I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 319 Immortal weapon has no owner and is trapped in reincarnation

In the underworld, auras flickered and dispelled the darkness.

Countless wandering ghosts woke up and roared towards the Samsara Pearl.

But there are still a large number of ghosts standing on the side of the underworld.

Countless evil ghosts collided together and started a crazy fight!

But no matter which side it is, it is actually the power of the Netherworld.

Their demise will cause the power of the underworld to continue to decline!

From the perspective of the Five Ghost Emperors, this is completely cannibalism.

"Those fox monsters are also evil obstacles. We must get rid of them as soon as possible!"

One of the ghost emperors with ferocious wings sensed Mengli's threat, fluttered his wings and attacked the little fox.

Unexpectedly, Mengli smiled slyly and transformed into countless spiritual lights in a flash, blending into the Netherworld.

In this endless illusion, how can we tell where her true identity is?

Even if it is possible, it is not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

Su Mu would not just watch.

After poisoning a ghost emperor, half of the stored poison was left.

Su Mu wanted to repeat his old trick, but the remaining four ghost emperors were extremely vigilant and used their magical powers to prevent him from getting close.

Seeing this, Su Mu didn't force himself, changed into his original form, and fought with the four ghost emperors.

With the help of Mengli, the Netherworld was in chaos, and the five ghost emperors could no longer use holy realm methods to deal with Su Mu.

In this way, they were brought to the same level, both having perfect cultivation of the Martial God.

But as the battle continued, Sumu, who was one against four, slowly occupied the top!

After all, these four ghost emperors are just shells controlled by cross-borders, not their true bodies.

So there will be occasional inconsistencies.

A short battle was fine, not to mention dealing with targets that were far weaker than them, as they were easy to catch.

But once you encounter a long-term, high-intensity battle, flaws will appear!

Although this incongruity may only last for a short moment, and the magnitude is small.

For example, the falling knife is a little off, and the ghost energy movement is half a minute weaker.

But in this level of battle, this flaw is very fatal!

Su Mu seized on their occasional incoordination and continued to attack.

Fire thunder, poisonous rain, dragon's breath, flying scales and other magical powers were used continuously, and the sky was shattering with the four ghost emperors!

The Netherworld is a small world in sub-space, and its strength is less than one-tenth of the Kyushu realm.

If they weren't in the core of the underworld and protected by the Reincarnation Pearl, the surrounding space would have split open!

But this is a big burden for the Samsara Pearl.

This fairy weapon is the core of the Netherworld and is responsible for absorbing soul power, producing ghosts, controlling ghosts, etc.

At this time, not only must he and Meng Li compete for control of the ghosts, but they must also stabilize the underworld space.

It’s a bit unsustainable!

Such a predicament caused the Holy Realm Supreme, who controlled the four ghost emperors, to communicate crazily in their spiritual consciousness.

"No! If this continues, the underworld will collapse!"

"This snake demon is as fast as lightning, as strong as iron, as strong as a mountain, and its demon power is endless. It is really difficult to deal with!"

"Damn monsters, killing you ten thousand times is not enough!"

"Stop yelling and think of a solution."

"I have an idea. Sacrifice four of our bodies to strengthen the power of the Samsara Pearl, and then devour the souls of these two evildoers, letting them sink into endless reincarnation until all their power is swallowed up by the Samsara Pearl!"

"Consuming four ghost emperor bodies to suppress these two monsters? This plan is feasible, but the Samsara Pearl is an immortal weapon without an owner. What if these two monsters break through the reincarnation space and subdue this magical weapon?"

One of the Ghost Emperors raised a fatal question.

Su Mu and Meng Li joined forces and caused a mess in the underworld.

If it continues to be destroyed like this, it might actually collapse!

The only way now is to sacrifice the four Ghost Emperor bodies and include them in the immortal weapon Reincarnation Pearl.

If Su Mu and Meng Li can be completely eliminated, this deal will still be a good deal.

This battle made the five ghost emperors realize that they are definitely the enemies that will invade the Kyushu realm in the future!

It's worth paying some price to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The only problem is that after the reincarnation bead was sent into this small world, it was cut off from its original owner.

Today's Reincarnation Pearl is an immortal weapon without an owner.

The Five Directions Ghost Emperor only used his understanding of the Samsara Pearl to exert its abilities.

The "reincarnation space" they talk about is actually the test of recognizing the owner of the reincarnation pearl, and it is also one of the abilities.

The target's three souls and seven souls will all be separated, turned into ten individuals, and sink into the world.

Soul separation is a huge challenge.

The monks under the God of War do not have their own small world, and their souls are not strong enough. Once separated, they will become fools.

Therefore, if you want to conquer the celestial weapon of the Samsara Pearl, the starting requirement is a Martial God.

But it doesn't mean that the God of War has this ability.

Three souls and seven souls turned into ten individuals.

