced so tightly that he blocked all the moves!

Especially the pair of huge copper hammers were bounced back and hit the bald villain.

With a shocked look on his face, he hurriedly pulled the iron chain on the copper hammer, and finally forced the direction to change at the last moment without hitting himself.

The attack was ineffective and the five people were furious.

Each used their best skills to attack Zhang Shan crazily.

But no matter how he attacks, Zhang Shan can easily defend himself without even the slightest change in his breath.

It gives people a flawless feeling!

One person and one stick are an insurmountable copper and iron wall!

After more than ten seconds, the faces of the five murderers turned solemn.

They looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Then he stopped attacking at the same time, retreated more than 20 meters away, and confronted Zhang Shan.

"This kid is difficult to deal with."

Lu Guang said with a cold expression.

After the fight, they realized how difficult Zhang Shan was!

The cultivation levels of several people are almost the same, at the level of the innate peak.

But Zhang Shan’s stick skills and martial arts are so exquisite!

The five murderers thought they were powerful and had extraordinary martial arts skills, but they didn't expect that they were not worth mentioning in front of Zhang Shan!

All their killing moves were blocked and they were unable to break even half a point.

Zhangshan is like a tough rock that remains motionless no matter how wind blows or rains it!

"What should I do? If it continues like this, one hour won't be enough."

The bald villain was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"The First Martial Arts Academy... is indeed the holy place in the eyes of warriors around the world!"

"This guy's cultivation level is similar to ours, but his martial arts skills are much better than ours."

"I can't take him down for a while, what should I do?"

A murderer who had been silent before asked his companions in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the crazy monkey lowered his head and let out a strange and cold laugh.

"Hey hey hey...let me try it."

"You guys stop him for me, and I'll kidnap Su Fan."

As he spoke, the crazy monkey scratched his body with his claws, causing his skin to be torn and blood to flow out!

But after being injured, not only did the crazy monkey's fighting spirit not diminish, but his aura increased greatly!

His eyes were blood red, and there were bursts of inhuman sounds coming from his mouth.

The whole person was already lying on the ground, like a wild beast!

Seeing this, the other four people knew that Crazy Monkey had activated his "special" state.

In this state, the crazy monkey's sanity is greatly reduced, but his strength will be greatly improved.

The only drawback is that it doesn't last very long, and it will be debilitating for a while afterwards.

Time was precious, so the five battle-experienced thugs immediately reworked their battle plan and attacked again with 41 strength.

"not good!"

Seeing that Mad Monkey had the tendency to go beyond him and deal with Su Fan directly, Zhang Shan secretly thought something was wrong.

He flew towards the crazy monkey and slammed the iron rod down hard.

But the next second, a giant hammer attacked and blocked the stick.

Just as Zhang Shan was about to change his moves and attack again, he felt a gust of wind coming from behind.

It was the other three who took action!

In desperation, he could only take back his weapon and fight back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Crazy Monkey attacked Su Fan!

The guards around Su Fan were very brave and rushed forward desperately.

It's a pity that the strength gap between the two sides is too big.

The crazy monkey's steel claws flew and every life was ended!

These guards are not his enemies at all, and they can't even delay him for much time.

In just five seconds, Iron Monkey was in front of Su Fan!

Su Fan's expression changed drastically, but he remained calm in the face of danger.

As soon as he raised his hand, several spiritual talismans flew out, and powerful power burst out!


The crazy monkey screamed and was swallowed up by a ball of purple flames.

Seeing this, Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knows the next second, a figure with fire rushes out.

Su Fan was shocked and wanted to use some other magic weapons, but it was too late!

The crazy monkey's speed suddenly increased, and he was in front of him in an instant, hooking his steel claw.


Blood spattered, several of Su Fan's meridians were cut off, and he collapsed to the ground in pain and weakness.

"Thanks to this treasure armor for body protection, otherwise I would really have been attacked."

