I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 304: Suppress everything. God’s throne is permanent, a special path.

Although the concentration of Blue Star's spiritual energy is not as good as that of Jiuzhou Realm, let alone Tianyuan Realm.

But under the control of Sumu, the huge root system of the Yue Rongmu penetrated deeply into the third layer of spiritual air, absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy in advance and winning at the starting line.

After practicing for decades one after another, I have condensed my own small world in the past few years and entered the realm of the Martial God!

However, this tree demon clone of the Martial God Realm has no use and has been in a state of idle development.

To this day, he was shocked!

Su Mu's consciousness returned to Yue Rongmu from the second clone.

The extremely powerful tree spirit was revealed to the world for the first time!

This is a power they cannot imagine!

In Blue Star today, the cultivation civilization has just begun.

In their understanding, the Grandmaster is the most powerful existence.

As everyone knows, there are many more powerful realms above the master!

Tuoba Tianzong and Xia Jiang, who were locked by the powerful aura, felt cold and cold all over their bodies, and felt an unprecedented fear!

"Quick, start Plan C! Quick!!!"

Xia Jiang's face was twisted and he roared crazily.

In fact, without him having to say anything, Tuoba Tianzong had already taken out a communicator and pressed the only red button on it.

The next moment, piercing sirens sounded all around the forbidden area.

Groups of heavily armed soldiers came out, hundreds of thousands of them!

They surrounded this forbidden area, including some top weapons from the old era.

The development of cultivation civilization is not enough to completely replace the weapons of the old era.

However, due to mobility issues, it cannot deal with masters who can fly in the air and conceal their aura.

But it should have an effect on this extremely huge tree demon... right?

The so-called Plan C is the final plan for this operation.

Several major forces in the God-Slaying Alliance have formed a powerful elite army, integrating cultivation civilization and technological civilization, and its combat power is extremely powerful!

If movement is restricted, the Grandmaster can kill at will!

Once an uncontrollable situation occurs in the forbidden area, this army will be dispatched to destroy everything in the forbidden area.

Plan C is launched, and the goal is to wipe out the forbidden land!

The disadvantage of this plan is that it makes too much noise and will expose part of its strength.

But now that things have developed, there is no choice.

If no response is taken, not only will the plan fail, but Tuoba Tianzong and Xia Jiang will also die without a burial place!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Artillery fire roared, missiles flew, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers advanced into the forbidden area carrying large-caliber weapons prepared for warriors.

If the picture is frozen at this moment, it will fully demonstrate the greatness of human civilization and the terrifying collective power.


Boom! ! !

The earth within a hundred miles suddenly surged, and countless twisted and thick roots, like winding dragons and snakes, shot out from the ground.

Not only the forbidden area, but also the area near the forbidden area is shrouded in it!

After the third level of spiritual energy space was completely integrated with Blue Star, Sumu spread the huge root system of the Moon Banyan tree into the ground.

The moon banyan tree is like an iceberg.

What’s floating on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg!

Countless roots surged wildly, killing the hundreds of thousands of soldiers like a terrifying tsunami.

"Fire! Fire!"

Facing this horrific scene, these soldiers, who were equipped with powerful weapons and underwent arduous training, were horrified.

They fired like a roaring wall of gunfire.

However, let alone hurting Sumu, not even his offensive could be stopped in the slightest!

In the next moment, both sides' attacks fell.

The missiles and artillery fire were all blocked by a translucent green aura barrier.

It exploded in the air and turned into clouds of fireworks.

And the surging and roaring root system tsunami of Sumu crushed hundreds of thousands of soldiers with just one impact!

There was not a single complete corpse, only a sea of ​​blood with some body parts floating on it!

The battle was over in an instant.

Tuoba Tianzong and Xia Jiang were hiding in the underground base. There was no color on their faces and their whole bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

What is this power?

Is this really a level that living beings can reach? !

At this moment, their minds went blank as they kept replaying the scene that had just happened.

But Sumu's offensive was not over.


The thousand-meter-long tree spirit roared up to the sky, and countless roots condensed into an angry dragon-like existence, killing in all directions.

The target this time is all the thermal weapons placed around.

Soon, there was a roar all around, and huge balls of flames exploded.

Those cutting-edge weapons inherited from the old era were destroyed with one move.

Plan C, which was carefully prepared by the God-Slaying Alliance and regarded as a ultimate killing move, was destroyed in an instant.

Under absolute power, everything becomes false!

"It's your turn."

Sumu let out a thunderous whisper, and several roots condensed into a giant claw, grabbing the ground across a distance of twenty kilometers.