These ten individuals will be targeted by the world of reincarnation and experience various difficulties.

And he also woke up, retrieved his original memory, and then gathered ten more individuals to finally break through the illusory reincarnation space.

In this way, it is possible for Fang to become the owner of the Samsara Pearl.

Yes, even if you successfully escape from the reincarnation space, you may not be able to successfully identify the owner of the immortal weapon.

Immortal weapons have spirits, and whether they recognize their master or not depends on the specific performance.

After hearing what his companion said, the Ghost Emperor who proposed the plan laughed.

"Hahaha! You worry too much."

"Only the Holy Realm Supreme who integrates heaven and earth and understands the natural way can maintain the clarity of his divided souls and have the opportunity to conquer the Samsara Pearl."

"Although these two monsters are quite strong, they are only at the level of the Martial God Realm."

"Once you fall into the reincarnation bead, you will soon sink and completely lose yourself."

"The horror of reincarnation is beyond their ability to guess!"

"In the end, it will definitely be destroyed into slag and become the nourishment of the reincarnation pearl."

Hearing this, the remaining three ghost emperors quickly discussed and finally decided to implement the plan.

For two monsters in the Martial God Realm, the possibility of conquering the Immortal Artifact Reincarnation Pearl is almost zero. There is nothing to worry about!

After making up their minds, the four ghost emperors roared at the same time, and powerful power surged out and poured into the Samsara Pearl.

"What the hell are they doing?"

Seeing this, Su Mu vaguely smelled something bad and immediately retreated.

But the target of these ghost emperors is not Sumu, but the Reincarnation Pearl.

I saw this powerful and powerful body shattering inch by inch, turning into the purest power and injecting it into the Samsara Bead.

With the injection of power, the Samsara Pearl's spiritual light was generous and enveloped the entire Netherworld!

"Monster, wait for death!"

The Ghost Emperor that finally dissipated had only one head left.

It showed a ferocious sneer at Su Mu, and then activated the power of the Samsara Pearl!


A blinding buzz sounded.

To be precise, it's not harsh, but "soul-piercing"!

The Samsara Pearl emits an unstoppable force, sucking in all the wandering souls, ghosts, and even any soul in the entire Netherworld.

Naturally, these include Su Mu and Meng Li, after all, they are the main targets.

Of course, the wandering souls and ghosts under the Martial God couldn't bear the separation of souls and souls, and directly became the nutrients of the Samsara Pearl.

Only Su Mu and Meng Li are qualified to experience reincarnation.


With a flash of inspiration, in the blink of an eye, the underworld, where all the ghosts roared and wars raged, became empty and eerily quiet.

A reincarnation is about to begin!


After sacrificing the bodies of four peak-level Martial Gods, the Samsara Pearl exploded with terrifying power.

Before Su Mu could react, his consciousness fell into an invisible vortex, leading to an unknown distance.

But he didn't panic, just because this feeling was so familiar!

"How come this feeling...is almost the same as when entering the dungeon world?"

"But the intensity is much weaker, I... ugh!"

Just as he was thinking about it, Su Mu felt a sharp pain that could not be described in words.

He felt like his whole body was being torn apart inch by inch!

But Su Mu knew this was just an illusion.

The actual situation is that his three souls and seven souls were divided and flew to different places.

"Not good!"

Su Mu was shocked, but unable to resist.

The next moment, his consciousness fell into endless darkness...


Daxia, Sujia Village.

Several big men, led by a thin but arrogant old man, went from house to house to collect grain.

Taxes are heavy and everyone is angry.

But in the face of the government, how can farmers have the courage to resist?

Patience is the only thing they can do.

"The food has been collected, the food has been collected, come out and collect the food!"

Soon, the old man, the village chief of Sujia Village, came to an adobe house behind the village.

Hearing this movement, a figure came out of the house.

His approach caused the village chief and several big men behind him to take a few steps back.

Without him, this figure is too strong and too tall.

He was nine feet tall, as strong as a bull, and his muscles were as solid as steel and rock.

When approaching, there will be a fierce aura coming out!

The figure bent down and walked out, glanced at the village chief blankly, and scratched his head dully.

This performance suddenly diluted the previous ferocious atmosphere.

"Stupid Su, why are you still standing there! Hurry up and pay for your food!"

Seeing the stupid look of this big man, the village chief, who only reached his waist, was a little embarrassed.

You know he is a fool, but why do you still get so nervous when he comes near? I really don’t understand.


Su Dasha agreed blankly, turned around and bent down to get into the house to get the rice that had just been harvested from the field.


Soon, a large bag of grain was thrown in front of the village chief.

The village chief glanced at it, his eyes flickered, and he shook his head and said:

"It's not enough, we have to add another generation."

The Su Dasha in front of him lost his parents when he was very young.

He is stupid, but his size and strength are terrifying!