Crazy Monkey mentioned the limp Su Fan and glanced at his body hatefully.

I saw that his body was covered with a layer of cyan treasure armor.

There are obvious signs of damage on it, and the aura is also a little weak.

Obviously, it is not easy to resist those few talismans just now.

At the same time, the battle on Lu Guang's side was a bit difficult.

Seeing that Su Fan was injured and captured, Zhang Shan turned to the defensive and started attacking crazily!

The mixed iron rod turned into an angry dragon in his hand, roaring and smashing at Lu Guang and the four of them, with infinite power!

Lu Guang and the others originally thought that Zhang Shan was only good at defense, but now they realized that his offensive was just as fierce!

Although they left a wound on Zhang Shan's body, they hurt him more seriously.

One of them did not evade hastily and was hit in the right arm by Zhang Shan with a stick.

In an instant, this arm was shattered inch by inch and was smashed to pieces!

If this stick hits the head, the consequences will be disastrous!

"The target is obtained, retreat!"

Crazy Monkey originally planned to kill Zhang Shan with his companions after capturing Su Fan.

Seeing how ferocious he was, he changed his mind and left with Su Fan in a flash.

Hearing this, Lu Guang and the others heaved a sigh of relief and quickly evacuated behind Crazy Monkey.

If they wait a little longer, they may not be able to hold Zhang Shan back.

This guy attacked like he was desperate, as if he wanted to die with them!

"Stay, stay!"

Zhang Shan's eyes widened with anger, and he chased after him with a roar.

Lu Guang turned back and smiled sinisterly at him, then threw down a spell.


Black mist filled the air, shrouding Zhang Shan, and he lost all perception of the outside world.

When it resumed again, it was already half a minute later, and the five murderers and Su Fan had already disappeared.

"I'm sorry for the principal's trust!"

Zhang Shan blamed himself extremely, but he knew that now was not the time for ink.

After saying that, he immediately set off and rushed to the First Martial Arts Academy.


On the other half, the five murderers, Lu Guang and Crazy Monkey, looked happy and in a happy mood.

They chatted while carrying the unconscious Su Fan on their way.

"It's developed, it's developed now! According to the agreement, this guy is worth 10 billion, and if we divide it among one of us, we can still get 2 billion!"

"Hahaha! With 2 billion, I can go to the black market to sell some top-quality elixirs and try to reach the Grandmaster realm!"

"You're a guy who can't sell your dog meat to the public. Why are you going to the black market? Have you forgotten that the big shot promised to help us run the operation and remove our status as a wanted criminal within a month?"

"That's right. I can go wherever I want by then, and I won't have to be chased around the world by those black dogs anymore."

Several people were talking and laughing, and had already planned their future.

They even thought about the five of them continuing to cooperate, and after clearing their identities, they would start a sect or company together and become true masters.

The five people walked forward and came to the depths of a primeval forest.

When they approached a waterfall, they stopped talking and became alert.

"I'll go check out the situation first."

The crazy monkey dropped a word and ran forward alone.

Although he was in a sluggish state at this time, only 70% of his peak strength was left.

But in this kind of forest, he is still the fastest and most agile one.

After the crazy monkey left, the four of them started repairing on the spot.

After a while, the crazy monkey came back.

"No one else, just the old man. Safe!"

Hearing this, the four people became energetic.

Lu Guang mentioned Su Fan and smiled excitedly:

"Let's go trade!"

Under his leadership, the five people walked to the top of the waterfall.

I saw a kind-hearted old man standing on the edge of the cliff of the waterfall, looking at them with a smile.

"Are you here? Things are going well."

"He's right here, what do you think?"

Lu Guang smiled proudly and threw Su Fan in front of the old man.

The old man glanced at it and said with satisfaction:

"Very good, still alive."

"By the way, you didn't leak any information."

"For example...my existence?"

Lu Guang frowned and said dissatisfied:

"What are you thinking about? What we pay attention to when doing things is credibility!"