The entire base where Tuoba Tianzong and Xia Jiang were hiding was dug out by Su Mu!

Sumu retracted his wooden root claws and looked down at the panicked crowd in the base.

His eyes were cold, as if he were looking at a group of ants scurrying around after their nests were filled with boiling water.

"Don't kill me! Please, don't kill me!"

"I am willing to explain everything. I can tell you everything about the God-Slaying Alliance!"

Tuoba Tianzong knelt on the ground, looked up at Su Mu, and begged.

In just a few days, he went from a behind-the-scenes commander to a pitiful man facing death.

At this moment, all greed and thoughts disappeared.

All that's left is the desire for life!

"God-Slaying Alliance? Ha, it's really boring."

Su Mu thought boredly, and then the roots shrank, crushing the entire base and turning it into a ball of powder.

Xia Jiang, Tuoba Tianzong and some of their men were all crushed to death.

Until the last moment before death, this group of people didn't know that Su Mu didn't care at all.

He single-handedly led the development of Blue Star's cultivation civilization, but he didn't care about anything.


Because I don't care.

No matter how Blue Star's cultivation civilization develops, it will not be able to surpass the Jiuzhou Realm in a short time, let alone the Tianyuan Realm.

Su Mu's only thought was to find a way to advance to the Holy Realm on Blue Star.

For him, Blue Star is a bit like a laboratory.

As for other things, Su Mu didn't care.

The absolute power is enough to make him proud of everything.

Tuoba Tianzong thought that the information he knew was somewhat valuable, but in fact it was worthless in Su Mu's eyes.

What God-Slaying Alliance?

As long as it doesn't interfere with him, that's all.

As long as you make a fuss, you can just crush it. Why do you need to waste so much thought?

What's more, Su Mu also has Tao Xingyuan, the son of heaven, beside him, and all conspiracies and tricks have nowhere to hide in front of him!

There is no need for Su Mu to investigate, just ask him if necessary.

But now, the commotion of these little ants has caught Su Mu's eyes.

He decided to clean up the trash.


On this day, a huge tree spirit with a height of 1,000 meters walked out of the forbidden area and came to the world.

The whole world is boiling!

Almost all countries entered the first level of alert at the same time.

The countries and forces in the God-Slaying Alliance even trumpeted that this tree spirit was a demon crawling out of hell and an evil god who wanted to destroy Blue Star.

Under the crazy propaganda and momentum of the major forces in the God-Slaying Alliance, the world has fallen into panic.

But the leaders of the big forces are not that stupid.

They had more or less heard about the God-Slaying Alliance, so they did not take the initiative to attack the tree spirits.

This move gave them a chance to survive.

Soon, the world discovered that this tree spirit was not the crazy and evil demon god it was advertised to be.

He did not kill indiscriminately, but went straight to certain locations and carried out precise strikes.

One stronghold and base after another was destroyed.

In just one month, the God-Slaying Alliance suffered heavy losses!

This organization that tried to kill the demon who would be regarded as a god by the world was finally exposed to the sun under the investigation of all parties!

If the God-Slaying Alliance is progressing smoothly.

Then, people may change their views.

God must be invincible.

If it can be defeated, it is not God.

If it is slaughtered, it will be slaughtered.

But now the God-Slaying Alliance is retreating steadily, and the global forces have been dealt a devastating blow, bringing with it killings and fear.

Then they are sinners.

Blasphemous sinners who deserve death!

This is human nature.

As for Sumu, who crushes everything and is incredibly powerful, his position as a god becomes more and more stable.

Many people speculate that the tree spirit is the true form of Sumu.

He is Blue Star, a god who has survived for hundreds of millions of years. He is the one who opened a new era for Blue Star and spread the fire of civilization.

This guess is either right or wrong.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Just know that He is the true God!

Su Mu didn't care what the world thought.

He just took this opportunity to move his body.

The talent of Yue Rongmu is very good and worth cultivating.

Su Mu has already thought about it.

After leaving this dungeon, I left the moon banyan tree behind and tried to break through to the holy realm!

Here are some systems to talk about.

After the system is repaired, Su Mu can return to the Kyushu realm at any time, and he can also control Yue Rongmu's body after returning.

This gives him a lot of control.

It is much easier to break through to the Holy Realm in Blue Star than in the Kyushu Realm.

Comparing the two worlds, Blue Star is at a lower level and has the help of Tao Xingyuan.

As long as he finds out how to break through the holy realm, Su Mu is sure to break through this level within a hundred years!

These are all Su Mu's follow-up plans.

Now, let’s deal with those noisy little ants first.

Since the previous activities were almost completed, Sumu accelerated the process in the follow-up.