He is a good hand at farm work, and one person can do five jobs.

Even as a sharecropper, the harvests are very good every year and get better and better each year.

So the village chief had a weird idea and wanted to collect more privately.

Hearing this, Su Dasha was stunned for a moment and asked angrily:

“Didn’t we only accept one generation in previous years?”

"Previous years? In previous years you were still young, but this year you are eighteen, so it is naturally different."

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the food quickly!"

The village chief put his hands on his hips, looking impatient.

"If you have more sex, you'll get hungry."

What the village chief didn't expect was that Su Dasha didn't obey his orders this time.

He stood motionless, muttering something.

Seeing this, the village chief became even more impatient and waved the whip in his hand just like him.

There were two "papa" sounds, and two blood marks appeared on Su Dasha's body.

"Why don't you hand over the food quickly? If you don't, I will beat you to death, you fool!"

The village chief swore angrily, spitting on Su Dasha's waist.

But Su Dasha remained motionless, his muttering voice getting lower and faster, and his speed getting faster and faster.

"Hungry... I'm going to be hungry... hungry..."

As he spoke, he hit his head so that no one could see his expression.

"Bah! It seems that he is stupid. You two, go and find the food in the house."

The village chief spat and ordered his two men to search it themselves.

Hearing this, the two big men pushed aside Su Mu and searched the house.

The adobe house was very simple, and soon they found food, each carrying a bag of food.

Just take the initiative and add another bag.

If you don’t take the initiative, you’ll get two bags!

"You idiot, wouldn't you like to be obedient earlier?"

When passing by Su Dasha, one of the big men sneered.

After that, without looking back, he walked outside.

But as soon as he took two steps, a big iron-like hand grabbed the back of his neck, making him unable to move at all!

A strange low murmur sounded from behind him.

"Hungry... I'm going to be hungry..."

"The food is mine!"

The village chief and his other men were horrified to find that Su Dasha suddenly moved.

He grabbed one person with one hand and choked them so hard that they couldn't move!

Each of the village chief's henchmen is eight feet tall and has a strong build.

But in front of Su Dasha, like a little chicken, he easily grabbed his neck and lifted it up from the ground!


The force coming from the back of his neck became stronger and stronger. The man who had made the sarcastic remarks before screamed and the grain he was carrying fell to the ground.

He just felt like his neck was about to be strangled!

"You idiot, what are you doing? Let go, let go!"

Seeing the two men being pinched, their faces turned red and their eyes popped out.

The village chief finally reacted and whipped him.

He slapped hard, but Su Dasha remained as motionless as a mountain. On the contrary, blood began to ooze from the mouths and noses of his two men!

"The food is mine."

"Also, my name is Su Mu, not Dasha."

The big man who had lowered his head suddenly raised his head, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes.

The strong murderous aura came over him, and the village chief froze in shock, unable to draw down the whip raised high.


At the same time, two balls of blood exploded.

The necks of the two men were crushed to pieces, and their two heads, bleeding from their orifices and looking horrified, flew out.

One of them happened to fall into the village chief's arms, staring at him with violently bloodshot eyes.

"Ahhh! Killing, killing!"

The intense fear woke up the village chief, screamed, threw his head away, and ran away like crazy.

The remaining three losers also had frightened expressions on their faces, and started to run towards them while rolling and crawling.

Who would have thought that Su Dasha, who had always been stupid and honest, would actually have such a terrifying side!

On the other side, after killing two people, the big man's eyes became more alert.

"I am Su Mu, I am Su Mu, I am Su Mu!"

He shouted three times in a row, each one louder than the last.

After shouting, he rushed towards the village chief.

Sumu ran wildly, using all four limbs in a wild posture, like a beast!

In the eyes of the villagers on the side, the village chief was like a stumbling sheep, while Sumu was like a bloodthirsty and violent tiger.

In just two or three breaths, Su Mu caught up and bumped into the village chief.


With the loud noise, the thin village chief was knocked out and hit the ground heavily.

He had countless broken bones all over his body, and the intense pain overwhelmed him.

He looked at Su Mu, who was walking toward him step by step, like a demon.

The village chief endured the severe pain and begged for mercy again and again, regardless of the blood spilling from his mouth.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I, I can give you money, I can give you anything you want. Don't kill me!"

The seriously injured village chief smelled the breath of death, and his eyes were full of horror.

Only then did he realize how terrifying this stupid, honest big man was!

Soon, Su Mu walked up to the village chief, and a large shadow enveloped the thin but evil old man.

"Don't, don't kill me! The government, the government will not let you go."

Seeing that begging for mercy seemed to be in vain, the village chief tried threats.

But the next second, he saw Su Mu stepping towards him.

A big foot continued to enlarge in his eyes until it filled the entire field of vision.


The next second, the village chief heard a strange sound.

This was his last perception, and the endless darkness swallowed him up.


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