The old man nodded and said calmly:

"That's good, that's good."

At this time, the bald villain lost his temper. He rushed forward, grabbed the old man's collar, and asked fiercely:

"Old man, we brought the person you wanted, and you did what you said."

"So, where's the money you promised us?"

"Also, remember to remove the wanted notices for several of us within a month."

"Otherwise, I'll crush your head!"

Seeing this, Lu Guang said with a smile:

"Don't be so rude. The man in front of you is the brother of the King of Northern Eagle Kingdom. Be a gentleman."

Although he said so, Lu Guang had no intention of dissuading him.

He stepped forward, ready to search to see if the old man had any bank cards on him.

But as soon as he passed the bald villain and saw the old man's eyes, Lu Guang was suddenly shocked.

At this time, the old man had been lifted up without his feet touching the ground.

But his face was extremely calm, and there was a coldness in the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, Lu Guang felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

But before he could react, the old man gently waved his palm and hit the bald man holding him.


With a muffled sound, the bald villain's huge head exploded.

The unmanned body shook and fell to the ground limply.

However, the old man is still suspended in the air!

Seeing this scene, the remaining four people's eyes bulged and they were extremely frightened!

"Flying in the air, the master is strong!"

Who would have thought that this royal child of the Northern Eagle Kingdom would actually be a powerful master!

You must know that before this, he had never shown any cultivation in public, and he had always looked weak and kind.

He was even almost attacked and killed by several thugs during a speech!

After roaring, the remaining four people fled in four directions.

Although they are all innate peak warriors, there is only a thin line between them and the master.

But there was no fighting spirit in his heart.

The gap between grandmaster and innate is too big!

Just flying in the air can make the innate warrior stare blankly, only to be beaten.

Seeing four people running wildly in four different directions, the old man was not worried at all.

He took out a box from his arms and opened it to reveal seven small swords as long as his hands.

Although these seven swords combined are not as big as a short sword, they have consumed the Northern Eagle Kingdom's huge financial, material and manpower!

Ordinary forces simply cannot build this set of flying sword boxes.


The old man flicked his fingers, and four of the small swords rose into the air, and a rainbow streaked through the air with a whooshing sound.

Ten seconds later, one of the flying swords came back.

A frightened head hung below, belonging to one of the murderers.

After another half minute, the second flying sword came back, with a head also underneath.

Immediately afterwards, the third flying sword came back, with Lu Guang's head hanging underneath.

The last flying sword came back more than two minutes later, killing the crazy monkey.

Looking at the crazy monkey’s hideous and ugly head, the old man sighed:

"He was able to escape for more than two minutes. He is such a malleable talent. What a pity, what a pity!"

With that said, he withdrew his flying sword and burned the bodies of the five murderers.

Then he brought up the unconscious Su Fan and disappeared into the vast forest.

The truth about Su Fan's disappearance became a secret.

Apart from them, only heaven and earth know.

The old man and his companions are going to use this bait to do something big!

Today's Blue Star no longer needs a "god" to lead the world forward.

In the eyes of some people, such a superior "god" cannot exist, otherwise it will affect their power and interests.

Therefore, they want to kill the gods! ! !


At this time, in the First Martial Arts Academy, Su Mu, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared on the top of the school's central building, looking up into the distance, motionless.

The students and teachers coming and going were very curious, wondering why their god-like principal had suddenly left seclusion.

But they didn't dare to disturb him and continued to do their own things.

Beside Su Mu, Tao Xingyuan sat squatting.

He looked up at Sumu and asked timidly:

"Brother, aren't you angry?"

"Those little moves are all for you, they... want to kill you!"

Su Mu looked at the vast sky above his head and said with a smile:

"This is human nature, why are you angry?"

"If it is left unchecked for a hundred years, it will naturally breed a lot of filth."

"Let's take this opportunity to clean it up from beginning to end."

"It will also lay the foundation for you to advance to the Holy Realm."

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