He visited several kingdoms in the God-Slaying Alliance one after another.

By this time, there were only a few people who dared to confront him.

As soon as the tree spirit arrived, the army automatically collapsed and fled for their lives.

This made Su Mu feel even more boring.

He slaughtered the royal family and moved on to the next country.

It wasn't until half a month later that an interesting character finally came.

The founder and leader of the God-Slaying Alliance appeared in front of Su Mu!

This is a man who looks quite young and somewhat handsome.

He was of medium height, wearing a black jacket, standing on the top of the plane, facing Sumu from a distance.

"Although I guessed that the big banyan tree in the forbidden area has a certain connection with you, I didn't expect that it would actually be your true body."

"It's a mistake, it's a mistake!"

The man smiled heartily, with no fear on his face.

"You seem to know me quite well."

Su Mu looked at him and vaguely sensed that there was other power in his body.

Hearing this, the man's smile froze for a moment, then he shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"Sure enough, even I have no sense of existence in your eyes."

"I am Zhao Chengfeng, a student of the fifth class of the First Martial Arts Academy, graduating with first place."

Hearing this, Su Mu casually said "Oh" without any special reaction.

He established the First Martial Arts Academy in order to deliver a group of high-quality talents to Blue Star and promote the development of the entire Blue Star cultivation civilization.

The students among them are all tool people.

It's not that he doesn't remember, it's that he has never remembered it.

Su Mu's attitude made Zhao Chengfeng's expression turn cold.

He said bitterly:

"Yes, this is the attitude! This will always be the attitude!"

"Don't other people have any weight in your eyes?"

"Even if I graduated with first place, I couldn't feel your attention, not even a little bit!"

"I originally planned to stay in school, but I changed my mind later."

"I must break into a new world and let you know what you are ignoring."

"I'm going to make you pay for your arrogance!"

Zhao Chengfeng roared crazily.

It is true that over the years, driven by desire and interests, his motives have become more and more complex.

But this has never changed!

He, Zhao Chengfeng, wants the arrogant god to see his wisdom!


A loud shout rang out from his mouth, the black jacket left and exploded, and streams of spiritual light burst out from his body.

Zhao Chengfeng's figure has grown a lot, and his exposed skin is shining with metallic luster in many places, like a semi-metallic man, with many runes and formations shining on it.

"This is?"

Until then, Su Mu's expression finally changed slightly, and he seemed a little surprised.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng introduced him proudly.

"Principal, this is what I have achieved over the years, and it is also my courage to kill the gods!"

"The complete integration of cultivation civilization and technological civilization!"

"Human wisdom is endless!"

It turned out that Zhao Chengfeng had a large number of foreign devices implanted in his body.

He has been studying this technology for decades and finally matured in the past few years.

In Zhao Chengfeng's view, manpower will eventually be exhausted.

Especially after cultivating to Grandmaster Consummation, this idea becomes even stronger!

He felt that he had reached the end of his cultivation path and had to make some new breakthroughs.

Then, a bold idea popped up.

He wants to use external force to strengthen and transform his body to make it more powerful!

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng's skin, eyes, bones, internal organs, and spine were all no longer original.

He used various rare metals to create various artificial organs, and burned powerful formations and runes to replace his original organs.

For example, the spine is made of red gold and colorful fine iron, two extremely precious spiritual metals, and is then inscribed with the spirit gathering formation and the blood-exploding curse.

This spine, which can be regarded as a magic weapon, not only perfectly replaces Zhao Chengfeng's original spine and greatly increases the defense, but also has a variety of powerful abilities.

First of all, the energy continuously absorbs spiritual energy, doubling his recovery power during battle!

Secondly, he can store a massive amount of spiritual energy, making his internal spiritual energy reserves twice as large as those of warriors of the same level!

Finally, it can also stimulate and activate the potential in the body, bursting out several times the normal strength in a short period of time!

This is simply the strengthening that comes with a spine.

In addition, the skin, eyes, bones, internal organs, etc. that Zhao Chengfeng replaced all have powerful abilities!

In his view, this is an evolution, an unprecedentedly powerful technology!

After evolving, Zhao Chengfeng tested his strength.

He has assassinated some talented students from the First Martial Arts Academy, and they all have the cultivation level of a master.

But these people are far from his opponents!

The evolved Zhao Chengfeng can crush these powerful men of the same level who were once difficult to defeat!

This made him swell like never before.

Zhao Chengfeng felt that he had found the right path!

It's time to challenge the high gods.

It’s time to lead the next stage of development of Blue Star Civilization.

He wants people all over the world to see his greatness!

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